Happy Saturday!

Happy Saturday everyone!

I am looking for a few good people for support in my journey of keeping my weight maintained. I suffer with high anxiety which causes my weight to fluctuate, I could be 108lbs but then, after high levels of anxiety, I can go down to being 105lbs. It used to be pretty bad years past and food planning had been a struggle in times past but these recent years it is better.

My mental health is an ongoing problem for me, high anxiety has been a bother for many years but I will get there to making it balance out and level out. I've learnt that things in life take time, to go with the flow and things can be a waiting game at best but, these things can get resolved. Listen to your heart, follow the right support and guidance, and everything will be alright in the long run. Do not let fear make you fall, rise above it to look at the good things you have in your life.

I had been born with heart problems, 15 holes in the heart with asthma, and the hospital said it had been highly unlikely I would survive by the time I was eighteen. I proved them wrong, all those physical problems cleared up by 2010, eighteen years old, so I wish to show those who have survived heart problems and asthma it is not too late to rise up to lifelong wishes. No matter your age, you can do this; age is just a number at the end of the day, do not let it make you fall.

It is my birthday today. Hospitals kept saying how it would have been highly likely I would have died by the time I was eighteen, however, here I am at age 30 today. Proved those butt wipes wrong 😂


  • tomsterlingmarsh
    tomsterlingmarsh Posts: 2 Member
    Well I am impressed by so much of what you openly shared. I think you will over come anything in time as you have done in the past. Happy to support you! I’m on my own journey here to try and make my nutrition better so I can get better results. Here’s to new beginnings!
  • BeccaLouise30
    BeccaLouise30 Posts: 29 Member
    Well I am impressed by so much of what you openly shared. I think you will over come anything in time as you have done in the past. Happy to support you! I’m on my own journey here to try and make my nutrition better so I can get better results. Here’s to new beginnings!

    Ah thank you that's most appreciated, and I support you too for I am sure with your ambitious way of thinking about your journey that you will make it. Here's to new beginnings 🙏

    You may add me if you wish.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
  • BeccaLouise30
    BeccaLouise30 Posts: 29 Member
    JBanx256 wrote: »

    Thank you 😊
  • cgcal2002
    cgcal2002 Posts: 8 Member
    Happy Birthday that is amazing news
  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    @BeccaLouise30 Happy Birthday and Congratulations on everything you have overcome! Dealing with anxiety on top of your health problems must be incredibly challenging. I have also faced stresses and anxiety from a cancer diagnosis, and overcome it, so I am in your corner.

    I wanted to ask whether one thing you said in your post is a typo, because if it is not, then perhaps a further conversation with your dr will allow you to take it off your list of things to be anxious about. You said I suffer with high anxiety which causes my weight to fluctuate, I could be 108lbs but then, after high levels of anxiety, I can go down to being 105lbs.

    That is only a three pound weight fluctuation and although it is a very low weight we are talking about, and although we don’t know your height even at a shorter stature you certainly are right to be careful, I wonder whether a conversation with your doctor might alleviate the worry that this is all due to anxiety or that it is a true and lasting weight fluctuation, and instead ascribe it more to normal variations attributable to things all of us suffer like changes based on water retention/release, changes related to menstrual cycles, changes related to metabolizing certain types of nutrients which cause or bodies to either store or release water. Perhaps speaking with a nutritionist to understand these common biological processes will help you alleviate your concerns and will reduce one of the items that gives you anxiety about your health.

    Be well and stay strong!
  • Work_toward_goals
    Work_toward_goals Posts: 10 Member
    Happy birthday Becca!
  • BeccaLouise30
    BeccaLouise30 Posts: 29 Member
    @BeccaLouise30 Happy Birthday and Congratulations on everything you have overcome! Dealing with anxiety on top of your health problems must be incredibly challenging. I have also faced stresses and anxiety from a cancer diagnosis, and overcome it, so I am in your corner.

    I wanted to ask whether one thing you said in your post is a typo, because if it is not, then perhaps a further conversation with your dr will allow you to take it off your list of things to be anxious about. You said I suffer with high anxiety which causes my weight to fluctuate, I could be 108lbs but then, after high levels of anxiety, I can go down to being 105lbs.

    That is only a three pound weight fluctuation and although it is a very low weight we are talking about, and although we don’t know your height even at a shorter stature you certainly are right to be careful, I wonder whether a conversation with your doctor might alleviate the worry that this is all due to anxiety or that it is a true and lasting weight fluctuation, and instead ascribe it more to normal variations attributable to things all of us suffer like changes based on water retention/release, changes related to menstrual cycles, changes related to metabolizing certain types of nutrients which cause or bodies to either store or release water. Perhaps speaking with a nutritionist to understand these common biological processes will help you alleviate your concerns and will reduce one of the items that gives you anxiety about your health.

    Be well and stay strong!

    I have had doctors talk to me about this before but once I was diagnosed with autism and anxiety disorder, they classed it down to being my anxiety. Anxiety can cause weight to fluctuate, its a well known fact. I am not even anxious about it. But I thank you.