Why are so many people against juicing?



  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.

    Ha, ha.

    OR...you can go into health food stores or those types of restaurants (like vegan organic scary places), and see all the thin people there drinking them that have never even been to this website because they've been thin all their lives and would be completely befuddled by the comments people make here...before they paid for their juice and drank it. Why? Because it tastes dam good!

    Off to whole foods to get my juice drink. :tongue:
  • pinkpatron
    pinkpatron Posts: 154
    Am I the only one who doesn't really juice fruit?

    Zuchinni in a juicer is terrible tasting, by the way.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    My friend has lost 8lbs this month juicing. She looks amazing and says she hasn't been hungry. I'm waiting for her new juicer to arrive then I'm having her old one and will give it a try, or at least incorporate it.

    Apparently juiced avocados are not particularly appetising, tho!

    Oh.. and in answer to your original question - people are 'against' anything that doesn't validate their own lifestyle choices (it's all about THEM you know...) or reinforce their prejudices.

    Or pre'juice'dices.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Paleolithic men did not have juicers

    Had I been drinking juice when I read this it would have come out my nose.....Lol

    Yeah me too. It was a jab at a lifestyle which I take seriously, but, I can't lie, it was funny as heck. And true. :laugh:
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.

    Ha, ha.

    OR...you can go into health food stores or those types of restaurants (like vegan organic scary places), and see all the thin people there drinking them that have never even been to this website because they've been thin all their lives and would be completely befuddled by the comments people make here...before they paid for their juice and drank it. Why? Because it tastes dam good!

    Off to whole foods to get my juice drink. :tongue:

    so...people who drink whole foods juice would never come to MFP because they are so thin? But you drink it...and you are here...so are you not thin? Does the juice actually not work? HOW AM I THIN WITHOUT JUICE????

    Sorry I just cannot make sense of this comment.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.

    Ha, ha.

    OR...you can go into health food stores or those types of restaurants (like vegan organic scary places), and see all the thin people there drinking them that have never even been to this website because they've been thin all their lives and would be completely befuddled by the comments people make here...before they paid for their juice and drank it. Why? Because it tastes dam good!

    Off to whole foods to get my juice drink. :tongue:

    You sound hungry.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.

    Ha, ha.

    OR...you can go into health food stores or those types of restaurants (like vegan organic scary places), and see all the thin people there drinking them that have never even been to this website because they've been thin all their lives and would be completely befuddled by the comments people make here...before they paid for their juice and drank it. Why? Because it tastes dam good!

    Off to whole foods to get my juice drink. :tongue:

    You sound hungry.


    God Christian Bale is so hot. mmmm taco
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Steroid use is illegal and can have bad side effects.

    So drinking the juice of a fruit or vegetable is like taking cortisone?

    Ahh, different kind of juicing.

    Well, juicing as an addition to a current diet is fine, in my opinion. However, replacing your diet completely with juicing, especially in the long term, is simply not a good idea. You lack fiber, fats, and protein, not to mention are usually eating at an extreme calorie deficit.

    ^ So much of this.

    I'll add that when you combine OPs asking if they should "juice fast" for 30 days with references to videos such as "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" (which is a typical agenda pushing docudrama), you have a recipe for jokes and silly gifs, not serious conversation.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.

    Ha, ha.

    OR...you can go into health food stores or those types of restaurants (like vegan organic scary places), and see all the thin people there drinking them that have never even been to this website because they've been thin all their lives and would be completely befuddled by the comments people make here...before they paid for their juice and drank it. Why? Because it tastes dam good!

    Off to whole foods to get my juice drink. :tongue:

    so...people who drink whole foods juice would never come to MFP because they are so thin? But you drink it...and you are here...so are you not thin? Does the juice actually not work? HOW AM I THIN WITHOUT JUICE????

    Sorry I just cannot make sense of this comment.

    Holy crap...the if a is b, and b is c, then a is c argument. Sorry, i cannot make sense out of YOUR comment either since it's not what I said.

