100 days of weighing - part 14



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member

    Yay that you found a new food, and 89 calories at that!! Scallops go on sale here quite often, for sure much cheaper than boneless skinless chicken these days.

    I have done spaghetti squash before, but it is too much work for me lol.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Mini challenge by Donna, December 10-April 9th
    December 10th weight: 143.2 (but I was 141.8 the following day so I might use that)

    1st Week Goal Weight - 139.9
    1st Week Actual Weight - 141.2 Started the week at 142.2
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 4738 - average over 7 days 834

    2nd Week Goal Weight - 141.0
    2nd Week Actual Weight - 142.2 - Started the week at 143.0
    Excess calories burned (in the green): Forgot to add this earlier - 4948 = 706.85 average over 7 days.

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 139.4 - (Ambitious)
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 144.2 - Somehow put on 3 pounds while down sick for 1 day! Started the week at 142.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 6063 = 866.14 average over 7 days - Really big calorie burn this past week except for the day that I was sick

    4th Week Goal Weight: 139.6 - (Ambitious)
    4th Week Actual Weight: 143.8 - Started the week at 143.6
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 3563 = 509 average over 7 days

    5th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Not likely with holiday eating, but going to plunk in this number until I hit it. Turned out that Turkey dinners carefully portioned actually lost me weight this week.
    5th Week Actual Weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 143.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 4496 = 642 average over 7 days.

    6th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    6th Week Actual Weight: 142.8 Started the week at 145.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 986 - Even 1150 eating days didn't give me much excess because of low exercise during my sore ankle and subsequent steroid injection into it.

    7th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    7th Week Actual Weight: 143.6 Started the week at 144.2. I had Ribs, and may have them one more time during this 100
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 2762, 394.7 average over 7 days, I know that this needs to be higher to lose weight. Ankle is getting there, so hopefully soon I can get back to it.

    8th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    8th Week Actual Weight: 142.8 Started the week at 143.8
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 2983 = 426.14 - a little closer to my goal of 500 per day averaged out over the week.

    9th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    9th Week Actual Weight: 142.6 Started the week at 143.6
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 3791, which works out to an average of 541.57 over 7 days. First time that I have hit my goal of 500+ per week in quite a while, and it shows on the scale!

    10th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    10th Week Actual Weight: 143.2 Started the week at 143.2
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 1921 - 320.16 average over 6 days - not enough

    Day 70 – 2/4 - 144.8 - Got into those breaded cheese stuffed asceola olives last night, lots of salt. I went into the red!
    Day 71 – 2/5 - 146.0 - New high. Got in some very good dance workouts today including some burpees with another one that I follow, and some of course from Fitness Marshall : - ). After reading about the Vitamin D, I should get outside for 20 minutes even though my dream for today was to stay in a tank top, shorts, cushy robe. Googled: 1000 IU vitamin D doses are synthesized in 10-15 min of sun exposure for adults, and...Vitamin D recommended intake is at 400–800 IU/day or 10–20 micrograms
    Day 72 – 2/6 - 145.8 - Obviously eating exactly the same as I did at 130 pounds is no longer working for me. My activity levels are likely much lower because of the weather and my ankle thing. Just going to keep at it. My body might want me chubby, but I don't feel that it is healthy for me, nor do I like this weight.
    Day 73 – 2/7
    Day 74 – 2/8
    Day 75 – 2/9
    Day 76 – 2/10
    Day 77 – 2/11

    11th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    11th Week Actual Weight: Started the week at 144.8, not good
    Excess calories burned (In the green):

    Start weight of the 100: 142.2
    Goal 132.2
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 59, Height 5’4”

    Jumping in halfway into this challenge. I fell off the wagon during the last challenge.

