March - accountability month for challenge & support



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    Hi. I am Dawn. 61, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October of 2018 and have lost over 50 pounds.
    My ideal healthy body weight is 110-118, so I have quite a long way to go yet.
    I have gained 10 pounds over the past year, so I first have to undo that.

    3/01 - 138.2 - Day 2 of a cleanse/reset
    3/02 - 137.0 - Eliminating: dairy, wheat, grapes, fungus (mushrooms etc.), sugar, and anything fermented like vinegar. Mostly missing my morning cream in my coffee, but I am way less bloated after my coffee than previously.
    3/03 - 137.2 - Getting slowly used to the copious amounts of brown rice.
    3/04 - 136.8 - Ended up having to work an unexpected split shift yesterday, so dinner was late. Not sick of brown rice just yet, jazzing it up as best that I can. I realize that I haven't eaten any meat this week! I will add some to my rice concoction for tonight. Honestly, cream of mushroom soup would have been so good in it, but sugar, mushrooms, and dairy are not on plan.
    3/05 - 135.8 - Day 6 of the 7? day cleanse, but on days off so no stress, and lots more time to eat nicely. Forgot to add meat to my brown rice yesterday, but there were so many other things in it. Maybe today.
    3/06 - 135.6 - Day 7 of the cleanse. I put unsweetened almond milk in my cinnamon infused coffee this morning. Yeah, still missing my coffee cream.
    3/07 - 136.0 - Not happy to see a rise. No change to my eating except for 10 calories worth of sugar free jello that I made 2 nights in a row. Out of herbs for the cleanse for 2 days, so maybe that? Tomorrow I will be going back to cream in my morning coffee, otherwise going to keep the eating plan for a few days longer, I have lots prepped.
    3/08 - 136.8 - Officially having some cream in my coffee this morning. However, it is 6% instead of my usual 10% (half and half). It tastes good, better than black coffee for sure, but considering I gave it up for 8 days I should have went with the 10 or 18%. 6% it will be for a week, 500ml, and I put 2 tablespoons in each of my 2 cups of coffee. I won't be adding wheat back in just yet.
    3/09 - 136.0 - Still basically eating the same as I was on the cleanse except for dairy. I had so much food prepped that was within the guidelines, and it is delicious. I am the opposite of most, I have been trying to add carbs albeit brown rice mainly. My fibre was dismally low and the numbers are better on my MFP tracker.
    3/10 - 138.2 - Ouch!! Right back to the beginning of the month. First time having salt (and peanuts) in awhile, I will eliminate it today and hope for a better number tomorrow.
    3/11 - 139.2 - Double ouch. I have re-introduced everything back but wheat since the cleanse, and it isn't boding well. I think that I am going to quit the brown rice and kind of go back to my normal work week food: grilled chicken breast and veggies. I did not resist the tablespoon of peanuts last night. I have to really think about how I was feeling when I had certain things eliminated.
    3/12 - 139.2 - Didn't get a chance for the forums, but did weigh. Catching up on the posts..
    3/13 - 136.4 - Well that was nice to see today. No rhyme or reason though.
    3/14 - 138.8 - All over the place. I had lots of workouts and activity yesterday, healthy food. Hope to see a drop tomorrow.
    3/15 - 138.0 - I am going to keep my tablespoon of spicy peanuts to once or twice a week instead of daily as part of my snack buffet. I had wheat in the form of one of those knorr pasta packets the last 2 nights, 1/2 cup to go with my meat and veg. I seldom eat pasta, it was a nice change.
    3/16 - 136.0 - Dinner will be late tonight because of work (every Wednesday). As usual, my weight is all over the place.
    3/17 - 135.8 - Hmm, unexpected, but I'll take it.
    3/18 - 136.0 - I tend to eat differently on the weekends, my days off. Really hoping that the weather improves so that I can get out to some trails and do some stuff around my house outside. TGIF.
    3/19 - 137.0 - Kind of expected, I had an indulgent night last night. Planning on lots of workouts here and there and a nice long walk outside today.
    3/20 - DNW, up at 3am drinking water, juice, and then coffee once I realized that I wouldn't be going back to bed and weighing when I got back up.
    3/21 - 138.8 - That is my weekend catching up, wings, nachos, cocktails etc. Too much salt I am sure, and not enough good stuff. I was well within my calories because I was so active, so hoping that it will drop back down over the coming days. Today's food is prepped and logged including snacks.

