100lbs lost or more

I have been using this app off and on for a few years and I’m currently down 185lbs. Looking to connect with those that have lost 100lbs or more. And those that have a goal to lose 100lbs or more. Just want some encouragement and some news friends to share my journey with.


  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! From 2014-2016, I lost over 100 pounds, around 125. I gained most of it back after that. My goal is to lose 100-110 pounds and see where I’m at with things after that. Taking it in small increments.
  • hqsbbwphtc
    hqsbbwphtc Posts: 4 Member
    I’m currently trying to lose at least 170lbs. So if you have any tips please let me know! I struggle with eating.
  • emilyeverson30
    emilyeverson30 Posts: 2 Member
    OMG I'm proud of you, what a commitment to your goals! I am trying to lose 100lbs, Currently down 70 and super happy with my progress so far but looking to make friends with like minded individuals with lots of ambition. I'm doing this journey on my own and would love to hear what's working really well for everyone.