January 2022 Monthly Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    1/1 – 6.11
    1/2 – 6.21
    1/4 – 6.31
    1/5 – 5.11
    1/7 - 7.05
    1/8 - 6.32
    1/10 - 6.02
    1/12 - 6.03
    1/13 - 6.02
    1/14 - 6.03
    1/15 - 6.03

    67.24 of 160 miles

    Forgot to post my run yesterday.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited January 2022
    I see @martaindale finished her half on Strava! Way to go both the 5k and half, great job!

    @eleanorhawkins Considering the more than 5k elevation change that isn’t all that slow! Great job!

    @marisap2010 Congrats on your PR!

    It’s cold here and although the roads are mostly clear, all the trees are dripping from the ice thawing, so I plan to lift heavy today and run tomorrow when hopefully it will be a tad warmer. Still waiting on test results, finding it hard to stay motivated!

    BTW I think I figured out who is feeding the white raccoon. I was out back last night listening to the still before the storm and noticed a soft raccoon-like whistling from the other side of the fence. A little quiet spying revealed the neighbor’s daughter trying to lure raccoons. She’s about 10 and very shy, I know her mom and brother pretty well but she and I haven’t spoken, just waved.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Awesome race @eleanorhawkins ! And congrats on that PR. :wink: You'll have to post some of your pictures for us. You did great! Looks like if they could give you a shirt and buff they could give you a medal. What did CoVID have to do with that?
    Races can put the medals in the race packets before the race, or hand them to you after the race while wearing a mask and gloved hands outside (not putting them on you), or lay them out on a table for you to pick up (next to the water & sports drink, for example). They can also require masks for everyone in the finish area, which is awful when you're trying to catch your breath but makes more sense to me than eliminating medals. But it looks like you had an awesome day even without getting a medal for it.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @quilteryoyo ikr? Ok, the shirt and buff came in a bag when we collected our bibs, so they didn't have to hand them to sweaty runners who may or may not have done as they were told and put their masks back on at the finish line. But other races have had them on a table and you grabbed your own. And there were stalls with volunteers giving out beer and sandwiches. Dumb but nvm, it is what it is.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    Awesome race @eleanorhawkins ! And congrats on that PR. :wink: You'll have to post some of your pictures for us. You did great! Looks like if they could give you a shirt and buff they could give you a medal. What did CoVID have to do with that?
    Races can put the medals in the race packets before the race, or hand them to you after the race while wearing a mask and gloved hands outside (not putting them on you), or lay them out on a table for you to pick up (next to the water & sports drink, for example). They can also require masks for everyone in the finish area, which is awful when you're trying to catch your breath but makes more sense to me than eliminating medals. But it looks like you had an awesome day even without getting a medal for it.

    Yes, we had masks for the first 500 metres, going through aid stations and as soon as we reached the finish line. They're still obligatory outdoors here, at least in theory, apart from during individual sports.
    The road HM I ran in November put the medals in the goodie bags with the bibs etc. The mountain race in September had them on a table. The one in October had children putting them on us. Each race is different.

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    1/3 – 7.02 miles
    1/4 – 6.02 miles
    1/5 – 5.08 miles
    1/6 – 4.03 miles
    1/8 – 8.03 miles
    1/9 – 4.75 miles
    1/10 – 3.10 miles (treadmill)
    1/11 – 5.12 miles
    1/13 – 5.03 miles
    1/14 – 5.16 miles
    116 – 1.14 miles
    January Total – 54.48 miles

    Yesterday, I hiked on the AT. Just 6 miles, but climbing up those hills made my calves sore. Instead of my hiking boots, I decided to wear some zero drop trail runners. I loved the fit and feel of them but I think that contributed to the calves working more than usual. It’s been snowing and sleeting here off and on all day. I finally got out this afternoon when the temp was 35 (real feel 28F). The temp wasn’t bad but I had run less than a tenth of a mile when it started pouring snow again. The wind was blowing it sideways at points. I did a very slow mile, my calves were hurting and I just wasn’t into it so I stopped my watch and changed to walk for another 2 miles. The weather is supposed to be colder and more windy tomorrow. Sigh…is January over yet?

