February 2022 - Accountability Month



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    I'm Dawn
    61, 5'2"

    I too have been gaining every month. I will try to turn that around.
    Thank you @nikkit321 for keeping us going. Hope that you are starting to feel better.

    Tuesday Feb 01 - 138.4
    Wednesday Feb 02 - 137.6
    Thursday Feb 03 - 137.8 - Burned a gazillion calories yesterday and had little time for food so calories were low. I did eat late though when I finally got home from work, so perhaps that raised the number a bit.
    Friday Feb 04 - 136.8 - Very late dinner again, so glad to see a drop
    Saturday Feb 05 - 138.8 - Dang. Salty foods and then copious amounts of zero and low cal liquid. Planning to get outside somewhere today even though it is mucky from a thaw. I didn't consume much food yesterday.
    Sunday Feb 06 - 138.8 - Could be worse. I got some Indian food on Friday, ate a bit of it. 2 appetizers and a main. Picked at them yesterday too. Keeping the calories within range, it works out to 4 dinners. Marinating some prawns in the sauce from the main, which was Malai Tikki, paneer (cheese) mixed with potato and coated in chick pea flour with spices. I work in an Indian place also, not this one, which has very cool Indian flavoured cocktails! Yum. Anyway, all restaurant food is loaded with sodium, so I may have that reflected in my weight. We'll see. Staying on track. Calories low, expenditure high is pretty much the formula.
    Monday Feb 07 - 140.8 - Left the 140s almost 2 years ago. Very sad to see this number
    Tuesday Feb 08 - 139.0 - Finished the rest of my Indian food last night. I had kept the calories of it very low by eating it over 4 days, but of course there is the sodium. Definitely I was horrified to see the 140s for the first time since 2020.
    Wednesday Feb 09 - 139.2 - Working a split today, so dinner will be late. Staying up way too late watching the Olympics.
    Thursday Feb 10 - 137.4 - Seems to be no rhyme or reason, but I'll take it.
    Friday Feb 11 - 139.0 - Tracking everything, but things will go out the window this weekend as I help my friend pack her house to move away. Not eating normal food.
    Saturday Feb 12 - 139.6
    Sunday Feb 13 - 139.0
    Monday Feb 14 - 139.8 - I will get back to my normal eating patterns later this week.
    Tuesday Feb 15 - Missed posting in forums, still tracked everything
    Wednesday Feb 16 - 139.2 - This day starts getting back to my normal routine.
    Thursday Feb 17 - 138.4 - Okay, glad to be back to the start of the month weight, that will motivate me to be "good" today.
    Friday Feb 18 - 138.2 - Low calories the last couple of days. This is sort of my trend, .2 of a loss on heavy activity low calorie days. When I have a higher calorie day I gain 3 pounds, which takes 30 days to get off. Kind of cruel, but it is what it is.
    Saturday Feb 19 - 139.4 - I didn't overdo it, but I did have some more fun food last night while watching the Olympics. I still had almost 500 calories in the Green on MFP but expected a gain and there it is. Days off, I will get lots of workouts and activity in here and there.
    Sunday Feb 20 - 138.2 - Okay.
    Monday Feb 21 - 138.8 - On point with the MFP tracker, expecting to see some drops this week. I do eat a little bit differently on the weekends.
    Tuesday Feb 22 - N/A
    Wednesday Feb 23 - 138.2 - In a deep freeze for a few days, trying to get more indoor activity instead. Hoping for some snow and a bit warmer temps so that I can get outside and walk/play/x-country ski. My knees kind of gave out on me a couple of weeks ago, so ice skating at the arenas has been on hold for me : - (
    Thursday Feb 24 - 139.6 - Never good to see a jump up. I was 130.6 at this time last year. I plan on revamping everything in March, figure out what is not serving me anymore, and get my guts right.
    Friday Feb 25 - 138.6 - For a week in March I will be eliminating: dairy, wheat, everything fermented. I will be adding copious amounts of rice, onions, garlic, and almonds. Sweep out the intestines and stuff.
    Saturday Feb 26 - 140.2 - Wings and a couple of cocktails. I actually only ended up with 1800 calories, but had barely any activity yesterday, which is not normal for me. Weekend now, I will have time for way more activity. Going to eat my last few things in the house that won't be on my cleanse (clementines and stuff) and get out to get some groceries that are highly recommended on the program.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I've been MIA most of February, but I did manage to create the thread for March!



