Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 136



  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    - check in at least every other day
    - Participate
    - move for 30 minutes every day.
    - go to bed by 11pm every night

    SW: 162.4
    GW: 162.4

    12/23 163.0 Family Christmas over calories due to high calorie food selections served.
    12/24 162.0 Eating leftovers from the night before.
    12/25 161.2 Extended Family Christmas. Way overshot calories and felt sick.
    12/26 161.8 Eating leftovers from the day before without desserts. Stayed in calorie budget.
    12/27 161.3 Stayed in calorie budget.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    How do I get tickers and post them?
    How do I take post a challenge logo if I want to be in one?

    Thanks in advance.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    I'm in! Thank you, @GrandmaJackie!

    70 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    The Shelter in Place has everyone freaked. We need to remain calm and respectful of each other.

    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 142.0
    UGW: 132.2

    12/21 - 145.8 at 8:30 a.m. ...4.11 miles in 85 mins and 60 min workout w/trainer
    12/22 - 144.6 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.63 miles in 109 mins


    12/23 - 145.6 at 7:20 a.m. ... 4.06 miles in 86 mins and 60 min workout w/trainer
    12/24 - 145.8 at 8:30 a.m. ...no exercise but a whole lot of food.
    12/25 - 146.4 at 9:00 a.m. ...5.02 miles in 120 mins...back on track but there is a ton of sweets in the pantry!! :#
    12/26 - 145.2 at 7:20 a.m. ...4.75 miles in 91 mins plus 90 min workout w/trainer
    12/27 - 145.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...5.66 miles in 100 mins
    12/28 -
    12/29 -
    12/30 -
    12/31 -
    01/01/21 -

  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,397 Member
    How do I get tickers and post them?
    How do I take post a challenge logo if I want to be in one?

    Thanks in advance.

    I get my tickers from https://tickerfactory.com/

    For the challenge logo, click on the logo with your right mouse, select copy image, when your cursor is where you want the logo click again with your right mouse and select paste.

    Voila !!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi. I weigh in Kg and also record my Happy Scale trend

    Round 130 SW 57.2. EW 56.5. Loss 0.7 kg
    Round 131 SW 55.6 EW 56.1. Loss 0.5 kg
    Round 132 SW 56 EW 54.7. Loss 1.3kg
    Round 133 SW 54.7 EW 54.0. Loss 0.7kg
    Round 134 SW 54.2 EW 53.7. Loss 0.5kg
    Round 135 SW 53.6. EW 53.4 Loss 0.2kg
    Round 136 SW. Goal - not to gain too much, ideally stay under 54kg

    Wed 23 53.0 trend ⬇️ 😊 That was a pleasant surprise.
    Thu 24 52.8 trend ⬇️ 😊
    Fri 25 53.2 trend ↔️ No surprise
    Sat 26 53.4 trend ⬆️ And it was totally worth it!
    Sun 27 54 trend ⬆️
    Mon 28 54 trend ⬆️ Time to return to a more health lifestyle!
    Tue 29
    Wed 30
    Thu 31
    Fri 1

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,827 Member
    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
    Female, 5’3”, 60
    2019 SW: 245 BMI 43.4 (1/2/2019) Lost 15 lbs in 2019 then regained 5
    2020 SW: 235 BMI 41.6 (1/1/2020) Then back up to 241 before refocusing in Aug
    GW: <200 in 2020 BMI 35.2
    UGW: 165 BMI 29.2 Overweight NOT Obese
    1 week (1 round of 10 days) till 2021 🎉

    My goal for 2020 is to get into ONEderland and make it stick. Changing my life.
    🔹Find workout routine that works (walk, bike, planks, yoga, swim, take advantage of retirement to be more active); target walking 100 miles each month
    🔹Drink more water (target min 80 oz daily; start with 1 glass before coffee)
    🔹Journal Food Daily (tracking with MFP since 12/28/2018; basically skipped June-Dec 2019; recommit 1/1/2020; skipped out April-July 2020; recommit 8/6/2020)
    🔹Daily Vitamins (Dr’s orders; need to not ignore)
    🔹Drink less alcohol (3 AF days per week; ~12 AF days per month; limit 1-2 glasses per day)

