Starting my 350+ Weight Loss Journey

What is up, Duckman here (yes it's my gamer handle and channel name), and I am starting a journey that seems like will take a decade to accomplish. I am ready to go upstairs, but the pain of movement has already got to me and I am only on day three. I stream and upload videos to YouTube and Twitch so the years of inactivity have caught up to me and I have to make changes now or I will not see much if any of my 40s ( I'm 39). If you are in a similar boat, please reach out so we can push each other as we strive for the same goals. We have to do this for ourselves for sure, but for the ones that have invested in us in one way or another. Anyhow, lets go! #day3done


  • SavvyP904
    SavvyP904 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm in a similar boat, gained a lot of weight through being sedentary for too long. I used to work retail and that alone kept me in halfway decent shape. Now I work from home and while the job is good, there's little reason for me to get out much. I'm at my high weight of 325 and I need to turn this around. I have knee pain with no known injury. I think I'm just heavy on it.

    Covid left me needing a rescue inhaler when I move too much, but I can move a little more than I used to. Swimming is the only exercise I like, but city pools close before I get off work so I can only go on my days off and only when they're open in the summer. Haven't found an affordable way to swim outside of summer.

    Anyway, I'll send a request and if you want we can help motivate each other.
  • Freckles_415
    Freckles_415 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I’m 39 too and I had 250+ pounds to lose and I’ve already lost 150 so only 100 left to go lol I became disabled in 2017 and gained a whole Lotta weight because I have limited mobility I cannot move around like I used to and plus depression got the best of me. I also like to game but mostly single player RPGs but anyway I hope your journey is going well so far
  • Rhodeselaine429
    Rhodeselaine429 Posts: 1 Member
    hi, I'm the same. I'm new here, I have 100lb I'd like to lose. I gained alot of weight working from home then with my last pregnancy.