    Challenge Starting Weight: 144.6 lbs (01/14)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 137.6 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 50: Sat, 1/14: 144.6
    Day 51: Sun, 1/15: 143.8
    Day 52: Mon, 1/16: 143.9
    Day 53: Tues, 1/17: 145.6 - Up two pounds. Maybe due to a high sodium dinner last night? Also had 1 glass of red wine, although I'm not sure if that was a contributing factor in my weight increase.
    Day 54: Wed, 1/18: 144
    Day 55: Thur, 1/19: 143.3
    Day 56: Fri, 1/20: 143.8
    Day 57: Sat, 1/21: 143.6 - Stayed on track with my meals yesterday and got a workout in. No change in weight for 3 days.
    Day 58: Sun, 1/22: 143.8 - 4th day no change in weight. I did have potato chips and a McDouble from McDonald's yesterday, so I guess I should be happy my weight didn't go up.
    Day 59: Mon, 1/23: 144.2
    Day 60: Tues, 1/24: 143.1
    Day 61: Wed, 1/25: 143.1 - Lost only 1.5 lbs in 11 days. I've always been a slow loser, but it can feel discouraging at times.
    Day 62: Thurs 1/26: 143.1
    Day 63: Fri 1/27: 145.2 - Paying the price in weight for last night's wonderful dinner with friends!
    Day 64: Sat 1/28: DNW - Rice included with dinner. 2nd day with extra carbs.
    Day 65: Sun 1/29: DNW - Rice with lunch and pasta for dinner. Not good.
    Day 66: Mon 1/30: 145.3 - Need to reel back on the carbs!
    Day 67: Tues 1/31: 142.3 - This weigh-in was on a scale at the doctor's office. I should have weighed on the scale at home too, so I could compare. Anyway, just found out my cholesterol levels are high! Not good.
    Day 68: Wed 2/1: 145.4 - Today is a new day. Need to figure out a plan to bring my cholesterol levels down. I don't want to be on medication for it.
    Day 69: Thurs 2/2: 145.3
    Day 70: Fri 2/3: 143.4 - Just added intermittent fasting (16:8) to what I hope will be a consistent routine for me. Day 1 was yesterday. Also got a work-out in!
    Day 71: Sat 2/4: 142.6 - IF yesterday (17:7). Ate whole foods, avoided bad carbs and sugar, and got a work out in. A good day!
    Day 72: Sun 2/5: 144.1 - Not sure why the gain. Oh well, just need to keep pushing thru.
    Day 73: Mon 2/6: 144.1 - No change in weight. 5th day on IF (which I started in order to control my eating) and low carb. Hard not to get discouraged but I won't give up.
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I want to see how much I can lose, starting off with something relatively easy, 50 grams a day. Each 20 day block I want to increase the amount I lose each day. Goal day is calculated using 7 day averages most recently and a month ago.

