Getting discouraged..



  • kmdsims
    I want to lose around 60-70 pounds before my brothers wedding next year. (I'm the maid of honor.) I'm 18, currently weight 191 and recently lost 19 pounds! I was 210 before. The most I ever weighed and I decided it was enough. I've been sticking with a diet where I eat regular foods, just in really small portions. And its been working! But now I just feel like giving up and I don't want to. How do you stay on track? Any tips on how to be motivated for working out?

    I just looked at your profile. You listed some things there - not wanting to be the big girl anymore, wanting to love your clothes. You have your brother's wedding to look forward to....just imagine yourself showing up there at your goal. The thing is, instead of thinking how far you have to go, I hope you realize that you are essentially a 1/3 of the way there already! This hasn't been wasted effort. Giving up just means going back to where you were instead of where you want to be.

    Too, from a program standpoint, I'm not sure what you mean by 'regular foods, just in really small portions.' If you are eating so little that you're hungry a lot or if you're bored with what you're eating, that will make it harder. You don't have to give up the foods you like, but don't be afraid to work new things in, either. It's amazing how much food (and how much variety) you can eat and still be under goal. So don't be bored and don't think you need to feel deprived. Satifaction will help with sustainability.

    I don't know if you're exercising, but you can tone up, energize yourself, eat more, distract yourself, etc. Maybe you can go window shopping for something you want to wear to the wedding or out to dinner that weekend, or whatever, and not buy it - until you've made the progress that you feel warrants it.

    For me, lastly, intermediate goals are a big help. I have a lot to lose (and had I done what you're doing at nineteen, maybe I wouldn't have, but anyway.....), and if I alway thought of it in those terms, it would be discouraging at times. Yes, I want to lose aaaaalll that weight. I want be healthier and nicer looking for both myself and my husband, and to be more comfortable in my skin and all of that. But thinking, "I still have over a hundred pounds to lose" doesn't really do it for me, oddly enough. lol

    So I try to look at things I have already accomplished and set goals that I can achieve soon. I can walk further and with more ease. I worked on a physical job the other day and had no trouble keeping up. My daughter said my arms look thinner yesterday. I eat healthier in general, although I darned well plan on having pizza tonight - that's today's goal! :laugh:

    My first "big goal" was to get into my most recent pair of jeans...I wore them to the ballpark last night and was comfortable the entire time. I also didn't worry about fitting in the seat, something I've noticed at a couple of different places now. The next pair of jeans down fits too, but is a tiny bit snug, so guess what? You got it.

    And next, I want the 50 pound mark...and I'm only 10 pounds away from it! No way I'll quit now!

    Not only are these little things "motivating," but for me, they keep it fun. Eating a food I've never had, or budgeting into my calorie goal an old favorite, or trying out a recipe (last week we had Black Bean Brownies and I swear we couldn't tell they were anything but awesome), seeing the progress in the way I feel, on the scale, in the way my clothes fit. Having an ex-coworker exclaim when she saw me, "You look great!"

    So I guess my advice it just that you are worth it. Stick with it because you deserve it. Don't be too restrictive. Do what you can to focus on intermediate achievements and goals and let yourself feel good about them! Let it be fun. Don't beat yourself up if you don't meet your expectations for a minute - every day is new. Be healthier, Be more comfortable. And wow them at that wedding!

    Take care, honey. You've got this.

    PS Oh and one more thing - my daughter is your age and has lost over 10 pounds exercising and eating well.......and she looks gorgeous. I'm sure your family feels the same way. :heart:

    Wow! Congratulations! (: Thank you for all of this advise. Seriously. I feel a lot better now and will NOT give up! And how your daughter lost more then 10 pounds is great! (: Thank you again!
  • kmdsims
    Thank you everyone!! All of your advise is working and I won't give up(: Sorry I can't reply to everyone but I hope you guys see this!! A BIG thank you!!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member

    Wow! Congratulations! (: Thank you for all of this advise. Seriously. I feel a lot better now and will NOT give up! And how your daughter lost more then 10 pounds is great! (: Thank you again!

    Oh, you are so welcome. Everyone needs a little encouragement sometimes. I'm so glad you're feeling better about things. You can friend me if you'd like also. AND my daughter told me last night it's TWENTY pounds she has lost. I can't believe she even had twenty to lose, but she's so much more fit now, too, I just lost track of the numbers....amazing kiddo. : )
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Once I started seeing the results that's all the motivation I needed to keep going. I don't buy junk, if it's not in the house I won't eat it.
  • hidbee
    hidbee Posts: 52 Member
    I started at the same weight (191) and it wasn't always easy, but it has been work it. Someone told me once that if you do something for 30 days, it will be come a habit. Start by logging what you're eating and what exercises you're doing. Learn about the foods you consume; what is in them, good stuff/bad stuff etc. I found getting a food scale (which I got a Aldi for $9.95 and it's amazing, no joke!) and some really cheap measuring cups to be helpful.

    My cousin and my best friend are getting married three months apart from each other this year, and just like you, I didn't want to be "the big girl" in the wedding pictures. At the same time, I am almost 30 years old and I wanted to do this for ME. Because I am worth living a healthy and active lifestyle, because I am worth loving my body, and I am worth the hard work and dedication. AND YOU ARE TOO.

    When I get bored with my workouts, I change it up. I started boxing about a month ago, and talk about a shred. It's a GREAT, and super fun workout that literally works every single muscle in your body. I bring friends with me to class so I always have someone to keep me accountable. But consistency is the key, and you sound motivated. You can do this!

    Once you begin to see results, it will keep you wanting more. I didn't realize how much weight I had lost until my friend's father in law said something to me about it.

    Feel free to add/message me if you need encouragement!!
  • corpore_sano
    corpore_sano Posts: 1 Member
    Put 19 pounds of flour bags/books/bottled water in a backpack, then walk around the block and up and down some stairs. It will give you a visceral appreciation of what you've done so far!
  • needtoloseafewpounds

    You didn't lose just 19 lbs. Take a look at the picture! That's a looooooooooottttttttttt of fat haha :D
    You're doing good! I already have a mental picture of where I want to be at after I'm done with my goals.
    Maybe if it's hard to draw a mental picture, you can buy a dress or outfit that you really want to wear at 120-130 lbs
    and hang it up where you can see it every single day! ;)
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