    Congratulations on you PR @marisap2010! Well done!

    @martaindale – you had a great 5k and you look so happy! Looking forward to hearing about the HM.

    Great work @eleanorhawkins! You know there is no such thing as too much TMI in a runners discussion group!

    Way to go on your virtual HM @Scott6255!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Probably a good call on waiting until tomorrow to run @rheddmobile ! Love that the shy little girl is feeding the racoons.

    @Faebert You are doing great with your comeback.

    @katharmonic Glad you waited until it "warmed up" to run. Still too cold for me. You did great!

    Congrats on your virtual HM @Scott6255 ! Glad you are getting back to where you want to be speed wise.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,124 Member
    @eleanorhawkins Awesome work on your race! That is some elevation change!

    @marisap2010 Congrats on the PR, the AG finish, and a race well run!

    @Tramboman The incoming snow sounds crazy. Take some pics for us!

    @Scott6255 I’m glad you were able to run the HM (virtually) with me in Houston and that you are getting your fitness back!

    New American records set today in the womens marathon by Keira D’Amato (2:19:12) and in the women’s HM by Sarah Hall (1:07:15)! Vicoty Chepgneno from Kenya also set a new North American all-comers' half marathon record (1:05:03) as the women’s winner. Such a good race day today in Houston!
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Awesome job @martaindale!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Congrats on ALL your PRs and a GREAT HM today @martaindale!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Jan total: 68/80 miles

    1/1: 11 miles
    1/3: 5.1 miles
    1/4: 6 miles
    1/5: 3 miles
    1/7: 4.5 miles
    1/8: 12.5 miles
    1/10: 4.2 miles
    1/12: 4 miles
    1/15: 3.7 miles
    1/16: 14 miles

    HM race report:
    Got up early to eat breakfast and get coffee before doing the short warm-up run down to the corrals. Timed it pretty well so I got into my corral about 10 mins before it closed and stayed toasty warm in my throw-away layers to wait for the start. It was mid 30’s with a feels like of 23 F and 10 mph winds, so cold for just standing around but not too bad once running. The start was right around sunrise, and we were off!
    The first mile was pretty slow (10:36) between the tighter streets and giving people a chance to loosen up a bit without weaving too much. I love this course. There are spectators all along, and it winds through some fun parts of the city. I love that the people in the neighborhoods set up viewing areas. Just along the HM course there were also a couple of drum lines keeping up a good cadence rhythm. Just so much fun! After the first 5 miles or so, I was feeling like maybe I started too slow and started doing running math, which didn’t work at all and in general is a bad idea. I focused on settling into my pace and picking people off one at a time. When I got to mile 9 or so, I knew a PR was possible but tight so I focused on pushing just a little and holding steady. At 1 mile out, I turned it up. It was uncomfortable and hard but I knew I only had to hold it for a mile, one of the only miles with a hill. It’s not steep by any means but sustained, and all those hill country miles paid off. I was able to do a 8:34 mile 13! Then really kicked for the last few tenths for a finish of 2:08:02 and a new PR! I ran negative splits and also PR’ed my 5k, 10k, 15k, 10 mile, and 20k! Crazy! Strava didn’t give me credit for the 5k PR because I have some only fake time record hanging out from a few years ago that I will probably never reach, but Garmin let me know of my new 5k PR.
    Overall, I am very proud of how I ran this race. I didn’t go out too fast, noticed when I was settling in a little too slow and adjusted, and really pushed at the end for some fast finishing miles (9:19, 9:13, 8:34 for my last 3). I also now know that there is definitely some additional room for improvement there, especially if I can get a solid pacing strategy together.

    Bling in the spoiler. I ended up with 3 medals because I ran the 5k the day before and that is apparently a challenge type thing and it gets its own medal!

    Congratulations!!! That's great!!!