    R63: 245 (1/2/2019)
    R64-75: notes in 2019 folder
    R76: 229.5 (5/12/2019)
    R77-99: notes in 2019 folder
    SWR100: 236.4 (12/29/2019)
    R100: 235.5 (-.9)
    R101: 235 (-.5)
    R102: 235 (+/-0)
    R103: 238 (+3)
    R104-105: skipped
    R106: 236 (-2)
    R107-111: skipped
    R112: 239 (+3)
    R113-R121: skipped
    SWR122: 241 (8/6/2020)
    R122 20200804: 234.8 (-6.2)
    R123 20200824: 231.4 (-3.4)
    R124 20200903: 229.3 (-2.1)
    R125 20200913: 227.7 (-1.6) Daily check-in but DNW 10 days @ fishing camp 🎣
    R126 20200923: 224.8 (-2.9)
    R127 20201003: 221.1 (-3.7)
    R128 20201013: 220.3 (-.8)
    R129 20201023: 219.6 (-.7)
    R130 20201102: 219.0 (-.6)
    R131 20201112: 216.8 (-2.2)
    R132 20201122: 214.6 (-2.2)
    R133 20201202: 214.4 (-.2)
    R134 20201212: 213.3 (-1.1)
    R135 20201222: 212.9 (-.4)

    R136: Opportunity to lose a little more before the end of the year! Don't add "overdid it during the holidays" to your list of what went wrong in 2020!
    🎯Mini Goal: <213 for the start of 2021

    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    12/23 212.7 Walked 3 miles, plank, 1290 cal, 83 net carbs, AF.
    12/24 212.1 Walked 5+1 miles, plank, 1929 cal, 144 net carbs, AF.
    12/25 214 🎄 Merry Christmas No exercise, too much food and no discipline … very indulgent on breakfast, lunch & then our scrumptious Christmas Eve dinner. I journaled the food & 2 wine.
    12/26 213 Walked 3 miles, brunch & dinner were wonderful but I did not journal. 2 glasses wine. Back to reality starting today!
    12/27 212.5 Walked 4.4 +2.2 miles, plank, still snacking on cake & cookies arghhhhh. Pizza & 2 wine for dinner.
    12/28 DNW @ fishing camp 🎣 3.5 miles, plank, 1691 cal, 157 net carbs, 2 bourbon & diet cokes. I forgot the scale!! Guess I’ll have to check in on my mom’s off and on this week.
    01/01 🎉
  • ThatRunningGuy
    ThatRunningGuy Posts: 255 Member
    - C25K 3 Days Per Week
    - Participate
    - Core workout 2 Days Per Week
    - Eat as healthy as possible

    SW: 187.2

    12/23 185.0 Got my first C25K run in. Hitting the stationary bike for 30 min tonite
    12/24 185.6 Will be running C25K W1D2 today and trying to stay out of all the Christmas Eve goodies!
    12/25 186.0 Merry Christmas! It Snowed!!
    12/26 185.8 The snow can go away now. 15 degrees is a little chilly for me
    12/27 185.2 May get into the 40's today! - Thanks for the typo catch!
    12/28 185.6 Most of the ice shock be gone today and I can get back outside and move some.
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,064 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »

    Let's be thinking about our goals for January as we move into a new year. There are lots of 30-day challenges out there, or you can create your own or continue with a previous fitness goal and track it here. The "goal" is to train together to meet our own individual needs because we are all in such different places in our journeys. This is not a competition between group members, but a way to encourage each other to strive toward our own fitness targets. Who is up for the challenge?

