
    KIKITVP Posts: 217 Member
    Here we go!
    SW: 181.8
    GW: 160

    Day 1 8 Mar - 181.8
    Day 2 9 Mar - 181.5
    Day 3 10 Mar - 180.4
    Day 4 11 Mar - 180.2
    Day 5 12 Mar - 180
    Day 6 13 Mar - 179.4
    Day 7 14 Mar - 179.4
    Day 8 15 Mar - 179
    Day 9 16 Mar - 177.4
    Day 10 17 Mar - 177.4
    Day 11 18 Mar - 177.4
    Day 12 19 Mar - 177.4
    Day 13 20 Mar - 177.4
    Day 14 21 Mar - 177.8 focus!
    Day 15 22 Mar -
    Day 16 24 Mar -
    Day 17 25 Mar -
    Day 18 26 Mar -
    Day 19 27 Mar -
    Day 20 28 Mar -
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2

    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6)
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9)

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6
    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1
    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2)
    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 15……02/13…..197.4….(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 23…..02/21…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 24…..02/22…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 25…..02/23…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 26…..02/24…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.0)
    Day 27…..02/25…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 28…..02/26…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 29…..02/27…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.4)
    Day 30…..02/28…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.5)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. 1.2 lb gain (all overnight)
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss….. 3.0 lb gain since challenge start

    Day 31…..03/01…..196.6…..(Trend weight 196.5) I ate the same EXACT things as the day before but instead of a gain there was a loss. It’s a very strange fight that we fight! Keeping the faith!

    Day 32…..03/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 196.6) Late night snacks were over the top and just too much at once and at all. Well problems again today even with the new well pump. The pump was kicking on & off quickly when using water and grinding somewhat. Sounded bad and I knew it wasn’t right. I called the well company back and they said my bladder must be bad. I had a new one put in about a year ago but they said it is definitely bad. The hardware store ones (home depot etc) are just not good. Also, of course, they cannot warranty any but their own. They said they would give me a break and do it for $900.00. That will be between 3 and 4 thousand total on a too small well that will need to be replaced at some point. Why me? Did I stress eat last night or just crave eat? I dunno.

    Day 33…..03/03…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.6) The well company made an adjustment and we’re hoping the bladder is okay. So I didn’t have to put out the extra $900 yesterday. Let’s hope this works! An average day yesterday with food and exercise/movement yet there is a drop. I just keep bouncing back & forth and my inconsistencies are showing up on the scale with inconsistent weights. Perhaps that will speak to me loud enough. I did make a few better tweaks to my dinner but those night time snacks are just over the top.

    Day 34…..03/04…..196.0…..(Trend weight 196.5) It was a horrible night last night due to my DGS (age 4) deciding to put us through Hell again. He gets hysterical and the screetching is ear piercing. When he decides he’s not going to bed, or that his TV should not go off, or that he shouldn’t even go upstairs at all, he is dead weight and I can’t tackle him and those stairs too! I was babysitting last night (after babysitting all day while she worked). I told her to go out and have a little fun. See a friend. Go out to dinner. She’s had a rough week herself. So she did. At bedtime (9:30) he decided that he was going to give me one of those nights that he gives me or her from time to time. I had to call my daughter but she was already on her way home and arrived 5 minutes later. A little stress eating later, I finally calmed down. I’m so glad the scale was okay today. I didn’t binge or anything. I just grabbed extra snacks that I didn’t need. We’ll see how the scale reacts in the coming days. My latest project is almost done. The next one will be much bigger than this last one that lasted only a couple of weeks. I’ll be prepping for that one soon. It will be aggravating and invasive, but well worth it in the end.

    Day 35…..03/05…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.7) A whole new level of stupid. Yes, I am talking about me! Meals were very good. Snacks were over-the-top and likely related to boredom as I finally had a bit of time to myself.

    Day 36…..03/06…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.7) My weight was sorta bouncing up & down on the scale from 197.0 to 197.4 but finally timed out on 197.0. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Clearly I am still going up & down so regularly that even my scale is confused (and that never happens!) Very low calorie burn yesterday due to online shopping all day. I’ll have to make an extra effort today to somehow get moving! Have a good Sunday everyone.

    Day 37…..03/07…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.8) ) Very good quantities yesterday but the choices weren’t the greatest. Lots of housecleaning movement. I turned a lazy day into something productive. I will make better choices today because obviously that and no TMI affected me.

    Day 38…..03/08…..197.8…..(Trend weight196.9) I don’t think I’m eating enough or well enough at dinner. My snacks are reasonable (in most cases) but too many. Also, I’ve been staying up a bit later for time to myself (read, catch up on TV etc) so more time for snacks. I will have to plan better.

    Day 39…..03/09…..197.8…..(Trend weight 197.0) I made a nice dinner for a family friend, DD and DGS last night. It was nice having someone over for dinner. I have friends that often stop in but it is hard to socialize with the reno going on. I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, asparagus and biscuits. My daughter brought in ice cream and made homemade caramel sauce. I kept my portions in control and got in the extra workout and steps of the kitchen clean up. It was a nice evening.

    Day 40…..03/10…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.1) No TMI and I know that would help the scale. A good day overall yesterday but very little calorie burn due to having company most of the day. Lots of time at the kitchen table.

    Day 41…..03/11…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.2) I noticed that the next challenge will start right on my 62nd birthday. What a gift it would be if I could start at a weight that I am much more proud of. Something in the 180’s perhaps? Be still my heart!

    Day 42…..03/12…..199.2…..(Trend weight 197.4) Ut oh. Looks like I’m going to get pretty hungry today because I will NOT go back to 200. Very odd though. Yesterday was another pretty good eating day honestly. I think this very low level movement is really hurting my efforts.

    Day 43…..03/13…..198.6…..(Trend weight 197.5) I had a super stressful day yesterday and today will not likely be much better. No sleep last night plus the loss of an hour due to daylight savings time. However, I had a good past few days and I knew it would catch up to the scale at some point. I appreciate the drop. It’s encouraging.

    Day 44…..03/14…..198.2…..(Trend weight 197.6) I don’t want to seem ungrateful. A drop on the scale is always welcomed and nice. But I am feeling like I’m wallowing around in the same mud hole lately. I’ve got to break this 198 thing and get going! I’ll be so happy this coming summer that I did! Come on Donna. You can do this!
    Day 45…..03/15…..199.0…..(Trend weight 197.7) A light breakfast, no lunch, out to dinner with son & his friend. Had a brisket sandwich, no sides, with water. 1 pc sugarfree candy last night. A gain! What has this yo-yo-ing done to my metabolism? Yikes….. Back to square one.

    Day 46…..03/16…..199.8…..(Trend weight 197.9) Well, I just can’t get much closer to 200 than this. Chinese yesterday. I have leftovers for today. Every other bite in my mouth will have to be carefully thought out.

    Day 47…..03/17…..199.8…..(Trend weight 198.1) No change in diet = no change on scale. I ended up taking my new tenant (from my brother’s cabin) out to dinner, which meant restaurant food, yet again. He is a young man on the Autism spectrum (like my son) who is venturing out on his own for the first time. He wanted a meeting to set the ground rules and to “adult”. His parents live on the same street so this could work well. It was hard to rent out this house that I had rented to my brother for so many years before his death. Today will be that leftover Chinese I didn’t get to.

