boxin' babe

Currently training for amateur boxing, thinking of losing weight VERY slowly (need to be careful because of an old EDNOS diagnosis). My goal is to get decently shredded but still keep my "soft and sweet" vibe. Current calorie goal is 2,100. My stats are 148 lbs, 5'2", around 25% body fat. Tips, tricks, advice and guidance is welcome.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,770 Member
    Slow loss via calorie counting is very viable, but does require a level of counting precision to keep on a completely predictable track. (I recently lost 10-15 vanity pounds over many months at an effective average daily calorie deficit of 100-150 calories, which is very slow indeed. 😆 However, that kind of precision-seeking could be more worrisome with an EDNOS history.

    I'm *not* saying slow loss can't happen unless very precise: I don't believe that at all. It can happen, but it may be a bit less predictable, that's all.

    Do you use a weight trending app, or if not do you think you could do so without it being triggering in some way? If so, that could be a help. (Examples are Happy Scale for Apple/iOS, Libra for Android, Trendweight with a free Fitbit account (don't need a device), Weightgrapher . . . and I'm sure there are others.)

    It's important to realize, though, that these are not a magic crystal ball, they're just statistical projections. Mine even thought I was maintaining, perhaps even slowly gaining, for around a month or so, when I resumed strength training after a long break, while losing at that ultra-slow rate. Since I've been tracking for a long time, know that I gain a couple of pounds of water weight when I (re-)start strength training, and have confidence in my logging and estimated calorie needs, I wasn't very worried. Sure enough, somewhere between 4-6 weeks out, the expected fat loss finally started showing up clearly. Without the trending app, it would've been difficult to see even then if I'd only been looking at individual weigh-ins.

    So, I don't have much in the way of great advice, except to say that my experience suggests that what you're targeting is achievable. I hope you find success!