What Food Do You Regret Giving Up the Most?

springlering62 Posts: 8,306 Member
edited September 2022 in Food and Nutrition
Replying to another post made me think about how my husband (who began MFP late last year) put in and then silently took a Claxton fruitcake out of the grocery basket with real tears in his eyes.

For me, it was Cadbury’s Crispy Eggs, only available at Easter, though with a lesser version available for Christmas. I would easily go through a pound or two a day when they were on the shelves.

When I started weight loss, I promised myself one bag a year, regardless.

The first year, I got a checkout counter sized single-serve bag and split it over three days.

Since then, I’ve picked them up, fondled them…errr…. fondly (?!), and put them down.

Once such a part of my life, and now……eh.

What’s your’s?


  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,456 Member
    I can't stand the thought of giving up things, so I don't but I have really, really, really cut down lately.

    I joke with my husband that I get 1 funnel cake per year. I used to love going to the fair or amusement park and having that deep fried goodness covered with powdered sugar. Funny thing is even though I will allow myself 1 per year, I haven't had one in about 7 years. It just doesn't seem as important when I get there, but I can still taste it. Mmmmmm.

    These days what I miss most is pasta, it's just so calorie dense. Most days I skip it or use spaghetti squash or palmini noodles, but it isn't the same. Much like my beloved funnel cake, I give myself a day, but I haven't had that day yet (since I started caring again, 3 months or so). I keep waiting for a dish I just can't live without. It will probably be homemade noodles at Thanksgiving that I'll choose, but we'll see how I feel when that day comes.

  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,763 Member
    I miss cheese. I have some very occasionally, but every time I'm disappointed at how small the portion is that would be reasonable within my calorie goal. Very hard to moderate for me, certainly when we're talking about good cheeses, so I basically avoid buying them most of the time.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    I honestly can't think of anything I've totally given up, that I truly miss.

    There are things that I've reduced frequency, that if I didn't mind being obese (which I do) I'd eat much more often. I do still eat them, though. In that category: Blue corn enchiladas from my favorite (local) Mexican restaurant, Detroit-style pizza, Talenti gelato, really good just-made cinnamon rolls (not Cinnabon - uck), deep-fried things (especially beer battered fresh mushrooms).

    I eat the enchiladas and pizza maybe once a month (I can't moderate pizza, unless I share it in real time with a friend, so we're talking whole pizza). I tend to get one serving of the local semi-chain's gelato every month or two instead of a whole jar of Talenti. No one I've found around here has really good beer-battered mushrooms anymore, so I pretty much only get those while traveling. The bar that had top-notch beer battered fries (wedges) burned down, so that's no longer an available temptation. I admit I haven't had a good cinnamon roll in a long time - I'm super picky, really prefer my own because so fresh (and I make good ones), but I can't be trusted with a whole batch, plus they don't keep well (even frozen - not the same).

    There are probably some things I've put on such a low frequency that I effectively never eat them, but that's more of a "worth their calories or not" proposition. From early adulthood, I haven't really been a fast food/highly processed food/junk food eater (with a few single-food exceptions, maybe). For me, it's more like rich well-made foods, things that often do have some decent nutrition but are really high calorie.

    That said, some of my tastes have changed - things I used to like that I truly don't enjoy after not eating them for a while, when I try them.

    I did have an addiction (using the term loosely) to old-school taco flavor doritos, but they seem to have stopped making those again . . . and I did learn to moderate them, mostly, during their most recent round of availability. I used to eat a whole bag at a time, in the before days.

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I haven't really given up anything, but I did cut down on drinking juice. I used to drink juice of some sort with every meal not realizing what calories were and that juice is "healthy". Now I will have a glass every now and again, log it, and wish I added a shot to it. 😂
  • paints5555
    paints5555 Posts: 1,233 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I honestly can't think of anything I've totally given up, that I truly miss.

    There are things that I've reduced frequency, that if I didn't mind being obese (which I do) I'd eat much more often. I do still eat them, though. In that category: Blue corn enchiladas from my favorite (local) Mexican restaurant, Detroit-style pizza, Talenti gelato, really good just-made cinnamon rolls (not Cinnabon - uck), deep-fried things (especially beer battered fresh mushrooms).

