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What exercise/program defines BORING for you?



  • nationalvillage3215
    The "dreadmill"
  • Walkywalkerson
    Walkywalkerson Posts: 453 Member
    I'm trying to find some sort of winter routine that doesn't bore me to death like the gym - now that is BORING!
    I enjoy hiking and cycling - but it's just so cold 🥶
  • muthaherb4eva
    muthaherb4eva Posts: 1 Member
    Zumba. Dance aerobics. Very boring to me.
  • ADC0809
    ADC0809 Posts: 24 Member
    Yoga, I can fall asleep between moves.
  • rwarren1969
    rwarren1969 Posts: 20 Member
    All of it. The sports, the repetitions, the machinery, the weights, the jock coach yelling at you because whatever you're doing isn't good enough, the pretentious sweaty idiots next to you, the creepy locker rooms -- NO NO NO.

    It's all pointless and unnecessary. As someone wrote earlier, don't do exercise just for the sake of exercise.
  • ciaoder
    ciaoder Posts: 119 Member
    I don't like exercise, I only like training.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I had 20 minutes to spare after lifting today so hopped on the elliptical. I lasted about 10 minutes before I was ready to shoot myself. I haven't been on a piece of stationary cardio gym equipment in years...if I have some extra time on Thursday, I'm just going to hit the sauna.
  • Mellouk89
    Mellouk89 Posts: 469 Member
    Anything cardio related, i'm a big walker and I do chores aorund the house, that's my cardio
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I had 20 minutes to spare after lifting today so hopped on the elliptical. I lasted about 10 minutes before I was ready to shoot myself. I haven't been on a piece of stationary cardio gym equipment in years...if I have some extra time on Thursday, I'm just going to hit the sauna.

    For sure don't jump on that one where your legs just swing!
    Takes about a min to lean forward on handles, then lean back from them, then discover that's about it for variety.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Anything without music. Give me music to listen to, and I can pretty much do anything and be okay. But no music = too boring, immediately.
  • therealme_lissa
    therealme_lissa Posts: 95 Member
    The stair stepper; putting in so much effort, but not going anywhere!
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Yoga. I keep trying, but end up clock watching, waiting for it to be over.

    In the other hand, give me good fast music and I’ll do cycling class or StairMaster happily
  • GinLee61
    GinLee61 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Anything on an indoor stationary piece of equipment, like the treadmill, stationary bike etc. Ugh! So boring! My husband gave me a set of wireless headphones that connect to the TV so I could watch while on the treadmill. Still BORING.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,138 Member
    Trying to follow an exercise routine on a DVD or YouTube.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,138 Member
    Strict plans. Today you must do this. Tomorrow you must do that.
  • Alinouveau2
    Alinouveau2 Posts: 6,326 Member
    Running. It's so monotonous. I'll only do it cause it burns lots of calories. But man sooooo boring. I'd rather a brisk walk where I can say hello to people and enjoy scenery
  • ChillTheBathWater
    ChillTheBathWater Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2022
    Anything with reps bores me, cuz repetition in anything in life bores me.

    I like doing fun activities that don't feel like exercise... walking, hiking, swimming, tossing/hitting/kicking any kind of ball. The latter ones are tough, since I'm also not competitive in sports & would prefer to just hit a ball back & forth, while talking & laughing, than playing with someone who's seemingly trying to take off my head to earn a point. So, I tend to do the former 3 as they can be solitary activities.

    It's a bit touchy now since I have to begin 4 mos of PT next wk. 1-2-3, 1-2-3 repeating in my head is already making me sleepy.
  • RockingWithLJ
    RockingWithLJ Posts: 243 Member
    edited April 2022
    I hate the gym environment. I have a book at home that lists out the human anatomy and all of the muscle groups in the body, then gives hundreds of workouts you can do and what muscles it targets. I usually use the gym when I don't have heavy enough weights at home. I'll take somewhere between 6 to 9 exercises with me and then assume that I'm going to do some sort of cardio as a warm-up and cool-down. I get there and either the machines I need aren't available or the weight groups that I need are being used. If neither of those things are a thing just having adequate enough space to work out in can be rough if the gym is crowded when I go. And if that isn't an issue that I find that multiple people are staring at me or copying my moves. I only noticed that because I check myself in the mirror for form always. It's not that I make a bunch of noise or am flashy when I'm doing things... it's so freaking annoying that I can't focus.
    If I don't go into the gym with a game plan I get bored after maybe 15 minutes. I'd rather be working out outside or in the comfort of my own home