    I'm in! Need to brainstorm ideas for myself that are challenging but definitely doable.
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,404 Member
    61 year old female; 5’5"
    Highest Weight: 213
    Lowest Weight: 143
    SW: 188.4
    GW: (for now: 165--will set it lower later)

    Rd 129 SW: approx.186; EW: 181.6
    Rd 130 SW: 181.6, EW: 182.6
    Rd 131 SW: 181.6, EW:181.6
    Rd 132 SW: 181.6, EW 178.8
    Rd 133 SW: 179.8, EW 179.6 (Thanksgiving)
    Rd 134 SW: 179.6, EW 176.2
    Rd 135 SW: 176.2, EW 176.8

    12/23 177.4 I am not eating the way I should. I was in the groove before Mom’s unexpected illness and death, but now, I’ve not worked my way back to that state of mind yet. Lots of cooking and baking to do the next two days, so I’m just hoping not to blow too much of my progress. I’m doing an IF today, so I’m hoping that will help get me centered again.
    12/24 178 UGH! I almost didn’t come on to post this today. But I am here despite my reluctance, so that’s an NSV, isn’t it? I had sushi and wonton soup for dinner and didn’t realize until afterwards just how much sodium there is in that!! If I drink lots of water today and be mindful about what I eat, perhaps I can send this the other direction tomorrow. That would be a small win, so let’s go for that! It's pouring rain today, so any exercise I get in will have to be indoors. You know what? The more I sit here and think about what to type, the madder I get at this number. Let's see where that takes me today!!!
    12/25 177.6 is a small victory for me! Merry Christmas! I hope it signals a mindset shift. We had 3 inches of snow yesterday afternoon/evening which has given us a rare thing here in the South—a WHITE CHRISTMAS! It’s all still here this morning, and it is so very beautiful!
    12/26 177.6 Wow! Wasn’t expecting that, even though I did try to keep things managed yesterday! I did enjoy breakfast and late lunch on Christmas. But that was the last meal, only had a couple nibbles late in the day, and drank lots of water. High yesterday was 25 degrees. Brrr. That’s COLD for here. All our snow is still hanging around. Not sure how my northern friends stand this stuff ALL winter. Blessings to you all!
    12/27 179.0 Whoa! This is totally unexpected except for the fact that I could NOT get enough water yesterday and even asked my husband if he put a lot of salt on the steaks. My food choices were definitely not this bad yesterday. I supposed it could be some of the Christmas stuff just now showing up, but I hope it’s water. I leave today to go back to my Dad’s to spend the week.
    12/28 No scales…totally forgot to grab my scales before I left home. Scrounged around here at Dad’s house and found an old scale, but I have to buy one of those little round, flat batteries for it today.


    12/23 6-mile hike in the Smokies—Geez that felt SO good!!! Those mountains are good for my soul!
    12/24 1.3 mile walk with pup and stroller yesterday afternoon.
    12/25 10-mile exercise bike session followed by lots of additional steps for the day
    12/26 10.5 mile exercise bike ride
    12/27 10.7 mile exercise bike ride; will take a quick ride before I get ready this morning so I can meet the bike goal I set for the challenge.
    12/28 5 mile exercise bike ride to MEET MY BIKING GOAL for the challenge! Also did 2.82 mile walk after driving to NC

    Total toward 100 mile goal walked by 12/31 (since 11/14)= 75.06 WALK
    Total Bike Miles toward Goal: 105.13 BIKE GOAL ACHIEVED!!!

    Kick 2020 to the Curb Goal: 3-30 min exercise bike workouts per week= 105 miles by Jan. 1 in addition to the walking goal I'm already working on.
    May do another 5K walk on or around Jan. 1, too, and just see if I can beat my Turkey Trot time. When I set those goals, I had no idea how much time I would spend sitting at my mother’s bedside, so I most likely won’t meet them now. It’ll be ok. I just need to work back up to getting in more movement every day now.
  • MTW70
    MTW70 Posts: 220 Member
    Female, Age 50, 5'4
    Living in New England, USA

    SW: 181.4
    GW: 134

    Round 131 End Weight: 175.9
    Round 132 End Weight: 174.2
    Round 133 End Weight: 174.0
    Round 134 End Weight: 173.0
    Round 135 End Weight: 177.5

