What was your "last straw"???



  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    The last straw for me was when I went into my doctors office after suffering from some female issues and my Dr said I needed blood pressure meds, that i was diabetic, she wanted me to take some anti depressants, and a baby aspirin to protect me from a heart attack...I was 41 years old and it was a slap in my face.
    I lost my mom to cancer in September of last year. She was always begging me to get my weight under control and I just kept saying I was fine...I was not fine. I was killing myself.
    My knees hurt so badly I can barley stand or walk for long and when I stand up it takes me a few moments to stretch out the kinks...I am too young to feel this old. I don't want to be crippled in a chair for my retirement years or die prematurely.
    My 30's kinda sucked, I want my 40's and my 50's to rock!!!! I know I can do this....my last straw was pulled and I am now holding my self accountable....
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I got sick of trying crash diets and realised there was no quick fix for me. I finally understood just how much weight I had to lose, and I wanted to feel fitter and healthier. I was sick of struggling, mentally and physically.
  • lilolemeakared
    lilolemeakared Posts: 10 Member
    My last straw wasn't hitting 194 lbs again. It was being diagnosed with a slight to moderate case of fatty liver disease. I am not a drinker and while I am considered obese for my frame, I am slightly obese. I never thought I would hear those words from my doctor. The biggest shocker was when he told me that if I do not do something about it now, by age 50 I will be just one of large number of people whose liver is dying and will need a transplant. He told me that there is going to be a shortage of livers because our society is getting sicker and sicker.
  • AJelinski
    My last straw (this time, which is the second time around) is that I am preparing to go to training that includes daily running, and by the end of the 10 weeks I have to be able to run six miles (and by this November one mile in under ten). So, i went to the doc for a physical (haven't had one in three years) and told him what my plans were. He ordered a stress test and the results were, to say the least, astounding. My BP rocketed to a whopping 224/92 in the ten minutes and thirty seconds I was on the machine. So now I'm on BP meds, a 1,400 calorie per day, low salt, must lose 20 pounds, lifestyle change...and that is my last straw.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    A really bad photo that told me the truth the mirror had somehow managed to conceal.

    Plus, I was saying "ooofff" every time I got up from the sofa.

    Yet, that ooofff-ing couch sure can be a wake up call !! same thing happened to me everytime I bent down, and then tried to get oooff-ing up.

    not no more!! yeah!!!
  • serotonin11
    My ex would often call me fat, ugly, disgusting, comment on saggy parts etc. Mind you I'd had his kid months earlier. Anyway, made me feel awful enough to change so I couldn't be called anything nasty about my appearance anymore.
  • TomyAllen
    My dad passed away. After that I realized I wanted not only to be in the best shape possible but I also wanted to become a police officer. Since then I've cut all Alcohol, pops, chips, and most fast foods. And I've been hitting the gym at least 4 times a week.