    Day 48…..03/18…..198.8…..(Trend weight 198.2) TMI was helpful. Yesterday was not the best of days with left over Chinese and other things I could have done without. I did have more steps overall for the day.

    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx) Up about 4 hours earlier than usual this morning and was guzzling coffee before I realized I forgot to weigh. A broken routine this morning in every way. It’s going to be a rough day with very little sleep.

    Day 50…..03/20…..198.4…..(Trend weight 198.4) Relieved. My diet was about the same (so-so) but I did get in my 10,000 + steps. We are at the halfway point already? I did not even see that coming. Ouch!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.8 pounds GAINED. I’ve got some serious work to do!

    Day 51…..03/21…..198.0…..(Trend weight 198.3) My trend weight went down a touch and for that I am very happy. Up early posting and then I will be doing a travel day which is much further than usual. I am picking up something from facebook marketplace which is between 3 and 4 hours away (each way). Taking my handyman and there will be lunch or dinner out mid-state. Lots of sitting today so I don’t expect it will be that great tomorrow on the scale, but I will just keep working on it.

    Day 52…..03/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2

    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6)
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9)

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6
    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1
    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2)
    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 15……02/13…..197.4….(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 23…..02/21…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 24…..02/22…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 25…..02/23…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 26…..02/24…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.0)
    Day 27…..02/25…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 28…..02/26…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 29…..02/27…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.4)
    Day 30…..02/28…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.5)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. 1.2 lb gain (all overnight)
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss….. 3.0 lb gain since challenge start

    Day 31…..03/01…..196.6…..(Trend weight 196.5) I ate the same EXACT things as the day before but instead of a gain there was a loss. It’s a very strange fight that we fight! Keeping the faith!

    Day 32…..03/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 196.6) Late night snacks were over the top and just too much at once and at all. Well problems again today even with the new well pump. The pump was kicking on & off quickly when using water and grinding somewhat. Sounded bad and I knew it wasn’t right. I called the well company back and they said my bladder must be bad. I had a new one put in about a year ago but they said it is definitely bad. The hardware store ones (home depot etc) are just not good. Also, of course, they cannot warranty any but their own. They said they would give me a break and do it for $900.00. That will be between 3 and 4 thousand total on a too small well that will need to be replaced at some point. Why me? Did I stress eat last night or just crave eat? I dunno.

    Day 33…..03/03…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.6) The well company made an adjustment and we’re hoping the bladder is okay. So I didn’t have to put out the extra $900 yesterday. Let’s hope this works! An average day yesterday with food and exercise/movement yet there is a drop. I just keep bouncing back & forth and my inconsistencies are showing up on the scale with inconsistent weights. Perhaps that will speak to me loud enough. I did make a few better tweaks to my dinner but those night time snacks are just over the top.

    Day 34…..03/04…..196.0…..(Trend weight 196.5) It was a horrible night last night due to my DGS (age 4) deciding to put us through Hell again. He gets hysterical and the screetching is ear piercing. When he decides he’s not going to bed, or that his TV should not go off, or that he shouldn’t even go upstairs at all, he is dead weight and I can’t tackle him and those stairs too! I was babysitting last night (after babysitting all day while she worked). I told her to go out and have a little fun. See a friend. Go out to dinner. She’s had a rough week herself. So she did. At bedtime (9:30) he decided that he was going to give me one of those nights that he gives me or her from time to time. I had to call my daughter but she was already on her way home and arrived 5 minutes later. A little stress eating later, I finally calmed down. I’m so glad the scale was okay today. I didn’t binge or anything. I just grabbed extra snacks that I didn’t need. We’ll see how the scale reacts in the coming days. My latest project is almost done. The next one will be much bigger than this last one that lasted only a couple of weeks. I’ll be prepping for that one soon. It will be aggravating and invasive, but well worth it in the end.

    Day 35…..03/05…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.7) A whole new level of stupid. Yes, I am talking about me! Meals were very good. Snacks were over-the-top and likely related to boredom as I finally had a bit of time to myself.

    Day 36…..03/06…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.7) My weight was sorta bouncing up & down on the scale from 197.0 to 197.4 but finally timed out on 197.0. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Clearly I am still going up & down so regularly that even my scale is confused (and that never happens!) Very low calorie burn yesterday due to online shopping all day. I’ll have to make an extra effort today to somehow get moving! Have a good Sunday everyone.

    Day 37…..03/07…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.8) ) Very good quantities yesterday but the choices weren’t the greatest. Lots of housecleaning movement. I turned a lazy day into something productive. I will make better choices today because obviously that and no TMI affected me.

    Day 38…..03/08…..197.8…..(Trend weight196.9) I don’t think I’m eating enough or well enough at dinner. My snacks are reasonable (in most cases) but too many. Also, I’ve been staying up a bit later for time to myself (read, catch up on TV etc) so more time for snacks. I will have to plan better.

    Day 39…..03/09…..197.8…..(Trend weight 197.0) I made a nice dinner for a family friend, DD and DGS last night. It was nice having someone over for dinner. I have friends that often stop in but it is hard to socialize with the reno going on. I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, asparagus and biscuits. My daughter brought in ice cream and made homemade caramel sauce. I kept my portions in control and got in the extra workout and steps of the kitchen clean up. It was a nice evening.

    Day 40…..03/10…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.1) No TMI and I know that would help the scale. A good day overall yesterday but very little calorie burn due to having company most of the day. Lots of time at the kitchen table.

    Day 41…..03/11…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.2) I noticed that the next challenge will start right on my 62nd birthday. What a gift it would be if I could start at a weight that I am much more proud of. Something in the 180’s perhaps? Be still my heart!

    Day 42…..03/12…..199.2…..(Trend weight 197.4) Ut oh. Looks like I’m going to get pretty hungry today because I will NOT go back to 200. Very odd though. Yesterday was another pretty good eating day honestly. I think this very low level movement is really hurting my efforts.

    Day 43…..03/13…..198.6…..(Trend weight 197.5) I had a super stressful day yesterday and today will not likely be much better. No sleep last night plus the loss of an hour due to daylight savings time. However, I had a good past few days and I knew it would catch up to the scale at some point. I appreciate the drop. It’s encouraging.

    Day 44…..03/14…..198.2…..(Trend weight 197.6) I don’t want to seem ungrateful. A drop on the scale is always welcomed and nice. But I am feeling like I’m wallowing around in the same mud hole lately. I’ve got to break this 198 thing and get going! I’ll be so happy this coming summer that I did! Come on Donna. You can do this!
    Day 45…..03/15…..199.0…..(Trend weight 197.7) A light breakfast, no lunch, out to dinner with son & his friend. Had a brisket sandwich, no sides, with water. 1 pc sugarfree candy last night. A gain! What has this yo-yo-ing done to my metabolism? Yikes….. Back to square one.

    Day 46…..03/16…..199.8…..(Trend weight 197.9) Well, I just can’t get much closer to 200 than this. Chinese yesterday. I have leftovers for today. Every other bite in my mouth will have to be carefully thought out.

