Trouble Sleeping due to Stress

Anyone else have trouble sleeping when they are under stress? My job has been pretty hectic lately and I haven’t been able to sleep any later than about 4:15 am all week, even on the weekend when I was off. And I keep having dreams about work where everything goes terribly wrong 🙃

Just wondering if anyone else has this issue, or has any tips for trying to reset my sleep schedule?


  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hey there, long time stresser here! I have generalized anxiety disorder so I’m in cognitive behavioral therapy and of course, we have addressed work stress. Not sure if you want to dig deep and find the root cause or just get some quick tips….
    Make sure your bedroom is dark, dark, dark, no lights from the hall or devices. No notifications set to on on your phone, even to vibrate. White noise helps. Meditation or a semi-boring book helps. If you are up for longer than 20 minutes, get out of bed and do a relaxing activity like reading, knitting or taking a warm bath.
    I tried melatonin and it didn’t work for me but it’s worth a try, supposedly our body makes our own. I’ve heard magnesium helps but have no experience with it. I take a prescribed low dose anti-anxiety med before bed but I have to see a doctor regularly to get it.
    Limit your coffee and alcohol intake before bed.

    I’ve had those stress dreams about work, I work with animals, and I’ve dreamt one is dying on a table and I’m the only one who can save it. In the dream, a chair is in the way and I can’t move it, or I need a key to the drug cabinet and none fit the lock. It’s stressful and scary.
    I read somewhere once if you died, your job would have a classified ad out to replace you before your funeral even took place. That really hit home and I care a little less and sleep better at night now. Good luck, hope it gets better. @emgracewrites