
myrawclark Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2022 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, everyone! I've been using MFP since October to track with, and am now getting deeper into it. I especially need to get a handle on my carb intake, which is too much, as I've been told I'm pre-diabetic, and also my cholesterol is creeping up. I'd like to think I don't need to lose weight, but losing a few would likely help these other goals and couldn't hurt. It's a lot of habits to change - I've (mostly) always been fit and eaten healthily. But aging and Covid have taken their toll - I'm having a hard time doing the same level of exercise as previously and with the diet changes needed - I can get pretty worried and discouraged. I need to keep doing things to keep me motivated. I was super excited to access the data charts for the first time yesterday, and I'm definitely geeking out. This information is helping me be more aware of my choices and being committed to changing them. I believe also that reading what all of you have to say will also help with all of this!
