Why do I need to buy Organic?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    When all I have to do is WASH My Fruits and Veggies in a Solution of White Vinegar and Baking SODA for at least 5 minutes

    You do realize that the pesticides will absorb through the permeable skin into the flesh, right?

    NO, that's the WHOLE POINT...it does not! Also, "Organic" Farmers use Pesticides... EVERY Farmer uses Pesticides, Fungicides. I buy Farmer's Mkts., CSA and anything else Local; that only means FRESH. Talk to the Farmers. Local, Fresh, Conventional is the way I prefer to purchase. I do not mind doing what is Healthful, I MAKE Time to select My Food and WASH it Properly.

    To that other person who buys "Organic" for "The Cause"...I say do not allow "Organic" to be the BASIS of Your Cause, ALL Farmers use Pesticides... Protest the Basis of the problem, Organic is NOT the Solution.

    So pesticides do not penetrate permeable membranes? lulwut? Ok then, I'll defend your right to believe that, as erroneous as it is.

    Nor does every farmer use pesticides or fungicides. I personally know several medium scale farmers that don't, which means your claim of EVERY is inaccurate, albeit hyperbolic. Additionally, local does not mean fresh. Washing it will not aid with the pesticides that conventional farming uses, but if you want to think it does, then by all means. Your magic recipe doesn't work though for what you want it to work for.

    Let's be honest here, organic means carbon based. All produce is organic. So we're already working with a flawed and retarded marketing term, additionally, people can buy whatever they want for whatever reason they want, be it based on politics, flawed science, or L Ron Hubbard. Like it or not.

    I can tell you, from a biological perspective, conventional farming is not the answer, it has to change significantly, or we're going to be having grave consequences, many of which are already being seen with CCD and bees. Either way, eat what you want. Enjoy!