    Day 01 27-Nov 88.2 kg, goal day in 715 days, so I overate, but that's alright because I always overeat the day I restart my weight loss
    Day 02 28-Nov 88.5, goal day in 780 days, I overate again, I guess this is why my weight loss is very slow
    Day 03 29-Nov 88.2, goal day in 650 days, I ate too much unfortunately
    Day 04 30-Nov 88.1, goal day in 630 days, I didn't overeat, but I think I didn't eat below maintenance
    Day 05 1-Dec 87.6, goal day in 660 days
    I was doing well throughout the day then I bought a large bag of chips unexpectedly
    Day 06 2-Dec 88.7 goal day in 850 days, and I bought sausage and chips in the evening, I guess I should have predicted that, rather than overeating. I will see if I can eat below maintenance everyday until I can get back on track
    Day 07 3-Dec 89.0, goal day in 1070 days, I ate under maintenance and didn't have any salt
    Day 08 4-Dec 88.1, goal weight in 1270 days
    Day 09 5-Dec 87.9 I have decided to put my weight loss on hold because I am moving overseas and I'm too busy
    Day 10 6-Dec 87.5
    Day 11 7-Dec DNW no access to scale in the morning
    Day 12 8-Dec DNW
    Day 13 9-Dec DNW
    Day 14 10-Dec 88.5
    Day 15 11-Dec 88.4
    Day 16 12-Dec 88.7 still putting weight loss on hold for the moment
    Day 17 13-Dec 87.7
    Day 18 14-Dec 88.0
    Day 19 15-Dec DNW
    Day 20 16-Dec 88.3
    Day 21 17-Dec 88.1 So I'm in Singapore briefly right now and the obesity rate is 9% compared to New Zealand's 35%. It's quite a noticeable difference. It's a constant reminder that if I am ever to achieve my goals I'm going to have to start today. So I'm going to aim for a 3 grams per day trendline reduction on my weights spreadsheet graph today. Tomorrow will be 6 grams a day etc etc. Currently it's 4.6 grams per day although that number will jiggle up and down a lot which is fine.
    Day 22 18-Dec DNW
    Day 23 19-Dec DNW
    Day 24 20-Dec 87.4
    Day 25 21-Dec 87.1
    Day 26 22-Dec 88.0 So I'm relatively settled here in the Philippines and finally living with my girlfriend. My spreadsheet trendline is dropping by 41 grams a day which I'm happy about. It's my first time I've had a girlfriend who is slimmer than me (together longer than 6 weeks) so I'm going to try and use that to help lose weight
    So we shifted hotels and I only ate apples and crackers today, not a good menu plan, hopefully we get into a proper food buying routine soon
    Day 27 23-Dec 88.5 trendline 29 g/day which is good
    Day 28 24-Dec 88.5 I had some sugary food today, which means that I went about 5-6 days without sugar, a huge achievement for me. My weight loss is happening, but it's quite slow, Christmas day is tomorrow and I expect to gain a bit then. So things are happening slowly
    Day 29 25-Dec 87.7 trendline 22 g/day which is okay
    Christmas Day saw me eating a lot of cake (plus some chickpeas surprisingly) and not much else. I guess I gained weight today. That's fine, thankfully Christmas comes only once a year. I want to speed up my weight loss, let's see if I can do that.
    Day 30 26-Dec 86.9 New Low trendline 32 g/day which is good
    I'm having trouble figuring out what to eat here, it's hard to get quality food without walking a while, I guess I'm used to driving to the supermarket, now I don't have a car. I didn't expect to have such simple problems causing me to slow down my weight loss.
    Day 31 27-Dec 87.9 trendline 23 g/day which is slow
    Another day of not so good control of what I'm eating, it's hard to figure out how much to eat/how much hunger to tolerate when you're eating food you're not used to. I guess I just need to keep trying until I'm successful, rather than "taking a break" as I have done in the past.
    Day 32 28-Dec 87.5 trendline 26 g/day which is slow
    I'm guessing that my eating today is lower than previously, it's hard to tell though, unfortunately now that I'm not tracking my intake it's harder to tell what's going on
    Day 33 29-Dec 87.5 trendline 28 g/day which is slow, body measurements 810 cm
    Day 34 30-Dec 87.5
    Day 35 31-Dec 87.1
    Day 36 1-Jan 87.7
    Day 37 2-Jan 87.9
    Day 38 DNW
    Day 39 4-Jan 87.7
    Day 40 5-Jan 87.7
    Day 41 6-Jan 87.6 So I'm paused in my weight loss, we moved into our new home and without a fridge freezer yet, we're doing a daily shop which is of course not good for weight loss. I don't want to jinx it but I had a sugar fest before the turn of the year, a packet of M&Ms 2 minutes before midnight and now I'm doing well, still sugar free. From today onwards I'll ask whether I have lost weight, hopefully the answers are mostly 'yes'.
