I can’t resist junk food

caseylowe19 Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2022 in Food and Nutrition
Let me give you some background info. I work at Greggs so all day long i’m surrounded by junk food in the town centre that is full of restaurants. I’m also in the town centre for college. Every break my friends and I go to some form of fast food place cuz it’s just convenient and better than sitting around campus. Not only is my wallet taking a hit but so is my body. I just feel Bleh all the time but no matter how many times I say todays the day I stop, it never lasts long. HELP!!! I HAVE A PROBLEM!!


  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    If what you’re doing isn’t working, try something else. Some suggestions. What other stores are there? Tell your friends on break that you’d like to look at shoes, or dresses, or you’re looking for a gift for someone. Or take a low calorie, good snack with you. Enough to share. Crackers and cheese squares? Suggest you go to a park or a bench on the square to share.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Time to take stock---what do you really want? Are you logging all this fast food? Are you within your daily calorie goal?

    If not, then you've got a problem for sure. You need to find other ways to socialize. You might find that several of your friends would also like to change habits. If you suggest doing something else, you might be surprised.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,331 Member
    What are you having at all of these places? I rarely cook and eat out a large percentage of the time. The two things I do are 1: realize not every meal out is “an experience”; and 2: balance my meals with the options available. So, when I get fast food, I get a junior burger and small fries instead of some larger combo meal. If I go to a sit-down place, I stick to an entree and skip appetizers, desserts, and more than 1 drink. For snacks, I pick pre-cut fruit, cheese and crackers, lunch meat rolled up with cheese, pretzels, beef jerky—that kind of stuff. I avoid things like chips (crisps), trail mix, nuts, and those more calorically dense types of treats.

    Most of all—log it all and keep to your calorie goal and you’ll figure out the rest.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,162 Member
    edited October 2022
    Urges are a mental game, literally. Personally for me if I have a craving for something and expect it to be amazing and it is amazing, I want it again. If I crave something and expect it to be amazing and it isn't, then the next time I crave that particular thing I don't go back to that source and try something else. This is reference to anticipation and reality and both pathways are equally powerful, and one has to dominate the other in order to effect change. You're going to have to associate eating fast food with your body image and where you want to be and how that can happen. You describing your body taking a hit and feeling blec is a good place to start. It's not easy. Good luck and Cheers.
  • joyputnam04
    joyputnam04 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been there! Daily fast food got me up to 300 pounds. Bring your own lunch with some healthy snacks and keep your credit card at home! I am proof that diet and exercise works. Since I started cooking my own food I have lost over 160 pounds, all while saving my money! The first week is the hardest just like quitting smoking you will get cravings. Stay strong! After a while, fast food won't sound good anymore.