July 2022 Accountability Month - Check-In



  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member

    I bet dancing with your son was great fun. So glad you've called the dr about your BP med, you'll be glad to have solid medical advise.

    Have fun with your DGS this weekend!!

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,664 Member
    edited July 2022
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.

    Friday July 01 - 138.6 - Happy Canada Day : - ) I will try to keep it reasonable today after work when all of the festivities are going on. This morning shows me up 0.9 above last month's start weight.
    Saturday July 02 - 136.2 - Huh? Well, I'll take it : - ) Danced my *kitten* off at the park right near my house. We too had a big rain storm at one point and got drenched. Ran under a tree, the band temporarily stopped so we went back to my place to change clothes and went back when we heard the band start back up. We got a beautiful rainbow after all of that : - )
    Sunday July 03 - 138.4 - I went into the red a little bit (18) yesterday which rarely happens. The scale has reflected it. It is supposed to rain here for today and tomorrow, so I got all of the grass cut and stuff yesterday. Today I will pick away at indoor stuff, get the floors washed etc.
    Monday July 04 - 141.0 - Ouch
    Tuesday July 05 - 140.4 - Very late dinner last night, so hoping to see a good drop tomorrow as I anticipate a normal eating window tonight. Went to see the Elvis movie, then watched the Macy's July 4th celebration on TV.
    Wednesday July 06 - 138.6 - Okay, back to the month's start weight
    Thursday July 07 - 138.6 - Expected a big drop today, so very much activity and little food. Maybe it will take a couple of days, or maybe my body likes it best at this weight.
    Friday July 08 - 138.5 - So quick to gain, so slooowww to take off. Banner week, lots of exercise and healthy food choices. I honestly had expected a better drop. Friday night is usually when I eat something a bit more indulgent (but staying within calories). We'll see.
    Saturday July 09 - 137.7 - I did have 4 wings last night. Weekends I definitely eat a little differently. I also have more time for working out on my days off, but I don't get the steps on my pedometre that I do while waitressing during the week.
    Sunday July 10 - 138.8 - Taking the gain in stride.
    Monday July 11 - 141.0 - I don't get it : - (
    Tuesday July 12 - 139.8 - Lots of sweating in the yard after work yesterday.
    Wednesday July 13 - 138.6 - Back to this month's start weight again. Too scary to climb up into the 140s, which was my weight 2 years ago.
    Thursday July 14 - 139.5 - I weighed at 4am, so am okay with the rise.
    Friday July 15 - 139.2 - I would rather it had been lower heading into the weekend, but not stressing.
    Saturday July 16 - 140.2 - One pound gain. I take a break from salad or lean meat and veg on the weekends. Weight goes up, but to be sustainable long term I have to have some fun foods. I do keep it withing calorie range.
    Sunday July 17 - 140.7 - I am usually "good" all week and allow myself a few indulgences on weekends. This past week could have been better, I will try harder this coming week including today.
    Monday July 18 - 141.3 - I kept calories very low yesterday and got in lots of workouts. Ready for a drop.
    Tuesday July 19 - 139.8 - I am wondering if sweating all day in the sun over the weekend caused me to retain some fat. Who knows. More calories out than in yesterday, so hoping for a continued loss during the work week.
    Wednesday July 20 - 138.2 - Picked up some extra shifts yesterday and today, packing lots of veggies and stuff to nibble on to keep my energy up. Tired, but really happy to see a drop on the scale.
    Thursday July 21 - 138.3 - I feel leaner than that. I have been at every pound between 130 and 140 a few times, and at 5'2" I feel each one. I did work late last night and the night before, so later dinners and less sleep for 2 nights.
    Friday July 22 - 138.7 - Quite surprised to see a gain. I would have said that this must be as low as my body wants to go, but a year ago I was at 130.6, so I know that this isn't true. I can't eat any less or work out any more than I already am. MFP has been saying for 1 year that if I ate like that every day I would be 117 in 5 weeks. At this point I would just like to be able to fit into the clothes that I wore last summer.