    Today I managed to keep control of my eating, it's hard because I have tracked my intake on an app for so long that I need to learn the skill of eating less (without eating too little).
    Day 42 7-Jan 86.9 lowest weight in 12 days so my controlled eating went well
    I guess I ate more than yesterday, so did I eat under maintenance? Maybe.
    Day 43 8-Jan 87.3 I controlled my eating reasonably well which probably resulted in...
    Day 44 9-Jan 86.7 New Low, lowest weight in 1017 days, Did I eat under maintenance? Maybe
    Day 45 10-Jan 86.6 New Low, lowest weight in 1019 days
    Did I eat under maintenance? Again maybe. I'm really losing weight right now but I get the feeling that my weight is going down simply because there's less food in my system. I haven't been too hungry.
    Day 46 11-Jan 86.1 New Low, lowest weight in 1024 day
    Day 47 12-Jan 86.4
    Day 48 13-Jan 86.3
    Day 49 14-Jan 86.1
    Day 50 15-Jan 86.6
    Day 51 16-Jan 86.5
    Day 52 17-Jan 86.7
    Day 53 18-Jan 86.7
    Day 54 19-Jan 87.0
    Day 55 20-Jan 87.1
    Day 56 21-Jan 87.0
    Day 57 22-Jan 86.9
    Day 58 23-Jan 86.0 New Low
    Day 59 24-Jan 86.0
    Day 60 25-Jan 86.7 Well, I've kind of stopped losing weight recently, as indicated by the lack of comments. Anyway, back on the horse, today I start losing weight again. My current 20 day weight loss rate is 8 grams a day
    Day 61 26-Jan 86.8
    Day 62 27-Jan 86.4
    Day 63 28-Jan 86.0
    Day 64 29-Jan 86.7
    Day 65 30-Jan 87.0
    Day 66 31-Jan 87.1
    Day 67 1-Feb 87.2
    Day 68 2-Feb 86.7
    Day 69 3-Feb 85.7 New Low
    Day 70 4-Feb 85.6 New Low
    Day 70 5-Feb 86.2
    Day 71 6-Feb DNW
    Day 72 7-Feb 86.8
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,749 Member
    Thank you, @threewins !
    I'm in!
    72 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 145.0
    UGW: 132.2
    Day 01 - 11/27 - 149.0 at 7:45 a.m. ...total rest day!!
    Day 02 - 11/28 - 150.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 03 - 11/29 - 152.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...6.16 miles in 113 mins
    Day 04 - 11/30 - 152.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 05 - 12/01 - 148.9 at 5:20 a.m. ...it rained here in northern California!! No walking for me!
    Day 06 - 12/02 - 151.1 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 07 - 12/03 - 151.0 at 7:55 a.m. ...rain and rain and rain...
    1st Week Goal Weight - any loss
    1st Week Actual Weight - +2.0
    Day 08 - 12/04 - 153.9 at 7:50 a.m. ...6.22 miles in 106 mins
    Day 09 - 12/05 - 153.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 10 - 12/06 - 153.9 at 5:20 a.m. ...7.36 miles in 134 mins
    Day 11 - 12/07 - 153.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 12 - 12/08 - 153.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...new Grandson duty! No walking for me.
    Day 13 - 12/09 - 155.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 14 - 12/10 - 153.5 at 8:15 a.m. ...rain and wind made it my rest day!
    2nd Week Goal Weight - any loss
    2nd Week Actual Weight - -.4
    Day 15 - 12/11 - 154.3 at 8:00 a.m. ...7.21 miles in 130 mins...wind was soooo cold!!
    Day 16 - 12/12 - 152.1 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 17 - 12/13 - 153.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...6.31 miles in 113 mins...sooo cold!!
    Day 18 - 12/14 - 151.9 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 19 - 12/15 - 152.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson duty
    Day 20 - 12/16 - 152.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson duty
    Day 21 - 12/17 - 153.5 at 7:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer and 6.11 miles in 105 mins
    3rd Week Goal Weight - any loss
    3rd Week Actual Weight - -.8
    Day 22 – 12/18 - 152.0 at 8:30 a.m. ...cold, foggy and FREEZING here in northern California. I miss summer!
    Day 23 – 12/19 - 155.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 24 – 12/20 - 154.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...Anniversary dinner w/daughter, SIL and our two Grandsons
    Day 25 – 12/21 - 154.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 26 – 12/22 - 155.5 at 7:30 a.m. ...Grandbaby duties
    Day 27 – 12/23 - 154.8 at 6:30 a.m. ...6.33 miles in 111 mins
    Day 28 – 12/24 - 152.8 at 8:00 a.m. ...5.59 miles in 97 mins
    4th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    4th Week Actual Weight - -2.2 pounds...hahahah! maybe...
    Day 29 – 12/25 – 151.8 at 8:20 a.m. ...Christmas Day
