From 180 to 171 over the past 9 weeks, I'm not new at this (not water weight)

Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,610 Member
Nine weeks ago I weighed in at 180.3. On Saturday it was 170.6!! BYE BYE 9 LBS!! Happily so!! It's been a long haul. I started at 288 lbs. , now with 118 lbs. gone I can move around easier. But, it's not been easy! If it were easy, there'd be no overweight people.

My journey actually began back in August of 2010. Please do not let that discourage you, if on the other hand, you've tried this before and you aren't sure if it really can be, the first step you are taking now, you are HERE!! WTG!!!

Over these 12 years (WOW! I can't believe it's been this long on many levels!) I had at first deprived myself of foods I really enjoy. In turn I went down to 173, but with a foot injury my weight went up to 212. I learned thanks to others, I could not cut out all of the foods I loved. A little bit later, again a foot injury, where for 18 months we fought to save my big toe on my left foot, I was not at all allowed to exercise during that time, I again went from 174 back up to 210 that time. It could not be saved. I celebrated when they took it , I KNEW I could walk easily enough and happily I DO! Well fast forward, (All in all I've broken my foot during this time 5 or 6 times, often just walking), have had 26 foot surgeries, and I'm now dealing with another foot infection (lead to a week hospitalization) but, now my thinking is so much different. I CAN thanks to my Dr. do a very limited amount of exercise (no weight bearing as of right now that can change soon). Over the past 9 weeks I've not been able to do my normal walking since week 3, hence the past 6 weeks has not been my normal. So HOW AM I LOSING weight?

I belong to the 5% Challenge, THANKS to the LTGL (Living The Good Life - AKA Healthy Habits) I've learned to listen to my body. When hungry eat, but NOT overeat, I've learned so many coping skills for the emotions that we all have (AND so many more do I experience when not being able to my normal routine) along with being GRATEFUL for what I CAN do, not looking at the "I CAN'T" Do. This is huge for me. We also exercise at our current level which helps our team/group. We ask if you have health issues go at the pace you need to, every member is very valued.

BE GUARANTEED I NEED to continue my journey, I am also in Congestive Heart Failure, thankfully I am stage 1 though I can't reverse this, I sure can keep it from progressing even faster. I write this post because so many of us have chronic health issues, others feel alone on this journey (I HAD a BFF who's so angry I've lost weight, we used to eat so much crap side by side, she's still at 260. We are not longer BFFs though I will talk to her), when we work together we have the support we need. We feel cared for, we are understood with the struggle as well as with the CELEBRATIONS we have. We become TRUE BELIEVERS WE CAN DO THIS!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Are you looking for what I've found? COME AND JOIN Us on the 2022 Summer 5% Challenge we are about to start soon. After you hit JOIN PLEASE look at the remaining 6 teams to see which one you'd enjoy, or ask for "Any team" you will never regret joining our group/team. We came over from Sparkpeople almost a year ago. TY TY TY MFP For accepting us, and helping us as we've made so many adjustments. Those of you on MFP have helped us to learn the site, helped us along the way, we want to THANK EVERY MEMBER for ALL YOU DO!! You ALL SPUR US ON!! Often many of you posted, we read so many posts, we still do. We've learned from you.

Here's the link to join us, please do remember to choose a team (if you are using a smart phone please verify your post was posted by refreshing the page. Sometimes the app can be a bit tricky, but many of us enjoy it)



  • GSPsnBees
    GSPsnBees Posts: 649 Member
    Way to go, Diane! Congrats on the loss!
  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    Congrats and great post!!! Because of this post, I'm very excited to join the Summer 5% Challenge! I wouldn't have known about it otherwise. Thanks so much for posting. I'm stuck in a cycle. I track food and lose weight during the week, but then I gain it back over the weekend. I'm hoping to break this cycle.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    What is "Living the Good Life" that you refer to?
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    Congratulations Diane, on all that you've accomplished despite your challenges! Thank you for sharing your story :)
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,800 Member
    @itladyee Hi, I am a Co-Leader along with @Dianedoessmiles1 of the 5% Challenge Community! I am responsible for getting people on their teams. I see that you, and also @RockinRobyn672 have joined our Community and requested a team. Welcome aboard to you both! We are excited you have joined us!

    Living The Good Life, (LTGL), is a healthy lifestyle activity that is included each week of our 8-week challenge. We start with 1 or 2 during the first week then add a new one each week. The best idea is to continue to work on all of them throughout the challenge but the requirement is to work on the 2 current ones each week. Some examples are drinking water, measuring portions, making a new friend, or eating your freggie servings. Points are awarded to you for doing each task and those points are added to your team's total and determine where your team is in that area of the competition.

    I hope that answers your question. I am looking forward to getting to know you and all our new members as we journey through Summer together!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,610 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    What is "Living the Good Life" that you refer to?

    We do healthy habits we can build on. For some drinking water is normal now, for many others it's TORTURE we various hints to help those who do not like it. I HATED Water, now? Its my go to and the only thing that helps me to not be thirsty. The LTGL's are 2 weeks, than a new one is added, one is dropped (we are encouraged though to keep them up) such as tracking our food, or measuring our food (I'd fallen into "eyeballing it" BOY did I see how WRONG that was!!), decluttering is a favorite at 10 mins a day (the LTGL's -- Living the Good Life) change challenge to challenge, we always hope for decluttering, did you know when our homes are clean, organized we SLEEP better? We lose weight better? Are more apt to keep it off? At times we work on a bedtime routine (for the same reason) I've seen "Be thankful" which was AMAZING watching those who felt they were stuck, or gaining suddenly realizing by simply having positiive thoughts in mind, they were now able to take on tasks they did not think they could!! AND MORE!! We each help the team we join (there are 8 total teams) also by our exercise. It DOES NOT MATTER if you are new to exercise, hate exercise, very limited on time, all that counts is you want to lose weight and feel supported and be active with us. I started at 10 mins of exercise 3 times a week, now when I am not sick, I do 30 to 60 mins of exercise a day, broken up into small amounts. Hope this helps with others who may be unsure, but it really is an amazing group/team.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 @Ceriusly1 Thank you both for the explanation. I browsed previous challenges to get a clue.... Can't wait to start!!!!
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,800 Member
    @itladyee Awesome!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,610 Member
    @itladyee , we are so pleased to have you with us.
  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    @Ceriusly1 Thanks for the warm welcome and the information. I'm looking forward to being part of the group and taking on the challenges!
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    Good for you! What a journey!
  • Poppy_Merwanjee_Framjee
    My Dad had T2DM foot issues and heart issues, but his healthy eating was, "the muffins had blueberries in them!" He had severe gangrene twice, lost his right leg to the knee and went on to pass away in January at age 74 after about 5 years of really struggling with his health and mobility.

    It's really difficult to make dietary changes and emotional changes even when your life depends on it, it really feels overwhelming and sometimes food is all people have.

    I was real mad at him for awhile for not making changes, I spent ten years sending him diet books and pestering him, but I came to understand it when I tried to make personal changes and have struggled so much.

    Thanks for putting a light out there.

    You're appreciated.
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