    If you bookmark the above thread, it'll make it easy for you to access the last page you posted on or read. Thanks!!

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member

    You are crushing it. Good job!

    Thanks so much! Interesting details on your cleanse in the other thread. Will be here alongside you as you go through it!

    Enjoy the weekend :)
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    January Starting Weight: 194.7
    February Starting Weight: 196.1

    Stats: 44 y/o female, 2x cancer survivor with Hypothyroidism dealing with menopause, plantar fasciitis and bone spurs - not to be used as excuses, but to be reminders of being kind to my body and accepting of its slow journey.

    Goals: Stay under calories; Drink 96oz of water; Daily stretching; Begin low impact exercise and weights.

    02/01: 196.1 - over cals and carbs.
    02/02: 194.9
    02/03: 194.2
    02/04: 194.4 - lots of sodium today.
    02/05: 195.2
    02/06: 196.0 - overeating in afternoon/eve.
    02/07: 193.3 - prepped lunches for the week, time to action plan dinners and new habits.
    02/08: 193.6 - stayed in control of urges.
    02/09: 193.6
    02:10: 193.8
    02/11: 193.6
    02/12: 193.1 - proud of my progress this week.
    02/13: 194.3 - carb heavy dinner which pushed me over cals.
    02/14: 196.6 - way over for daughter's bday.
    02/15: 195.7
    02/16: 195.1
    02/17: 192.5 - super excited to see this drop and hoping it's real.
    02/18: 191.4
    02/19: 190.9 - kept cals extra low to leave room for a weekend bday event.
    02/20: DNW - out of town.
    02/21: DNW - out of town.
    02:/22: 190.9 - Returning home to the same weight! Yeah!
    02/23: 191.8 - I joined my daughter at her Kid Cycle class, so I figure this is water retention.
    02/24: 189.8 - Exercise feels good in the moment but I feel it in my heel later.
    02/25: 188.7
    02/26: DNW - rushing around.
    02/27: 190.9 - Yesterday was a busy running momma day and I did not have time to take my own food to an all-day swim meet. Options at those events are all carbs - good reasons for the swimmers - not so good for the low carb momma. Lol! Going to work hard today to get back under 190 before the end of the month.
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy - Thank you so much for sharing your PF story and the Vionic shoes suggestion. My issue began last April, but I did not know what was wrong and it took four months to get in to the podiatrist. After another four months with my foot becoming worse after starting stretches, spending bookoo money on new shoes and high arch inserts, the pain was increasing. I went back to the doctor and she said that I was not doing enough stretches and that the high arch inserts were not high enough for my arch. She taped some felt to increase the arch. She said to give this another 3-4 months before I start to see improvement.

    @deepwoodslady - I am glad to hear that these Vionic's worked for you too!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    My name is Ashley, Height: 5'9" Age: 35
    MFP starting weight: 293 (1/28/21)
    Feb start weight - 178
    Feb goal weight - 172.8
    Ultimate goal weight - 168

    2/1 - 178
    2/2 - 178.4
    2/3 - 179.2
    2/4 - 179.6
    2/5 - 179.8
    2/6 - 178.6
    2/7 - 181.6
    2/8 - 181

    Week 1 gain: 3

    2/9 - 180.4
    2/10 - 177.8
    2/11 - 178
    2/12 - 176.2
    2/13 - 179.6
    2/14 - 180.4
    2/15 - 181

    Week 2 loss: -

    2/16 - 180
    2/17 - 179.8
    2/18 - 180.2
    2/19 - 180.2
    2/20 - 181.6
    2/21 - 180.6
    2/22 - 179.4

    Week 3 loss: 1.6

    2/23 - 176.4
    2/24 - 177.2
    2/25 - 176.6
    2/26 - 176
    2/27 - 175.8
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member

    You said:
    I was not very patient or kind yesterday to anyone around me. I hope they will all forgive me. So much guilt today over my behavior. I am usually a very nice person and yesterday I was not fun to be around. I will do everything today to make it better for everyone."

