How on earth do I stop the after dinner snacking?!



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I know that I like to eat/drink in the evenings...I budget for it. Roughly 65%-70% of my daily intake occurs after 4 PM. During the day I"m busy so I really don't snack at work..maybe an apple or peach or breakfast is usually on the lighter side and my lunches aren't huge either...but I go into beast mode in the late afternoon and throughout the evening. Dinner is my most important meal to's the one I get to enjoy with my family and it's always leftovers. I love it...thus, it's usually the most calorie dense meal. I also enjoy desert and like to drink a couple glasses of wine or have a couple beers when I get home. Just budget for it.
  • getfitwithjackie
    getfitwithjackie Posts: 8 Member
    Break the cycle of sitting down to tv after dinner -it's a tough habit to break! I ride my spin bike while I watch my nighttime tv (hard to eat when you're spinning, even though I go at a very leisurely pace). Also I have a protein shake between dinner & bed - it's chocolatey (I freeze it a little so I eat it like ice) and it slows down cravings. Good luck - it's hard!
  • lipuchimo
    I had the same issue as you and what really helped me is to create an 'after dinner ritual'
    I'll sit down, drink a cup of tea while reading a book or watching some tv. I do this every single day after dinner. This will tell my brain 'ok, dinnertime is over, no more food'
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    After dinner snacking is my downfall. To me, it's been the hardest habit to break. And it's just that -- a habit. It's not hunger or some kind of nutritional deficiency. Working it into my calorie budget doesn't work because it's a trigger for over-eating and I don't want to allow myself that option. So...that said... The first thing I did was stop buying all the snacky food that was supposedly for my kids' lunches but that I ended up devouring after they went to bed. That helped, but I ended up just replacing the mini-Oreos with string cheese. Then I started drinking a ton of water after dinner, to the point that I felt full. My snacking was usually done in front of the computer or the TV, so I changed a couple of things around in my house. I moved my computer away from the kitchen, and if I want to watch TV I do it while walking on the treadmill. It doesn't have to qualify as a workout -- I just set the treadmill to a comfortable strolling speed. No desire to eat while walking, plus I end up watching less TV. Lastly, I never eat in bed, so I go to bed earlier. These little changes have added up and I rarely snack after dinner anymore. Good luck!
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I can't help eating snacks straight after dinner! Crackers, peanut butter, crisps, yoghurt, just whatever I have in my house. Calories wise its like a eat 2 meals at once, my normal dinner (550 cals) then snacks (400)... This is really bad for my diet but I can't take my hands... I already tried drinking tea and chewing gum.. It doesn't work...

    Any tips, tricks, or words of wisdom?! :)

    I am a major late night snacker. I would normally eat dinner around 6, and by 8 when I was watching tv, I'd just want to munch. So I started eating later. If I don't work, I eat around 7-730. But I often work until 8 these days, and will eat dinner around 830. Helps a lot!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    I had that for a while. I pretty much have it under control now. This is what I did.

    I bought and ate less junk.
    I allowed myself a small dessert right after dinner and enjoyed it.
    I then flossed and brushed my teeth and stuck to water the rest of the evening.

    The mint flavor takes the craving for food, because I don't have food flavor in my mouth anymore. It also minimizes the hunger, that may arrive shortly before bedtime.

    Good luck!
  • ragan4bama
    ragan4bama Posts: 58 Member
    I agree you need to buget some of your calories for a snack. It seems like most of the snacks you are having are carb loaded... maybe try something more protein/fiber based that will satisfy your need to eat but leave you feeling full and satisfied. Ex. a handful or almonds or nuts, cheese, apples, or a low carb yogurt (Kroger has a really good brand called CARBmaster!)
    Once you open the door to the processed/carb rich foods it jus goes down hill. Stay strong!
  • pinkhippie
    pinkhippie Posts: 10 Member
    There has been some really great advice here. I wish I had seen this when I had trouble with evening snacking. I tried to go cold turkey and just never snack after dinner but I found that actually led to me overeating at dinner because I was afraid I would be hungry so I was trying to stuff myself to not be hungry for after dinner snacks.

