What THINGS do you LOVE MOST about your spouse/partner



  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    He works hard to provide for us, and to make sure I can stay at home and homeschool the kids
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    I love my husband for being brave, fighting for his country, and in 2009 while in Iraq, he kept me strong, he went out of his way to make sure I was ok and the kids were ok. Never dwelling on where he was or what he was going through. Protecting me from what was really going down.

    He always puts the kids and I first, sacrificing his own needs/wants for ours. His eyes always have me in them. I love that no matter when a beautiful woman walks by, his focus is on me. I love that he still gropes and fondles me as if we're newlyweds, even after being together 14 yrs. And most of all I love that he loves me and only me.
  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    I love that he lets me be my crazy, silly, goofy self without judging me. At times he even encourages it. Plus he has this amazing way of looking at me, that makes me melt. Just once glance and I can see that he loves me unconditionally. He also has these amazing arms that give the best hugs!
  • justinleebauer1
    Thank god you showed up.

    The sarcasm is unnecessary; the stupid "male" persona that people obsess over gets really old. Every single male that posted in here posted in an idiotic and childish way and I just have a hard time comprehending why it's SO hard to publicly appreciate what you have and be open about it.

    I promise your genitals won't fall off and you won't just magically not be "a man"
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    * He is a great father
    * He is a very hard worker
    * He is willing to do anything I ask, even if he moans about it, he will do it regardless
    * He helps out with housework, when he has the time. He has even gotten up an hour before he had to go to work to clean the kitchen, because I had been having to take care of our sick daughter and hadn't had the time to clean it.
    * Even though he has no romantic bone in his body, he tries from time to time to surprise me.
    * He cleans my car, if he didn't, it most likely wouldn't get done.
    * He has the same sense of humor as me
    * He can fix, make, and do about anything to our house, cars, and all the other things in our house.
    * He tries his best to cheer me up if I am having a bad day or in a mood.
    * He puts up with me. I ain't the easiest person to get along with. I admit I am strong willed and stubborn.

    He has been there for me and done things for me that no other person would or could. He truly is the most loyal person I have ever had in my life.
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    After just celebrating my one year anniversary, I can easily name the things I love most about my husband:

    He is handsome
    He is very passionate
    He is a great listener
    He is a deep thinker
    He is alert and attentive (to me and in general)
    He is supportive
    He is a giver
    He is goofy
    He doesn't care what people think
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    -He texts me every morning after he leaves to tell me he loves me
    -He tells me I'm beautiful
    -He buys me flowers
    -He is genuinely concerned about my health and wellbeing
    -He cooks dinner anytime I want him to
    -He chops the onioins for me when I am cooking dinner
    -He is up for anything I want to do, anytime (I'm the planner, go'er, do'er in the relationship)
    -He hangs up his wet towels, AND put the toilet paper on the roll when it's empty
    -He is good to my kids
    -He makes me feel loved
    -He makes me feel secure
    -He holds my hand where ever we go
    -He takes the garbage out without being told (asked)
    -He tells me I make him happy :)
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    -I love that he has a heart for God
    -I love that he is my biggest supporter
    -I love that he loves me unconditionally
    -I love that he is my best friend
    -I love how we make each other laugh and can finish each other's sentences
    -I love how our hearts seem to beat in sync with one another.
    -I love how family means everything to him 2nd only to God.
    -I love how romantic he is and how he makes me know what the meaning of being loved truly is.
    -I love that I am more than enough to satisfy him and he never has to stray
    -I love that God loves me so much that he created this special man just for me.........
    I have not found this man yet but when I do these are all the things I will love about him because I know God has blessed me with this man.:happy:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Oh gosh, I am gonna have to rein myself in from going on and on and on.

    I love so many things about my fiancé.

    He is so intelligent, and wise, and funny/witty, and down right beautiful in so many ways (inside and out).

    One of my favorite things about him is that he manages to be a weird and wonderful combination of super innocent and wholesome, and extremely worldly with a dark streak. I've never met anyone quite like him. He views things so innocently and believes in the good of people. He has a positive attitude every day of his life, which inspires me.

    I love that he takes me as I am and doesn't want or expect me to change. But he encourages me in anything I want or need to do to be happy. I can truly be myself with him.

    I even love his little quirks & imperfections! :-) Just thinking about him makes me smile embarrassingly.

