How on earth do I stop the after dinner snacking?!



  • Allyoopadoop
    Allyoopadoop Posts: 30 Member
    I've been in that position before and I thought I could never stop. I then started taking some supplements that helped me curb what felt like out of control hunger for me. Those supplements include magnesium glycinate, L-Glutamine, Bifido mixture, and a product called Crave Control Plus. I buy them from a place that I've taken wellness classes from and that I trust to have clean products. It took about 2 months of taking the products daily until I felt that I was back in control. It was scary to me feel so out of control and I was worried that I would always be ruled by this compelling urge to eat. I am so glad I am now much more in control of my eating. I hope this helps.
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    You don't have to stop. You can eat less during the day leaving you enough cals to fit those snacks in.

    This. And don't buy any more calorie empty snacks, instead opt for the lite or 0% fat versions in yogurt, dark chocolate, etc. At least if you'll be snacking, you won't be as guilty. =)
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    On workout days (which is most days) I often have another 1000+ kCals to consume after dinner.
    So my answer would be exercise more, then the after dinner snacking isn't over eating :bigsmile:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I agree this is tough one but my husband and I have both stopped snacking at night . We pulled a Nike and "Just Did IT" and continue to Just do it.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    Incorporate those calories into your daily allotment. If you peek at my diary I ate ice cream and Doritos as one of my 4 meals and never went over my calories. I just made sure the other meals I had were healthy so I had proper nutrition.

    Perfection Is not reasonable because humans are imperfect creatures but we can deal with our perfections.
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    What are you doing while you're snacking? I used to always snack while watching TV. By the time I get home from work, get the kids to bed and cook my dinner it is at least 8.00, so I veg in front of the TV for the last couple of hours. My husband works late so I am at home alone & often bored but can't go anywhere because the kids are asleep.
    But I associated TV with eating so just carried on from dinner until bedtime. Gradually I have broken the link between the two, so I eat dinner and then if I am watching TV I don't have to eat. I find other things to occupy my hands - jobs like folding washing or tidying up etc. And then get myself a cup of tea midway through the evening to break it up. I no longer seem to snack as much.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Brush your teeth...go for a walk....find something to do with yourself.

    Aside from that - getting that junk food out of your house would help too (if its not there, you can't eat it!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I will make a decaf with some sugar free flavored creamer. Helps take the edge off. And sugar free jello with a little redi whip.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,453 Member
    I can't help eating snacks straight after dinner! Crackers, peanut butter, crisps, yoghurt, just whatever I have in my house. Calories wise its like a eat 2 meals at once, my normal dinner (550 cals) then snacks (400)... This is really bad for my diet but I can't take my hands... I already tried drinking tea and chewing gum.. It doesn't work...

    Any tips, tricks, or words of wisdom?! :)

    My husband has this same issue and has decided not to fight it. He simply changed his "after dinner snacking" to things like celery, carrots, single serving pretzels, small Greek yogurt etc which have less calories, but give him the salty, creamy and/or crunchy things he seems to crave. Don't fight it as it seems that some people simply have very strong evening cravings and if you fight it, you will feel "deprived" and over eat. Just work with it by choosing food that give you the sensation you are wishing for without all the calories. It should go without saying that you need to include these calories and still keep within your daily allowance. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Make your own "snack box" for the day!
    Put all the healthy food you want to allow yourself for snacks in a big Tupperware in the fridge and log it at the beginning of the day. Once the snack box is gone YOUR DONE. If you want to save all the snacks till after dinner that is fine but you won't get them during the day.

    (Pre-planning your snacks makes you make healthy decisions and of course its fine to throw one bag of pretzels in your snack box but fill the rest with fruits, nuts, and food you will be PROUD of eating.)

    Honestly this is the best advice i could ever give someone who over eats like i do! Please try it!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    You don't have to stop. You can eat less during the day leaving you enough cals to fit those snacks in.

    This works for me.
    I log any hot chocolate with bakery or ice cream I plan to have after dinner first thing in the morning. Then I plan the rest of meals accordingly to fit with my calorie goal.
    Working out right before your scheduled snack could help you control the urges too.
  • poofercats
    Hi Wendy,

    You might want to try figuring out what is causing you to snack...usually it is related to an activity such as watching tv. To break the habit, try going out for walk in the evenings instead, or pick up another mindless habit such as knitting to do while you watch tv.

