September 2021 - Daily or Weekly Check-In



  • LuckiS32
    LuckiS32 Posts: 156 Member
    @Lavoisier61 How's it going?
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Nikki, 52 years old, 5'6"
    WL history: ups and downs for years
    Exercise: Y workout 3x/week, walk with or without the dogs 5x/week
    Goal: truly give up gluten and avoid it (not allergic, just pick up many pounds of fluid for days)
    Goal: put myself on the things-to-do list, and the take-care-of list
    Goal: lose it and maintain it
    Goal weight: 140

    9/1 - 191.4 (result of gluten)
    9/2 - 189.4 85min walk last night w/ a Hallmark movie, today planning on a Y workout
    9/3 - 188.0 last night's workout felt good, it's been too long. Pounding water today to keep flushing things thru. Planning a lunch walk w/ the dogs.
    9/4 - weighed but forgot to log, and now I don't remember lol
    9/5 - 188.4

    9/6 - 189.4
    9/7 - 189.8 lovely walk yesterday while watching a Hallmark movie. Youngest son is getting tested for covid today, he's not feeling well and his close co-worker was confirmed yesterday. Which is really upsetting me because I'm supposed to go to a work conference and fly out next Friday. Obviously if he's positive I'm not going. Also, I'm coming to the realization that I'm not actually trying to lose weight. I typically focus during the week and then make bad food choices every weekend. I'm actually in maintenance, and the scale shows it. So if he's not sick and I go to the conference, then I have a new game plan for the minute I return. And if he is sick and I stay home then I have a new game plan for as soon as he's confirmed. Regardless, I have a plan. And I am walking again today, avoiding the Y workouts until I know if he's sick or not.
    9/8 - 189.8 another walk yesterday during a Hallmark movie, planning a shorter walk today because I'm walking myself into a blister.
    9/9 - 191.4 no exercise yesterday, too much sodium. Going to push water today.
    9/10 - 190.4 keep on flushing!
    9/11 - 190.4 Never Forget!

    9/12 - weighed but forgot to record
    9/13 - 193.4 yikes! bad choices this weekend, along with no exercise
    9/14 -
    9/15 -
    9/16 -
    9/17 - flying to Phily for a work conference...going to focus on good food choices and fitting in activity moments whenever/wherever possible.
    9/24 - back home
  • Lavoisier61
    Lavoisier61 Posts: 255 Member
    LuckiS32 wrote: »
    @Lavoisier61 How's it going?

    Hi, thank you for asking. Everything is fine. Just relaxing a little bit :)
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy I had the same thing happen. We can drop it!
  • adrianna_c
    adrianna_c Posts: 58 Member
    My name is Anna, Height: 5'4" Age: 40
    September starting weight: 137.5
    September staring waist: 34.5"
    September goal weight: 133.5
    September goal waist: 33.5"
    Ultimate goal: 128 lbs, 32" waist

    I take my waist measurement at the widest place around the love handles/below the belly button. I also do periodic skinfold tests to check my % fat loss, since that's really my goal rather than just scale weight since that doesn't tell the whole story.

    9/01 - 137.5, 34.5" waist, 3 mile run, good eating day
    9/02 - 137.8, 35.25" waist - might be bloated? just going to stick with the plan
    9/6 - 140
    9/8 - 139.2, coming out of a weekend slump, but doing all the motivation things to get back on track.
    9/9 - 139.2
    9/10 - 137.8, 35" waist
    9/11 - 137.2, on a roll!
    9/12 - 137.8
    9/13-138.5 - hoping just bloated
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,240 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from August 31): 186.8
    Goal Weight: 181.8 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual End of Challenge Weight on Sept 30, 2021:

    09/01 –[/color=orchid…..182.8(Trend Weight: 187.8)…..I find this weight hard to believe today. 4 pound loss overnight??? (After a 2.4 loss the day before???) My scale is reliable and I stepped on it 3 times but I don’t trust this and consider it a fluctuation. I did everything right. I had TM. I finally slept over 4 and ½ hours which is good for me> But that is a bit much. Traveling today and tomorrow. Plenty of sitting and restaurant food. I’ll be home each night and will keep up with the posts. Friday morning my scale reading will not be pretty but that is how I roll.