    I eat the enchiladas and pizza maybe once a month (I can't moderate pizza, unless I share it in real time with a friend, so we're talking whole pizza). I tend to get one serving of the local semi-chain's gelato every month or two instead of a whole jar of Talenti. No one I've found around here has really good beer-battered mushrooms anymore, so I pretty much only get those while traveling. The bar that had top-notch beer battered fries (wedges) burned down, so that's no longer an available temptation. I admit I haven't had a good cinnamon roll in a long time - I'm super picky, really prefer my own because so fresh (and I make good ones), but I can't be trusted with a whole batch, plus they don't keep well (even frozen - not the same).

    There are probably some things I've put on such a low frequency that I effectively never eat them, but that's more of a "worth their calories or not" proposition. From early adulthood, I haven't really been a fast food/highly processed food/junk food eater (with a few single-food exceptions, maybe). For me, it's more like rich well-made foods, things that often do have some decent nutrition but are really high calorie.

    That said, some of my tastes have changed - things I used to like that I truly don't enjoy after not eating them for a while, when I try them.

    I did have an addiction (using the term loosely) to old-school taco flavor doritos, but they seem to have stopped making those again . . . and I did learn to moderate them, mostly, during their most recent round of availability. I used to eat a whole bag at a time, in the before days.

    @AnnPT77 Love your brutal honesty about pizza. The good news (or maybe bad) is that Frito Lay discontinued the Taco Doritos during the height of the pandemic but they are back in production now.

    I am also in the camp of not excluding foods if I truly love them. But I eat less of them and I must really love them so they are "worth the calories".
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    Not that I regret giving this up, but I remember making a huge bag of 'trail mix' from the bulk section - full of nuts/crunchy chocolate 'things'/'yogurt' covered pretzels, dried fruit, etc., etc., and mindlessly blowing through the bag while writing papers.

    At the time, it was the best.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    edited September 2022
    I no longer drink sugared carbonated bevs, but don't really regret it much. The new zero-calorie options don't taste as horrid as they once did. I CANNOT have ice cream in the house since my serving size will always equal the exact amount I have. Buffet restaurants are also a no-go.
    Take-away pizza is usually shared with pals or I'll plan for a 1500 cal frozen pizza (whole of half) that I'll pile with veg. Probably the toughest food to eschew has been pasta. While I haven't completely given it up, it is now a very rare treat in excruciatingly reasonable portions.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited September 2022
    1210 calories a pint! And you know a pint is one serving in my book.

  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,306 Member
    Laughing @AnnPT77 and her battered mushrooms.

    Thank heaven no one around here makes a good fried green tomato any more or I’d be in a world of trouble.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,069 Member
    Oh - and a once every 3-5 year treat: My gran's fry bread. And yes, I WILL eat the entire batch before it cools.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,763 Member
    1210 calories a pint! And you know a pint is one serving in my book.


    I share my pints with BF, 600 calories is manageable after an active day. I am NOT giving up my Ben & Jerry's!
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    One time, I gave up sugar for a year. Keto, all the way. That was followed by rebound weight gain with friends. This last time out of the chute, I didn't give up anything. I reversed the curse of dieting.

    Now, I gravitate towards savory foods without even trying. I refuse to give up homemade sourdough bread, pasta and rice. Those are vehicles for sauces, sandwiches and main dishes. Wine is the only thing I have to rein in. Alcohol makes me nuttier than a Claxton fruitcake. One glass and I laugh like a hyena. I can go to bed and laugh out loud at my own jokes for an hour or two.

    Alcohol affects your best efforts. It slows the lard burning system down in the strangest ways. It's one of those mysteries that I would like to solve, but my time is better spent on food.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited September 2022
    Lietchi wrote: »
    1210 calories a pint! And you know a pint is one serving in my book.


    I share my pints with BF, 600 calories is manageable after an active day. I am NOT giving up my Ben & Jerry's!

    You're a better person than me. I ain't sharin'! :laugh:

    Isn't it funny how our brains can work? I'd be pouty to have half a pint of B&Js. I'd rather not have it at all, and have a whole pint of Halo Top. Their new Chocolate Caramel Brownie is DIVINE, BTW. They reformulated and it's soft and delicious.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited September 2022
    MsCzar wrote: »
    Oh - and a once every 3-5 year treat: My gran's fry bread. And yes, I WILL eat the entire batch before it cools.