    The other option is to just get rid of all the tempting food in the house--remember--if you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you must not be very hungry!

    Also, what you are eating for dinner may not be satisfying you. I find that when I eat food that is not well-balanced (in terms of texture, flavor, and fats, protein, etc.) then I tend to snack; however, if I cook myself a well-rounded meal of around 500 calories, the crave to snack just disappears.

    Finally, you can always try brushing your teeth after dinner with a VERY minty toothpaste, followed by a very minty mouthwash. This usually quells my appetite--I no longer snack in the afternoons at work because I now brush, floss, rinse my teeth after lunch.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with trying to stem your snacking habit. :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your diary isn't open, but first thing is to make sure your calorie goal is appropriate.

    After that-- if you like to snack after dinner then just allow yourself more calories for that. I love evening snacking so I budget myself enough calories to enjoy a couple of snacks between dinner and bed. Generally I have some ice cream and then later some fruit or a veggie.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've found that eating dinner a little later keeps me from wanting to snack. Now I have a protein-rich snack at about 4:30-5pm, get in my workout, and eat dinner 7:30-8pm.

    I never take a whole bag of chips, etc with me to the living room to mindlessly snack. I'm way too likely to eat the whole bag without even thinking about it. Now, I dole out a serving in a small bowl and take that with, That means that if I want more it's a decision and not just a mindless calorie-dense habit.

    And speaking of being mindful - I weigh myself before I go to bed. Because it keeps me mindful, I'm less likely to eat something heavy in the evenings because I don't want it to show up on the scale. And before all the anti-scale people jump in - I actually weigh myself 2x a day. It keep me mindful and reminds me of the fluctuations. It may or may not work for other people but it works for me.
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    You don't have to stop. You can eat less during the day leaving you enough cals to fit those snacks in.

    ^This ... or trying doing something to keep yourself busy, and get your mind off of it. I have the same problem. I try to budget for a small snack in the evening. I buy those kids snack packs and eat one of those if I really need something. ( I buy them for my daughter, but I definitely eat more of them than she does )

    Drinking tea works for me most nights..... once you get through a few nights without snacking, it becomes less of a habit

    good luck
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    You don't have to stop. You can eat less during the day leaving you enough cals to fit those snacks in.

    Eating wise, I would use this advise. If you arent hungrier in the mornings, save the calories for later in the day when you seem to be more hungry. If thats not an option whenever hunger strikes. Do something physical. Get a sweat going. Drink some water. usually does the trick.
  • Michaeljferreira17
    Instead of snacking on the things you mentioned, why not just eat an apple or a couple of clementines. If you aren't right up against your calorie cap it should be nothing to worry about.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I leave enough calories to have a bedtime "snack" - usually 1/4 cup dry Goya Yellow popcorn (110 calories for a huge bowl of popped popcorn!) and sprinkle it with whatever I'm craving that night - sometimes it's Mrs. Dash Mexican Blend, sometimes it's splenda and cinnamon. I have that and a hot tea with some soy creamer and it's a very satisfying snack for less than 200 calories.

    It's important to figure out your "weak" points of the day and plan for them. I prefer to eat more at night as opposed to the morning, so I adjust my daily calorie allotment accordingly.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. Don't have things you can't resist in the house. If you must have them, buy "snack size" packets and keep them somewhere inconvenient. Things like 2-finger kit-kats are good too. Once you've had one you know its greedy to have two....
    2. As others have said, eat a little later. Eat more slowly too, reminding yourself how full you are getting with this healthy dinner (NB you NEED to make sure its a healthy but filling dinner for this to work!!)
    3. Find a hobby which means you can't snack because a)yoou need your hands and b) if you eat you'll get what you're doing messy. Knitting, sewing, crochet, scrapbooking - there's loads you can do while still sitting with your family,
    4. Don't eat your dessert straight after your main - clear away eveything else first. You may find you don't want it immediately, in which case it can be your snack later!
    5. Pre-log your snacks so you can work around them rather than them catching you out.
    6. THINK about what you are eating. If you want cocolate, go and get yourself one or two squares of very good chocolate, then sit down with it and savour it sloooowly.
    7. Finally, find healthier versions of what you love if you can't give them up - fat free yoghurt, reduced fat cheese etc. And there's lots of savoury snacks at less than 100cal per single serving bag.

    If I've really run out of calories for the day I either go for a walk to earn more or go to bed!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I just drink water every time I wanna snack when tryna lose