Diabetes T2

I'm in a bad spot. I've been trying to improve my DT2 but nothing works. I feel so defeated and troubled. I eat low carb, go for 2-3mile walks, and still my numbers are high. I try fasting and it worked for a hot second now I can't go below 200. I don't know what to do and I'm ready to give up 💀and just let the disease have me. Any thoughts or help would be beneficial.


  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member

    Read page 1 and page 3. You'll find some solid advice and logical reasoning for not giving up. Find your balance.
    The right food management plan is out there but it's going to take consistency. Your body may respond well to simply moderating your portions. No one can diagnose what's going on with your blood sugar but your medical professionals. Your effort is what really counts the most.

    Rethink letting the disease have you. All of the hard work is really worth it in the end.
  • ImaNightOwl
    ImaNightOwl Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so sorry to see how you feel. I also have D2 and have managed to get a good handle on it with the right meds and. Diet.
    I refuse to listen to a dietician anymore. They still insist on me eating too many carbs which drive my sugars up. I stay mostly with a keto diet and on a rare occasion have a cheat day.
    Please reach out if you need to talk.