    Oooh, good fry bread is WORTH it!!! I had a fry bread taco at the fair this year, and it was disappointing.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,763 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    1210 calories a pint! And you know a pint is one serving in my book.


    I share my pints with BF, 600 calories is manageable after an active day. I am NOT giving up my Ben & Jerry's!

    You're a better person than me. I ain't sharin'! :laugh:

    Isn't it funny how our brains can work? I'd be pouty to have half a pint of B&Js. I'd rather not have it at all, and have a whole pint of Halo Top. Their new Chocolate Caramel Brownie is DIVINE, BTW. They reformulated and it's soft and delicious.

    Shame on you, you're giving me bad ideas - my BF is away from home this week and there are several pints in the freezer >:)
    The fact that we share a whole pint is pretty indulgent for us though, since we don't even bother scooping it into a bowl, we just take turns eating in front of the TV, each sticking to our own half of the container (more or less :wink: )
    Very off-topic though, since this is a food I have NOT given up :mrgreen:
  • Nuts. Those little suckers are so calorie dense.
  • And cocktails. Delicious but a calorie bomb
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    1210 calories a pint! And you know a pint is one serving in my book.


    I share my pints with BF, 600 calories is manageable after an active day. I am NOT giving up my Ben & Jerry's!

    You're a better person than me. I ain't sharin'! :laugh:

    Isn't it funny how our brains can work? I'd be pouty to have half a pint of B&Js. I'd rather not have it at all, and have a whole pint of Halo Top. Their new Chocolate Caramel Brownie is DIVINE, BTW. They reformulated and it's soft and delicious.

    This is exactly why I like the halo tops and enlighteneds and Scandel-less (whatever it's call and however it's spelled). I'm a 1 pint is one serving kinda girl. Oh, how I miss you Ben and Jerry's choc chip cookie dough and heath bar crunch.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,986 Member
    In case this appeals to anyone else: I'd pretty much stopped eating pasta, because it's not that important to me taste-wise. Before weight loss, I'd been eating the whole wheat kind (by taste preference), and had some brands I liked, but they were more a filler food than a super-desired thing. It made a painless cut for me, caloberie-wise.

    More recently, some higher-protein pastas have appeared that have provoked me to start eating pasta again. The red lentil types, especially, have a texture and flavor more similar to my former whole wheat, or even to white wheat . . . but there's like twice as much protein per serving. The chickpea pasta - more widely available - tastes kind of flat to me in a way that red lentil doesn't.

    The edamame/soy and black bean pastas are even higher in protein (20g+ per 2oz serving), but have a chewy texture when cooked. I like those in pseudo-Asian preps, like mixed into stir-fried veg, but not with tomato sauces or that sort of thing. The skinny ones (spaghetti, fettuccine) are better. The big shapes of black bean pasta seem to get mushy rather than chewy. The ones I tried, I used up in soup/stew where that was OK, haven't bought more.

    The legume pastas may not suit you, but if you haven't tried them, maybe worth one buy? Someone else here (forget who) like them after I suggested them. They are more expensive, though. To me - as a vegetarian - they're affordable, given the overall nutritional value.

    paints5555 wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I honestly can't think of anything I've totally given up, that I truly miss.

    There are things that I've reduced frequency, that if I didn't mind being obese (which I do) I'd eat much more often. I do still eat them, though. In that category: Blue corn enchiladas from my favorite (local) Mexican restaurant, Detroit-style pizza, Talenti gelato, really good just-made cinnamon rolls (not Cinnabon - uck), deep-fried things (especially beer battered fresh mushrooms).

    I eat the enchiladas and pizza maybe once a month (I can't moderate pizza, unless I share it in real time with a friend, so we're talking whole pizza). I tend to get one serving of the local semi-chain's gelato every month or two instead of a whole jar of Talenti. No one I've found around here has really good beer-battered mushrooms anymore, so I pretty much only get those while traveling. The bar that had top-notch beer battered fries (wedges) burned down, so that's no longer an available temptation. I admit I haven't had a good cinnamon roll in a long time - I'm super picky, really prefer my own because so fresh (and I make good ones), but I can't be trusted with a whole batch, plus they don't keep well (even frozen - not the same).