    Start weight this month: 138.6
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    @deepwoodslady @TinaLeigh67 - What an exciting, albeit stressful, time for you both! Cheers to much happiness!
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Age: 45
    January Starting Weight: 194.7
    February Starting Weight: 196.1
    March Starting Weight: 189.8
    April Starting Weight: 187.0
    May Starting Weight: 185.8
    June Starting Weight:
    July Starting Weight: 190.7
    July Goal Weight: 188.7

    July's Daily Plan - Take meds, Quit soda, Log everything, Rec Center Workout
    07/01: 190.7 - Check, Check, Check, Check
    07/02: 190.7 - Not hitting calories yet, but I am on the right path. I took a beginner's strength lesson.
    07/03: 190.3 - Zumba day! It was so fun!
    07/04: 190.3 - Plantar fasciitis triggered again. It's so frustrating. Focus on creating routines.
    07/05: 190.5 - Big meal for fireworks celebration and pre-braces meal for my kids.
    07/06: 190.2 - Work out included cycling and a beginner weight lifting session.
    07/07: 189.9 - Three doctor's appointments in one day and work in the evening.
    07/08: 189.4
    07/09: 191.4 - A hungry day. High sodium.
    07/10: 190.7 - Zumba and pool day. Clear mammogram! But need to watch for Lymphedema.
    07/11: 190.7
    07/12: 190.5
    07/13: DNW - Traveled to my parents for a visit with my kids and forgot to bring my scale
    07/14: DNW - I went to the local YMCA and took a step class.
    07/15: DNW - Traveling back home. My calves and so sore!
    07/16: 191.4 - I figured on this post traveling. Went to a Zumba class with still sore calves. Lol!
    07/17: 188.6 - Not sure that I trust this number.
    07/18: 190.3 - Yeah, I knew that number was odd.
    07/19: 189.8
    07/20: 191.6 - Salty Pho broth and belated bday cake.
    07/21: 190.8 - I went to the gym twice today because the first workout class ended up being more of a learn a few dance moves than actually dancing and getting my heart rate up. So much of my weight is around my belly and it feels so uncomfortable.
    07/22: 188.7 - Light weight-lifting after work.
    07/23: 190.3 - My lower back is feeling that work out from last night.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,283 Member
    @TinaLeigh67 and @BittersweetVita Thanks so much!
  • aliru108
    aliru108 Posts: 94 Member
    Hello again, everyone!!

    My name is Ana.
    I've struggled with body dysmorphia off and on throughout my life, almost always feeling very fat. There are pictures of me that prove me right, but there are others that prove me wrong.
    2009 was the year in which I felt better about my physical appearance but in 2011, after my husband passed away I reached my highest weight (180 lbs). By 2018 I had worked my way to 140lbs and maintained it for 2 years. I was feeling very good even though I still had to battle with negative thoughts and avoided looking at myself in the mirror. Last year I learned that the pandemic and depression related to my father's death brought me back up to 156.4 lbs.
    I gave myself a year to work on my health and even though I am not where I hoped to be, I am satisfied with my efforts. For the next year I will work on maintaining a fitness schedule and on relating to food in different ways... I want to eat to live instead of live for eating. Often times I worry I'll gain again, but it's been a month and so far it seems like I'm doing ok. Wish me luck!

    07/02 131 (-0.2) I was very scared because I was 4lbs heavier at the Dr's office a few days ago. I talked to my Dr and she suggested medication to get my intestines back on track and I am hoping to be off meds in a few months, which will resolve some of the problem.

    07/9: 133.2 (+2.2) Not bad. Weight fluctuates, especially close to TOM. On top of that, I've been eating 4th of July leftover all week 😅
    I've tried to be careful, though and even though I don't like the gain, I'm feeling OK. I've been eating my recommended amount of calories for 3 weeks and is awesome! Once I forced myself to eat and went pass the fear of gaining weight, my life is much more enjoyable.