    What works for me is that I usually go for a walk/ do yoga after I get the kids put in bed. Right after they are in bed is when I go for my old go to of stress relief which is eating. So breaking the habit and replacing it with something like walking or yoga, relieves my stress AND helps make me less hungry. Then if I find I am hungry an hour or so after my walk I tend to want to snack on something more healthy since I just exercised so I will go for something like oatmeal and greek yogurt with fruit or oatmeal with peanut butter, or something that has protein and carbs. Then, I am not hungry any more and I feel satisfied because I snacked. I cannot snack on sugary treats AT ALL or they just make me more hungry. I have to snack on something high protein and low sugar.

    I also never eat anywhere but the kitchen table. I don't eat in front of the computer, I don't eat in front of the tv, I don't eat while reading a book, or looking at my phone. I sit and eat with no distractions and find I enjoy my food more and eat less. It's hard to mindlessly snack on a whole bag of chips just sitting at my kitchen table staring at the wall. :)

    And I also drink lots and lots and lots of water. I also plan for my snack in my calorie intake. I try to plan to have at least 500 available cals for after dinner just in case I am really hungry. Then with a healthy planned out snack I usually end up eating only 300 of them and end a little under for the day but feel good and full. If I need to eat the whole 500 then I feel good about that too.
  • MadisonHein
    maybe try eating your dinner slower that way you can feel full and wont get the urge to snack afterwards? or chew a piece of gum after and go for a walk.
  • foREVerFit91
    foREVerFit91 Posts: 4 Member
    Keep your hands busy. I crochet while watching TV or listening to a book or music after dinner, so I literally CAN'T snack while I'm doing that!! :)
  • happyindian
    happyindian Posts: 89 Member
    have u tried brushing ur teeth soon after dinner. it will take the take the taste the food away frm ur mouth , so u will not feel like eating again. also, it does satisfy ur sweet tooth, so no more snacking. It has worked for me...give it a try.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    You don't have to stop snacking after dinner. I eat RIGHT before I go to bed, because I'm usually hungry then. Save some extra calories so that you can snack after dinner. When you hear people say, "Eating past 7pm will make you gain weight!!" ...........Don't listen to them, it's a myth.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I try to eat a filling late dinner if I really need a snack I eat these little 150 cal cups I found in the freezer isle with graham cracker bottom then chocolate or strawberry middle with a little whip cream on the top its normally my desert

    this sounds incredible. where do you find them?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You don't have to stop. You can eat less during the day leaving you enough cals to fit those snacks in.

    This ^^
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I put the kibosh on the night time snacking by moving my dinner to 8-9pm

    Wake: 6:00a
    Breakfast: 9:30a
    Lunch 1:00p
    Snack: 4:30p
    Dinner: 8-9:00p
    Small Snack: 11:00p
    Bed 11:30p

    Adopting this schedule kept me from cleaning out the cupboards at 10:30 every night ....
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    One easy way especially if it's just out of habit is...after dinner, go brush your teeth. It truly works!!! I always wanted something sweet to eat after a meal, even though I wasn't hungry...until I started brusing my teeth after I eat.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Just go to bed.
    That's my solution. :D 7:00 bed time? Why the heck not!
  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    I would suggest getting out f the house and taking a walk after dinner. It clears your head, gives you excercise and gets you away from the food.
  • ews65
    ews65 Posts: 2
    Good answer!!! I find ice water and carrots help....believe it or not?
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I eat dessert. For me having a dessert signals to me that I am done eating. I only snack compulsively if I dont have that final treat.

    You can also try chewing on fresh mint leaves. I've heard that some people think it signals the brain to recognize that you're full. Its also a digestive aid-- like ginger.

    Or brush your teeth after supper?

    What works for me might not work for you...