What was your "last straw"???



  • kwelinb
    kwelinb Posts: 3 Member
    Seeing myself in pictures, having to skip out on activities due to my weight, having to buy bigger clothes, being out off breath quickly, lower back pains..
  • emmysusanne
    emmysusanne Posts: 34 Member
    Same as a lot of people on here it seems - family photos! Everyone looked great and I looked gruesome, lol! Couldn't edit myself enough to look decent!
  • KathyPerry70
    KathyPerry70 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow! This thread has opened the flood gates! I didn't lose the weight after my second pregnancy as easily as I did after my first. And then I kept gaining, but still blamed it on 'baby weight'. I hovered around 180/size 16 for quite a while, but wasn't really happy about this. Then started noticing my clothes were getting tighter. I signed up for a pedometer-based walking programme at work back in May and did a pre-start weigh-in... 196.5lbs :sad:. The thought of being that close to 200lbs and the need to move up a size in clothing really freaked me out :frown: . So, in addition to adding some more exercise, I decided that I also needed to get in control of what (or more accurately, how much) I was eating. A quick search online led me to this site. Really pleased with my results so far so there's no looking back!
  • katrinarouse
    katrinarouse Posts: 2 Member
    I would say my last straw was when I had a hard time just doing simple things like repositioning in bed, walking up some stairs, and i hated how I looked in pictures. When I looked in the mirror it didnt seem so bad but when i saw a picture of me I would just feel disgusted. I want to be healthy for my son and my husband and most of all for myself. I deserve it! I havent looked back since but still have a long ways to go!
  • uttercaro
    Diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes in July. Now I'm "livin' la vida low-carb."
  • cheethnico
    cheethnico Posts: 57 Member
    a couple of pics i saw of myself recently made me feel upset as they wernt the most flattering and getting stressed as was suppose to be going out but i would have seen people that i havnt seen since before my little one was born and before my weight had got silly high it was cancelled thankfully but i know they would have been saying oh i saw Nicola last night and she has put a right load of weight on so enough was enough it wasn't going to just fall of like when i was a teenager. i have a wedding in October and dont want to be immortalized in them photos looking the way i do now i have about 8 week to make a difference but this is a life time change not a short term fix so i will try and not get my hopes up to much for the transformation for the wedding. it may sound like superficial reasons but they really affected my confidence day to day
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    I had run into a friend I hadn't seen in a long time,

    "Oh, wow! It's so good to see you! It's been forever!"
    "Oh, hey!"
    -looks me over- "Wait...Oh my God, are you pregnant?"
    -red as a tomato- "No......."

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I didn't have a last straw. I guess I was ok with myself, since I wasn't overweight, just not as in shape as I could have been. My sister wanted me to join her for motivation so I did. I really got into it, took off a few unnecessary extra pounds, and started working on fitness and body composition. Been here ever since. :drinker:
  • cheethnico
    cheethnico Posts: 57 Member
    i lost 45lb 2 year ago and steam ran out even though i knew i still had another 45lb to go i pretended like i was happy with myself and i have been kidding myself until 3 weeks ago but im back and youre back so lets kick some fat :-)
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I was squeezing myself into my larger sized clothes and the pants were leaving deep red marks on my stomach. Every time I looked in the mirror, I saw my big round face and I didn't like it. I didn't find myself attractive at all. I was separating from my husband and eating my feelings. I was 2 pounds away from 200, I was disgusted.

    I realized on an airplane home from Florida on May 2 that I was where I was and I could continue on the current path and get bigger and bigger, or; I could take my time and find a sustainable way to reduce my calories so I wasn't starving all the time (I've done WW many times and it never lasts because I'm too hungry ALL the time). I decided that I was really going to change and be patient with the process.

    I signed in here and happened upon a photo of a lady who started bigger than me who was now rocking a heavy lifting amazing body. I pmed her and asked what she did and she told me what to read. I learned about my TDEE and I've been losing ever since.

    Today is my 120 day. I'm eating better, exercising, looking and feeling better. My whole life has changed. I like what I see in the mirror, the size 10 pants I'm wearing in my profile pic are too big, I bought them last summer and dreamt of wearing them someday. I feel good about myself, I have more energy, and I go to bed, excited to get up and exercise.

    I bought a pair of size 8 pants on Sunday! I haven't had single digit sized clothing since 1993, after giving birth to my second child.
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    You know? I knew I was gaining weight but I just ignored it for so long.. Since the beginning of the year, my jeans didn't fit... Easy, I stopped wearing jeans and I bought bigger pants (I blamed the store sizes). I said to myself that I was eating healthy, then I pretended that I liked running (honestly, I did run for a couple of times only). Then I saw pictures, I saw that I gained weight, I felt bad and I pretended that I was doing "low carb". Yeah not.

    I went to another trip and I saw that I had to really put my face up so I'd not look like double chin. I got a bit more afraid. I got a scale and weighted myself. I weighted higher ever. But still, for some reason I still put excuses (up and down the same kilos, saying that slow was better, but not really focusing). Until one day, I was talking to some colleages/friends and they told me that they were to the gym to get ready for our training in Morocco, I asked why and he told me that there was a pool. And it hit me. I looked my worst ever and I was expected to be in there, in swimsuit?.