    07/16: 130.5 (-2.7) I've planned my meals and somehow I seem to end at 1200-1300 kcal which allows me to give myself permission to have treats here and there almost every day. I am not very pleased with that. I'd rather eat those calories in nutrient dense food than treats, but that's how this week went about... Hoping the treats don't sneak on me in the upcoming weeks since vacation time is just around the corner.
    Still, super happy so far with being able to maintain my weight for the past month!

    06/23 : 134.4 (+3.9) I had all of my heavy meals later than usual all of last week. I also indulged a little more than usual and worked out a little less. Continuing the intestinal struggle as well.
    I'm surprised I'm not freaking out with the gain😅
    I have the strong feeling that most of that gain is stuck in my intestines... I know, TMI lol
    I am going on vacation for a few days starting tomorrow. My plan is to walk a lot so I can eat without restrictions other than not stuffing myself. I'm feeling unusually calm. I wonder why?

    Sending love to everyone

    Goals for the week:
    1. Self-love and compassion
    2. Balance my macros
    3. Increase water intake
    4. Listen to my satiety cues
    5. Sleep at least 7 hrs every night
    6. Careful with treats
    7. Morning exercise or walk 5x/week

    Highest Weight, 2011: 180 Lbs (81.6 Kilos)
    MFP Start: 175 Lbs (79.4 Kilos)
    Current Weight: 134.2 Lbs (60.9 Kilos)

    2022 LOSS: 8.4 Lbs (3.8 Kilos)
    January Start/End: 139.6 / 137.6 (- 2.0)
    February Start/End: 137.6 / 134.2 (-3.4)
    March Start/End: 134.2 / 134.4 (+0.2)
    April Start/End: 134.4/134.8 (+0.2)
    May Start/End: 134.6 / 133.4 (-1.2)
    June Progress: 133.4 /131.2 ( - 2.2)

    2021 LOSS: 16.8 Lbs (8.3 Kilos) So proud!!
    June Start/End: 156.4 / 151.8 (- 4.6)
    July Start/End: 151.8 / 148.4 (- 3.4)
    August Start/End: 150.2 / 146.4 (- 3.8)
    September Start/End: 146.4 / 141.2 (- 5.2)
    October Start/End: 141.2 / 138.4 (- 2.8)
    November Start/End: 138.4 / 138.8 (+ .4)
    December Start/End: 138.8 / 139.6 (+ 0.8)
  • aliru108
    aliru108 Posts: 94 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy, I know someone said this already, but at this point I feel that it needs to be said again.
    You have been on a strict calory restricting diet for a long time. Nobody can say that you lack discipline. You have also shared quite a few times that your caloric output is greater than the input, and still, even a little indulgence results in a gain. Could it be possible that your body is now in panic mode and is trying to hold on to any extra calory you intake?
    I mean... Maybe it's a stupid analogy, but hear me out ... So, something big happened in the world and amongst many things it resulted in the fact that there's no toilet paper at the store and you say, "that's okay, I have my stash" but then you realize that every time you go to the store, there's no toilet paper, or lysol, or germex... What the heck!! You still can use your stash at home, but with the passing of time you go from concern to worry to panic. One month later, OMG! There's tp on the shelf! But you're allowed to buy only one... So every time you see one, you buy it, even if you already have 3 packs at home. Why? Because... what if it happens again? And that's how you end up with a tp hoarding issue that might land you in a popular TV show...
    Stupid jokes aside, I wonder if it is possible for you to have a consultation with a dietitian and figure out what's the issue?
    As you have also said quite a few times: to be sustainable, you have to be able to have some fun foods once in a while without your body acting up!