    Day 30 – 12/26 – 154.0 at 9:20 a.m. ...5.09 miles in 89 mins
    Day 31 – 12/27 – 153.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...rain...rain...rain...
    Day 32 – 12/28 – 153.8 at 6:30 a.m. ...7.31 miles in 137 mins
    Day 34 – 12/29 – 152.1 at 7:30 a.m. ...nothing
    Day 33 – 12/30 – 152.7 at 6:30 a.m. ...nothing
    Day 34 - 12/31 - 153.6 at 8:20 a.m. ...nothing
    5th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    5th Week Actual Weight - +2.2...sigh!!
    Day 35 – 01/01 - 152.9 at 8:45 a.m. ...4th day of nothing!
    Day 36 – 01/02 - 155.2 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! We have rain here in northern California!
    Day 37 – 01/03 - 153.7 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! We have rain here in northern California!
    Day 38 – 01/04 - 152.2 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! and 7.20 miles in 144 mins
    Day 39 – 01/05 - 152.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!
    Day 40 – 01/06 - 152.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! and 7.01 miles in 139 mins thru the mud!!
    Day 41 – 01/07 - 151.7 at 8:00 a.m. ...rest day
    6th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    6th Week Actual Weight - -1.2
    Day 42 – 01/08 – 153.8 at 8:00 a.m. ...7.31 miles in 134 mins
    Day 43 – 01/09 – 154.5 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! Rain in Northern California!! Trainer sick.
    Day 44 – 01/10 – 153.2 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! Rain in Northern California!! Made soup!
    Day 45 – 01/11 – 154.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! Rain in Northern California!
    Day 46 – 01/12 – 154.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! Sunshine!! 7.28 miles in 134 mins
    Day 47 – 01/13 – 155.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!! Rain in Northern California!
    Day 48 – 01/14 – 153.5 at 8:30 a.m. ...6.01 miles in 118 mins
    7th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    7th Week Actual Weight - -.3 maybe...
    Day 49 – 01/15 – 152.0 at 8:00 a.m. ... rest day
    Day 50 – 01/16 – 153.2 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 51 – 01/17 – 152.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...6.28 miles in 118 mins
    Day 52 – 01/18 – 151.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 53 – 01/19 – 151.3 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...6.24 miles in 116 mins
    Day 54 – 01/20 – 150.1 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 55 – 01/21 – 150.6 at 6:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...6.24 miles in 116 mins
    8th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    8th Week Actual Weight - -1.4
    Day 56 – 01/22 – 149.0 at 7:50 a.m. ...7.24 miles in 133 mins in the freezing cold, fierce wind!!
    Day 57 – 01/23 – 149.8 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 58 – 01/24 – 148.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...and rest day!!
    Day 59 – 01/25 – 149.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 60 – 01/26 – 150.5 st 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...7.11 miles in 134 mins
    Day 61 – 01/27 – 150.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 62 - 01/28 - 149.7 at 7:45 a.m. ...rest day!! ...family dinner
    9th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    9th Week Actual Weight - +.7
    Day 63 - 01/29 - 151.5 at 7:50 a.m. ...rest day!!
    Day 64 - 01/30 - 153.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 65 - 01/31 - 153.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 7.29 miles in 139 mins
    Day 66 - 02/01 - 152.5 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 67 - 02/02 - 153.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.26 miles in 116 mins
    Day 68 - 02/03 - 151.7 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    Day 69 - 02/04 - 153.3 at 8:30 a.m. ...2.5 miles in 90 mins w/husband & S,P,R,C and Bean(our family)
    10th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    10th Week Actual Weight - +1.8
    Day 70 - 02/05 - 154.2 at 7:45 a.m. ...a total ME Day!!
    Day 71 - 02/06 - 152.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty!!...60 min workout w/trainer
    Day 72 - 02/07 -
    Day 73 - 02/08 -
    Day 74 - 02/09 -
    Day 75 - 02/10 -
    Day 76 - 02/11 -
    11th Week Goal Weight - any loss
    11th Week Actual Weight -
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 163.4lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 148lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Target lbs to lose: 15.4

