Need help - gaining weight

TMHoy Posts: 54 Member
edited September 2022 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone, I'm about desperate. Hopefully desperate enough to do the next right thing and make a real change. About 5 years ago I lost nearly 35 lbs. I was down to almost 135, my goal weight was 130. I'm 5'1". I hit a plateau but maintained it for a solid year or so. Then covid hit. I did ok for the first year, maintaining. Then started gaining. This year, I've started gaining much more. I'm starting to get depressed. I step on the scale this morning and see I'm now at 156. That means I've gained 20 lbs. Just seeing that number now makes me want to cry. I kept telling myself, don't worry, you can lose it just like you did before!

I turned 50 a couple of weeks ago and of course, that's in my head. I work from home. And I eat whatever I want. I mean whatever. I've been eating fast food. I hadn't eaten that in years but now I eat it all the time. I scarfed down a ton of licorice last night, and earlier that same day I polished off a tub of edible cookie dough.

What's horrible is I know exactly what I need to do to lose it. But I can't seem to stop myself. I've been here reading a lot and thinking about it. I saw a post about the "cost" of willpower. I think it's over on the mental health section.

Anyway, I'm posting here to be accountable and also hoping for words of encouragement along with the hard words about what I need to do. Tips of course are appreciated. The one thing I can think of that is a small change, I think I can do - is to stop buying crap food. Stop buying licorice, chocolate, etc.

Thanks everyone. :'(


  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,137 Member
    I quit having the junk food in the house, if it is there, that is what I eat. It was hard for a few weeks, but now I don't miss it. I can go months without chocolate, or cookies, or whatever. I still occasionally have them, but it is a deliberate decision and I have to go out and buy the candy bar, or the pint of ice cream.
  • TMHoy
    TMHoy Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah, that's a big problem for me since I work from home.
  • TMHoy
    TMHoy Posts: 54 Member
    Interesting cvriverside - thanks!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    TMHoy wrote: »
    Interesting cvriverside - thanks!

    ksharma posted that bit about CBT.

    It's true though, your eating problem is mostly psychological, and re-framing your beliefs and habits is going to be necessary.
  • sfdeva
    sfdeva Posts: 9 Member
    Your post really resonated with me. I just turned 50 in June. Over the course of the pandemic I've gained 15 pounds. And it seems like it's tougher this time to lose the weight. Sometimes I crave fast food. It gets in my head and won't leave until I actually go eat it :) I find myself snacking on cookies or chocolate pretty uncontrollably.
    For me, a lot of this is psychological. I get triggered and all my healthy eating gets derailed. I've started MFP over and over again for the past year and am back trying again. Guess that's all we can do it try. Just logged for the second day in a row and feeling pretty good. No room in my diary for binging or fast food. Hoping I can make it a week this time because it does get easier as time goes on. Wishing you all the luck in the world on this journey. It's hard, but you're not alone.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    edited September 2022
    I have a bunch of meals entered into the "My Meals" and I'd say 95% of the meals I make take about 10 minutes of prep. I have very few meals that take more than 30 minutes, tops. Lots of fresh and frozen vegetables, a little protein.

    It doesn't have to be a big chore, and you can make things that are the same as the fast food only with fewer calories.

    Good that you got to put a "Win" in the books this week. Just remember that not every week will be a loss - some weeks will be a gain and some you'll break even.

    Just keep on goin'. It's about consistency over time.
  • TMHoy
    TMHoy Posts: 54 Member
    Hello! I lost a lot of weight before, so I expect up and down. But a progressive down instead of up makes me happy!!

