Why are so many people against juicing?

Cannot figure this out. It must be something like immigration or something, just a hot button topic.


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Steroid use is illegal and can have bad side effects.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I thought this was about juicing fruits/veggies. Oh well...
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    ^^^ This. And when I watch sports I want to know its legit.
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member
    Steroid use is illegal and can have bad side effects.

    So drinking the juice of a fruit or vegetable is like taking cortisone?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.
  • Emmienz
    Emmienz Posts: 29
    My personal idea is .... I dont tend to like or do it because when i juice veges or fruit ill drink it but then i still feel like i want to eat something lol! ... I no mind over matter but thats just me so i just eat alot of raw veges and fruit instead

    But on the other hand my sister who is very fit and active LOVES juicing things and it works for her ... what ever works for someone i say go for it no two bodys are the same ! and no one is right or wrong :)
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Paleolithic men did not have juicers
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member
    ^^^ This. And when I watch sports I want to know its legit.

    So juiced fruits and vegetables are not legit?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Steroid use is illegal and can have bad side effects.

    So drinking the juice of a fruit or vegetable is like taking cortisone?

    Ahh, different kind of juicing.

    Well, juicing as an addition to a current diet is fine, in my opinion. However, replacing your diet completely with juicing, especially in the long term, is simply not a good idea. You lack fiber, fats, and protein, not to mention are usually eating at an extreme calorie deficit.
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member
    I am juicing and lost weight. I have also tracked everything I have eaten in the last two plus months. I am maintaining my weight now.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Because there is no reason to juice as opposed to eating fruits/veggies. Its like getting all the nutrients without any of the fiber.

    AND many people replace meals with juicing, lose a bunch of weight, dont sustain it and then gain all the weight back once they start eating real food again.

    If you're capable of sustaining it and you don't like eating food, more power to you!

    edit to say: the above is assuming you are simply ADDING juice into your diet. Start replacing meals with it and thats an even worse idea (especially if you want to retain muscle).
  • cowgirlupkelly
    For me juicing (taking fruits and veggies and making them into juice) isn't as satisfying to me as eating the fruit and veggies. You can also consume many more calories with a glass of juice than you can if you ate all those fruits and veggies you put in there --- normally.
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member
    Juicing is one of the simplest things to do. Just juice the damn stuff and drink it. I get fat, protein and fiber.
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member
    Because there is no reason to juice as opposed to eating fruits/veggies. Its like getting all the nutrients without any of the fiber.

    AND many people replace meals with juicing, lose a bunch of weight, dont sustain it and then gain all the weight back once they start eating real food again.

    If you're capable of sustaining it and you don't like eating food, more power to you!

    edit to say: the above is assuming you are simply ADDING juice into your diet. Start replacing meals with it and thats an even worse idea (especially if you want to retain muscle).

    Why is it a bad idea if you want to retain muscle?
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    I like to juice because I literally get high on it. For real, I get this crazy euphoria feeling for about an hour where I'm full of energy. I love it, I juice produce all the time.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Because there are no inherent benefits of "juicing" as typically discussed here, outside the fact you may like to drink juice. It's often touted as a cure all or "detox" or whatever. In reality all you're doing is removing some of the benefits of vegetables and fruit and making it easier to consume large amounts of calories (juice is very easy to drink and typcially high in caloric value).

    So if you like to drink juice, awesome. Otherwise, what waste your time, food, and money?

  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Cannot figure this out. It must be something like immigration or something, just a hot button topic.

    Because it's another "diet of the week" solution. It is NOT feasible for 99.99% of people on an ongoing basis and short term solutions just result in regain and juicing is worse than most. Drinking some juice in your diet isn't bad... I like some fresh carrot, apple, celery juice... sounds weird, tastes great! That said, making it your whole diet isn't a very good solution because it's not something you are going to be able to stick with... because that is what results in long term sustained weight loss.
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    I wouldn't do it all the time because even doing it one meal per day for about two months, I missed chewing lol It was also really expensive.

    BUT I felt better
    I had a smaller appetite
    my skin looked better
    I slept better

    One meal or even a snack per day of juice won't kill you. Just look at the sugar vs. no fiber aspect
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member
    I don't buy into the detox thing. But I do buy into a great way to pack alot of nutrients into a small package.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am juicing and lost weight. I have also tracked everything I have eaten in the last two plus months. I am maintaining my weight now.


    Congrats on losing the weight! :drinker: Just goes to show what a calorie deficit will do! Woot!