    Day 47…..03/17…..199.8…..(Trend weight 198.1) No change in diet = no change on scale. I ended up taking my new tenant (from my brother’s cabin) out to dinner, which meant restaurant food, yet again. He is a young man on the Autism spectrum (like my son) who is venturing out on his own for the first time. He wanted a meeting to set the ground rules and to “adult”. His parents live on the same street so this could work well. It was hard to rent out this house that I had rented to my brother for so many years before his death. Today will be that leftover Chinese I didn’t get to.

    Day 48…..03/18…..198.8…..(Trend weight 198.2) TMI was helpful. Yesterday was not the best of days with left over Chinese and other things I could have done without. I did have more steps overall for the day.

    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx) Up about 4 hours earlier than usual this morning and was guzzling coffee before I realized I forgot to weigh. A broken routine this morning in every way. It’s going to be a rough day with very little sleep.

    Day 50…..03/20…..198.4…..(Trend weight 198.4) Relieved. My diet was about the same (so-so) but I did get in my 10,000 + steps. We are at the halfway point already? I did not even see that coming. Ouch!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.8 pounds GAINED. I’ve got some serious work to do!

    Day 51…..03/21…..198.0…..(Trend weight 198.3) My trend weight went down a touch and for that I am very happy. Up early posting and then I will be doing a travel day which is much further than usual. I am picking up something from facebook marketplace which is between 3 and 4 hours away (each way). Taking my handyman and there will be lunch or dinner out mid-state. Lots of sitting today so I don’t expect it will be that great tomorrow on the scale, but I will just keep working on it.

    Day 52…..03/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I am Dawn.
    I have gained weight the last few 100s
    Time to turn that around

    61 years old, 5'2"
    Highest weight 207
    Ultimate goal weight 110-115
    This is my 9th round on this forum, I joined it at 158.6

    5th Week Goal Weight: 135
    5th Week Actual Weight: 135.8
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 5074 - My usual activity, but less calories in since it is really tough to get more calories when we are eating "clean".

    6th Week Goal Weight: 132
    6th Week Actual Weight: 139.2
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 3642 - Enough to lose a pound, but gained almost 4.

    7th Week Goal Weight: 135
    7th Week Actual Weight: 137.0
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 4791 - more than enough to lose a pound

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: DNW, up at 3am listening to the radio, drinking water and then coffee etc. Kind of thought that I would go back to bed, but didn't. No point in weighing now with all of that liquid (and now toast) sloshing around in my stomach.
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 138.8 - Unacceptable, the halfway point, but I am up from my start weight 51 days ago : - ( I did eat "bad" stuff on the weekend even though my calories were okay because I am super active on the weekends. Adding in rice for dinner tonight to hopefully absorb up some of that salt and junk and sweep it out.
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:

    8th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    8th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker:

    Start weight this 100: 138.4 - Highest start weight for the last 4 100s
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    edited March 2022
    I’m starting this challenge late. I really need to stay motivated!

    Week 1- missed
    Week 2- missed
    Week 3- missed

    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 216.4
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 213.2- yesterday was off since I barely slept and then yesterday I had a salad for lunch and went to bed after work without dinner since I was so tired.
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23: 211.6 - gotta love the first week woosh
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24: DNW
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25: 213- had a girls night and getting back into the groove. Hoping most will fall off because I didn’t think I did that bad.
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26: 211.4- great end to the week!
    4th Week Goal Weight: 212lb
    4th Week Actual Weight: 211.4
    4th week loss: 5.0

    Day 29: Sun: 2/27: 210.4
    Day 30: Mon: 2/28: 210
    Day 31: Tues: 3/1: 210
    Day 32: Wed: 3/2: 209.4
    Day 33: Thurs: 3/3: 208.6
    Day 34: Fri: 3/4: 207.6
    Day 35: Sat: 3/5: 206.6
    5th Week Goal Weight: 208.5
    5th Week Actual Weight: 206.6
    Total challenge loss: 9.8

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6: 206
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7: 206
    Day 38: Tues, 3/8: 206.6
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9: 205.6
    Day 40: Thurs, 3/10: 204.6
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11: 204.2
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12: 204.8
    6th Week Goal Weight: 204
    6th Week Actual Weight: 204.8

    Day 43: Sun: 3/13: 204.8
    Day 44: Mon: 3/14: 205.6
    Day 45: Tues: 3/15: 205
    Day 46: Wed: 3/16: 202.4
    Day 47: Thurs: 3/17: 201.6
    Day 48: Fri: 3/18: 200.8
    Day 49: Sat: 3/19: 201.6
    7th Week Goal Weight: 203.5
    7th Week Actual Weight: 201.6

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: 200.4
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 199 WOO WOO ONEDERLAND!!
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight: 199
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Total challenge loss: 17.4
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 180.2
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1: 178
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 178.4
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3: 179.2
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 179.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 179.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 179.8

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 178.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 181.6
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8: 181
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 180.4
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10: 177.8
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 178
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 176.2
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 178.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 176.2

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 179.6
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: 180.4
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: 181
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 180
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 179.8
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 180.2
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 180.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 175.6
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 180.2

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 181.6
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 180.6
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 179.4
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23: 176.4
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24: 177.2
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25: 176.6
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26: 176
    4th Week Goal Weight: 178.4
    4th Week Actual Weight: 176

    Day 29: Sun: 2/27: 175.8
    Day 30: Mon: 2/28: 177.2
    Day 31: Tues: 3/1: 176.4
    Day 32: Wed: 3/2: 176.2
    Day 33: Thurs: 3/3: 176.4
    Day 34: Fri: 3/4: 173.4
    Day 35: Sat: 3/5: 174
    5th Week Goal Weight: 174.6
    5th Week Actual Weight: 174

    Day 36: Sun: 3/6: 174
    Day 37: Mon: 3/7: 173.2
    Day 38: Tues: 3/8: 172.6
    Day 39: Wed: 3/9: 171.2
    Day 40: Thurs: 3/10: 170.6
    Day 41: Fri: 3/11: 170.8
    Day 42: Sat: 3/12: 169.8
    6th Week Goal Weight: 172.4
    6th Week Actual Weight: 169.8

    Day 43: Sun: 3/13: 170.6
    Day 44: Mon: 3/14: 171.8
    Day 45: Tues: 3/15: 172.4
    Day 46: Wed: 3/16: 173.4
    Day 47: Thurs: 3/17: 172.8
    Day 48: Fri: 3/18: 171.6
    Day 49: Sat: 3/19: 170.6
    7th Week Goal Weight: 168.4
    7th Week Actual Weight: 170.6
    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: 167.4
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 167.4
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22:
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight: 169.6
    8th Week Actual Weight:
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 136.4
    Challenge GW: 125

    This is my final round. I will reach goal either the end of March or early/mid-April.

