Thought I had a home intruder last night.



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Smudging (with sage), Cleaning, Salt (for the difficult places), and then invite it into the white light.

    Seriously though as this never happened before?

    Edited because I suck at typing.

    Nope. nothing like it has happened before.

    I've reassembled my bouquet of daisies, just in case. ;)

    Good. This is why I keep a corsage in the night stand, a bouquet of daisies in the closet (how has my wife not found it?) and a bouquet of 15 stargazers on the second floor.
    Ghostdad, ghost intruder, any intruder. Ain't no one got time fo dat.

    Give your dog a leg of something, he did his job well.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Sounds like someone has a haunted bathroom....

    My thoughts exactly! Did something awful happen in there, by chance?

    It was a horror called....