    Well, sometimes we just need to put our foot down GF.
    You are indeed a nice person, but we all have our limits and sometimes need to set some boundaries and look after ourselves for a change.
    Maybe they all needed to hear whatever it was that you said to them.
    Stand your ground : - )
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I've been MIA most of February, but I did manage to create the thread for March! I promise to be much more present in March; I've missed posting and being part of your lives!!



    If you bookmark the above thread, it'll make it easy for you to access the last page you posted on or read. Thanks!!

  • aliru108
    aliru108 Posts: 94 Member
    Hello again, everyone!!

    My name is Ana. Some months after my late husband passed away in 2011 I was at my highest weight (180 lbs). Using MFP I was able to get back to a healthy weight through diet and exercise and I kept it off for years. Unfortunately, the pandemic has messed me up in many, profound ways that led to a Dr's visit on 06.16.21  where I learned that I was back up to 156.4 lb. I am back to the MFP community to make myself accountable for my own health.
    My plan for this month is: calorie deficit but putting nutrition first. I'll try my best to plan yummy foods, be mindful of portions when indulging. I will exercise at least 5x a week and will try my best not to snack and to walk. Good luck to me and to all of you! 💖

    Highest Weight 2011: 180 lbs
    2021 Highest (June): 156.4 lbs
    February Start/End: 137.6 / 134.2 ( - 3.4 )
    Ultimate goal: Be fit and at a healthy weight.

    02/06: 137.6 ( 0 ) I am very disappointed and discouraged with this number. I haven't lost an ounce in 3 weeks! 😔 I haven't been the most strict. I haven't really been able to walk much. Still, I have-generally-consumed less calories than what my body is supposed to require so I don't get it 😟 My hope is that my body is either gaining muscle, or getting ready to drop some fat. I totally get what @dawnbgethealthy said: such a calorie restriction won't be sustainable for me in the long term. I'm worried, not going to lie...

    02/14: 136.7 (-0.9) Happy to see that the number finally reflects what I feel! Last week I snacked almost every day, but I tried to walk more often and for longer distances, I exercised 5x and it seems like my body is back on track with BM. I feel like half of this loss is what didn't show last week due to intestinal problems. It seems like my body has reached the point where losing half a pound a week is as much as it can do safely, but I don't care. I can be patient, as long as I'm shedding the fat that I don't need, I will persist!

    02/21: 134.8 (-1.9) Yay! I guess I was wrong and I can lose more than half a pound a week 😅. Last week I was very aware that I ate more than I had planned and upped my activity level. I worked out 6x/week and since weather was nice, I walked to work 4x, then walked an extra hour 3x. So... I guess the secret is not so much the calorie deficit but to walk more? Idk, I just know that I'll take it!

    02/28: 134.2 (-0.6) Excited to see a drop! I've been so sick with the flu that my fitness goal has been on pause for 10 days now. I tried my best to keep on track with my food intake and walked when feeling a little better and weather was nice. I'm on track to getting better. Everyone who got sick says it takes about 2 weeks, so I have a few days to go!
    My daughter is home for spring break so I'm not really expecting a loss for next week. I'll try to be careful with portions, but yummy food awaits... I'll be happy not to gain much 😅

    Best wishes to everyone! 💖


    Goals of the week:
    1. No snacking
    2. Put nutrition to the forefront
    3. Listen to my satiety cues
    4. Sleep at least 7 hrs every night
    5. Morning exercise 4-5x/week
    6. Try my best to walk 3-4x/week

    Highest Weight, 2011: 180 Lbs (81.6 Kilos)
    MFP Start: 175 Lbs (79.4 Kilos)
    Current Weight: 134.2 Lbs (60.9 Kilos)

    2022 LOSS: 5.4 Lbs (2.4 Kilos)
    January Start/End: 139.6 / 137.6 (- 2.0)
    February Start/End: 137.6 / 134.2 (-3.4)

    2021 LOSS: 16.8 Lbs (8.3 Kilos) So proud!!
    June Start/End: 156.4 / 151.8 (- 4.6)
    July Start/End: 151.8 / 148.4 (- 3.4)
    August Start/End: 150.2 / 146.4 (- 3.8)
    September Start/End: 141.2 lbs (- 5.2)
    October Start/End: 141.2 / 138.4 (-2.8)
    November Start/End: 138.4 / 138.8 (+0.4)
    December Start/End: 138.8 / 139.6 (+0.8)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from January 31st): 197.0
    Goal: 192.0 (Five lb Loss)

    **************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME**************************

    02/01…...197.0…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Pro: No change. There’s that! Con: Only 28 days to get something done!