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 136.4
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 136.8
    Day 3: Tue, 2/1: 136.6
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 136.4
    Day 5: Thu, 2/3: 136.8
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 136.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 136
    Week 1 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 136.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 138.4 Had a big hungry day yesterday. Got it out of my system and back on track today. My posting for the next 2 weeks or so is going to be spotty. I’m watching every minute of the Olympics (except for hockey) and I have a sprained wrist so its hard to type. I’m still weighing every day tho!
    Day 10: Tue, 2/8: 137.4
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 137
    Day 12: Thu, 2/10: 137
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 136.4
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 135.2 Finally!! I’ve been stuck at 136-137 for 2 weeks.
    Week 2 Loss: -1.4

    Day 15: Sun, 2/13: 135.2
    Day 16: Mon, 2/14: 135.2
    Day 17: Tue, 2/15: 134.8
    Day 18: Wed, 2/16: 133.8 I don’t trust this number since it’s such a big drop. It will probably be up tomorrow anyway since I ate out for lunch today.
    Day 19: Thu, 2/17: 134.4 Expected bump. Yesterday’s drop was too much. Nice, but not realistic. Did good at lunch yesterday.
    Day 20: Fri, 2/18: 134
    Day 21: Sat, 2/19: 133.2
    Week 3 Loss: -2

    Day 22: Sun, 2/20: 133.2
    Day 23: Mon, 2/21: 133.6
    Day 24: Tue, 2/22: 133.8
    Day 25: Wed, 2/23: 133.6
    Day 26: Thu, 2/24: 134.2
    Day 27: Fri, 2/25: 135.4 trend weight, DNW
    Day 28: Sat, 2/26: 135.4 trend weight, DNW
    Week 4 GAIN: +2.1

    Day 29: Sun, 2/27: 135.3 trend weight, DNW
    Day 30: Mon, 2/28: 138.8
    February GAIN: +2.2

    Day 31: Tue, 3/1: 136.6
    Day 32: Wed, 3/2: 133.6 Water whoosh after deviating from the flight plan for a few days.
    Day 33: Thu, 3/3: 133.2
    Day 34: Fri, 3/4: 133.4
    Day 35: Sat, 3/5: 134
    Week 5 GAIN: +1.1

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6: 136.4
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7: 138.4
    Day 38: Tue, 3/8: 136
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9: 134.8
    Day 40: Thu, 3/10: 133.8
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11: 133
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12: 131.4
    Week 6 Loss: -2.4

    Day 43: Sun, 3/13: 134 Ate out last night, so this is sodium and weight of the food. Choices were good and I didn't overeat.
    Day 44: Mon, 3/14: 132.4
    Day 45: Tue, 3/15: 133.6 Don’t know where this uptick came from. I was 100% yesterday. It’s possible that yesterday’s weight was too low. I was physically sick Sunday night and may have been a bit dehydrated.
    Day 46: Wed, 3/16: 133.4
    Day 47: Thu, 3/17: 132.4
    Day 48: Fri, 3/18: 132.8
    Day 49: Sat, 3/19: DNW
    Week 7 Loss: -1.2

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: DNW
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: DNW
    Day 52: Tue, 3/22: 134

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2

    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6)
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9)

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6
    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1
    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2)
    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 15……02/13…..197.4….(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 23…..02/21…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 24…..02/22…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 25…..02/23…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 26…..02/24…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.0)
    Day 27…..02/25…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 28…..02/26…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 29…..02/27…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.4)
    Day 30…..02/28…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.5)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. 1.2 lb gain (all overnight)
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss….. 3.0 lb gain since challenge start

    Day 31…..03/01…..196.6…..(Trend weight 196.5) I ate the same EXACT things as the day before but instead of a gain there was a loss. It’s a very strange fight that we fight! Keeping the faith!

    Day 32…..03/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 196.6) Late night snacks were over the top and just too much at once and at all. Well problems again today even with the new well pump. The pump was kicking on & off quickly when using water and grinding somewhat. Sounded bad and I knew it wasn’t right. I called the well company back and they said my bladder must be bad. I had a new one put in about a year ago but they said it is definitely bad. The hardware store ones (home depot etc) are just not good. Also, of course, they cannot warranty any but their own. They said they would give me a break and do it for $900.00. That will be between 3 and 4 thousand total on a too small well that will need to be replaced at some point. Why me? Did I stress eat last night or just crave eat? I dunno.

    Day 33…..03/03…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.6) The well company made an adjustment and we’re hoping the bladder is okay. So I didn’t have to put out the extra $900 yesterday. Let’s hope this works! An average day yesterday with food and exercise/movement yet there is a drop. I just keep bouncing back & forth and my inconsistencies are showing up on the scale with inconsistent weights. Perhaps that will speak to me loud enough. I did make a few better tweaks to my dinner but those night time snacks are just over the top.

    Day 34…..03/04…..196.0…..(Trend weight 196.5) It was a horrible night last night due to my DGS (age 4) deciding to put us through Hell again. He gets hysterical and the screetching is ear piercing. When he decides he’s not going to bed, or that his TV should not go off, or that he shouldn’t even go upstairs at all, he is dead weight and I can’t tackle him and those stairs too! I was babysitting last night (after babysitting all day while she worked). I told her to go out and have a little fun. See a friend. Go out to dinner. She’s had a rough week herself. So she did. At bedtime (9:30) he decided that he was going to give me one of those nights that he gives me or her from time to time. I had to call my daughter but she was already on her way home and arrived 5 minutes later. A little stress eating later, I finally calmed down. I’m so glad the scale was okay today. I didn’t binge or anything. I just grabbed extra snacks that I didn’t need. We’ll see how the scale reacts in the coming days. My latest project is almost done. The next one will be much bigger than this last one that lasted only a couple of weeks. I’ll be prepping for that one soon. It will be aggravating and invasive, but well worth it in the end.

    Day 35…..03/05…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.7) A whole new level of stupid. Yes, I am talking about me! Meals were very good. Snacks were over-the-top and likely related to boredom as I finally had a bit of time to myself.

    Day 36…..03/06…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.7) My weight was sorta bouncing up & down on the scale from 197.0 to 197.4 but finally timed out on 197.0. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. Clearly I am still going up & down so regularly that even my scale is confused (and that never happens!) Very low calorie burn yesterday due to online shopping all day. I’ll have to make an extra effort today to somehow get moving! Have a good Sunday everyone.

    Day 37…..03/07…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.8) ) Very good quantities yesterday but the choices weren’t the greatest. Lots of housecleaning movement. I turned a lazy day into something productive. I will make better choices today because obviously that and no TMI affected me.

    Day 38…..03/08…..197.8…..(Trend weight196.9) I don’t think I’m eating enough or well enough at dinner. My snacks are reasonable (in most cases) but too many. Also, I’ve been staying up a bit later for time to myself (read, catch up on TV etc) so more time for snacks. I will have to plan better.

    Day 39…..03/09…..197.8…..(Trend weight 197.0) I made a nice dinner for a family friend, DD and DGS last night. It was nice having someone over for dinner. I have friends that often stop in but it is hard to socialize with the reno going on. I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, asparagus and biscuits. My daughter brought in ice cream and made homemade caramel sauce. I kept my portions in control and got in the extra workout and steps of the kitchen clean up. It was a nice evening.

    Day 40…..03/10…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.1) No TMI and I know that would help the scale. A good day overall yesterday but very little calorie burn due to having company most of the day. Lots of time at the kitchen table.

