What was your "last straw"???



  • ElmiMN
    There were a few things that finally made me angry with myself which turned into motivation..

    My calves would feel so painful that I would walk bent over until they warmed up and got used to my weight.
    Couldn't catch my breathe quick enough
    My lower back started to hurt and I'd have to bend over to relieve the pain.

    I've been over weight all my life. Either by a few pounds or by a-lot more than a few pounds. My heaviest was 250 and my lowest was 200. I slowly gained back 40 plus pounds and I noticed that this time around the more than extra weight was taking a noticeable toll on my health. I'm 5'6 and I should be about 140-160. My goal is to reach 190 by my birthday and work my way down from there. :)
  • JamieH1984
    JamieH1984 Posts: 86 Member
    Bumping for later.
  • theslimapple
    theslimapple Posts: 38 Member
    Bad photos making me look matronly. Painful sciatica. Feeling the strange, bothersome, feeling of my belly being in the way when I bend downward to put socks on. Just plain getting tired of being lethargic. Looking at pictures of fit women and wanting the same for myself, that I'm WORTH IT. All that and more. Just wanting to be at my best and that life is short, so why shouldn't I do everything that I can control to increase my quality of life and lifespan.
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    my last straw was people asking when I was due,,my gut was so big that it looked like I was expecting a baby,, not any more ,flat abs now after 2 years on here
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    My three year old son asking me why my legs are so big and my only answer is "Mommy likes candy too much."

    Knee fat bulging over my kneecaps.

    Ankle fat pudging out of my leggings.

    No bras fit me right.
  • tilmoph
    tilmoph Posts: 72 Member
    Like it says in my profile, when I started knocking things off the tables at work. Didn't make a connection at first; I'm a rather clumsy guy, so me being around plus stuff falling isn't usually all that noteworthy. At some point, by chance, I actually saw my massive gut just slide a thing off the table.

    "Huh", I thought. "I should probably do something about that". So, I did.

    Now, I've been a fatty pretty much forever, so I never had an "Oh my god, how can I look like " moment. More of a "Yup, still fat. Also, still live on a planet and don't have superpowers" kind of feeling.
  • rhondaec
    rhondaec Posts: 85 Member
    bump to read later
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    On the tracker...click on APPS (top right of center), then on TICKERS.
  • AtlantisLoss
    AtlantisLoss Posts: 32 Member
    I found MFP when I realized the reason why I was turning down opportunities to go out, was because of my weight.
    Even in my best clothes, I was too conscious of what i looked liked and always preferred to have my back to a wall obscure myself from other peoples view.
  • ToBeAStrongerMan
    ToBeAStrongerMan Posts: 36 Member
    I was unhappy with my life, dissatisfied with my relationships, and frustrated with my lack of action. I woke up, feeling like this almost every day.

    I wanted change, I wanted it all to change. So I started with myself, in hopes that it would give me the strength to change the rest.

    The last trigger - The lack of hope and soul I saw in people's eyes.... I didn't want to be like them.

    = )
  • Susanthecatwhisperer
    My last straw was being within 2 pounds of my nemesis who is morbidly obese.
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    There were many times that I've said to myself that I'm gonna lose weight and never got started. Even after I first joined mfp, I still didn't keep going. I had even gotten to the point where I was thinking about quitting my job because I couldn't stand all the pain I was in after I got home. Plus I always seemed out of breath even after doing small things. I couldn't stand to look at myself in a mirror, go places, clothes shopping (the worst). Then one day I said enough is enough. Started walking and watching what I put in my mouth and recording all on mfp. I have not looked back. I also have a huge incentive...going to Disney World in January. :)
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    Many last straws.. Many mentioned, but I have at least 82 pounds to lose... Probably at least 25 more than that, but I'm using Disney in March as one of my BIG incentives. I've been sick a lot and hospitalized twice in the past two years. First fir blood vessels bursting and body filling with blood clots and the doctors thought initially my cancer from 10 years ago may have returned. Several biopsies in completely different areas with irregular growths or rumors on my PET scan and it's all negative fir cancer. And obviously before weight increase I had minor back issues, now with weight increase they became so bad I have trouble walking. Took several steroid injections and my last one in January had complications and I got bacterial meningitis from the shot. So now only treating with pain medicine and after the meningitis had severe migraines, 5 weeks in and out of two hospitals and I had to be put on yet another medicine which caused me to gain 25 pounds in three months. So all of this wants me to be healthy enough to go off most of my medicine and have energy to get through a day without naps and sleep better and eat better and be fit to take on a Disney vacation in March.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    A few things ....

    1. Puffing my way round to a distant and exhausted last place in our annual 3.5 mile race
    2. Having someone (genuinely) leap to my defence by saying - "Oh come on ... he's not THAT fat" :-)
    3. Realizing one day as i stepped on the scale and it said I had reached 101.5 kg; I figured that was nearing 230lbs. Homer J Simpson weighs 260lbs ....

    Also, having been a really skinny kid, I never really liked the idea of being officially clinically obese (even though I didn't think I was!)
  • I honestly just woke up one morning, and thought I couldn't stand to see myself the way I had become anymore. I went to workout that day and started eating better.

    This. Exactly this.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I remember the moment I decided to honestly commit myself to losing weight. It was in the evening after dinner. I went upstairs to get ready for bed and decided to weigh myself. The scale read 180 lbs a new high for me. I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person looking back. My features were changing, I was tired all the time. I decided if I didn't start now I never would and the scale would only keep going up.
  • MalissaAK
    MalissaAK Posts: 1 Member
    Many Reasons:

    1. I am basically 'borderline' everything! Diabetes, Hypertension, Etc. (So a healthier me is in order!)
    2. I am dealing with PCOS & I will like to have a family soon.
    3. I am the only 'Fat' person in my family & in my circle of colleagues & friends.
    4. I am 'this close' to being able to fit 'properly' in the 'smaller' airplane seats!
    5. When I go shopping I will like to not have to look for & purchase the biggest size available!

    It's time for a change!
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    I used to buy nearly all my clothes in Marks & Spencer (UK MFPers will know what I mean), and the largest trousers they did were generally size 44. For years my weight topped out at around the 250 lb mark, largely because when my jeans got tight I had to diet or not have any clothes! Then M&S introduced size 46 jeans! Predictably, my weight spiraled up, peaking at over 300 lbs. The tipping point was then in Chicago on holiday in 2009. After indulging too much and eating US restaurant meal portions for over a week, my (already stretched-out) jeans were cutting off circulation in my lower body. I got back to the hotel and lay on the bed with my stomach aching from the livid red groove in it, caused by the waist-band.

    That was the moment that I realised that things could not go on that way any longer...
  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    I don't think I had one per-say, I just thought it was about time I stopped obsessing over my miscarriage and get fit so I can try again soon.
  • MyLittleOwl
    MyLittleOwl Posts: 217 Member
    It was the culmination of a bunch of things for me, but ultimately coming to grips with the fact that I was depressed, unhappy with my weight, embarrassed to see pictures of myself with my son, did it. I just decided something has got to give. I had lost a ton of weight when he was born 5 years ago, but eventually put it ALL back on...all 50 pounds of it. I'm happy with my start so far and completely dedicated. I'm finding this site so much more helpful than my boyfriend (who is wonderful but has no weight to lose so he has no idea what it feels like!). It's nice to have people who can relate!
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