    I will admit though that most people would think I'm thin. And I like to eat food. And I like to drink juice. :bigsmile:

    Eta: p.s. they don't drink juice to stay slim. They don't even think about staying slim, counting calories, or anything else. They drink juice because they like it. As should anyone else...if they like it. If they don't like it, then don't drink it.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    Because its a gimmick. If you look at the most successful people on this site (or anywhere really) - the ones setting PRs, the ones who have taken the weight off and kept it off, the ones who look amazing - they don't do crazy things like put all their food in a blender before eating it. They don't insist their bodies are unclean and full of mysterious toxins that must be purged. They track their food, exercise, and they don't make it so damn complicated.

    Ha, ha.

    OR...you can go into health food stores or those types of restaurants (like vegan organic scary places), and see all the thin people there drinking them that have never even been to this website because they've been thin all their lives and would be completely befuddled by the comments people make here...before they paid for their juice and drank it. Why? Because it tastes dam good!

    Off to whole foods to get my juice drink. :tongue:

    You sound hungry.


    Thanks, but I only eat my tacos with margaritas. :drinker:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    This thread has a lot of potential.
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    I don't buy into the detox thing. But I do buy into a great way to pack alot of nutrients into a small package.

    I do buy the detox thing. Doing a juice fast for 24 hours won't hurt you at all. And it is a good way to get bad crap out of your system. Literally!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I don't buy into the detox thing. But I do buy into a great way to pack alot of nutrients into a small package.

    I do buy the detox thing. Doing a juice fast for 24 hours won't hurt you at all. And it is a good way to get bad crap out of your system. Literally!

    Please explain how and provide ANY sort of link to back up that claim? One shred of scientific evidence please.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I don't buy into the detox thing. But I do buy into a great way to pack alot of nutrients into a small package.

    I do buy the detox thing. Doing a juice fast for 24 hours won't hurt you at all. And it is a good way to get bad crap out of your system. Literally!

    Please explain how and provide ANY sort of link to back up that claim? One shred of scientific evidence please.

    Waste is removed via urine and excrement. Juicing makes you poop.

  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    About six weeks ago I watched a documentary on TV about Joe Cross: "Fat, sick and nearly dead" http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/about/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead/
    It was truly an extraordinary story - I recommend everyone to check it out before passing judgement.

    I would have considered juicing but there's no way that I could afford the juicer.
    I think as a temporary measure to get one's weight down to an ideal body weight, and then switch to a healthy calorie-controlled solid-food diet for maintenance - I think it looks fine as a strategy and it appears to work.
    kind regards,

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    About six weeks ago I watched a documentary on TV about Joe Cross: "Fat, sick and nearly dead" http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/about/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead/
    It was truly an extraordinary story - I recommend everyone to check it out before passing judgement.

    I would have considered juicing but there's no way that I could afford the juicer.
    I think as a temporary measure to get one's weight down to an ideal body weight, and then switch to a healthy calorie-controlled solid-food diet for maintenance - I think it looks fine as a strategy and it appears to work.
    kind regards,


    ^ There it is! I knew someone was going to bring up that laugh fest of a docu-melodrama.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    About six weeks ago I watched a documentary on TV about Joe Cross: "Fat, sick and nearly dead" http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/about/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead/
    It was truly an extraordinary story - I recommend everyone to check it out before passing judgement.

    I would have considered juicing but there's no way that I could afford the juicer.
    I think as a temporary measure to get one's weight down to an ideal body weight, and then switch to a healthy calorie-controlled solid-food diet for maintenance - I think it looks fine as a strategy and it appears to work.
    kind regards,


    ^ There it is! I knew someone was going to bring up that laugh fest of a docu-melodrama.

    Yup! The dude made a documentary about juicing, and then tried to sell you a juicer. This should be everyone's first clue that it isn't on the level.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    About six weeks ago I watched a documentary on TV about Joe Cross: "Fat, sick and nearly dead" http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/about/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead/
    It was truly an extraordinary story - I recommend everyone to check it out before passing judgement.

    I would have considered juicing but there's no way that I could afford the juicer.
    I think as a temporary measure to get one's weight down to an ideal body weight, and then switch to a healthy calorie-controlled solid-food diet for maintenance - I think it looks fine as a strategy and it appears to work.
    kind regards,


    ^ There it is! I knew someone was going to bring up that laugh fest of a docu-melodrama.

    Yup! The dude made a documentary about juicing, and then tried to sell you a juicer. This should be everyone's first clue that it isn't on the level.