    Day 41…..03/11…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.2) I noticed that the next challenge will start right on my 62nd birthday. What a gift it would be if I could start at a weight that I am much more proud of. Something in the 180’s perhaps? Be still my heart!

    Day 42…..03/12…..199.2…..(Trend weight 197.4) Ut oh. Looks like I’m going to get pretty hungry today because I will NOT go back to 200. Very odd though. Yesterday was another pretty good eating day honestly. I think this very low level movement is really hurting my efforts.

    Day 43…..03/13…..198.6…..(Trend weight 197.5) I had a super stressful day yesterday and today will not likely be much better. No sleep last night plus the loss of an hour due to daylight savings time. However, I had a good past few days and I knew it would catch up to the scale at some point. I appreciate the drop. It’s encouraging.

    Day 44…..03/14…..198.2…..(Trend weight 197.6) I don’t want to seem ungrateful. A drop on the scale is always welcomed and nice. But I am feeling like I’m wallowing around in the same mud hole lately. I’ve got to break this 198 thing and get going! I’ll be so happy this coming summer that I did! Come on Donna. You can do this!
    Day 45…..03/15…..199.0…..(Trend weight 197.7) A light breakfast, no lunch, out to dinner with son & his friend. Had a brisket sandwich, no sides, with water. 1 pc sugarfree candy last night. A gain! What has this yo-yo-ing done to my metabolism? Yikes….. Back to square one.

    Day 46…..03/16…..199.8…..(Trend weight 197.9) Well, I just can’t get much closer to 200 than this. Chinese yesterday. I have leftovers for today. Every other bite in my mouth will have to be carefully thought out.

    Day 47…..03/17…..199.8…..(Trend weight 198.1) No change in diet = no change on scale. I ended up taking my new tenant (from my brother’s cabin) out to dinner, which meant restaurant food, yet again. He is a young man on the Autism spectrum (like my son) who is venturing out on his own for the first time. He wanted a meeting to set the ground rules and to “adult”. His parents live on the same street so this could work well. It was hard to rent out this house that I had rented to my brother for so many years before his death. Today will be that leftover Chinese I didn’t get to.

    Day 48…..03/18…..198.8…..(Trend weight 198.2) TMI was helpful. Yesterday was not the best of days with left over Chinese and other things I could have done without. I did have more steps overall for the day.

    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx) Up about 4 hours earlier than usual this morning and was guzzling coffee before I realized I forgot to weigh. A broken routine this morning in every way. It’s going to be a rough day with very little sleep.

    Day 50…..03/20…..198.4…..(Trend weight 198.4) Relieved. My diet was about the same (so-so) but I did get in my 10,000 + steps. We are at the halfway point already? I did not even see that coming. Ouch!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.8 pounds GAINED. I’ve got some serious work to do!

    Day 51…..03/21…..198.0…..(Trend weight 198.3) My trend weight went down a touch and for that I am very happy. Up early posting and then I will be doing a travel day which is much further than usual. I am picking up something from facebook marketplace which is between 3 and 4 hours away (each way). Taking my handyman and there will be lunch or dinner out mid-state. Lots of sitting today so I don’t expect it will be that great tomorrow on the scale, but I will just keep working on it.

    Day 52…..03/22…..199.8…..(Trend weight 198.4) Golden Corral during travel yesterday. I am aiming for a slim day today.

    Day 53…..03/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member

    Congrats on your effort and results : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I am Dawn.
    I have gained weight the last few 100s
    Time to turn that around

    61 years old, 5'2"
    Highest weight 207
    Ultimate goal weight 110-115
    This is my 9th round on this forum, I joined it at 158.6

    5th Week Goal Weight: 135
    5th Week Actual Weight: 135.8
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 5074 - My usual activity, but less calories in since it is really tough to get more calories when we are eating "clean".

    6th Week Goal Weight: 132
    6th Week Actual Weight: 139.2
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 3642 - Enough to lose a pound, but gained almost 4.

    7th Week Goal Weight: 135
    7th Week Actual Weight: 137.0
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 4791 - more than enough to lose a pound

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: DNW, up at 3am listening to the radio, drinking water and then coffee etc. Kind of thought that I would go back to bed, but didn't. No point in weighing now with all of that liquid (and now toast) sloshing around in my stomach.
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 138.8 - Unacceptable, the halfway point, but I am up from my start weight 51 days ago : - ( I did eat "bad" stuff on the weekend even though my calories were okay because I am super active on the weekends. Adding in rice for dinner tonight to hopefully absorb up some of that salt and junk and sweep it out.
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22: 137.4 - Better
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:

    8th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    8th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker:

    Start weight this 100: 138.4 - Highest start weight for the last 4 100s
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 180.2
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1: 178
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 178.4
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3: 179.2
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 179.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 179.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 179.8

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 178.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 181.6
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8: 181
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 180.4
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10: 177.8
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 178
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 176.2
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 178.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 176.2

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 179.6
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: 180.4
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: 181
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 180
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 179.8
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 180.2
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 180.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 175.6
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 180.2

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 181.6
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 180.6
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 179.4
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23: 176.4
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24: 177.2
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25: 176.6
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26: 176
    4th Week Goal Weight: 178.4
    4th Week Actual Weight: 176

    Day 29: Sun: 2/27: 175.8
    Day 30: Mon: 2/28: 177.2
    Day 31: Tues: 3/1: 176.4
    Day 32: Wed: 3/2: 176.2
    Day 33: Thurs: 3/3: 176.4
    Day 34: Fri: 3/4: 173.4
    Day 35: Sat: 3/5: 174
    5th Week Goal Weight: 174.6
    5th Week Actual Weight: 174

    Day 36: Sun: 3/6: 174
    Day 37: Mon: 3/7: 173.2
    Day 38: Tues: 3/8: 172.6
    Day 39: Wed: 3/9: 171.2
    Day 40: Thurs: 3/10: 170.6
    Day 41: Fri: 3/11: 170.8
    Day 42: Sat: 3/12: 169.8
    6th Week Goal Weight: 172.4
    6th Week Actual Weight: 169.8

    Day 43: Sun: 3/13: 170.6
    Day 44: Mon: 3/14: 171.8
    Day 45: Tues: 3/15: 172.4
    Day 46: Wed: 3/16: 173.4
    Day 47: Thurs: 3/17: 172.8
    Day 48: Fri: 3/18: 171.6
    Day 49: Sat: 3/19: 170.6
    7th Week Goal Weight: 168.4
    7th Week Actual Weight: 170.6
    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: 167.4
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 167.4
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22: 167.8
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight: 169.6
    8th Week Actual Weight:
  • kramereh
    kramereh Posts: 612 Member
    I’m starting this challenge late. I really need to stay motivated!