    As always, my sticking point is the afternoons. This is where I break down. I don't know what to snack on -- in the past, it was berries and yogurt. With maybe a little honey as a treat. I'm always stuck on savory snacks.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Do you like to bake or cook? I make some spelt apple muffins which are not that high in calories, have a nice kick of sweetness and are really filling. How about making some treats like that, freezing them, and them defrosting them when you want one? I can post the recipe if it’s helpful? (I guess they could still be classed as junk food, but they fill me up, are high in fibre and I love them with a cup of tea.)
  • Carriehelene
    Carriehelene Posts: 178 Member
    Do you like to bake or cook? I make some spelt apple muffins which are not that high in calories, have a nice kick of sweetness and are really filling. How about making some treats like that, freezing them, and them defrosting them when you want one? I can post the recipe if it’s helpful? (I guess they could still be classed as junk food, but they fill me up, are high in fibre and I love them with a cup of tea.)
    Not OP, but recipe please 😀
  • TMHoy
    TMHoy Posts: 54 Member
    Do you like to bake or cook? I make some spelt apple muffins which are not that high in calories, have a nice kick of sweetness and are really filling. How about making some treats like that, freezing them, and them defrosting them when you want one? I can post the recipe if it’s helpful? (I guess they could still be classed as junk food, but they fill me up, are high in fibre and I love them with a cup of tea.)

    Yes recipe please!! I received a pizzelle maker for my birthday and have made some amazing gluten-free, sugar-free chocolate and also anise cookies!
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Here you go - they’re not sugar free or anything but not nearly as full of sugar as a usual cake or muffin. Makes 12-16 depending on the size of muffin tin:

    Sugar (Caster) 100 g
    Egg (Egg) 2 large,
    Skimmed Milk 150 ml,
    Baking Powder 15 grams,
    Sunflower Oil 50g
    Apple 1 medium, peeled, cored and finely chopped
    Raisins 80 gram,
    spelt wholemeal flour 250 g

    V simple to make, mix all dry ingredients in one bowl (including apple and raisins). Mix wet ingredients in another bowl, combine, and spoon into muffin cases. It’s quite a wet mixture. Cook at 175 for c20 mins or until lightly browned.

    I’ve experimented with adding cinnamon or vanilla, and I’ve used cherries instead of raisins. The spelt flour is high fibre and I find it takes longer for me to digest so I stay full longer. They do freeze and defrost, they’re not high in fat so can be a bit dry when defrosted but warmed up quickly in the microwave or oven, they’re yummy. Enjoy! 😀
  • Carriehelene
    Carriehelene Posts: 178 Member
    The 175 is Celsius, correct?
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,437 Member
    The 175 is Celsius, correct?
    Sorry yes - I’m in the UK so celsius. Basically the temperature you’d bake cakes and pastries 👍
  • Carriehelene
    Carriehelene Posts: 178 Member
    The 175 is Celsius, correct?
    Sorry yes - I’m in the UK so celsius. Basically the temperature you’d bake cakes and pastries 👍

    Lol, I figured, but would have hated to be wrong and ended up with lumps of coal 🤣. Thanks for the recipe, looks yummy!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,837 Member
    TMHoy wrote: »
    Hello! I lost a lot of weight before, so I expect up and down. But a progressive down instead of up makes me happy!!

    As always, my sticking point is the afternoons. This is where I break down. I don't know what to snack on -- in the past, it was berries and yogurt. With maybe a little honey as a treat. I'm always stuck on savory snacks.

    If the implication is that you want savory-ish snack ideas:
    * 2% fat string cheese
    * light Babybel cheese
    * hard-boiled eggs
    * pickled or marinated hard-boiled eggs (they keep longer pickled, and can be spiced/herbed up to taste)
    * crispy chickpeas (commercial or homemade - can be spiced/flavored), crispy lentils (ditto), crispy broad beans (I get commercial in varied flavors), manageable calorie savory crackers with flavored chevre or labneh (which is yogurt that's been drained, basically)
    * dry-roasted soybeans (also come in flavors)
    * jerky
    * seasoned marinated mushrooms
    * various kinds of spicy/flavored pickled vegetables
    * black bean tortilla chips (slightly fewer calories than corn chips, but a bit more protein)
    * cottage cheese with herbs or other savory flavorings added
    * cooked whole grains (including oatmeal) with savory seasonings
    * hearty-flavored miso broth or meat broth with veggies
    * . . . .

    Personally, I think less about whether a snack is hyper-low in calories, vs. just being filling, reasonably calorie efficient, and a good contributor in some way to my all-day nutrition goals.