    02/02.…..197.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Meals good. Snacks bad. No TMI and exercise ziltch but the renovation is moving along, although slowly.

    02/03.…..195.8…..(Trend Weight 195.4}….. No better on the exercise due to the restrictions, but meals were much better planned. Quantities much better too. Pushing water today as tonight’s homemade Mexican food will likely be high in sodium.

    02/04.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. Sodium from the Mexican I presume because otherwise the day was not bad. I did hit a record low on calories burned, miles walked and steps according to my fitbit. Fitness makes a big difference!

    02/05.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. Full-on BINGE last night. Probably the worst I’ve ever experienced. I don’t even know what triggered it. Nothing showed up on the scale yet this morning, but I know it’s coming…..

    02/06.…..194.6…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. This is the first time in awhile (I only checked records back to 3 weeks) that my trend weight has went down. Thrilled because that means that something is really happening! A nice drop on the scale this morning too. I’m surprised that the binge hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe I’ll luck out on this one. No matter! I’m running with it. It makes me feel encouraged today.

    02/07.…..195.4…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. I had a very good day yesterday. Dietary was on point. More steps and activity than I’ve been able to get lately. The uptick is likely from a few days ago but I’m not worried since I’ve been doing well since then.

    02/08.…..193.4…..(Trend Weight 195.3)….. Three squares and some sugar-free candy for a snack. Upped the steps to 8700 but calorie burn was about the same as the days prior. This is a whoosh.

    02/09.…..193.4…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. Holding steady and happy for that. I don’t expect loss everyday, so no gain is good and the path I’m on is the right one.

    02/10.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.2)….. A good day, but pizza for dinner shocked my scale this morning. It is ridiculous how fast the scale flies up! It was very salty tasting so I will push water today.

    02/11.…..194.8…..(Trend Weight 195.1)….. An okay day yesterday reflected better on the scale. Doctor appointments today for son & I for diabetes. Also for heart for me. They are going to send me to a heart and vascular center I guess. It doesn’t pay to flunk two EKG’s. They were supposed to do it late last fall but had trouble with insurance. Then I let it go due to all the holidays and then my brother’s death. Time to get things right with my heart now. I’ve gotten to the point where I am a little afraid to even exercise with all the sinking and fluttering I am feeling. Need answers.

    02/12.…..197.8…..(Trend Weight 195.4)….. Fasted until 3:00 for doctor appointment/bloodwork. Then subway and cake. Cake twice. Did I take advantage of the fact I won’t have glucose checked by doctor for another 3 months? Probably. Regrets today.

    02/13.…..197.4…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. I was so sick last night from all of this weeks bad choices. Pizza, Subway, Cake etc. All too rich. My body could not get enough water yesterday as it tried to flush everything out to save this diabetic from a hospital trip. My sugar read 438 an hour after my medication. I’m smarter than this. I just need to win this staring competition with my diabetes. I will not blink today!

    02/14.…..197.6…..(Trend Weight 195.8)….. A great day yesterday which I am disappointed did not reflect on the scale. Over 14,000 steps, over 6 miles and 3047 calories burned overall including my normal expenditure. Diet was light and on-point. No cheats. The scale is playing games with me but I know if I stay on point it will eventually have to be honest. I was proud of yesterday. The numbers were all in hard work cleaning out master bdrm to get new bedroom set and that was a back and forth chore. But I worked really hard! Going thru lots of clothes today too. No point in putting back in things I’m not wearing or no longer like. I know I had some dietary cheats this week that are probably reflecting on the scale today. So today I pay the piper and hope for a better tomorrow.

