Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 136



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,384 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »

    Let's be thinking about our goals for January as we move into a new year. There are lots of 30-day challenges out there, or you can create your own or continue with a previous fitness goal and track it here. The "goal" is to train together to meet our own individual needs because we are all in such different places in our journeys. This is not a competition between group members, but a way to encourage each other to strive toward our own fitness targets. Who is up for the challenge?

    Yep, I'm in, will have a think over the next few days about what my goal will be. Loving the logo, you're sooo clever.
  • kmort009
    kmort009 Posts: 271 Member
    Round 136

    Age: 39
    Height: 5’ 3”
    SW: 163
    CW: 133.6
    GW: 125

    GW for this round: 133.0

    Round 126 (1): 156 to 153.2 (-2.8 lbs)
    Round 127 (2): 153.2 to 150.4 (-2.8 lbs)
    Round 128 (3): 150.4 to 148.0 (-2.4 lbs)
    Round 129 (4): 148.0 to 146.0 (-2.0 lbs)
    Round 130 (5): 146.0 to 144.4 (-1.6 lbs)
    Round 131 (6): 144.4 to 139.6 (-4.8 lbs)
    Round 132 (7): 139.6 to 138.8 (-0.8 lbs)
    Round 133 (8): 138.8 to 137.0 (-1.8 lbs)
    Round 134 (9): 137.0 to 136.6 (-0.4 lbs)
    Round 135 (10): 136.6 to 133.6 (-3.0 lbs)

    Goals for this round:
    - Continue to do yoga nightly
    - Lose 1 lb - just 1!

    12/23 - 133.6 - One more round for this year! I will be very happy to see 2020 go. My 5 year old is so excited for Christmas this year, and we are doing what we can to make it joyful for her. Today we’re making and decorating gingerbread people! Luckily, I’m not a huge fan of gingerbread, so less temptation for me to overindulge.

    12/24 - 133.6 - And we’ll just keep holding here, I guess. I’d have liked a little bit more of a drop since I don’t plan to weigh-in or really track much tomorrow, but the number is what it is. Had a good day yesterday not eating the gingerbread cookies we made, and we went for a walk to look at lights after dinner. Our little guy got tired of the stroller 3/4ths of the way through, so he got piggyback rides the rest of the way. Good back and shoulder workout for me!

    To all who celebrate it in this group, have a wonderful Christmas Eve tonight, and a very Merry Christmas tomorrow!

    12/25 -DNW - Merry Christmas!

    12/26 - 134.6 - Ok, that could have been much worse. We’ll see where the scale settles out over the next few days. Yesterday was amazing - chaos, but amazing. I let myself enjoy all the treats without tracking and certainly didn’t have time for a morning workout, though I did at least close my Apple Fitness rings by taking the dog for a long walk last night. Today - back to focusing on healthy eating and portion control. I started with only half a cinnamon roll for breakfast instead of a whole one, and 40 minutes of HIIT and strength training.

    12/27 - 133.8 - Coming back down, and it’s even TOM which tends to push up the scale for me. I’m still enjoying some of our Christmas treats though - cinnamon rolls in the morning and peppermint cheesecake at night, plus so many cookies in the house - so I’m not expecting to see any major drops before New Years. I’m trying to get into a mental space where maintaining is ok, since the peppermint cheesecake is definitely worth it 😂

    12/28 - 134.2 - Got a good dance and strength workout in this morning - I’m loving Apple Fitness+. I’m almost back on track now with my meal prep and tracking: I’ve got breakfast (strawberry banana overnight oats and a hard boiled egg) and lunch (chicken and wild rice soup) all set for the week, plus homemade granola bars for my snack. I do have one more serving of peppermint cheesecake left tonight - and I will enjoy every crumb before returning my focus to maintaining a solid deficit the rest of this week.



    Goal: At least 15 minutes of yoga before bed each night

    12/23 - Nearly fell asleep on the couch at 10 last night, but managed to do a 10 minute mindfulness video before going to bed early.

    12/24 - Finished up all the wrapping last night - didn’t make time for yoga. Not going to happen tonight either, with everything we have to set up for tomorrow.

    12/25 - Merry Christmas!

    12/26 - Too tired to do anything but collapse last night - definitely got to get back into this habit tonight!

    12/27 - 15 minutes of calm yoga before bed puts me in a much better mood for sleep

    12/28 - 20 minutes of yoga