My weight loss journal



  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    April starting weight -306

    4/6- 304
    4/8- 299
    4/10- 301
    4/11- 299
    4/12- 299
    4/13- 298
    4/14- 297
    4/15- 296
    4/16- 297
    4/17- 297
    4/19- 297
    4/20- 296
    4/21- 294
    4/22- 293
    4/23 - 292
    4/24 - 290
    4/25 - 290
    4/26 - 290

    6' 0"
    SW: 306
    GW: 225

    April goal - 290
    May Goal - 280
    Ultimate goal - 225
  • aavs73
    aavs73 Posts: 4 Member
    Great thread. Thanks for your input.
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    aavs73 wrote: »
    Great thread. Thanks for your input.

    Thanks it has been helping me to log everything down.
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    April starting weight -306

    4/6- 304
    4/8- 299
    4/10- 301
    4/11- 299
    4/12- 299
    4/13- 298
    4/14- 297
    4/15- 296
    4/16- 297
    4/17- 297
    4/19- 297
    4/20- 296
    4/21- 294
    4/22- 293
    4/23 - 292
    4/24 - 290
    4/25 - 290
    4/26 - 290
    4/27 - 289

    6' 0"
    SW: 306
    GW: 225

    April goal - 290
    May Goal - 280
    Ultimate goal - 225
  • Spinner444
    Spinner444 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there - great work on getting the weight off. I also like to weigh every day - it is so easy to just pack on a bunch of pounds if you are not careful. One thing I wanted to mention - you talk about "cheat days"...I also have had a habit of doing that. Generally it turns into a "cheat weekend". An online coach said the other day we should just plan on a "cheat meal", not a cheat day. I've tried that and it helps - try to get your exercise in and cut down a bit early in the day - then plan what you want to enjoy!
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good Posts: 497 Member
    edited April 2021
    Spinner444 wrote: »
    Hi there - great work on getting the weight off. I also like to weigh every day - it is so easy to just pack on a bunch of pounds if you are not careful. One thing I wanted to mention - you talk about "cheat days"...I also have had a habit of doing that. Generally it turns into a "cheat weekend". An online coach said the other day we should just plan on a "cheat meal", not a cheat day. I've tried that and it helps - try to get your exercise in and cut down a bit early in the day - then plan what you want to enjoy!

    Thanks for your input
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    April starting weight -306

    4/6- 304
    4/8- 299
    4/10- 301
    4/11- 299
    4/12- 299
    4/13- 298
    4/14- 297
    4/15- 296
    4/16- 297
    4/17- 297
    4/19- 297
    4/20- 296
    4/21- 294
    4/22- 293
    4/23 - 292
    4/24 - 290
    4/25 - 290
    4/26 - 290
    4/27 - 289
    4/28 - 287

    Will I end the month be a total of 20 down, we will see tomorrow! Never did I expect to lose this much so fast I'm still keeping next months goal at 280 and try to slow it down some. I had no intentions to go this fast but I think it is about how much more activity I'm doing. Went from sitting around all day with less then 1000 steps to yesterday 12,000 steps what a jump.

    6' 0"
    SW: 306
    GW: 225

    April goal - 290
    May Goal - 280
    Ultimate goal - 225
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    April starting weight -306

    4/6- 304
    4/8- 299
    4/10- 301
    4/11- 299
    4/12- 299
    4/13- 298
    4/14- 297
    4/15- 296
    4/16- 297
    4/17- 297
    4/19- 297
    4/20- 296
    4/21- 294
    4/22- 293
    4/23 - 292
    4/24 - 290
    4/25 - 290
    4/26 - 290
    4/27 - 289
    4/28 - 287
    4/29 - 287 No change today all is going good

    6' 0"
    SW: 306
    GW: 225

    April goal - 290
    May Goal - 280
    Ultimate goal - 225
  • CholeRoad
    CholeRoad Posts: 47 Member
    I weigh myself everyday as well. However my weight fluctuates a lot and so I take the average for the week and compare that with the previous week's average.

    Are you male or female? How old are you?

    I am just wondering as you say you are eating 1600 calories and you are 6"0'. I am 51 and only 5"1' and am dieting on 1800 calories. Your calories seem low for your height. Or was the 1600 just for that day?
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    CholeRoad wrote: »
    I weigh myself everyday as well. However my weight fluctuates a lot and so I take the average for the week and compare that with the previous week's average.

    Are you male or female? How old are you?

    I am just wondering as you say you are eating 1600 calories and you are 6"0'. I am 51 and only 5"1' and am dieting on 1800 calories. Your calories seem low for your height. Or was the 1600 just for that day?

    Male 54

    I'm just recording it everyday and looking for the trends, I'm up a pound today and I'm still happy with my habit changes. Today had some junk food but stayed modest with it and I only eating what I need to feel satisfied not eating because it is in front of me. Here are the snap shoots of calories in and also Net calories after activity. I did do a fasting challenge for 11 days ended yesterday and did notice that my intake went down when I did not eat for say 16 to 20 hours of the day. But what I learned was that I only need to eat until my body feels better not until I can't eat no more and push the plate away. My walking also has gone from very little to around 9,000 average for the last week.