    02/15……196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.8)….. Another good day yesterday and finally the scale is cooperating. Down 1.6 today. My choices and hard work are paying off. I’m still working on the bedroom project. Lots to go thru. Also, I’ve been using that room as storage during the renovations for lots of living room décor so there is a lot to get thru. New wall and archway is still being built and finished. It’s looking good although the mess is horrid! Drywall dust is the worst! It gets everywhere!

    02/16……194.4…..(Trend Weight 195.7)….. This is a couple of good days in a row of diet and movement finally showing up in a bigger better way. Yesterday was another very good day on both fronts until…..that late night bagel (Starving!) with honey butter on it and the handful of jolly ranchers (couple hundred calories?). Glad I didn’t sabotage the scale with it, unless it shows up later……To be continued.

    02/17.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.7)….. Up & Down by about a pound and a half over and over. It’s getting annoying. Diet on point all day. A little less movement than the prior couple of days but still not too bad. I’m thinking it’s those jolly ranchers from the other day. But still…..that is a big jump on the scale!

    02/18.…..194.2…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. Well, after what appeared to be a very serious house fire filled with smoke I found out that it was my well pump that burned up. Smoke got into the cold air register making the smoke get transferred to all 3 floors. Breathing was difficult but it was obvious it was something I could shut down at it’s electrical box. Now, no water until God Himself know. Rural area here. Limited resources. Need a 1.5 HP jet deep well pump with dual inlet. Can’t seem to find one anywhere in America. I would like new, but I can’t even find one used. House size requires no less than that. And the well man (only one in my town) is not sure he knows how to even install this type. I have no idea what I am going to do at this point. Smdh. No answers.

    02/19.…..194.4…..(Trend Weight 195.4)….. I just need water. To drink, to bathe, to do dishes, to do laundry, to wash my hands! No answers. Where are my husband and brother when you need them? Oh, that’s right. They are in heaven. Maybe God will help then. Prayers requested please.
    02/20.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.5)….. The up & down of the 1.5 pounds is really getting annoying! Great quantities yesterday. Steps & movement back up again. No snacks whatsoever. I think maybe it was the choices even though I am sure they were all within proper calorie levels. Gotta trust & move forward I guess.
    02/21.…..196.0…..(Trend Weight 195.6)….. A better week for sure but the renovations are still limiting my ability to exercise or get in enough movement, as well as my privacy. My short term goal is to hit the 180’s again and then hang on for dear life. I am picturing the man from “Up” holding on to those balloons. I need to get moving, hang on for dear life but enjoy the ride! Oh, and I need to keep promises….even to myself.

    02/22.…..197.6…..(Trend Weight 195.8)….. The well company never showed up for the appointment and never answered multiple calls. Pretty typical in my rural area. Not too many skilled trades like to travel to the multiple small towns that need service. My handyman put in a call to another company who said they would try to come today but we are in the midst of a winter storm warning with freezing rain and snow mix. I don’t know if they will come in this weather. Cortisol and stress eating and drinking last night (chocolate milk). The scale knows all your secrets.

    02/23.…..196.4…..(Trend Weight 195.8)….. Very low calorie burn yesterday but the diet was better. The other well company showed up bright & early this morning. This will cost way more than I planned and they are trying to figure out if a new type of pump (vertical) jet pump will fit in the space as they feel that will be more efficient than the horizontal pump that I have right now. They will call me later. Hopefully all will go well and they can get me on their schedule soon. Jury duty, however, tomorrow and Friday unless the evening call to the court house tells me the trial is off. Life is a tangled ball of yarn right now but it sounds like the knots are closer to being out. Continue prayers please and thanks to everyone for the well wishes.

    02/24.…..198.0…..(Trend Weight 196.0)….. Alarming! Looking back, yesterday was actually a pretty good day. Not perfect but pretty good all around. I’m truly not sure what happened. I’ll see what the scale tomorrow brings. And Water…..I have water. The new company responded quickly. It was expensive and there is no doubt I will need a new well at some point, but I’m going to make this nearly $3000.00 spent count for awhile. Happy camper here. Jury duty was cancelled for today. I call tonight to find out if I have to report tomorrow. I hope not. I have a lot of catching up to do on cleaning!

    02/25.…..198.0…..(Trend Weight 196.2)….. Bad day yesterday all around. Jury duty this morning.

    02/26.…..196.2…..(Trend Weight 196.2)…… A better day yesterday all around. Now, just to keep it up!

