who has kept weight off for 2 years



  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I have kept mine off almost exactly two years, and am at the low end of my BMI at 18.5.

    I know our experiences differ vastly, but if I were to base it solely upon my own, I would say this article is utter horse sh**.

    The reason I was overweight was because my diet was terrible. I cleaned it up, reduced my portion sizes, increased my fruit and veggie intake, and guess what! This is freaking easy to maintain.

    The only purpose articles like this serve is to be an excuse or a crutch for someone who doesn't want to put in the work.

    Love this!

    I love this too, and although I think there's merit to the research (yes, there ARE physiological differences between people who lost weight and the ones who didn't have any to lose to begin with), it doesn't in any way change the bottom line - figure out what your body needs and adjust your intake accordingly.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    ME, will be 3 years exactly the same Oct 27.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Not only kept it off, but have completed a 20 pound bulk and following cut afterwards. Going to start another bulk in two weeks.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I'll have 2 years in November ... so, 21 months.
    Just continued logging.
    It doesn't hurt my feelings as much when I go over.
    I still try to stay under, though.
    Not doing anything special except watching the portions.
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    I have kept off 70 pounds for 7 years now. I am 5'3, 123 lbs. I was a fat kid and an obese teenager. I did it through exercise and a complete overhaul of my eating habits. It took me one year to lose the weight. I am 29 and weigh 19 pounds less than I did in the 6th grade! Anything is possible.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    3 years this coming May. I found my diet, I found my fitness, I love the energy I have at 51 and I plan on keeping my 90 LB off.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    lost 25kg in 9 months and purposely gained back 15kg over the following 4 years.

    Just because you are a lower number on the scale doesn't mean you are going to be more healthy, stronger, fitter or aesthetically satisfied.
  • operationtoes
    operationtoes Posts: 3 Member
    one and a half year and still slowly losing we will see.
  • MrMaxOut
    MrMaxOut Posts: 18 Member
    It's a lifestyle change not a diet. Diets are band-aids and are not meant to be done for life. Hopefully I say this correctly you need decent healthy diet *lifestyle* to maintain what you do. It's been two years since I first started back up after a decade layoff and I'm still going still getting closer to my goal of 190lbs I started at 238 now I'm at 198 just 8 to go. Slow and steady the tortoise always beat the hare.
  • greedygirl118
    12 years or so for me, with some fluctuations. I make sure I get plenty of exercise, and monitor my weight to prevent the "creep" you get from normal life - holidays, Christmas etc. I recently decided to lose 10 "vanity pounds" and did that with 5:2 fasting, which I loved. So easy. Maintaining now by fasting just one day a week and eating pretty much what I want the rest of the time - cakes, crisps, wine but also lots of veggies etc. Everything in moderation. I have never been a binger though.
  • LT12344
    LT12344 Posts: 14
    how do u keep off hunger pangs?
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    I went from 126 in 2010 to 103 in 2011. Gained up to 115 last year and put the brakes on it. Held between 113 and 115 until May of this year when I decided to get back to my "fighting weight", and have since gone down to 100-102.

    Not trying to be mean or dismissive, and I've read the articles about the heavens and earth conspiring against us all and forcing us against our will to gain all the weight back, but let's be honest. After you lose weight, you know when you start putting it back on, and you know when that gain surpasses the "normal fluctuation" range. And then you have a choice: put a stop to it or let it happen. You lost before, you know you can do it, and chances are you know why you're gaining it back. You cut back 10 minutes on your workout at first, then 15, then maybe start skipping days entirely. You give yourself that little extra treat, and since you feel kinda bad about it, you stop logging so it's not in your face. Then, since you're not logging, why not go out to eat a little more. Dessert? Why, of course! I mean, I just lost XX number of pounds, why not! That's what I did, and in no time I was headed right back to 2010. It was having to pull out the second larger size of clothes out of the back of my closet that woke me up, and that was the point of choice: give up or give myself the kick in the butt I needed to do something. I kicked.

    Always be ready to kick. :bigsmile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    how do u keep off hunger pangs?

  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Only in maintenance from recent loss about a month, but I am back at the weight I was at or near for most of my adult life. I wonder if there are any stats that take into account people like me. This is unfamiliar territory for the lifelong obese and I can understand how the failure rate would be high. When I was fat, I felt like that guy wasn't really me. I have heard some big people make the same comment about being smaller.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Almost two years for me! I started losing in April 2011 and hit my initial goal of 152 around the end of December 2011. I then went on to lose another 17 pounds and have hovered around 135 ever since.

    It's a constant practice in maintenance. It will never be easy or effortless for me. And that's OK.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I reached my goal weight almost a year ago. I'm not at all worried that I'll gain the weight back :smile:
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    simple hardwork
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    how do u keep off hunger pangs?

    Some days I'm hungrier than others. Some days I eat like 1600 calories and feel full all day (rare), most days I eat around 1800-2000, some days I need to eat 2400. I eat when I'm hungry.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Joined Mfp June 2011 and its now August 2013... Lost most of my weight in first 6 months and have been .. More or less .. Maintaining. (:

    Thing is: I've still got more to lose!!! :/
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Been maintaining within a 4 lb window (give or take) for 18 months. Hoping to avoid being a negative statistic by enjoying the new life I've fashioned for myself. :-)