    Charts are from when I started recording food intake on this site.

    April starting weight -306

    4/6- 304
    4/8- 299
    4/10- 301
    4/11- 299
    4/12- 299
    4/13- 298
    4/14- 297
    4/15- 296
    4/16- 297
    4/17- 297
    4/19- 297
    4/20- 296
    4/21- 294
    4/22- 293
    4/23 - 292
    4/24 - 290
    4/25 - 290
    4/26 - 290
    4/27 - 289
    4/28 - 287
    4/29 - 287 No change today all is going good
    4/30 - 288 Happy with end of month number still going for 280 end of next month. I think it will get harder as I go further into this journey and changing my attitudes of how to live day to day and the habits that come from it.

    6' 0"
    SW: 306
    GW: 225

    April goal - 290
    May Goal - 280
    Ultimate goal - 225
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    I was also concerned that those net calories consumed are way under what they need to be. @Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good, please be careful: what you are doing is not healthy. @AnnPT77 or @springlering62, might you share your cautionary tales?
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,853 Member
    Jeez, sorry. I do get preachy, but only because I want so badly to see folks succeed and I feel like you will!!!!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Don't rush it, OP. Sometimes losing quickly seems like a win, but you might be losing just as much lean mass as fat. That's not good at all for your metabolism and it's really hard to get that back, especially as we age. Sure, it feels great to get to goal early, but if you're sacrificing your health and the remaining muscles you need to be focused on preserving as you age to do it, it's not actually that great. One of the leading predictors of frailty in old age is loss of muscle. Extreme weight loss is a big cause of muscle wasting. Love your attitude and motivation, I just worry you might be moving too fast... <3
  • anderson46628
    anderson46628 Posts: 1 Member
    I also just started my weight loss journey. Feb. 4th, I weighed in at 308.9 lbs. I'm 5'11" and a 48 year old male.

    I chose an ongoing program through my Doctor's office. They recommended a VLC diet, high in protein with exercise. The first 2 weeks consisted of 3 Celebrate protein shakes and 3 Celebrate protein bars. I also drink approximately 100 oz. of water. I logged 10-12,000 steps per day and lifted weights 2-3 times per week for 20-30 minutes. I lost a total of 18 pounds during the first 2 weeks.

    The next 10 weeks, I replaced my dinner protein shake with 4-6 oz. of lean meat (usually fish) a serving of starch, and 2 servings of vegetables. I also replaced my morning protein bar with greek low fat yogurt or cottage cheese. With my extra energy, I upped my steps to 15-18,000 daily and maintained my weight lifting. I just completed 12 weeks of the program and have lost a total of 62.5 pounds. Yes, down to 246.4 lbs.

    Every 2 weeks, I rotate between seeing a doctor who specializes in weight loss or seeing a dietician who works closely with the doctor. I have blood work done every 4 weeks. All blood work is normal, my sky high blood pressure is now back to normal, I had a body comp. test done after 12 weeks, and of the 62.5 pounds lost, over 50 lbs. was Fat, with only 6 lbs. of muscle lost and 6 lbs. of water lost.

    I feel the best I've felt in years. At no point was I told I was losing weight too fast. At no point I was told my weight loss success was unhealthy.

    Keep up the good work
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,763 Member
    I also just started my weight loss journey. Feb. 4th, I weighed in at 308.9 lbs. I'm 5'11" and a 48 year old male.

    I chose an ongoing program through my Doctor's office. They recommended a VLC diet, high in protein with exercise. The first 2 weeks consisted of 3 Celebrate protein shakes and 3 Celebrate protein bars. I also drink approximately 100 oz. of water. I logged 10-12,000 steps per day and lifted weights 2-3 times per week for 20-30 minutes. I lost a total of 18 pounds during the first 2 weeks.

    The next 10 weeks, I replaced my dinner protein shake with 4-6 oz. of lean meat (usually fish) a serving of starch, and 2 servings of vegetables. I also replaced my morning protein bar with greek low fat yogurt or cottage cheese. With my extra energy, I upped my steps to 15-18,000 daily and maintained my weight lifting. I just completed 12 weeks of the program and have lost a total of 62.5 pounds. Yes, down to 246.4 lbs.

    Every 2 weeks, I rotate between seeing a doctor who specializes in weight loss or seeing a dietician who works closely with the doctor. I have blood work done every 4 weeks. All blood work is normal, my sky high blood pressure is now back to normal, I had a body comp. test done after 12 weeks, and of the 62.5 pounds lost, over 50 lbs. was Fat, with only 6 lbs. of muscle lost and 6 lbs. of water lost.

    I feel the best I've felt in years. At no point was I told I was losing weight too fast. At no point I was told my weight loss success was unhealthy.

    Keep up the good work

    It's crucial and meaningful that while losing fast, you were under close medical supervision, including regular blood tests. Losing weight fast creates health risks: That's the point some of us are trying to make with the OP. You took significant steps to manage and mitigate those risks. That's a better plan.
  • Get_Back_To_Feeling_Good
    April starting weight -306

    5/1 288
    5/2 287
    5/3 287