    I wish only the best for you! 💖
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'9"
    Goal: Stay in maintenance range (160-165)

    Jul 1: 163.4
    Jul 2: 162
    Jul 3: 165.2
    Jul 4: 164
    Jul 5: 164
    Jul 6: 164.6
    Jul 7: 164.4
    Jul 8: 163.4
    Jul 9: 163
    Jul 10: 161.2
    Jul 11: 160.8
    Jul 12: 161.8
    Jul 13: 161.2
    Jul 14: 160.8
    Jul 15: 162.8
    Jul 16: 166.4
    Jul 17: DNW
    Jul 18: 163.8
    Jul 19: 165.8
    Jul 20: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 21: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 22: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 23: DNW (vacation)
    Jul 24: DNW (vacation)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,283 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from July 1st): 202.8
    Goal: 197.8 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-202.8-(Trend Weight 203.0)-
    07/02-202.6-(Trend Weight 203.2)-
    07/03-204.6-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/04-203.6-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/05-205.0-(Trend Weight 203.6)-
    07/06-203.2-(Trend Weight 203.6)-
    07/07-202.0-(Trend Weight 203.4)-
    07/08-201.8-(Trend Weight 203.2)-
    07/09-199.6-(Trend Weight 202.9)-
    07/10-198.4-(Trend Weight 202.5)-
    07/11-195.6-(Trend Weight 201.8)-
    07/12-196.6-(Trend Weight 201.3)-
    07/13-197.0-(Trend Weight 200.8)-
    07/14-197.4-(Trend Weight 200.5)-
    07/15-198.2-(Trend Weight 200.3)-
    07/16-198.8-(Trend Weight 200.1)-
    07/17-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    07/18-200.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/19-200.6-(Trend Weight 200.3)-
    07/20-199.8-(Trend Weight 200.2)-
    07/21-199.0-(Trend Weight 200.1)-

    07/22-198.8-(Trend Weight 200.0)-

    07/23-198.8-(Trend Weight 199.9)- I had a houseful yesterday for a meeting of the minds planning my DD’s wedding. I was brought a Chinese dinner and DD brought in cheesecake style cream pies. I ate part of the dinner and will eat the rest today for lunch or dinner. I did eat the pie. I’m grateful for no gain today on the scale. I’ll push water all day because of the Chinese food. It’s a nice treat since we don’t have any Chinese restaurants in the county. But I have to remain mindful! I am still over my start weight this round due to the big overnight Covid drop. I would love to at least match that start weight this round.

    07/24-199.6-(Trend Weight 199.8)- I was perfectly within calorie and carb limits yesterday. A large amount of calorie burn. Closed all my circles on fitbit in a great way. My sodium was high due to the Chinese leftovers. Still one serving to go on that. This must be fluid retention. Traveling today for some wedding decorating supplies so lunch will be out. The last of the Chinese will probably be later tonight for dinner so I don’t expect tomorrow’s weight will be very good. I really don’t feel firmly planted in new decades unless it ends in a 7. I hope to hit 197 this week so I will feel confident on the fluctuations and fluid retention days.

    07/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,664 Member

    Thank you : - )

    And thanks to all of you who have put up with me going on 4 years
    I was acting just as ridiculous when I was stuck in the 170s
    We are all trying to lose weight and are frustrated. I voice it too much.

    Early this year I did a cleanse which I think reset my body. I used to do them twice per year and then stopped as it wasn't agreeing with my pre and full blown meno.
    I said that I would do another in late August, and intend to. Get my intestines working properly, clear out the crap.

    When @deepwoodslady mentioned normal fluctuations and water retention...a lightbulb went off.
    A few weeks ago I was working hard out in the sun on my yard for 2 full days and gained more than 3 pounds, some of you mentioned water retention at that time.

    I am going to make a big effort to quit bitching and moaning. I apologize!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,664 Member
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.
    I am Dawn
    61 years old, 5'2"
    I joined MFP in October 2018
    I have lost around 50 pounds and have another 20-30 to lose. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and really did feel better. Right now I don't fit into the clothes that I was wearing then. I will use that as motivation to try to reduce.