    March beginning weight: 138.2
    Goal weight (ambitious) 134.2
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    @kramereh - Woo-Hoo! Look at that One-derful number! Congratulations!

    @ashleycarole86 - You are killing it this month! Wow!

    @river49 - Congrats on hitting your goal for the month!
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    My name is Tina, Height: 5'6" Age: 54
    MFP starting weight: 149.2 (3/30/21)
    February results: +1.4 pounds
    February end weight: 139.8
    UGW: 130

    3/01 - 138.2 (138.9 trend) got over 12,000 steps yesterday and stayed under calories
    3/02 - 136.4 (138.6 trend) not sure I trust this number. Kept calories under. Did not exercise or walk. Will see what tomorrow holds.
    3/03 - 137.0 (138.4 trend) calories under yesterday, over 12,000 steps.
    3/04 - 136.6 (138.1 trend) calories under yesterday but very lazy.
    3/05 - DNW - out of town with no scale. Trying to be good and not undue what I've done
    3/06 - DNW - no scale
    3/07 - 140.2 (138.9 trend) Wish I had a scale over the weekend to help me stay on track. Binge ate yesterday. Should be back on track today. Packed good food for the day and hoping to keep dinner under control
    3/08 - 138.6 (138.8 trend) did well with eating yesterday. Got a workout in. Slept well. It's a good day
    3/09 - 139.4 (138.9 trend) a bit of a binge last night. Hormones are not being nice to me right now.
    3/10 - DNW - didn't have the nerve to step on the scale. Could tell by the bloat it wouldn't be good. Daughter from college has been here this week and cooking for me. I have shown no control and am feeling it. It was nice to be taken care of for a change. She went back last night and I am ready to get back on track. Hopefully tomorrows weigh in isn't too bad
    3/11 - 139.2 (139.0 trend) too much snacking last night. Hoping to do better this weekend. Doubtful
    3/12 - DNW
    3/13 - 140.0 (139.3 trend) continuing to destroy any progress I've made over the past year. Knowing I'm doing it, and doing nothing to stop it
    3/14 - 139.2 (139.3 trend) hoping this is a sign of the week to come. Normally higher on Monday than Friday, but today is different. Determined to make this a better week
    3/15 - 138.4 (139.1 trend) - pleased with the number. Really wanted to snack last night but stopped myself. Wasn't really hungry, wasn't bored. Trying to figure out why I frequently have the desire to munch.
    3/16 - 138.4 (139.0 trend) - went over in calories yesterday. Happy no uptick
    3/17 - 137.8 (138.9 trend) - kept calories in check and took a 3 mile walk yesterday
    3/18 - 137.6 (138.7 trend) - don't understand the drop. Ate 1/2 a medium pizza last night. Not a wise thing to do going into a weekend. Oh well. Will try to do better today
    3/19 - 137.6 (138.6 trend)
    3/20 - DNW
    3/21 - 140.6 ( 139.0 trend) - rough weekend. Overdid it in a big way. Another week of fixing the weekend mess :(
    3/22 - 138.4 (138.9 trend) - watched my calories, drank lots of water and did some yoga
    3/23 - 138.2 (138.8 trend) - back to the weight at the beginning of the month. Goal does not seem attainable any longer, but hoping to still end with a little loss
    3/24 -
    3/25 -
    3/26 -
    3/27 -
    3/28 -
    3/29 -
    3/30 -
    3/31 -

    Goal for month: 135
    Running monthly loss/gain: 0 pounds
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    March Starting Weight: 136.6
    March Goal Weight: 131.6

    3/1: 136.6
    3/2: 133.6 Water whoosh after deviating from the flight plan for a few days.
    3/3: 133.2
    3/4: 133.4
    3/5: 134
    3/6: 136.4
    3/7: 138.4
    Week 1 Loss: -0.6

    3/8: 136
    3/9: 134.8
    3/10: 133.8
    3/11: 133
    3/12: 131.4
    3/13: 134 Ate out last night, so this is sodium and weight of the food. Choices were good and I didn't overeat.
    3/14: 132.4
    Week 2 Loss: -2.4

    3/15: 133.6 Don’t know where this uptick came from. I was 100% yesterday. It’s possible that yesterday’s weight was too low. I was physically sick Sunday night and may have been a bit dehydrated.
    3/16: 133.4
    3/17: 132.4
    3/18: 132.8
    3/19: DNW
    3/20: DNW
    3/21: DNW
    Week 3 GAIN: +0.4

    3/22: 134
    3/23: 131.4
