

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Well i was awake for about an hour last night,but other than that i did pretty well.. the leg pillow i got worked ifbimnon my right side but not my left.. thats ok.. im wondering if it made me more comfortable to sleep, anyway.. its blood work day and will pick up groceries at Walmart..
    Then home.. and will try and get some exercise
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    edited March 2021
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    PS...I really, REALLY dislike the time change at this time of year. I would rather have my daylight in the morning! It is seven o'clock and still dark out! Just think...if we never set our clocks ahead, it would gradually get lighter in the evenings and by mid summer would be light until 9:00pm. Instead, by midsummer it will be light until 10pm. Harder to get little ones to sleep when it is light out, plus easier to schedule fireworks if it is dark by 9...just saying. Give me morning light over evening light, anytime!

    Personally I would absolutely LOVE it if it were light till 10 pm. :)

    When I lived in Winnipeg, I used to come home after work, have a quick bite of something to eat and be on my bicycle by about 6 or 6:30 ... and cycle for the next 3+ hours until the sun started to set. I miss that.

    I am hoping BC goes to DST year round soon ... then, eventually, I'm hoping we can move there.

    In early April, we switch to standard time here and the sun will set at 6 pm ... which is when I get home from work. So utterly depressing. I could almost cry. 6 months of going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. 6 months of only seeing the yard or our views on weekends.

    Last year was fantastic because I was able to work from home over winter so I actually saw daylight!! But this year will be back to darkness. And they wonder why Tasmanians have such a low Vit D level.

    Oh, in other years I took holidays to Canada or Asia for a month in about June/July when it was the darkest here to survive the winter. But of course we can't do that either.

    I think you're lucky! Jealous!

    I have booked the first week of standard time off so that I can still experience daylight and I am hoping to be able to take time off in each month of The Darkness to help me get through.

    M in Oz
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Katla-Happy Anniversary!!!
    Debby in Va
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I like the idea of having year around daylight time. Changing time back & forth is irritating. >:)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    edited March 2021
    All right, more Getting To Know You ... All About Music

    You don't have to answer all of these ... just the ones that interest you. :):smiley:

    What would you sing at Karaoke night? Or what types of songs do you know all/most of the lyrics of?

    What two radio stations (genres) do you listen to in the car (or at home or at work) the most?

    If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?

    Do you play any musical instruments? Even just a little bit?

    Do you take music lessons right now? If not, have you in the past and what type?

    If you had to select a music profession, what would it be and why?
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited March 2021
    Machka - In another life I would like to be a songwriter. I think it would be amazing to have written one of the great standards.

    Mainly I listen to BBC Radio 4, which is speech, but when I'm annoyed at a programme I switch to ClassicFM, which is classical music, on the more popular side.

    My favourite music is World Music, African, Asian. Jazz.
    We often singalong to show tunes, or pop tunes, but don't listen to it for leisure.

    My favourite song is 'Send In The Clowns' sung by Judi Dench. I saw her sing it on the stage. <3<3<3 I could have a go at that for karaoke as it was written especially for Glynis Johns who was not a singer!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :)Michele, "Ring bell and if no one answers, pull weeds" That would be a great sign for our door except that no one ever comes to our house. The only people who have come to our front door in the last year have been the cable technician and drop offs from Amazon.

    :)Kylia, That is an impressive amount of work.

    :)Barbara I saw a sign in the news that was posted on the door of a restaurant in a state without a mask mandate:

    Masks required
    surcharge beginning today:
    $50.00 if you want to know why masks are required
    $75.00 if you try to explain to me why they aren't necessary

    :)Machka, The music I listen to is usually Peter, Paul, and Mary and others of the same time period and genre. At different times in my life I've played violin, flute, piccolo, piano, and guitar and finally at age 58 figured out that my form of music is line dancing and singing along with old favorites on the radio or recordings. Since I have been able to download music to my phone, I've stopped listening to the radio.

    :) About the time change, there will be disagreement about whether there should be light later at night or early in the morning, but most of us will agree that the changing of clocks twice a year is the problem. Also people who live closer to the Equator (Florida, Georgia, Southern California, for example) will have more equal day length all year while those of us closer to the Poles (Tasmania, Washington State, Minnesota, Michigan, Alberta for example) will have darker winters and lighter summers. Science doesn't change. Many people in Washington state winter in Arizona so they can choose their weather and daylight.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi Gals,
    “About the time change, there will be disagreement about whether there should be light later at night or early in the morning, but most of us will agree that the changing of clocks twice a year is the problem. Also people who live closer to the Equator (Florida, Georgia, Southern California, for example) will have more equal day length all year while those of us closer to the Poles (Tasmania, Washington State, Minnesota, Michigan, Alberta for example) will have darker winters and lighter summers. Science doesn't change. Many people in Washington state winter in Arizona so they can choose their weather and daylight.Barbie in NW WA”

    I so agree with this! The science doesn’t change!!!! And for me, and others - I just plan my day according to the sun not a clock. So if I have both inside and outside items to do, I do the inside early if it is dark or the outside early if it is light.

