Plant-based & beginner athlete

turtlesnakes Posts: 20 Member
edited January 2021 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! This is my first post, so please forgive me if TMI or, well, not enough information.

I plan on using MFP for at least 30 days (until 2012/02/10) to plan & log my meals. After this time I will see how things are going with my weight loss plan, and if I am not on track, I will use the logged data to consult a nutritionist. I aim to lose ca 0.5kg each week.

I am a vegetarian with a strong preference for vegan & fresh foods. I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, but I am learning to enjoy cycling, joga and weight training.

Why I want to get in shape:
- I want to be able to go on hikes in nature (10-14 days),
- I would like to run a quarter marathon in 2022,
- I want to not worry about food all the time.

My Inspirations:
Scott Jurek
Marta Dymek
Ronnie Coleman
Dwayne Johnson

Feel free to add me if your goals are similar, especially if you follow a plant-based diet!

Any advice from you on how to actually reach my diet or fitness goals is very welcome.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Hi, and welcome to MFP!

    Sounds like you've thought things out pretty well already! My best tip would be to take a look in the "Most Helpful Posts" part of each Community forum topic, especially the ones in Getting Started and General Health, Fitness and Diet. Direct links here for convenience:

    There's gold in there! These are things that started out as posts by regular MFP members, then were nominated to other MFP members to stick around long term** because they were so useful. (**So they're often called "the stickies")

    I'm a vegetarian, too (for 46+ years so far), though ovo-lacto, mostly eating simple foods, and lots of plants (but also quite a bit of dairy). I'm pretty active, but mostly as a rower (boats when I can, machines when I must). I've been around MFP a long time, too: Almost 6 years, lost 50+ pounds in the first year, now maintaining. Gotta say, I'm not that great in the MFP friend zone, though: More of a forum gal, myself.

    Nonetheless, I wanted to stop in and wish you great success with MFP!