    09/02 -…..185.2(Trend Weight: 187.5)…..This weight is probably more accurate, even after travel. I was very suspicious of the scale reading yesterday. It may have been real because my scale is very reliable, but was likely a temporary lower fluctuation or fluke. Traveling again today with a friend for her medical appointment. It is a longer trip and I will likely be home late. Hopefully before dark though (deer at night). I will be counting my Sunday weight as my true weight. That puts all travel behind me and allows for a day or two to shed water retention from travels. Plenty of more travel next week and the week after due to all the cancer checks and scans that became necessary after my yearly mamm exam. I also fit many appointments in the fall to avoid too much winter driving since all the specialists and hospitals I see are so far from my rural home. That leaves both spring and fall full of travel but better than icy roads and snow for those distances!
    09/03 -…..187.5(Trend Weight: 187.7)…..Yikes. This travel really hurt! Back home and on track today. New cement being poured for new steps from the top of my hill at my house down to the road (my mailbox). Exciting day. I’ll stay on track and reverse this temporary damage. Staying positive here!
    09/04 -…..187.5(Trend Weight: 187.8)….. Yesterday I found out that my ex-sister-in-law that I’ve known for 46 years died of Covid in South Carolina. She was fully vaccinated and had just turned 64. She was immuno-compromised. Her daughter found her unresponsive in her home (she lived alone). She was alive, but was later determined to be brain dead. She was lucky enough to get a ventilator for a short time since they are scarce, but she was taken off all life support measures when it was determined she would never wake up and never go home. Please, even if vaccinated, mask up in those highly public places. More people love you and don’t want to lose you than you even realize. I spent all evening and night eating my emotions and moving into the 2nd phase of grief = anger. I am surprised the scale didn’t go up. Today I will try hard to be more mindful. The food binges changes nothing.
    09/05 -…..188.2(Trend Weight: 187.8)….. I was slightly in the green until about 1:00 AM. I then ate 400 calories more which put me over. Part emotional eating and part hunger. My mind is so cluttered with the death of my sister-in-law, my own health problems and my extensive renovations (that are taking way too long) that I just am not planning as well as I should be. I could have walked more yesterday as I had some extra time and freedom to leave the house but I didn’t. My day was filled with phone calls and texts in regards to the death. I could have walked along the yard while I talked but I didn’t. I felt like I had been wrung out like a wet rag. BBQ today for Labor Day with family. I can’t make any promises…..
    09/06 -…..187.2(Trend Weight 187.9)….. I had an extra low calorie day yesterday and managed to fit in some extra movement. It payed off.
    09/07 -…..187.6(Trend Weight 187.9)…..I did well with the diet and stayed in the green with my calories. However, absolutely no exercise whatsoever due to heavy schedule. Exercise/movement would have made the difference!
    09/08 -…..188.8 (Trend Weight 187.9)…..I caved in to my emotional eating. And now, today, I travel for my CT scans. Restaurants and lots of inactivity. I am worried what tomorrow’s scale reading may be. I may skip the weighing until day after tomorrow to give myself a chance to recoup. I just don’t need anything else on my plate right now. Well man is coming in the morning so that is good news at least.
    09/09 -
    09/10 –…..DNW…..CT scans under my belt. Now, to wait on those results. Truly, I am way more nervous about the long trip back down to the cancer center on the 16th for the breast cancer issues. These scans just feel like another wrench thrown in. I had to stop my diabetes meds on Wed night before the scans and will begin taking them again Sunday morning. In the meantime, I really need to watch my food choices as my glucose already runs dangerously high. I’ll have to cut back on the carbs drastically. Hungry already after yesterday’s splurges. That is how it usually works. My body liked it, now it wants a repeat. Sorry body, today is my day, not yours!

    09/11 -…..189.(Trend Weight 188.3)…..CT Scan results came up good. Liver lesions are cysts that look okay. Lung nodule has grown again, however, they still feel it is not growing fast enough in comparison to all scans since 2019 to merit an invasive biopsy or to call it cancer. They will have me rescan at a later date to see if it remains stable. Whew! The big worry, of course, is the breast cancer in remission and some of the complications I am having at the surgical site. I’ll know more after the 9-16 appointment. Well company never showed up, never called and cancelled, and no sign of him today. This is frustrating! I’m going to try to take an easy day today but I do want to get in more simple movements in small increments that will add up.
    09/12 -…..188.4(Trend Weight 188.3)…..I ended up skipping that relaxing easy day yesterday and opted instead to start of a huge endeavor. Taking windows apart upstairs and cleaning them out by the hose outside. Up & down stairs. Fitbit counted 144 flights of stairs! I have many to go and will try to coordinate it better today but I am happy it helped my scale today!
    09/13 -…..189.0(Trend Weight 188.4)…..This weight is how it looks when you are up cooking at 1:00 AM after logging out of MFP. I burned a ton of extra calories the last two day and my body was starving and screaming for calories. More windows to clean today, I’ll have to plan better.
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