    Week 1- missed
    Week 2- missed
    Week 3- missed

    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 216.4
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 213.2- yesterday was off since I barely slept and then yesterday I had a salad for lunch and went to bed after work without dinner since I was so tired.
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23: 211.6 - gotta love the first week woosh
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24: DNW
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25: 213- had a girls night and getting back into the groove. Hoping most will fall off because I didn’t think I did that bad.
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26: 211.4- great end to the week!
    4th Week Goal Weight: 212lb
    4th Week Actual Weight: 211.4
    4th week loss: 5.0

    Day 29: Sun: 2/27: 210.4
    Day 30: Mon: 2/28: 210
    Day 31: Tues: 3/1: 210
    Day 32: Wed: 3/2: 209.4
    Day 33: Thurs: 3/3: 208.6
    Day 34: Fri: 3/4: 207.6
    Day 35: Sat: 3/5: 206.6
    5th Week Goal Weight: 208.5
    5th Week Actual Weight: 206.6
    Total challenge loss: 9.8

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6: 206
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7: 206
    Day 38: Tues, 3/8: 206.6
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9: 205.6
    Day 40: Thurs, 3/10: 204.6
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11: 204.2
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12: 204.8
    6th Week Goal Weight: 204
    6th Week Actual Weight: 204.8

    Day 43: Sun: 3/13: 204.8
    Day 44: Mon: 3/14: 205.6
    Day 45: Tues: 3/15: 205
    Day 46: Wed: 3/16: 202.4
    Day 47: Thurs: 3/17: 201.6
    Day 48: Fri: 3/18: 200.8
    Day 49: Sat: 3/19: 201.6
    7th Week Goal Weight: 203.5
    7th Week Actual Weight: 201.6

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: 200.4
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 199 WOO WOO ONEDERLAND!!
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22: 199.8 - celebrated my son’s 4th birthday yesterday and had some cake
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23:
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight: 199
    8th Week Actual Weight:

    Total challenge loss: 16.6

    @dawnbgethealthy thank you!!
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    Challenge SW: 136.4
    Challenge GW: 125

    This is my final round. I will reach goal either the end of March or early/mid-April.

    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 136.4
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 136.8
    Day 3: Tue, 2/1: 136.6
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 136.4
    Day 5: Thu, 2/3: 136.8
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 136.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 136
    Week 1 GAIN: +0.2

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 136.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 138.4 Had a big hungry day yesterday. Got it out of my system and back on track today. My posting for the next 2 weeks or so is going to be spotty. I’m watching every minute of the Olympics (except for hockey) and I have a sprained wrist so its hard to type. I’m still weighing every day tho!
    Day 10: Tue, 2/8: 137.4
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 137
    Day 12: Thu, 2/10: 137
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 136.4
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 135.2 Finally!! I’ve been stuck at 136-137 for 2 weeks.
    Week 2 Loss: -1.4

    Day 15: Sun, 2/13: 135.2
    Day 16: Mon, 2/14: 135.2
    Day 17: Tue, 2/15: 134.8
    Day 18: Wed, 2/16: 133.8 I don’t trust this number since it’s such a big drop. It will probably be up tomorrow anyway since I ate out for lunch today.
    Day 19: Thu, 2/17: 134.4 Expected bump. Yesterday’s drop was too much. Nice, but not realistic. Did good at lunch yesterday.
    Day 20: Fri, 2/18: 134
    Day 21: Sat, 2/19: 133.2
    Week 3 Loss: -2

    Day 22: Sun, 2/20: 133.2
    Day 23: Mon, 2/21: 133.6
    Day 24: Tue, 2/22: 133.8
    Day 25: Wed, 2/23: 133.6
    Day 26: Thu, 2/24: 134.2
    Day 27: Fri, 2/25: 135.4 trend weight, DNW
    Day 28: Sat, 2/26: 135.4 trend weight, DNW
    Week 4 GAIN: +2.1

    Day 29: Sun, 2/27: 135.3 trend weight, DNW
    Day 30: Mon, 2/28: 138.8
    February GAIN: +2.2

    Day 31: Tue, 3/1: 136.6
    Day 32: Wed, 3/2: 133.6 Water whoosh after deviating from the flight plan for a few days.
    Day 33: Thu, 3/3: 133.2
    Day 34: Fri, 3/4: 133.4
    Day 35: Sat, 3/5: 134
    Week 5 GAIN: +1.1

    Day 36: Sun, 3/6: 136.4
    Day 37: Mon, 3/7: 138.4
    Day 38: Tue, 3/8: 136
    Day 39: Wed, 3/9: 134.8
    Day 40: Thu, 3/10: 133.8
    Day 41: Fri, 3/11: 133
    Day 42: Sat, 3/12: 131.4
    Week 6 Loss: -2.4

    Day 43: Sun, 3/13: 134 Ate out last night, so this is sodium and weight of the food. Choices were good and I didn't overeat.
    Day 44: Mon, 3/14: 132.4
    Day 45: Tue, 3/15: 133.6 Don’t know where this uptick came from. I was 100% yesterday. It’s possible that yesterday’s weight was too low. I was physically sick Sunday night and may have been a bit dehydrated.
    Day 46: Wed, 3/16: 133.4
    Day 47: Thu, 3/17: 132.4
    Day 48: Fri, 3/18: 132.8
    Day 49: Sat, 3/19: DNW
    Week 7 Loss: -1.2

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: DNW
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: DNW
    Day 52: Tue, 3/22: 134
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23: 131.4

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member
    100 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ January 30, 2022 through May 9, 2022
    My Name is Donna, Age 61. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Starting Weight from End of Last Challenge: : 195.2
    Day 01…..01/30….197.6…..(Trend weight 194.6)
    Day 02…..01/31…..197.0…..(Trend weight 194.9)

    Day 03…..02/01…..197.0…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 04…..02/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 05…..02/03…..195.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 06…..02/04…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 07…..02/05…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.6
    Day 08…..02/06…..194.6…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 09…..02/07…..195.4…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 10…..02/08…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.3)
    Day 11…..02/09…..193.4…..(Trend weight 195.1
    Day 12…..02/10…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.2)
    Day 13…..02/11…..194.8…..(Trend weight 195.1)
    Day 14…..02/12…..197.8…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 15……02/13…..197.4….(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 16…..02/14…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 17…..02/15…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 18…..02/16…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 19…..02/17…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.7)
    Day 20…..02/18…..194.2…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 21…..02/19…..194.4…..(Trend weight 195.4)
    Day 22…..02/20…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.5)
    Day 23…..02/21…..196.0…..(Trend weight 195.6)
    Day 24…..02/22…..197.6…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 25…..02/23…..196.4…..(Trend weight 195.8)
    Day 26…..02/24…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.0)
    Day 27…..02/25…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 28…..02/26…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.2)
    Day 29…..02/27…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.4)
    Day 30…..02/28…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.5)

    Weight Loss in February:……………….. 1.2 lb gain (all overnight)
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss….. 3.0 lb gain since challenge start

    Day 31…..03/01…..196.6…..(Trend weight 196.5)
    Day 32…..03/02…..197.4…..(Trend weight 196.6)
    Day 33…..03/03…..196.2…..(Trend weight 196.6)
    Day 34…..03/04…..196.0…..(Trend weight 196.5)
    Day 35…..03/05…..198.2…..(Trend weight 196.7)
    Day 36…..03/06…..197.0…..(Trend weight 196.7)
    Day 37…..03/07…..198.0…..(Trend weight 196.8) )
    Day 38…..03/08…..197.8…..(Trend weight196.9)
    Day 39…..03/09…..197.8…..(Trend weight 197.0)
    Day 40…..03/10…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.1)
    Day 41…..03/11…..198.0…..(Trend weight 197.2)
    Day 42…..03/12…..199.2…..(Trend weight 197.4)

    Day 43…..03/13…..198.6…..(Trend weight 197.5) I had a super stressful day yesterday and today will not likely be much better. No sleep last night plus the loss of an hour due to daylight savings time. However, I had a good past few days and I knew it would catch up to the scale at some point. I appreciate the drop. It’s encouraging.

