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Total, Natural, & Added Sugar

aowhupyourass Posts: 1 Member
The reason I joined this site was to watch my glucose via carbs and sugar, but the food tracker doesn't distinguish between types of sugar. The way things are, I can be super strict about my sugar intake, but having an orange and an apple in a day will still read on the tracker in the negatives, as if I ate dessert all day.

As we know, natural sugar in fruits, etc is metabolized differently than added sugar like in soda. So why isn't there a listed difference, or separate category in the sugar? Or if not added vs total, then why not track what sugar was eaten whole or processed (eating an orange vs drinking orange concentrate)?
(By metabolized differently, I mean by ways of its form, not the actual chemical. An orange having fiber and nutrients, vs orange soda.)
Everyone agrees that having fruit for lunch is better than a syrup-filled coffee, even if on paper they add up to the same sugar total. Then why isn't it separated?

It's really disheartening to try my best with daily workouts and nutrition, only for it to read in the negative on reports anyway because I had grapes.
Increasing the goal total on the sugar to make up for it creates a bigger problem: what if the extra room is accidentally filled with added/raw sugar, because I'm not being hyper-vigilant anymore?

Please, please tweak or amend how sugar is tallied. Because at best, it makes me want to use a different service; and at worst, it really bums me out to have the nutrition stats telling me I'm doing badly, when I'm doing everything I'm supposed to.
6 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sorry, but don't see the problem--sugar is sugar for your body (multiple threads on the subject). Just eat your fruit. However, too much fruit isn't a good idea for someone watching their sugar intake. Try to stay within your sugar goal for a week and see if you can do it.

    As far as carbs go, you could use the same argument--good carbs vs bad, and why doesn't MFP distinguish between them? It can get very complicated. You can add notes to your diary and specify what kind of sugar or carbs you're eating for the day.

    Good luck.