    These cracked me up – I am not musical and partially tone deaf.

    What would you sing at Karaoke night? Or what types of songs do you know all/most of the lyrics of?
    I would not sing at Karaoke night, everyone would leave !!!LOL The ONLY song I know all the words to is Happy Birthday

    What two radio stations (genres) do you listen to in the car (or at home or at work) the most – A news station and an interview show

    If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? No clue

    Do you play any musical instruments? Even just a little bit? Nope

    Do you take music lessons right now? If not, have you in the past and what type? Not now, I took flute in 6th grade (11 years old) and flunked it-- took just 6 weeks of a year long school program to be asked to leave, and I was the only kid in my class that had to go to the library during music. It wasn’t all bad the librarian was really nice and I filed books, did posters and enjoyed it But even though I practiced, I could not and still can not even clap in time…

    If you had to select a music profession, what would it be and why? It would have to be in the administration side – maybe in costumes or setting up tours

    My nephew has been at my mom’s (his grandma’s) for the week it was spring break which has been a great help! Now I am back at being a caregiver – I’ll drive down every other day she gets her cast checked in 3 weeks… It will go fast. Today I am taking her to the podiatrist it was scheduled before she broke her wrist and I want her to have that attention.

    Smiles, Kim in Northern California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Ok,so i took a couple naps again.. have to get out of the habit...
    I listen to an ecumenical station that plays music from the 40s through present time
    Other radio station is just sort of the same thing,but from 60s until now..
    I love James Taylor ,favorite artist but if i had to pick a band it would be the. Eagles..
    Had a few lessons on piano when i was younger and tried guitar played trumpet my senior year of high school
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tracey, Michele, Cheri, Sue, Barbara and everyone: Thank you for the Happy Anniversary wishes. :flowerforyou:

    Kylia: No wonder you are tired! All the travel and work! It sounds like you’re happy with the improvements. The photos are wonderful. :star:

    Machka: This is quite an anniversary. You and your husband have stayed together and faced things as they came along. You’re both brave and persistent. You two are very admirable. :heart:

    Barbara: Our community has been diligent about mask wearing and things have gone well. On the economic side, things have been very hard on restaurants. Several have closed and their former places of business are empty. Our favorite Thai restaurant is one of them. Restaurants with a drive through window are doing okay. Grocery stores, ACE Hardware, Walmart & pharmacies seem to be doing okay, too. :star: Coffee size chart—hilarious! :laugh:

    KJ: My preference is year around daylight time. Oregon, Washington & California have voted in favor of this, but the Federal Government has not stepped up to okay it so far. :grumble: I may be sending President Biden a letter.

    Heather: I love the photo of your granddaughters. Bea’s shoes are just like mine, black leather with velcro straps across the top. :bigsmile:

    Machka: My best musical talent is being a courteous listener. I have the opposite of perfect pitch. :ohwell:

    Barbie: We have a neighbor who winters in AZ. His wife passed last winter and we haven’t seen him yet this year. :cry:

    Kim: When I’m in the car I listen to Classic Vinyl or Classical Symphony Orchestra. :heart: :bigsmile:

    Our son-in-law had a medical issue last evening, and I hope that he is okay. I don't have any details. I’m going upstairs to find out what I can. DH is likely in the know.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member
    edited March 2021
    Quick updates:
    DH and Both got our second shots a week ago. I was sick one day DH not.

    Campers have been about half and half with masks but I haven’t heard any coughing so good sign. Most older campers I talk to have had at least one shot. It’s the locals that don’t follow rules around here.

    Last week had show on Saturday, Sick on Sunday, I had blood work on Monday for cholesterol, dentist on Wednesday, and urologist ( finally) on Thursday. Dentist says I need 5 crowns (money I don’t have) but really need 1 because of cavity developed behind current filling.

    Urologist gave me the all clear after doing a test and said it was probably a bad infection (DUH!).

    I am still waiting on payroll to finish paperwork for sub job, but now they are on spring break so probably won’t start until April. 2 months of work- then vacation, I can handle that!

    Planning trip to visit family in TN, CT, MA, and RI first 2 weeks of June. Will get tickets when Stimulus comes in.

    I’m also taking care of park superintendent‘a 3 dogs and 2 cats for 10 days. At his house so not bad. Get to use washer, dryer, and big shower! At their house.