    There are probably some things I've put on such a low frequency that I effectively never eat them, but that's more of a "worth their calories or not" proposition. From early adulthood, I haven't really been a fast food/highly processed food/junk food eater (with a few single-food exceptions, maybe). For me, it's more like rich well-made foods, things that often do have some decent nutrition but are really high calorie.

    That said, some of my tastes have changed - things I used to like that I truly don't enjoy after not eating them for a while, when I try them.

    I did have an addiction (using the term loosely) to old-school taco flavor doritos, but they seem to have stopped making those again . . . and I did learn to moderate them, mostly, during their most recent round of availability. I used to eat a whole bag at a time, in the before days.

    @AnnPT77 Love your brutal honesty about pizza. The good news (or maybe bad) is that Frito Lay discontinued the Taco Doritos during the height of the pandemic but they are back in production now.

    I am also in the camp of not excluding foods if I truly love them. But I eat less of them and I must really love them so they are "worth the calories".

    I'd found that the Taco Doritos disappeared from shelves around here, reappeared (at least partly overlapping with the pandemic), and last I checked disappeared again. I'll check again sometime, I'm sure. (I don't visit that aisle all that much, TBH: I have some salty snacks that I find tasty that work better for me now, both calorie/nutrition and taste-wise, so I'm satisfied.)

    I suspect I can semi-moderate the Taco Doritos now, maybe partly because tastes have changed a bit?

    Pizza would be easier if I liked thin-crust more, but I have strong preference for Detroit-style or deep dish.

    As far as brutal honesty: I think we each need to find our personal, individual formula for weight loss and maintenance. IMO customization is a critical success factor.

    I calorie bank in maintenance, and I tolerate temporary roller-coastering on the scale well psychologically, so eating a whole pizza now and then works fine for me. Usually with beer (real craft beer, ideally, not "lite"). I see no reason to feel guilt or shame over that . . . in year 6+ at a healthy weight after previous decades of overweight/obesity. Balanced, happy life is the goal for me, not exactly exact calories daily
    Lietchi wrote: »
    1210 calories a pint! And you know a pint is one serving in my book.


    I share my pints with BF, 600 calories is manageable after an active day. I am NOT giving up my Ben & Jerry's!

    You're a better person than me. I ain't sharin'! :laugh:

    Isn't it funny how our brains can work? I'd be pouty to have half a pint of B&Js. I'd rather not have it at all, and have a whole pint of Halo Top. Their new Chocolate Caramel Brownie is DIVINE, BTW. They reformulated and it's soft and delicious.

    I didn't like Halo Top at all. It wasn't that it didn't taste good. I just found it mysteriously unsatisfying. I'd rather have a small serving of real ice cream - even slow-churned so lower cal as long as it isn't sugar free, etc. - than Halo Top. The last Halo Top I had, I ate a little, threw the rest out as not even worth its meager calories.

    Maybe that new flavor is better, but I'm guessing it still would be "mysteriously unsatisfying" to me, probably won't try it.

    I'm not dissing you or your eating preferences: It's all fine. I think it's pretty interesting, actually, how much these things differ individually.

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I’ve given up a lot of things for different reasons, but the only one I can think of for weight loss is Coke.
    I missed it A LOT! Of course, I can drink Diet Coke, or flavored pop. Not a problem because I’m not the least bit tempted to overdo it, or even to just drink any at all. But I miss that coke after a big meal to ease my pain, and that coke first thing in the morning to start my day off right, and that coke after a spicy meal to douse the flames, and that taste of sweet coke after a meal with no dessert, and—well, you get the picture.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,306 Member
    I’ve given up a lot of things for different reasons, but the only one I can think of for weight loss is Coke.
    I missed it A LOT! Of course, I can drink Diet Coke, or flavored pop. Not a problem because I’m not the least bit tempted to overdo it, or even to just drink any at all. But I miss that coke after a big meal to ease my pain, and that coke first thing in the morning to start my day off right, and that coke after a spicy meal to douse the flames, and that taste of sweet coke after a meal with no dessert, and—well, you get the picture.

