Looking for accountability buddies❤️

JaeMassaro1992 Posts: 1 Member
edited March 2022 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone, my name is Jess. I just started using this app again today after being away for many years. I’m currently 165 lbs and want to get back down to my pre COVID lockdown weight of 125. I’m also interested in doing intermittent fasting if anyone has any tips with that or just weight loss tips in general. I would love to have some friends to keep in touch with, support and motivate each other if anyone is interested. Thanks in advance!!


  • cookiesncreme200148
    cookiesncreme200148 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Jess, I have the same goals. I can't blame covid for my weight though. I'm around 165lbs give or take the day of the week. I was down a few times before and gained it back. I've been doing interment fasting at times. And still learning about it. Few weeks ago I got back to walking even though it was still winter. And now I'm about to increase my walks again. I just finished my first bag of kachava and that helps me get through the day without eating something I'd regret. The sugar amount isn't a lot but I haven't figured out yet if it's helping or hindering weight loss. For me its a fine line of getting protein and not having sugar issues. I'm big on walking and have mini gym. I'm big on eggs, sweet potatoes, chia and other supplements. If you would like a female buddy to chat with and support each other feel free to message back.
  • soldodunja81
    soldodunja81 Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2022
    Weight loss tips - forget intermittent fasting or night fasting, or cutting stuff out, restricting things just make people want them more
    Try to work out a bit every day unless you’re exhausted and need a rest day~ one day you can do yoga, another walk your dog , another weights
    You Have to not worry about your weight now because , it’s just weight, we gain it, we lose it, it’s not really that important, what’s important is switching to healthy habits… those are my tips hope they helped I gained weight at the beginning of quarantine pretty quickly and that’s how I lost it