    I've been doing it for months now but I've just joined MFP now to help me keep track of my foods, and cal intake.
  • unnoticeablyme
    I am so tired of trying to "hide" my fat. I was overly skinny most of my life until the last eight years where the weight is piling on. I don't want anyone to see me that hasn't seen me in awhile because of how different I look. I was made fun of for being so skinny (which can hurt too) for most of my life that to be overweight now seems to be the other end of the "joke" spectrum. I have lost 12 pounds but I am still 40 pounds heavier than when I met my husband. I am tired of wearing my black windbreaker on 80 degree days so no one can tell how fat I am. I am tired of making excuses for not meeting up with friends because I have nothing to wear that looks good on me. I am tired of wearing my husband's t-shirts and stretching them out on the bottom to hide my belly. Since when does a nice unwrinkled t-shirt constitute a dressed up look for a family get together. I don't spend any money on clothes because this is JUST NOT ME!!! I am tired of dressing someone else's body! My personality has changed. I used to be outgoing and what I thought was pretty funny but now I am much more reserved so as not to call attention to myself. I AM SICK OF THIS! WHERE AM I? I am going to find the person I used to be and do the things i thought I would be doing at this stage in my life. I know that some overweight people accept their weight and still live life to the fullest and I commend them for that but that is not me. THIS is not me.
  • OoOJennieOoO
    OoOJennieOoO Posts: 14 Member
    Not recognize myself anymore, not caring anymore, I am afraid to go out sometimes because I don't want anyone making fun of me. I hate when people ask me if I am pregnant, Now I just go along with it until my belly goes down. which wont be for a while since I have 100# to lose.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Being hospitalized for the second time in 6 months and told it was possibly my last warning to lose the weight or die.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    When I was making weekly visits to the doctor because of my issues I was causing to my body by being inactive and eating whatever I wanted. It really exaggerated the symptoms of my PCOS. It was either become really good friends with the people at the doctor's office, or get off my *kitten* and do something. I chose the latter.
  • powerman617
    My doctor told me I was a walking heart attack and if I didn't get off my fat *kitten* and lose some weight the rest of my life would be spent filling prescriptions for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. None of these sounded like how I want to spend my retirement days and they are just around the corner.
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    A full length mirror was my last straw...I bought one and I couldn't get over how fat I looked in it...Then I thought about going thru menopause and how I'd gained so much weight, and that was me!!! This was my final wake-up call...

  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    depressed for over 2 decades, then just about to hit 40 i was on deaths door and something had to give, either me or my life.
    I just flipped out and said enough is enough, well that and a gym opened up just a 10 minute walk from my house. Joined the gym a few days later and within a month i had joined MFP which was advertised on my gyms website, as there ads are also plastered over hundreds of sites aswell (http://www.goodlifehealthclubs.com.au/Home/)/ Haven't looked back since.

    over 6 months and 25Kilo's gone,

    other factors

    was about to have to buy new clothes yet again cause what i had didn't fit yet again. and now i have the same problem but having to buy smaller after only buying new clothes just 3 months ago. Arggggggg

    My sister inlaw lost over 20Kilo's in a bid to try and combat a genetic hip/bone structure issue, and she changed alot over the course of 2 years.

    My father is at the same gym so i have someone i can train with on holidays and on weekends so thats a bonus get to spend more time with him just one on one with something in common.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Feeling so desperately tired all the time, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis in knee, high blood pressure, uncomfortable in my own body physically and mentally. Ugh, I never want to go back there. :cry:


    This too i was diagnosed with Level 2 hypertension (High Blood PRessure) at critical levels
  • fattobad
    I went to a community service place to volunteer and told me I couldn't because they don't let pregnant people volunteer. I was so embarrassed when I told her I wasn't pregnant and that my baby was two years old. That Saturday I decided to change my life.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    Ive been on and off mfp for a few years and it was always helpful. this time around it was because i avoided mirrors, couldnt wear my own pants (i litterally wore sweats and my husbands pants), i didnt wear any of my shirts, i was so out of shape i had a hard time at work, i was getting sick all the time, i felt like crap most days, and i wanted to be happy healthy and skinny skinny skinny like i used to be, so making the change to a healthy lifestyle
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I went to the drs on july 19th for a pap. who likes to be 278 pounds getting a pap. and I didn't know I was 278 until I got there. everything was fine during my physical. hated not fitting in the gown but as the Dr left the room she said everything looks good but let's try to work on the weight. ding. I left there on Friday the 19th didn't think too much about it. woke up Monday morning the 22nd and just did it. so I attribute it to my beautiful doctor.
  • Mechanikitty
    Mechanikitty Posts: 90 Member
    Just felt like a fat shiet really.
  • rose559
    I woke up one day and weighed 185 pounds. I am only 4ft 10in so that doesn't look so great. I would get out of breath walking down the street. My pants were getting too tight and I started to prefer stretch pants over my cute pants. I started working out June 03,2013. It's slowly coming off which is great, I wish the progress would show more. I keep telling myself why such little results but its only been a couple months. I am losing about 1 pound a week.

    Getting close to 200 was a big shock to me!
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