    As the wife of a retired looooooong time Coke employee, I love you @corinasue1143.

    And as a former full-sugar drinker, I totally get it.

    Zero is fine and dandy, but doesn’t have the effervescent, zingy kick in the brain opening a new sugar can gives.

    Even better, though, was a glass bottle.
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member
    Like @AnnPT77 I haven't given up any food or drink. I have changed HOW I eat some things though. Early on in the weight loss process, I decided to drink my morning coffee black - used to always like a splash or two of cream in my coffee. The other day I had some cream leftover from a baking project and thought to myself that I should use it up and maybe indulge in a splash into the coffee. I actually reached for the carton and then decided to put it back because it just didn't appeal to me anymore. I also liked to eat a bowl of ice cream most evenings. Besides actually weighing a serving size out now, I'll sometimes scoop out a half a serving and top off with my regular serving of plain Fage 0% greek yogurt. Tastes just as decadent to me and I feel like I'm getting a bigger serving of a treat.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,338 Member
    I can't think of anything I've given up specifically for weight loss. I have digestive problems that require me to limit fat and fiber. I really miss popcorn. I love popcorn. I could eat it every day. I've found a brand of heirloom popcorn that doesn't have as much of a hull and that does okay, but I can only still have it once or twice a week max and definitely no butter. I miss dried fruit too, but not nearly as much as my beloved popcorn.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,942 Member
    I regret NOTHING. It's not what I eat, it's HOW MUCH.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    So the only food/beverage I've truly given up is soda/pop/coke. I used to crave it like crazy, but the other day, I split one with a friend (it was hot outside, we were tired, and we had a long day ahead of us.) It was way too sweet! I ended up dumping my half into my reusable water bottle and drinking a 50/50 mix of Coke and water.

    I don't eat meat as much as I used to. I have one cheeseburger a week as a treat to myself but that's sometimes the only pork or beef I have all week. I ascribe to the 80/20 philosophy, where you eat super healthy 80% of the time and treat yourself 20%.

    My two foods I find myself avoiding are pre made chocolate chip cookies and bubble gum. I could eat an entire sleeve of Chewy Chips Ahoy! As for gum, I can't have sugar free gum but could easily chew 10 pieces of sugary gum a day. At 20 calories per piece, that's 200 calories of what? Saliva?
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,063 Member
    I haven't eliminated any foods - technically. That said, there are currently ZERO "sweet treats" in the house (no candy, no ice cream, etc) - and I was really wanting some yesterday, and nothing even buried at the back of the cupboards or in a corner of the freezer LOL.

    The one thing I wish I could eat way more of but simply cannot is pasta - I love it. I love it in massive quantities with all different types of toppings from just a little oil and salt to all the fixin's. I tend to avoid it because a reasonable serving is just - pathetic, and worse than not having it at all in my mind.
    Weirdly, this is the ONLY food my brain seems to feel that way about! Other things, such as sweets, I can enjoy a couple bites of dark chocolate and be happy. Or a serving of ice cream and be content. Not pasta though. The substitutions are NOT the same, either. I may have to look into what @AnnPT77 suggested - I wouldn't be having it often so the cost may be okay.
    Pizza I always share with the bf, so half of one I just plan into my day or on an extra active day. I can eat an entire pizza on my own, but depends on how heavily topped it is too, and I always go for thin crust, so that cuts into the calories a lot.
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I haven't really eliminated anything either. If I want Doritos, I go buy a small bag of them. I have naturally quit eating so much sugar because overly sweet foods give me heartburn, as well as all kinds of chocolate. I don't keep sweets, or snack foods in the house at all. If I want something, I will purposely make the decision to go out and buy 1 serving of what I want.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I pretty much eat whatever I want in regards to weight loss, so I'm not really missing anything in that aspect. Although I'd love to eat a lot more nuts.

    I was recently diagnosed celiac and my entire gut is a damned mess. So I'm off all products with gluten along with other foods I love like jalapenos, coffee, fried things, all alcohols and some other stuff. In this aspect I really, really miss a good french loaf, a hot cup of good coffee, my favorite glass of red, sparkling water and adding jalapenos to everything.

    Hopefully when my gut heals I can add most of these back, minus of course the gluten foods.