    Finally question for anyone? Is it only Medicare recut that haven’t gotten their stimulus check or just odd people? Neither DH, I, or my mother have gotten there’s.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    The boy aka yogi aka yogurt patiently waiting for min to finish her 15 miles while father is up there taking a shower
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    Your Kentucky home is just lovely. I love the kitchen cabinets and the fireplaces.

    Carol in GA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    Didn't get much done this weekend(again). Just went out shopping. Saturday to a small town half hour away. Wanted to pick up the birdseed that was on sale- these wild birds are little pigs now that I have started feeding them- I have gone through over 60lbs in just over two months. They didn't have any, don't do rain checks and don't do substitutes.
    I went home and found the store 30-40min away that had it and they had free delivery- great, BUT we are out of their delivery area so, yesterday we drove up and got my birdseed. Yes, it was worth the drive. I stocked up so won't need to track down sales for a while. $11.99 instead of $24.99 for 40lb bag. I bought 4.

    I did FINALLY get one of the sets of china from my grandma put in my hutch. It has been in a box at mom's for the past 15 yrs . I had forgotten about it. This is a picture of the exact set I have

    I am thrilled that my son thinks they are cool looking so I can pass them on to him one day.
    Next I need to clear more of the hutch out(giving away a box of wine glasses to make room for the china and took two sets of drinking glasses out, washed them and put them in the cubboard so we can actually use them. One set has been stuck away, never used since I got them as a wedding gift from my sister from my first wedding- back in '83. Time to just use them or something.
    I have two boxes, one small one large of tea cup/saucers. It will be fun to unpack them.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Day is off to interesting start. It's rainy so glad to be inside. Orkin called this morning and Tech is ill so rescheduled for next Friday April 2. That should work better as I will be home when they are there.

    Enjoyed the weekend and Saturday I did get my ducks tattoo. DH was getting his and one of the other guys had some time so I told him I was wanting 3 little ducks, 2 in a row and one just a little off to the side. I do like them and glad it is done. But I have decided the middle of the arm is a very painful place to have them put. Our kids think I am crazy.

    Have a new Bible study starting tonight for women. I have signed up to go, I just pray it does not last to late. Getting up at 430 I like to be in bed around 9.

    Annie--So sorry! Sending hugs.

    Katla--Happy 51st.

    Kymarai--Looks like a great place to get away and relax.

    All about music--My dad had a beautiful voice and growing up he had his own band that traveled around and played different places. I remember going with him a lot. When I was 11 we lived in this little town and dad had a live radio show each week. He would sing and have guests come in and sing. My younger sister and brother and I would sing each week, but I don't think we were that good. Dad tried teaching me to play the guitar and drums, but never got any good. DH and I listen to christian music and I do sing in the car and at church.

    RV Rita--We have not gotten ours and one son hasn't yet. First 2 we got the first day. But heard they are sending them out in waves, whatever that means.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE <3
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    RVRita - I have not received either of the past 2 stimulus amounts. As far as I can tell, I do qualify.

    What would you sing at Karaoke night? The idea terrifies me. So, I wouldn’t.

    Or what types of songs do you know all/most of the lyrics of? I know all the lyrics to Uptown Funk and sing it often when it comes on the radio. It makes me want to dance…in private. I taught the lyrics to my 4 year old niece and she sang it loud and proud in public to her mother’s chagrin. There is a line where he says “Uptown, funk you up, uptown funk you up.” Imagine a 4 year old singing at the top of her lungs around WalMart.

    What two radio stations (genres) do you listen to the most? Public radio (news) in the morning. The rest of the day I switch between pretty much all genres except hip hop. I am not in the car enough to have a favorite there.

    If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? That would mean getting up in front of people, most likely, so none of them.

    Do you play any musical instruments? I learned piano from ages birth (I was so young, I can’t remember the start)-9 or so. I liked piano. I hated the recitals. I took up flute around 10 and played till 16 or so. Hated the concerts.

    Do you take music lessons right now? Now, nothing, but am considering re-learning piano to just play for myself….NO RECITALS.

    If you had to select a music profession, what would it be and why? Sound mixer or something in the background.

    Kylia - The house looks great!

    Heather - Your walk with the kids looks wonderful.

    Daylight - I’m torn between loving it in the evenings and in the mornings. I like it in the morning, because I lean toward being a morning person. I love the stillness of mornings. However, I also like going out with the mister for dinner and drinks when it’s nice and sunny outside and being able to stay without noticing the time. I hate just watching TV in the evenings. It bores me.

    More ailments to add to my current list. I wonder if I will ever get healthy enough to exercise again. It’s annoying because I fill the time I’d be walking, running, biking, kayaking, etc. with spending time in my test kitchen. I made fabulous empanadas the other day, finally made the psychedelic cookies I've been wanting to, and I tried the 2 ingredient bagels with great success. But, cooking is not a good trade for exercise. I need to get a keyboard now!

    Tina in CA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member