    I love the way we just "fit" together. Everything, from our bodies to our eating/cooking preferences, beliefs, morals, politics, our sleep positions, music tastes, "love languages"...everything.

    I love that he is childfree by choice and had a vasectomy so I don't have to use birth control and we'll never have kids!

    He's made a non-cuddler into the biggest snuggly cuddler ever. No matter what is going on in our lives he's willing to make time for me, and lets me know I am a HUGE priority in his life. Even when he's dealing with his mother being terminally ill (and he's her caregiver currently).

    I love his confidence, his height, his body type (and that he has worked so hard to lose weight and become fit), his ginger coloring, his sexy red beard...ooooh...
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    He's my best friend, and we do everything together. Hiking, kayaking, kickboxing, skateboarding, et cetera....it doesn't matter because he's always up for it.

    -Hilarious! He makes up goofy songs and puns just to "aggravate" me and make me laugh.
    -Not a single day goes by that he doesn't tell me how much he loves me or that I'm beautiful.
    -His smile is contagious,and it's impossible not to be happy when he smiles at me.
    -He's kind and has a great heart.
    -He's what I believe a man should be. He's ok with callouses. He's brave, strong,and honest. He will tell you how it is and exactly what he thinks.
    -Spontaneous..we will drive 3 hours for an unplanned trip to the aquarium,or he will wake me up with his swim trunks on and the kayaks already strapped to the car. haha
    -He loves my brothers. I know that seems ridiculous,but a lot of men have had trouble with the fact that my brothers are 16 years younger than me. I cherish them,and you have to be ok with that.
    -He's older than me by more than a decade. I love that because he's all about no nonsense...unless he's just being silly.
    -He loves children, which is a must.
    -Lack of drama. It's really nice not to have a lot of arguments and immature ridiculousness.
    -He's a fantastic artists,and his work never ceases to amaze me.
    -He respects and adores me.
    -He's always willing to tackle new recipies and strange foods with me.
    -Even when we don't have the money to go anywhere, we can have a great time being at home.
    -He's Korean. Is that shallow of me? Probably. haha

    This list could go on for pages. I believe the best part is, our relationship feels new even after nearly 4 years of "putting up with each other". haha
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    He lets me eat more of the dessert when we split it. Though that might be from fear on his part.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Thank god you showed up.

    The sarcasm is unnecessary; the stupid "male" persona that people obsess over gets really old. Every single male that posted in here posted in an idiotic and childish way and I just have a hard time comprehending why it's SO hard to publicly appreciate what you have and be open about it.

    I promise your genitals won't fall off and you won't just magically not be "a man"

    I agree. It seems like only women have the balls to announce their love to the world.
  • livingfortheone
    livingfortheone Posts: 273 Member
    Men are pretty simple creatures.... give us our top two needs (respect and love/sex) and we will give your our lives!
  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    Thank god you showed up.

    The sarcasm is unnecessary; the stupid "male" persona that people obsess over gets really old. Every single male that posted in here posted in an idiotic and childish way and I just have a hard time comprehending why it's SO hard to publicly appreciate what you have and be open about it.

    I promise your genitals won't fall off and you won't just magically not be "a man"

    Thanks for the solid advice. I'm single, does that mean I can't play?
  • melting_glass
    melting_glass Posts: 105 Member
    total emotional stability. one of us should have it...

    and he's just so hot... ugh...

    and he's a marine

    and he's puerto rican..

    and he has a lot of tact

    I can't pick.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    What can I say? I love my husband and cannot imagine my life without him in it. My life is richer, more blessed, and way more fun because of him!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    aww this is a much needed page!!

    -I LOVE that he LOVED/LOVES me so much, he was willing to stick by me, even when I didn't even know who I was anymore.

    and many many more things, but this is something that I've been wanting to share for a long time!
  • watercolorarteest
    Men are pretty simple creatures.... give us our top two needs (respect and love/sex) and we will give your our lives!

    I think my husband would agree with this. :smile: He's big on respect for sure (which, like trust, should be earned), and love/sex... well my husband would probably put those in reverse order. :laugh:
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    He lets me eat more of the dessert when we split it. Though that might be from fear on his part.

    ^ And then there is always this too. ^ :-D
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    The thing I LOVE most about my husband is that he is my rock...I can always lean on him and he supports me in everything I do....