    02/27.…..197.0…..(Trend Weight 196.4)…… No sleep last night. Late night mini-binges. No TMI this morning. I was not very patient or kind yesterday to anyone around me. I hope they will all forgive me. So much guilt today over my behavior. I am usually a very nice person and yesterday I was not fun to be around. I will do everything today to make it better for everyone.

    02/28.…..198.2…..(Trend Weight 196.5)…… It was actually a pretty good day yesterday. A light breakfast, no lunch, ½ bowl of chili for dinner (so filling!). I’m not sure why the large uptick. I did have a glass of milk. Activity level was moderate. Lots of company yesterday and reno still going on. It will be a busy week with company in from out of town until Monday. Congrats to all who achieved some progress on their goals. I’ll see you for the March challenge! 1.2 pound gain this round (all overnight). Otherwise It would have been a wash for me.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,264 Member
    My name is Ashley, Height: 5'9" Age: 35
    MFP starting weight: 293 (1/28/21)
    Feb start weight - 178
    Feb goal weight - 172.8
    Ultimate goal weight - 168

    2/1 - 178
    2/2 - 178.4
    2/3 - 179.2
    2/4 - 179.6
    2/5 - 179.8
    2/6 - 178.6
    2/7 - 181.6
    2/8 - 181

    Week 1 gain: 3

    2/9 - 180.4
    2/10 - 177.8
    2/11 - 178
    2/12 - 176.2
    2/13 - 179.6
    2/14 - 180.4
    2/15 - 181

    Week 2 loss: -

    2/16 - 180
    2/17 - 179.8
    2/18 - 180.2
    2/19 - 180.2
    2/20 - 181.6
    2/21 - 180.6
    2/22 - 179.4

    Week 3 loss: 1.6

    2/23 - 176.4
    2/24 - 177.2
    2/25 - 176.6
    2/26 - 176
    2/27 - 175.8
    2/28 - 177.2

    Total Feb loss - 0.8
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    I'm Dawn
    61, 5'2"

    I too have been gaining every month. I will try to turn that around.
    Thank you @nikkit321 for keeping us going. Hope that you are starting to feel better.