    That day I went to buy the things I needed for a detox, a week later I got into the gym and started 5:2. Now, I've lost around 7 kilos and I feel much much better. Half of my clothes are too big for me and my face looks like me again.

    I was the queen of the excuses until I found no other excuse why I wasn't taking care of myself.
  • fitness_steph1020
    My "fat jeans" became my normal everyday jeans. I was not happy and decided to do something about it.
  • aimesuk
    aimesuk Posts: 51 Member
    Mine was stepping on the scale last week and realising that in 18 months I have gained 37lbs. I was 164lb (11 st 10lbs) which is a stone over my top end healthy BMI but wasn't able to get any lower and SPECTACULARLY fell off the wagon.

    Half-heartedly I have started and stopped various diets, but it was seeing that I have topped out at 201lbs, my heaviest ever, that told me I need to do something.

    I'm 31 in a month, I have three young children and work full time. Hoping that this time is the charm!
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Going to my doctor about my elevated blood sugar and him wanting to put me on nasty medication. He told me I could come off it if I lost 15- 20 in 3 months. I decided to set my goals higher. Sure I want to be off the meds but I want to get as fit as I can. It's helping me and my wife eat better and keep moving to burn calories. :angry:
  • needtoloseafewpounds
    Just like OP, I noticed that I no longer walked and I started to waddle which is funny because I wasn't morbidly obiese or crazy big but I still had an "extravagantly beautiful penguin waddle" wherever I went. I also noticed that I was always tired, lethargic, feeling the gravity, looking different in pictures than in the mirror, box tees were starting to FIT, and I guess the real last straw was when I bought a pretty white dress online thinking it would be loose-fitted but was skin tight when I wore it.
  • okiemomof5
    okiemomof5 Posts: 4 Member
    I was taking my daughter on a tour of the high school and got so winded I had to stop. My husband noted I was breathing heavy like I ran a marathon. It was embarrassing and I felt so bad that I couldn't finish the tour. I promised her and myself that next year we would be able to go and find all her classes.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I was getting close to needing to shop in the plus-size section, and I wanted to be able to wear better clothes. That was my initial motivation.
  • marshxomellow
    My last straw happened in the beginning of this year. So much had happened over the past couple years. I let myself go. A lot of it was because of the relationship I was in with someone. It was a long distance relationship. We just couldn't get along. And we never got to see each other. He just let himself go and turned into someone else. It was just very saddening. Eventually I reached a point where all I would do was treat my sadness with food or just sleep or ignoring everyone and everything.

    2012 was a very experimental year for me. I was always that girl that didn't really socialize and was quiet. Didn't really party. Well in the fall of 2012 I started partying with a coworker of mine. I was like... I'm tired of letting someone hold me down and keep me from doing things that I want to do. My ex was a very jealous person. Didn't approve of my friends or anything that I would do. And I started hanging with my sister who likes to party as well. Well I guess you can say I sort of spread my wings and sometime later I ended up dumping my bf.... well we ended up getting back together..... and then somehow the final straw for my weight came one day when I was taking a shower....

    My stomach just was too much for me. I was thinking to myself... you know it's bad when you can barely see your own genitals... lol my thighs looked swollen... just nasty. I had to go up a pant size. The kind of pants that stretch. I hated it. So I joined WW and it just didn't work for me. I thought to myself I shouldn't have to pay a company or someone to lose weight. Paying for food is enough, let alone bills. Well I tried going KETO for a month and somehow managed and dropped about 10 pounds. I just couldn't believe it. But I did reach a point where my weight stalled. But then I realized I'd rather have my weight stall then gain it all back. My worst fear was to be at that number that I started off at.

    Anyways my bf and I were on pins and needles with each other and he pretty much gave me the assumption that he just didn't care or wasn't interested in me or what I was doing. He had enough problems of his own to even listen to mine. We eventually ended it but were still communicating with each other and I told him about someone who Id eventually met in April. Back in March or April I started chatting with this guy that happened to live nearby. And by coincidence a family member of his happened to work at the same place as mine. I was so nervous to even meet him in person. Yet he only lived about 15 min away or so. Well finally he came to meet me. And since then it's just been wow. The day after we met he asked me to be his gf. This guy has made me see that just take life for what it is and embrace it. Idk if he realizes it or not. He just has that personality that is what I've been lacking for my own. The first month of us dating my weight started going back down. :)

    All I can say is new experiences and stepping outside of my comfort zone and just trying to relax and have fun have been that "thing" for me that has brought forth new changes and has helped break those hard barriers or blocks.
  • katdell
    katdell Posts: 89 Member
    For me I used to have some trousers that I called "my fat trousers" and one day I found them in my wardrobe I hadnt put them on for a while so I thought I would wear them....... Can you imagine my horror when I could not get them on!!! And that was it I threw them to one side and I started to focus on eating healthier and loosing weight! Here I am 2 stone lighter and feeling so much better in myself!!!
  • stryla
    stryla Posts: 29 Member
    Last year i had to buy all new underwear because my old ones didn't fit anymore. Talking constant wedgies. 5 weeks ago, noticed the new ones were getting tight. I put my foot down. NO MORE BIGGER PANTIES! The husband and I gave away all of the chips and candies in our house (except my emergency PMS bag of Hersey Nuggets). Then we added more fruits and salads to our diet.

    We still have snacks and desserts, but healthier snacks, and dessert is not an every day occurrence.
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