    Round 136 Goals:
    To not gain weight during this round
    Continue to strength train & walk on treadmill (run outside weather permitting)
    IF 16/8 & AF
    Get in proper headspace to being really committed to losing weight in 2021

    12/23: 177.5
    12/24: 177.2 Will definitely see an spike up on the scale tomorrow. I've pre-logged my Christmas breakfast & dinner and I'm over by 1000 calories and that's just eating small, mindful portions and no snacking. It's my favorite meal of the year, so I will enjoy it and scale right back down the next day. My annual Cookie Exchange was not held this year because of Covid, so at least there are not a million delicious homemade cookies in the house. I've only made my husband's and daughter's favorites, and those don't tempt me! The weather is supposed to be miserably windy & heavy rain the next 2 days, so won't be able to get a run in to offset these extra calories but hope to walk on the treadmill (I can't run on a treadmill, find it miserable). Looking forward to a very happy Christmas with my husband & daughter & sending good cheer to all who are celebrating!
    12/25: DNW, did not track calories, did not log....had a lovely, lovely day with my little family!
    12/26: 177.4 Don't think this is an accurate number as I weighed in very late this morning (actually afternoon) and think my holiday extra calories are in limbo and haven't shown up on the scale yet. Going to go try to outrun them and get a few miles in outside today! Totally okay if the scale jumps up tomorrow, still will be 5 days to get everything back under control before this round ends!
    12/27: 178.1 There's that holiday uptick I was expecting. But it was another late weight in, so this number still might not be accurate and go up again tomorrow. Got in a good run yesterday, was a beautiful if cold day, and enjoyed spending time with the family watching movies and still enjoying some delicious holiday foods (in moderation). The plan for today is a strength workout and a long fast/OMAD.
    12/28: 179.4 This is my 1st weigh-in at my normal morning time since Christmas Eve, this seems about right for the expected holiday fluctuation. Now I have 4 more weigh-ins to get it back down. Have a run planned for today & its expected to be in the 40's which will make it a nice one! But need to check the weather for the rest of the week to see when to do my New Year's 5K, I think New Years Day is supposed to be bad weather.


    12/26: 2.38 miles (Road)

    I've only been averaging about 1 run a week since Thanksgiving, but this little challenge kept me at least doing that! I'm in for the January one, whatever that may be:)
  • MTW70
    MTW70 Posts: 220 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »

    Let's be thinking about our goals for January as we move into a new year. There are lots of 30-day challenges out there, or you can create your own or continue with a previous fitness goal and track it here. The "goal" is to train together to meet our own individual needs because we are all in such different places in our journeys. This is not a competition between group members, but a way to encourage each other to strive toward our own fitness targets. Who is up for the challenge?

    I'm in!
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,080 Member

    UGW - 130
    HSW - 218.2 (Feb. 2015)

