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  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    sweety u have to increase your calories eat like every 3 hours healthy **** and pump some iron and sculpt your body! u don't need to diet especially 1200 cal u wont lose anything its too low!

  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    ...what I am seeing lately is a bunch of seemingly insecure women targeting these young girls..they do have a right to be here just as much as we do and ask questions........

    Nail. On. Head.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It is no wonder there is a lot wrong in this world, when people don't even know the difference between a statement and question anymore :ohwell:

    If this was directed at my post, please read the comments in the thread that were declaratory and not interrogative in nature. If not, well, carry on.

    That said, I'm confused as to why anyone would jump to questions about ED for a 5'7" 140 pound woman who has been trying to lose weight for several months and can't.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    woah lets not throw around eating disorders just because I'm a bit fragile with personal things like that due to being bullied when younger, bit harsh.

    It was just a question, not an assumption and most def. no accusation :) But even tho you are fragile, the weight you are striving for is too low. That plus you don't want to open your diary made me just wonder. Besides I have been dealing with an eating disorder myself, nothing to be ashamed of, at least that's not how I feel about it.

    And this is factually incorrect.
  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    Wow, the misinformation here is astounding. If you've been trying for more than 2 months with no success, that means something's gotta change, but there's certainly not just ONE solution!

    There are so many different methods to weight loss and it is NEVER as simple as it may seem! This is why MFP is such a terrible place for advice, because people give advice based on their own personal experience which will never work exactly the same for another person.

    Knowing this, I think a great strategy for you would be to just pick one diet and one physical activity change and implement it. Try it out for a month. But this time, not only weigh yourself but measure in various areas just for another frame of reference.

    When that strategy doesn't work, change it up again. Weight loss is about experimenting and seeing what works for your body.

    Here are some ideas:
    - go low carb (just google it- there's tons of information and recipes)
    - try confusing your metabolism! eat high calorie one day, low calorie the next, average on the third. or google a plan to follow. here's a how - to guide on how to create your own plan
    - more strength training / different type of cardio / do different cardio exercises every time you work out (never the same exercise routine twice in a row) / high interval training... etc
    - google "how to get out of a plateau" and do some of their strategies
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Wow, the misinformation here is astounding. If you've been trying for more than 2 months with no success, that means something's gotta change, but there's certainly not just ONE solution!

    There are so many different methods to weight loss and it is NEVER as simple as it may seem! This is why MFP is such a terrible place for advice, because people give advice based on their own personal experience which will never work exactly the same for another person.

    Knowing this, I think a great strategy for you would be to just pick one diet and one physical activity change and implement it. Try it out for a month. But this time, not only weigh yourself but measure in various areas just for another frame of reference.

    When that strategy doesn't work, change it up again. Weight loss is about experimenting and seeing what works for your body.

    Here are some ideas:
    - increase calories by 100/week until you reach a new, more appropriate calorie goal (maybe 1400)
    - go low carb (just google it- there's tons of information and recipes)
    - try confusing your metabolism! eat high calorie one day, low calorie the next, average on the third. or google a plan to follow. here's a how - to guide on how to create your own plan
    - more strength training / different type of cardio / do different cardio exercises every time you work out (never the same exercise routine twice in a row) / high interval training... etc

    You mention misinformation, and then suggest eating more to lose more, and "confusing your metabolism?" Seriously?

    OP - go to the group "Eat, Train, Progress" and get out of the main forums. There are serious people there who take diet, nutrition and training seriously and are willing to help you. Start with reading the information here:
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    Read and then DO "New Rules of Lifting for Women". It will help you learn to be healthy. You DO look good though, and are at a healthy weight. I would guess you need a healthy amount of strength is all. And what they are all saying about you needing more calories is true. "New Rules" has a lot of good info on getting your metabolism ramped up and I would say that I think the stuff on intermittent fasting is prob good too, but I'd work on strength first and you will find your stronger body easier to manage.
  • nomorebamboozles
    nomorebamboozles Posts: 73 Member
    I actually just took that part out before you responded. I agree that upping her calories may not help at all (and logically it really shouldn't) but since the amount she's at now isn't working for her and going even lower doesn't seem like a great idea, it's kind of the first thing that popped into my mind. It's the next logical change, but there's no knowing for certain if her body is conserving calories or not, and many people have said that increasing their calories has boosted their metabolism.

    Again, all options are on the table. Without a degree in cellular biology it's difficult to approach weight loss as anything other than pseudo science.
  • hevurxo
    hevurxo Posts: 27
    Sorry for not replying for so long everyone, I do appreciate all your help, minus the ED argument hahaha, Im going to attempt strength training along with my running and also going to try the 30 day shred workouts. Ill try to eat more, like upping by 100 cal every few days until i hit my MFP target, also going to try drink more water as that could possibly help.
    so yeah thanks everyone ^_^