    Tuesday Feb 01 - 138.4
    Wednesday Feb 02 - 137.6
    Thursday Feb 03 - 137.8 - Burned a gazillion calories yesterday and had little time for food so calories were low. I did eat late though when I finally got home from work, so perhaps that raised the number a bit.
    Friday Feb 04 - 136.8 - Very late dinner again, so glad to see a drop
    Saturday Feb 05 - 138.8 - Dang. Salty foods and then copious amounts of zero and low cal liquid. Planning to get outside somewhere today even though it is mucky from a thaw. I didn't consume much food yesterday.
    Sunday Feb 06 - 138.8 - Could be worse. I got some Indian food on Friday, ate a bit of it. 2 appetizers and a main. Picked at them yesterday too. Keeping the calories within range, it works out to 4 dinners. Marinating some prawns in the sauce from the main, which was Malai Tikki, paneer (cheese) mixed with potato and coated in chick pea flour with spices. I work in an Indian place also, not this one, which has very cool Indian flavoured cocktails! Yum. Anyway, all restaurant food is loaded with sodium, so I may have that reflected in my weight. We'll see. Staying on track. Calories low, expenditure high is pretty much the formula.
    Monday Feb 07 - 140.8 - Left the 140s almost 2 years ago. Very sad to see this number
    Tuesday Feb 08 - 139.0 - Finished the rest of my Indian food last night. I had kept the calories of it very low by eating it over 4 days, but of course there is the sodium. Definitely I was horrified to see the 140s for the first time since 2020.
    Wednesday Feb 09 - 139.2 - Working a split today, so dinner will be late. Staying up way too late watching the Olympics.
    Thursday Feb 10 - 137.4 - Seems to be no rhyme or reason, but I'll take it.
    Friday Feb 11 - 139.0 - Tracking everything, but things will go out the window this weekend as I help my friend pack her house to move away. Not eating normal food.
    Saturday Feb 12 - 139.6
    Sunday Feb 13 - 139.0
    Monday Feb 14 - 139.8 - I will get back to my normal eating patterns later this week.
    Tuesday Feb 15 - Missed posting in forums, still tracked everything
    Wednesday Feb 16 - 139.2 - This day starts getting back to my normal routine.
    Thursday Feb 17 - 138.4 - Okay, glad to be back to the start of the month weight, that will motivate me to be "good" today.
    Friday Feb 18 - 138.2 - Low calories the last couple of days. This is sort of my trend, .2 of a loss on heavy activity low calorie days. When I have a higher calorie day I gain 3 pounds, which takes 30 days to get off. Kind of cruel, but it is what it is.
    Saturday Feb 19 - 139.4 - I didn't overdo it, but I did have some more fun food last night while watching the Olympics. I still had almost 500 calories in the Green on MFP but expected a gain and there it is. Days off, I will get lots of workouts and activity in here and there.
    Sunday Feb 20 - 138.2 - Okay.
    Monday Feb 21 - 138.8 - On point with the MFP tracker, expecting to see some drops this week. I do eat a little bit differently on the weekends.
    Tuesday Feb 22 - N/A
    Wednesday Feb 23 - 138.2 - In a deep freeze for a few days, trying to get more indoor activity instead. Hoping for some snow and a bit warmer temps so that I can get outside and walk/play/x-country ski. My knees kind of gave out on me a couple of weeks ago, so ice skating at the arenas has been on hold for me : - (
    Thursday Feb 24 - 139.6 - Never good to see a jump up. I was 130.6 at this time last year. I plan on revamping everything in March, figure out what is not serving me anymore, and get my guts right.
    Friday Feb 25 - 138.6 - For a week in March I will be eliminating: dairy, wheat, everything fermented. I will be adding copious amounts of rice, onions, garlic, and almonds. Sweep out the intestines and stuff.
    Saturday Feb 26 - 140.2 - Wings and a couple of cocktails. I actually only ended up with 1800 calories, but had barely any activity yesterday, which is not normal for me. Weekend now, I will have time for way more activity. Going to eat my last few things in the house that won't be on my cleanse (clementines and stuff) and get out to get some groceries that are highly recommended on the program.
    Sunday Feb 27 - 140.8 - I think that this is a bit inflated because I weighed at 5am so that I could begin to drink water and coffee. OM gosh, tomorrow is the last weigh day for the month!!
    Monday Feb 28 - 141.4 - Very low calorie day and lots of activity. Don't get it. Well, the cleanse starts today, so perhaps there are some things that I am not tolerant to.

    3 pound gain for the month.
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    I’m joining late and need to stay motivated!

    2/21- 216.4
    2/22- 213.2 - no way is this accurate. I think my weigh in yesterday was off since I barely slept and then yesterday I had a salad for lunch and went to bed after work without dinner since I was so tired.
    2/23- 211.6 - first few days woosh is always nice
    2/24- DNW
    2/25- 213- had a girls night and getting back into the groove. Hoping most will fall off because I didn’t think I did that bad.
    2/26- 211.4- I had a good day yesterday!
    2/27- 210.4 - better than expected when I had some drinks
    2/28- 210.0

    Total Feb loss: 6.4
    I had a good short month!
  • river49
    river49 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! My name is Beth, Height: 5'3" Age: 59
    January end weight = 171.5
    February goal weight = 168
    01/02 - 172.5
    02/02 - 170.0
    03/02 - 172.0
    04/02 - 171.0
    05/02 - 171.0
    06/02 - 171.0
    07/02 - 170.5
    08/02 - 170.5
    09/02 - 169.0
    10/02 - 170.5
    11-16 - DNW (girl's long weekend away followed by hubbie's birthday-yikes!)
    17/02 - 173.5
    18/02 - 172.5
    19/02 - 170.5
    20/02 - 172.5
    21/02 - 175.5
    22/02 - 171.5 / 171.5 rolling avg
    23/02 - 172.0
    24/02 - 172.0
    25/02 - 171.0
    26/02 - 172.5
    27/02 - 172.0
    28/02 - 172.0 (14 day rolling avg = 171.9)
    Not what I had planned for February! One week demolished the rest of this short month's efforts. Oh well, back at it for March.
    Feb loss = 0.5 lbs