    Day 50: Sat, 1/14: 163.4
    Day 51: Sun, 1/15: 162.2
    Day 52: Mon, 1/16: 161.8
    Day 53: Tues, 1/17: 161.4
    Day 54: Wed, 1/18: 160.4
    Day 55: Thur, 1/19: 160.2
    Day 56: Fri, 1/20: 159.6

    8th week goal weight: 161.0
    8th week actual weight: 159.6

    Challenge weight lost: 3.8
    Challenge weight to go: 11.6

    Day 57: Sat, 1/21: 160.8
    Day 58: Sun, 1/22 : 161.4
    Day 59: Mon, 1/23: 159.8
    Day 60: Tue, 1/24: 159.6
    Day 61: Wed, 1/25: DNW
    Day 62: Thur, 1/26: 159.6
    Day 63: Fri, 1/27: 158.6

    9th week goal weight: 159.0
    9th week actual weight: 158.6

    Challenge weight lost: 4.8
    Challenge weight to go: 10.6

    Didn't think I was going to make my goal as this week's been a bit unsettled with guests over the weekend and air travel mid week but thankfully things worked out. I expect my losses to slow down now as I get into the groove and past the initial water weight whoosh.

    Day 64: Sat, 1/28: 158.2
    Day 65: Sun, 1/29: 158.8
    Day 66: Mon, 1/30: 158.6
    Day 67: Tue, 1/31: 157.6
    Day 68: Wed, 2/1: 158.0
    Day 69: Thur, 2/2: 157.4
    Day 70: Fri, 2/3: 157.4

    10th week goal weight: 157.0
    10th week actual weight: 157.4

    Challenge weight lost: 6
    Challenge weight to go: 9.4

    This week has gone by so fast! I've been feeling so fatigued lately, I don't know what's up but am thinking of making a doc appointment if it continues because I'm fed up with feeling slow and cold and down all the time. As predicted, I'm seeing my losses slow down now. I was trying to decide whether to adjust my weight loss goal for this challenge as I don't think 2lbs a week is realistic and I don't want to be demoralised by it, but I have decided to leave it as it is and see where I end up. If i lose 10lb rather than 15, that's still amazing!
    Have a lovely weekend everyone :)

    Day 71: Sat, 2/4: 157.8
    Day 72: Sun, 2/5: 157.2
    Day 73: Mon, 2/6: 157.8
    Day 74: Tue, 2/7: 158.0
    Day 74: Wed, 2/8:
    Day 76: Thur, 2/9:
    Day 77: Fri, 2/10:

    11th week goal weight: 155.0
    11th week actual weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    Day 72: 02/05 - DNW - I had a cold that basically put me to bed Fri & Sat. Feeling a little better. Continued the Swedish Death Cleaning of my bedroom and master bath.
    Day 73: 02/06 - 229.2 - Walked 2 miles. Continued decluttering by tackling the coat closet and half bathroom.
    Day 74: 02/07 -
    Tonight Cooking class with DD; her Christmas present to me; Central Market Sautéing and French Pan Sauces
    Menu includes glasses of wine with
    * Fish Filets with Lemon Beurre Blanc
    * Pork Tenderloin au Poivre (with Peppercorn Sauce) 
    * Chicken, Apples & Cream a la Normande
    * Steak a la Bourguignon (Hanger Steak with Shallots & Red Wine Sauce)
    Day 75: 02/08 -
    Day 76: 02/09 -
    Day 77: 02/10 -
    Day 78: 02/11 -
    11th Week Goal Weight - < 230
    11th Week Actual Weight -
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,879 Member
    101 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ Nov 26, 2022 Starting Date