    History 2020
    R100 1/7/20 end weight 177.6
    R101 1/17/20 end weight 177.6
    R102 1/27/20 end weight 177.2
    R103 2/6/20 end weight 178.6
    R104 2/16/20 end weight 179
    R105 2/26/20 end weight 180.2
    R106 3/7/20 end weight 180
    R107 3/17/20 end weight 180
    R108 3/27/20 end weight 180.8
    R109 4/6/20 end weight 180
    R110 4/16/20 end weight 180.6
    R111 4/26/20 end weight 181.2
    R112 5/6/20 end weight 181.4
    R113 5/16/20 end weight 181.8
    R114 5/26/20 end weight 183 ugh.
    R115 6/5/20 end weight 182.6. 10-day calorie ave 1554
    R116 6/15/20 end weight 181.8. 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R117 6/25/20 end weight 181. 10-day calorie ave 1341
    R118 7/5/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1674
    R119 7/15/20 end weight 181.4. 10-day calorie ave 1651
    R120 7/25/20 end weight 181.2 10-day calorie ave 1695
    R121 8/4/20 end weight 182. 10-day calorie ave 1706
    R122 8/14/20 end weight 182.8. 10-day calorie ave 1747
    R123 8/24/20 end weight 182.6. (-.2) 10-day calorie ave 1624
    R124 9/3/20 end weight 182.2. (-.4) 10-day calorie ave 1493
    R125 9/13/20 end weight 182.2 (0). 10-day calorie ave 1612
    R126 9/23/20 end weight 181.6 (-.6). 10-day calorie ave 1580
    R127 10/3/20 end weight 182 (+.4). 10-day calorie ave 1821
    R128 10/13/20 end weight 182 (+/-0). 10-day calorie ave 1659
    R129 10/23/20 end weight 182 (+/-0). 10-day calorie ave 1552
    R130 11/2/20 end weight 183 (+1). 10-day calories ave 1856
    R131 11/12/20 end weight 183 (+/-0). 10 day ave cals 1776 ]
    R132 11/22/20 End weight 183 (+/-0). 10 day ave cals 1358.
    R133 12/2/20 End weight 182.6. (-.4). 10 day ave cals 1633.
    R134 12/12/20 End weight 182.6. (+/-0). 10-day ave cals 1547.
    R135 12/22/20 End weight 181.6. (-1lb). 10-day ave cals 1460.

    R136 Goals — Calories: ideal ~1300; max (TDEE) 1625, but really, not my priority during this holiday round. Hoping to come out even at the end. Ho ho ho!


    12/23 - 181.8 - 1813
    I went a little, but not too, crazy on my BD yesterday — pizza, cake, wine. 🥳 We do have leftover pizza for lunch, but I’ll have salad & yogurt for dinner, so should be ok. I’ve done no baking this year, though I will make a mince pie tomorrow because, hey, it’s Christmas and we need some traditional treat! And I LOVE mince (meat), with no actual meat. Luckily, DH is not a big sweets eater so he doesn’t mind that I didn’t fill the kitchen with goodies this year.

    12/24 - 182 - 1539
    Lots of salt yesterday. Lots of water today! I’m baking my one and only baked goody this morning — mince pie — and the house smells fabulous! Otherwise, we’re planning a very quiet Eve and Day, zooming our UU evening service of light, hope, and music, and reading Christmas-gift books. For all who celebrate, wishing you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza— Peace to all!

    12/25 - 182.4 - 1674
    Merry Christmas! My mincemeat pie came out gorgeous — I’d share for real if I could, but this is the best I can do.
    Wishing you peace, joy, health, and love.

    12/26 - 184 - 1901
    Ho ho ho! I ate happily yesterday, and enjoyed everything. The high yesterday was 16F with a 1F windchill, so no walk, but a lovely day to curl up with a new book and a cup of tea.

    12/27 - 184 - 2147
    I had a bit of a pig out yesterday. We ordered out for lunch and pretty much nibbled the rest of the day — no real junk, but more sodium than usual, I think. I feel waterlogged. It’ll be fine. Now we return to our regularly scheduled program. 🖥

    12/28 - 184 - 1901
    High-calories week, but that was expected. I still feel bloated, so I’ll try for lots more water today. This week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is odd in the best of times, and this year it’s especially weird! I’m thinking of stringing lights around my office to cheerful things up pending spring. Maybe I’ll leave the tree up until April or so as well! Wishing you a peaceful, hopeful final week of this uproar of a year.

    12/29 -
    12/30 -
    12/31 -
    1/1/21 -

  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,080 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »

    Let's be thinking about our goals for January as we move into a new year. There are lots of 30-day challenges out there, or you can create your own or continue with a previous fitness goal and track it here. The "goal" is to train together to meet our own individual needs because we are all in such different places in our journeys. This is not a competition between group members, but a way to encourage each other to strive toward our own fitness targets. Who is up for the challenge?

    Yes, I’m in, too. I need to think about my goals/plans, but I know I’ll be aiming for small behavioral targets rather than grandiose changes. Thanks for creating the lovely banner, @UTMom81 !