    Friday July 01 - 138.6 - Happy Canada Day : - ) I will try to keep it reasonable today after work when all of the festivities are going on. This morning shows me up 0.9 above last month's start weight.
    Saturday July 02 - 136.2 - Huh? Well, I'll take it : - ) Danced my *kitten* off at the park right near my house. We too had a big rain storm at one point and got drenched. Ran under a tree, the band temporarily stopped so we went back to my place to change clothes and went back when we heard the band start back up. We got a beautiful rainbow after all of that : - )
    Sunday July 03 - 138.4 - I went into the red a little bit (18) yesterday which rarely happens. The scale has reflected it. It is supposed to rain here for today and tomorrow, so I got all of the grass cut and stuff yesterday. Today I will pick away at indoor stuff, get the floors washed etc.
    Monday July 04 - 141.0 - Ouch
    Tuesday July 05 - 140.4 - Very late dinner last night, so hoping to see a good drop tomorrow as I anticipate a normal eating window tonight. Went to see the Elvis movie, then watched the Macy's July 4th celebration on TV.
    Wednesday July 06 - 138.6 - Okay, back to the month's start weight
    Thursday July 07 - 138.6 - Expected a big drop today, so very much activity and little food. Maybe it will take a couple of days, or maybe my body likes it best at this weight.
    Friday July 08 - 138.5 - So quick to gain, so slooowww to take off. Banner week, lots of exercise and healthy food choices. I honestly had expected a better drop. Friday night is usually when I eat something a bit more indulgent (but staying within calories). We'll see.
    Saturday July 09 - 137.7 - I did have 4 wings last night. Weekends I definitely eat a little differently. I also have more time for working out on my days off, but I don't get the steps on my pedometre that I do while waitressing during the week.
    Sunday July 10 - 138.8 - Taking the gain in stride.
    Monday July 11 - 141.0 - I don't get it : - (
    Tuesday July 12 - 139.8 - Lots of sweating in the yard after work yesterday.
    Wednesday July 13 - 138.6 - Back to this month's start weight again. Too scary to climb up into the 140s, which was my weight 2 years ago.
    Thursday July 14 - 139.5 - I weighed at 4am, so am okay with the rise.
    Friday July 15 - 139.2 - I would rather it had been lower heading into the weekend, but not stressing.
    Saturday July 16 - 140.2 - One pound gain. I take a break from salad or lean meat and veg on the weekends. Weight goes up, but to be sustainable long term I have to have some fun foods. I do keep it withing calorie range.
    Sunday July 17 - 140.7 - I am usually "good" all week and allow myself a few indulgences on weekends. This past week could have been better, I will try harder this coming week including today.
    Monday July 18 - 141.3 - I kept calories very low yesterday and got in lots of workouts. Ready for a drop.
    Tuesday July 19 - 139.8 - I am wondering if sweating all day in the sun over the weekend caused me to retain some fat. Who knows. More calories out than in yesterday, so hoping for a continued loss during the work week.
    Wednesday July 20 - 138.2 - Picked up some extra shifts yesterday and today, packing lots of veggies and stuff to nibble on to keep my energy up. Tired, but really happy to see a drop on the scale.
    Thursday July 21 - 138.3 - I feel leaner than that. I have been at every pound between 130 and 140 a few times, and at 5'2" I feel each one. I did work late last night and the night before, so later dinners and less sleep for 2 nights.
    Friday July 22 - 138.7 - Quite surprised to see a gain. I would have said that this must be as low as my body wants to go, but a year ago I was at 130.6, so I know that this isn't true. I can't eat any less or work out any more than I already am. MFP has been saying for 1 year that if I ate like that every day I would be 117 in 5 weeks. At this point I would just like to be able to fit into the clothes that I wore last summer.
    Saturday July 23 - 139.5 - We had power outages so I couldn't get on here to post. I weighed using a flashlight (my scale is in the basement where I sleep with quiet and no windows.
    Sunday July 24 - 140.5 - A slice of Pizza Hut pizza and 3 boneless wings. No doubt loaded in salt. Danced my fanny off at the park in the evening.

    Start weight this month: 138.6