    My Name is Donna, Age 62. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    My mini-challenge is to lose 10 pounds by Easter 2023. I started my efforts on Dec. 10th weighing 198.4. My wish is to weigh 188.4 by Easter April 9th, 2023. That gives me about 4 months to lose 10 pounds. Sounds easy but, trust me, it won’t be. Especially when outside exercise is so limited for me this slippery time of year!


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 181.2
    Starting Weight (from End of Last Challenge): : 196.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.
    Day 01-11/26-196.6-(Trend weight 198.1) My day one starts immediately on the day following the final day of the last challenge. It will end on March 6th with everyone else but that will make it 101 days for me.

    Day 02-11/27-197.6-(Trend weight 198.0)

    Day 03-11/28-196.6-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 04-11/29-198.4-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 05-11/30-196.2-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 06-12/01-198.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 07-12/02-197.8-(Trend weight 197.8)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.6 lb. GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lb GAIN

    Day 08-12/03-197.0-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 09-12/04-197.0-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 10-12/05-197.8-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 11-12/06-199.6-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 12-12/07-198.0-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 13-12/08-196.6-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 14-12/09-198.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: +0.6 lb GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +2.2 lb GAIN

    Day 15-12/10-198.4-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 16-12/11-198.2-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 17-12/12-198.2-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 18-12/13-198.4-(Trend weight 198.0)

    Day 19-12/14-198.8-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 20-12/15-198.2-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 21-12/16-198.2-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.0 lb GAIN

    Day 22-12/17-198.6-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 23-12/18-199.0-(Trend weight 198.2)

    Day 24-12/19-197.0-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 25-12/20-198.6-(Trend weight 198.2)

    Day 26-12/21-199.8-(Trend weight 198.3)

    Day 27-12/22-197.8-(Trend weight 198.3)

    Day 28-12/23-199.2-(Trend weight 198.4)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3 lb GAIN

    Day 29-12/24-198.6-(Trend weight 198.4)

    Day 30-12/25-199.6-(Trend weight 198.5)

    Day 31-12/26-200.6-(Trend weight 198.7)

    Day 32-12/27-200.8-(Trend weight 198.9)

    Day 33-12/28-200.6-(Trend weight 199.1)

    Day 34-12/29-199.0-(Trend weight 199.1)

    Day 35-12/30-200.0-(Trend weight 199.2)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lb GAIN

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.8 lb GAIN

    Day 36-12/31-199.8-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 37-01/01-199.2-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 38-01/02-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 39-01/03-199.8-(Trend weight 199.3)

    Day 40-01/04-198.8-(Trend weight 193.3)

    Day 41-01/05-199.0-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 42-01/06-198.4-(Trend weight 199.2)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.6 lb LOSS
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 lb GAIN

    Day 43-01/07-200.0-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 44-01/08-200.2-(Trend weight 199.3)

    Day 45-01/09-200.0-(Trend weight 199.4)

    Day 46-01/10-200.4-(Trend weight 199.5)

    Day 47-01/11-198.6-(Trend weight 199.4)

    Day 48-01/12-198.2-(Trend weight 199.3)

    Day 49-01/13-195.8-(Trend weight 198.9)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.4 lbs. LOST

    Day 50-01/14-197.2-(Trend weight 198.8)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 1.0 lb GAIN

    Day 51-01/15-NO SCALE-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 52-01/16-198.8-(Trend weight 198.7)

    Day 53-01/17-197.8-(Trend weight 198.6)

    Day 54-01/18-196.0-(Trend weight 198.4)

