Clean Eating....... Does it work?



  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Clean eating is a temporary solution to a lifelong problem.
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    The reason being is "clean" food tends to be low in calories in comparison. You feel fuller while eating less calories.

    This. I did a mostly meat and veggie diet from June of last year through February of this year. I went from 290ish to 225ish. Then I just stopped losing. I got to a point where my daily eating routine (I ate mostly the same foods every day) was basically at maintenance.

    So in short I guess the answer is it can but it's no miracle and the basic science behind weight loss still applies. I will say the simplicity of it was great and it helped me break a lot of bad food habits. I got a whole new perspective on food. While clean eating might not deserve all the hype it gets it doesn't deserve all the hate either.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Being at a caloric deficit will = weight loss.

    Well sure, but actually achieving and then maintaining a caloric deficit is a lot harder than just saying it. Clean eating works because people will feel more full on less calories then when they eat highly processed foods.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Shakeology is the exact opposite of eating "clean".

    Not true, Im on Vegan Tropical Strawberry Flavor shakeology and it is working for me. I have looked at the ingredients and find nothing wrong with it. Thanks for your concern though. I have been eating clean and doing really good at staying away from the fast food, frozen meals, bakery type items, white bread, anything white, and so on..and so on.

    what is wrong with "white" stuff?

    Because the "white stuff," or the "white death" makes it very easy to overeat if you're not carefully counting your calories. It also has other long term health issues b/c if you're getting a significant percentage of your calories from junk food like white bread, then you're probably not getting enough protein, fiber, anti-oxidants, etc.
  • lknjohnson
    lknjohnson Posts: 351 Member
    I don't really eat clean, I eat what fits my calories and is cheap, usually that's raw fruits and veggies mixed with with proteins and cheese :) - not really a carb eater, personally.

    Sometimes is canned for frozen fruits and veggies if they are on sale and I want to stock up, plus their usually pre-cut which is oh-so-convenient.

    Sometimes I grill chicken breast, sometimes I use (heaven-forbid!) processed lunch meat.

    Sometimes I go for the fat-free processed cheese and sometimes I need more fat to meet my macros so I use the full fat version... heck I've been known to add a random tablespoon of butter to things to up my fats for the day.

    Basically, I keep a variety of raw/fresh, frozen, and canned options available to make my "lifestyle change" manageable - and tasty!

    PS.. If I have 200 calories left over and I want a treat, there is no way in hell I'm reaching for a bowl of mixed berries and organic yogurt over a blueberry poptart. Eat what makes you happy!!

    Exactly. I'm with you on that lady!!
  • pauljsaunders
    To sum it up "you are what you eat", the last 1000 meals pretty much tells you how your body will develop, if you eat faty foods, you'll end up storing the fat.. I wouldnt go as far as saying "your boby is a temple" but you really need to pay it some attention to what is good for it, and whats bad try to stay clear from it...
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I eat about 80% clean. As you can see, everyone has a different definition. I focus on whole foods when possible, which means I cook often. I've eliminated artificial sweeteners and I've cut out most artificial flavors. I always read the ingredients lists and make sure it's all actual food and mostly healthy. I cut out dairy due to lactose intolerance and the fact that it caused me to have a post-nasal drip and I developed many sinus infections. I stick to whole grains whenever available. I have a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, aiming for nine servings daily, more vegetables than fruit. Many American carnivores consume too much meat protein, so I eat many vegetarian sources of protein. I also only buy meat, poultry and eggs at the grocery store that are free-range, and I'm trying to only eat free-range at restaurants, and while it is challenging, I have found two very good restaurants in my neighborhood that fit the criteria.

    So create a calorie deficit and determine what clean eating means to you, which should be based on your reasons and priorities. Feel better and lose weight.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Being at a caloric deficit will = weight loss.

  • TropicalSeaShell

    Again, shakeology or any other kind of meal replacement shake that was made by man in a lab is NOT 'clean eating' :noway:

    iechick...... First off, I never said I 'ate clean' so I dont know why you are HATING on me...or rather, on Shakeology. Also miss, I never offered it as a solution to 'clean eating'. Did I? In actuality, I do eat fairly 'clean' BUT I also allow myself wiggle room for the things I love, like shakeology. AND, if you took the minute to look at the ingredient list, Im sure any nutritionist and even you might agree that its more beneficial to go WITH shake-o everyday rather than not. The ingredients are just amazing. Obviously, it would be ideal to eat all your nutrients, but having something that is SO nutrient-dense that is on-the-go for us busy individuals is also great. So, thanks for your little comment, but next time, maybe you shouldnt have such impure thoughts about what I have to say because I was just trying to be helpful and honest about what worked for me. Thanks.