    Day 44…..03/14…..198.2…..(Trend weight 197.6) I don’t want to seem ungrateful. A drop on the scale is always welcomed and nice. But I am feeling like I’m wallowing around in the same mud hole lately. I’ve got to break this 198 thing and get going! I’ll be so happy this coming summer that I did! Come on Donna. You can do this!
    Day 45…..03/15…..199.0…..(Trend weight 197.7) A light breakfast, no lunch, out to dinner with son & his friend. Had a brisket sandwich, no sides, with water. 1 pc sugarfree candy last night. A gain! What has this yo-yo-ing done to my metabolism? Yikes….. Back to square one.

    Day 46…..03/16…..199.8…..(Trend weight 197.9) Well, I just can’t get much closer to 200 than this. Chinese yesterday. I have leftovers for today. Every other bite in my mouth will have to be carefully thought out.

    Day 47…..03/17…..199.8…..(Trend weight 198.1) No change in diet = no change on scale. I ended up taking my new tenant (from my brother’s cabin) out to dinner, which meant restaurant food, yet again. He is a young man on the Autism spectrum (like my son) who is venturing out on his own for the first time. He wanted a meeting to set the ground rules and to “adult”. His parents live on the same street so this could work well. It was hard to rent out this house that I had rented to my brother for so many years before his death. Today will be that leftover Chinese I didn’t get to.

    Day 48…..03/18…..198.8…..(Trend weight 198.2) TMI was helpful. Yesterday was not the best of days with left over Chinese and other things I could have done without. I did have more steps overall for the day.

    Day 49…..03/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx) Up about 4 hours earlier than usual this morning and was guzzling coffee before I realized I forgot to weigh. A broken routine this morning in every way. It’s going to be a rough day with very little sleep.

    Day 50…..03/20…..198.4…..(Trend weight 198.4) Relieved. My diet was about the same (so-so) but I did get in my 10,000 + steps. We are at the halfway point already? I did not even see that coming. Ouch!

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 2.8 pounds GAINED. I’ve got some serious work to do!

    Day 51…..03/21…..198.0…..(Trend weight 198.3) My trend weight went down a touch and for that I am very happy. Up early posting and then I will be doing a travel day which is much further than usual. I am picking up something from facebook marketplace which is between 3 and 4 hours away (each way). Taking my handyman and there will be lunch or dinner out mid-state. Lots of sitting today so I don’t expect it will be that great tomorrow on the scale, but I will just keep working on it.

    Day 52…..03/22…..199.8…..(Trend weight 198.4) Golden Corral during travel yesterday. I am aiming for a slim day today.

    Day 53…..03/23…..198.5…..(Trend weight 198.5) One pound down today which is probably excess water from the travel/restaurant weight. I did okay yesterday diet-wise. I made some good choices but there is still lots of room for improvement.

    Day 54…..03/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 55…..03/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 56…..03/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 57…..03/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 58…..03/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 59…..03/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 60…..03/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 61…..03/31…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in March:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 62…..04/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 63…..04/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 64…..04/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 65…..04/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 66…..04/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 67…..04/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 68…..04/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 69…..04/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 70…..04/09…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 71…..04/10…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 72…..04/11…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 73…..04/12…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 74…..04/13…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 75…..04/14…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 76…..04/15…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 77…..04/16…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 78…..04/17…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 79…..04/18…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 80…..04/19…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 81…..04/20…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 82…..04/21…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 83…..04/22…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 84…..04/23…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 85…..04/24…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 86…..04/25…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 87…..04/26…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 88…..04/27…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 89…..04/28…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 90…..04/29…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 91…..04/30…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in April:……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    Day 92…..05/01…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 93…..05/02…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 94…..05/03…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 95…..05/04…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 96…..05/05…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 97…..05/06…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 98…..05/07…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 99…..05/08…..xxxxx…..(Trend weight xxxxx)
    Day 100…..05/09…..(Final Weight In)……xxxxx……(trend weight xxxxx)

    Weight Loss in May (partial month) ……………….. xxxxx
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss…..xxxxx

    CHALLENGE GOAL: 10 pound loss to land at 185.2

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,267 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 180
    Challenge Goal: 160
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:
    Day 1: Sun, 1/30: 180
    Day 2: Mon, 1/31: 180.2
    Day 3: Tues, 2/1: 178
    Day 4: Wed, 2/2: 178.4
    Day 5: Thurs, 2/3: 179.2
    Day 6: Fri, 2/4: 179.6
    Day 7: Sat, 2/5: 179.8
    1st Week Goal Weight: 178.2
    1st Week Actual Weight: 179.8

    Day 8: Sun, 2/6: 178.6
    Day 9: Mon, 2/7: 181.6
    Day 10: Tues, 2/8: 181
    Day 11: Wed, 2/9: 180.4
    Day 12: Thurs, 2/10: 177.8
    Day 13: Fri, 2/11: 178
    Day 14: Sat, 2/12: 176.2
    2nd Week Goal Weight: 178.8
    2nd Week Actual Weight: 176.2

    Day 15: Sun: 2/13: 179.6
    Day 16: Mon: 2/14: 180.4
    Day 17: Tues: 2/15: 181
    Day 18: Wed: 2/16: 180
    Day 19: Thurs: 2/17: 179.8
    Day 20: Fri: 2/18: 180.2
    Day 21: Sat: 2/19: 180.2
    3rd Week Goal Weight: 175.6
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 180.2

    Day 22: Sun: 2/20: 181.6
    Day 23: Mon: 2/21: 180.6
    Day 24: Tues: 2/22: 179.4
    Day 25: Wed: 2/23: 176.4
    Day 26: Thurs: 2/24: 177.2
    Day 27: Fri: 2/25: 176.6
    Day 28: Sat: 2/26: 176
    4th Week Goal Weight: 178.4
    4th Week Actual Weight: 176

    Day 29: Sun: 2/27: 175.8
    Day 30: Mon: 2/28: 177.2
    Day 31: Tues: 3/1: 176.4
    Day 32: Wed: 3/2: 176.2
    Day 33: Thurs: 3/3: 176.4
    Day 34: Fri: 3/4: 173.4
    Day 35: Sat: 3/5: 174
    5th Week Goal Weight: 174.6
    5th Week Actual Weight: 174

    Day 36: Sun: 3/6: 174
    Day 37: Mon: 3/7: 173.2
    Day 38: Tues: 3/8: 172.6
    Day 39: Wed: 3/9: 171.2
    Day 40: Thurs: 3/10: 170.6
    Day 41: Fri: 3/11: 170.8
    Day 42: Sat: 3/12: 169.8
    6th Week Goal Weight: 172.4
    6th Week Actual Weight: 169.8

    Day 43: Sun: 3/13: 170.6
    Day 44: Mon: 3/14: 171.8
    Day 45: Tues: 3/15: 172.4
    Day 46: Wed: 3/16: 173.4
    Day 47: Thurs: 3/17: 172.8
    Day 48: Fri: 3/18: 171.6
    Day 49: Sat: 3/19: 170.6
    7th Week Goal Weight: 168.4
    7th Week Actual Weight: 170.6
    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: 167.4
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 167.4
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22: 167.8
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23: 168
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:
    8th Week Goal Weight: 169.6
    8th Week Actual Weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member
    I've continued to weigh daily but I'm really off track and not journaling or posting. I really need to get back into the mindset and grove before I hit 220 (+20 lbs where I was Aug 2021). Not there yet but totally unacceptable to hit it. So downward I need to go yet again.

