Looking for help? Having a hard time with your get up and go?

Come along with us, because we've all been there!! Over 10 years ago, I found this group and I've lost not 25 LBS, or even 50 LBS, but 112 LBs and have been where I am at now for the most part 3 YEARS!!

WHAT did I find? The 5% Challenge and now you also get to join us!! Come along for the 2022 Spring 5% Challenge,, once aboard pick a team, and you'll be so very surrounded with the support I have here!! Dream big, Dream of new clothes of course, but way more so, of feeling comfortable as your health improves. That of course is our real goal.

Here's the description:
Join this supportive team and let's have fun as we lose 5% of our starting weight, make new friends and improve our health! Race to Fascinating Places for 8 Weeks. JOIN us to write your own success story! Make 2022 a healthy year. Open enrolment, join any time.

Here's the link to start your or continue your success with us!
