☀️Just for July Logging and Exercise Challenge



  • KakoHikes
    KakoHikes Posts: 410 Member
    Hope you guys have been doing well!
    Have felt much better this past week, no more side effects from rx. i have been doing good at logging and exercised 6 out of 7 days. Mostly been doing good about being under my calorie goal. Went to the coast Wednesday with a friend and was way over my calorie budget. I had already decided I wasn’t going to care that day but it did get me thinking about planning ahead better so will not be quite as bad the next time.

    Loved walking on the beach, the section we went too, you had to take some steep stairs to access the beach. Small NWR victory was going up those stairs when tired without much of an issue, and took my friend a while to get her breath back. A few months ago I would have had to pause halfway through those steps.

    We have a hike planned in a couple weeks and am excited to see how that goes… depending on how hot it is it may turn into another coast day but either way we’ll get some exercise in.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    We made it through July!
    Thanks for this 30-day journey. I hope you had fun. 🥰