    Hope everyone else is having a successful month!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member

    We are hearing on the news about the tornadoes all over Texas. Hoping that you and yours are okay!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    I am Dawn.
    I have gained weight the last few 100s
    Time to turn that around

    61 years old, 5'2"
    Highest weight 207
    Ultimate goal weight 110-115
    This is my 9th round on this forum, I joined it at 158.6

    5th Week Goal Weight: 135
    5th Week Actual Weight: 135.8
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 5074 - My usual activity, but less calories in since it is really tough to get more calories when we are eating "clean".

    6th Week Goal Weight: 132
    6th Week Actual Weight: 139.2
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 3642 - Enough to lose a pound, but gained almost 4.

    7th Week Goal Weight: 135
    7th Week Actual Weight: 137.0
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker: 4791 - more than enough to lose a pound

    Day 50: Sun, 3/20: DNW, up at 3am listening to the radio, drinking water and then coffee etc. Kind of thought that I would go back to bed, but didn't. No point in weighing now with all of that liquid (and now toast) sloshing around in my stomach.
    Day 51: Mon, 3/21: 138.8 - Unacceptable, the halfway point, but I am up from my start weight 51 days ago : - ( I did eat "bad" stuff on the weekend even though my calories were okay because I am super active on the weekends. Adding in rice for dinner tonight to hopefully absorb up some of that salt and junk and sweep it out.
    Day 52: Tues, 3/22: 137.4 - Better
    Day 53: Wed, 3/23: 136.8 - Working late tonight, so dinner will be late. We'll see what tomorrow's scale has to say about that because come April I will be doing 3 or 4 of those per week.
    Day 54: Thurs, 3/24:
    Day 55: Fri, 3/25:
    Day 56: Sat: 3/26:

    8th Week Goal Weight: 135.0
    8th Week Actual Weight:
    Excess calories in the Green on the MFP tracker:

    Start weight this 100: 138.4 - Highest start weight for the last 4 100s
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,962 Member

    We are hearing on the news about the tornadoes all over Texas. Hoping that you and yours are okay!

    Myself, family & friends are fine.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    edited March 2022
    I'm in. I'm Chris. I live in northern California.
    72 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    Challenge Starting Weight: 149.2
    Challenge Goal: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0
    Day 01 - 01/30 - 149.2 at 8:15 a.m. ...7.05 miles in 121 mins
    Day 02 - 01/31 - 147.3 at 7:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 03 - 02/01 - 148.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...6.25 miles in 109 mins
    Day 04 - 02/02 - 145.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 05 - 02/03 - 147.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.37 miles in 133 mins
    Day 06 - 02/04 - 147.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 07 - 02/05 - 146.9 at 6:00 a.m. ...7.22 miles in 125 mins
    1st Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    1st Week Actual Weight - 146.9
    Day 08 - 02/06 - 148.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...7.25 miles in 133 mins
    Day 09 - 02/07 - 148.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 10 - 02/08 - 148.3 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 11 - 02/09 - 147.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 12 - 02/10 - 148.8 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.12 miles in 124 mins
    Day 13 - 02/11 - 148.5 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 14 - 02/12 - 146.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...6.19 miles in 108 mins
    2nd Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    2nd Week Actual Weight - 146.8
    Day 15 - 02/13 - 147.7 at 8:45 a.m. ...6.46 miles in 119 mins
    Day 16 - 02/14 - 147.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 17 - 02/15 - 147.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 18 - 02/16 - 149.7 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 19 - 02/17 - 149.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.72 miles in 98 mins
    Day 20 - 02/18 - 150.6 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 21 - 02/19 - 150.3 at 6:00 a.m. ...7.72 miles in 168 mins
    3rd Week Goal Weight - 145.9
    3rd Week Actual Weight - 150.3
    Day 22 - 02/20 - 149.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...7.35 miles in 154 mins
    Day 23 - 02/21 - 147.0 at 7:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 24 - 02/22 - 148.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...5.47 miles in 97 mins
    Day 25 - 02/23 - 146.9 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 26 - 02/24 - 147.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 27 - 02/25 - 145.7 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 28 - 02/26 - 146.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...hair cut day!!
    4th Week Goal Weight - 147.0
    4th Week Actual Weight - 146.0
    Day 29 - 02/27 - 147.8 at 9:00 a.m. ...7.42 miles in 135 mins
    Day 30 - 02/28 - 147.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Weight Loss in February - .70
    Total Accumulated Weight Loss - 1.40
    Day 31 - 03/01 - 148.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...7.02 miles in 126 mins
    Day 32 - 03/02 - 149.0 at 5:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 33 - 03/03 - 149.2 at 6:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 34 - 03/04 - 150.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 35 - 03/05 - 152.1 at 8:15 a.m. ...7.38 miles in 128 mins
    5th Week Goal Weight - 146.0
    5th Week Actual Weight - 152.1
    Day 36 - 03/06 - 149.3 at 8:30 a.m. ...9.53 miles in 183 mins
    Day 37 - 03/07 - 148.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 38 - 03/08 - 147.4 at 7:30 a.m. ...7.38 miles in 138 mins
    Day 39 - 03/09 - 147.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 40 - 03/10 - 147.6 at 8:15 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 41 - 03/11 - 148.8 at 8:15 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 42 - 03/12 - 149.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...3.82 miles in 87 mins w/DH. (my b'day)
    6th Week Goal Weight - 146.0
    6th Week Actual Weight - 149.0
    Day 43 - 03/13 - 147.9 at 10:00 a.m. ...7.07 miles in 120 mins
    Day 44 - 03/14 - 149.6 at 8:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 45 - 03/15 - 150.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...5.87 miles in 124 mins
    Day 46 - 03/16 - 148.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 47 - 03/17 - 149.0 at 8:20 a.m. ...6.14 miles in 107 mins
    Day 48 - 03/18 - 146.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...rest day
    Day 49 - 03/19 - 146.9 at 6:00 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    7th Week Goal Weight - 146.0
    7th Week Actual Weight - 146.9
    Day 50 - 03/20 - 145.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...nothing!
    Day 51 - 03/21 - 149.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 52 - 03/22 - 149.0 at 9:20 a.m. ...6.36 miles in 112 mins
    Day 53 - 03/23 -
    Day 54 - 03/24 -
    Day 55 - 03/25 -
    Day 56 - 03/26 -
    8th Week Goal Weight - 146.0
    8th Week Actual Weight -