    Day 55-01/19-196.0-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 56-01/20-196.8-(Trend weight 198.0)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 GAIN

    Day 57-01/21-196.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 58-01/22-197.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 59-01/23-198.2-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 60-01/24-197.8-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 61-01/25-197.6-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 62-01/26-196.8-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 63-01/27-196.0-(Trend weight 197.7)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lb LOSS
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 LOSS

    Day 64-01/28-197.8-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 65-01/29-195.6-(Trend weight 197.5)

    Day 66-01/30-194.8-(Trend weight 197.2)

    Day 67-01/31-194.8-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 68-02/01-194.6-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 69-02/02-196.6-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 70-02/03-197.8-(Trend weight 196.8)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lbs. GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lbs. GAIN

    Day 71-02/04-196.4-(Trend weight 196.8)

    Day 72-02/05-195.6-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 73-02/06-195.6-(Trend weight 196.5) I ate something for the first time last night that I thought I would HATE. Scallops! Even after rinsing they smelled so fishy but I followed the simple and fast recipe and OMGOSH, they were delicious. Thank you Gordon Ramsey for giving me the faith to try. I was having spaghetti squash with a cream basil alfredo sauce and decided I needed to add some protein and had them in my freezer. After a quick thaw in a bowl, they were only 4 or 5 minutes to cook. According to MFP, the 5 small scallops came in at 89 calories and 4 carbs. I will be having them again!

    Day 74-02/07-196.6-(Trend weight 196.6) I was way off the rails yesterday making horrible choices during travel that followed me home and continued to entice me. Today will be better. A long hair appointment will keep me locked in a chair with black coffee for most of the afternoon. That will help. I will have the other half of my spaghetti squash for dinner tonight. Gotta get back on it. I’m exhausted today. Not enough sleep last night.

    Day 75-02/08-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 76-02/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-02/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 78-02/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-02/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-02/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-02/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-02/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-02/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-02/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 85-02/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-02/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-02/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-02/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-02/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-02/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-02/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 92-02/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-02/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-02/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-02/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-03/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-03/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-03/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 99-03/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-03/05-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 101-03/06…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member

    Congrats on cracking back into a lower decade. Whew, this is hard!!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Mini challenge by Donna, December 10-April 9th
    December 10th weight: 143.2 (but I was 141.8 the following day so I might use that)

    1st Week Goal Weight - 139.9
    1st Week Actual Weight - 141.2 Started the week at 142.2
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 4738 - average over 7 days 834

    2nd Week Goal Weight - 141.0
    2nd Week Actual Weight - 142.2 - Started the week at 143.0
    Excess calories burned (in the green): Forgot to add this earlier - 4948 = 706.85 average over 7 days.

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 139.4 - (Ambitious)
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 144.2 - Somehow put on 3 pounds while down sick for 1 day! Started the week at 142.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 6063 = 866.14 average over 7 days - Really big calorie burn this past week except for the day that I was sick

    4th Week Goal Weight: 139.6 - (Ambitious)
    4th Week Actual Weight: 143.8 - Started the week at 143.6
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 3563 = 509 average over 7 days

    5th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Not likely with holiday eating, but going to plunk in this number until I hit it. Turned out that Turkey dinners carefully portioned actually lost me weight this week.
    5th Week Actual Weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 143.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 4496 = 642 average over 7 days.

    6th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    6th Week Actual Weight: 142.8 Started the week at 145.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 986 - Even 1150 eating days didn't give me much excess because of low exercise during my sore ankle and subsequent steroid injection into it.

    7th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    7th Week Actual Weight: 143.6 Started the week at 144.2. I had Ribs, and may have them one more time during this 100
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 2762, 394.7 average over 7 days, I know that this needs to be higher to lose weight. Ankle is getting there, so hopefully soon I can get back to it.

    8th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    8th Week Actual Weight: 142.8 Started the week at 143.8
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 2983 = 426.14 - a little closer to my goal of 500 per day averaged out over the week.

    9th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    9th Week Actual Weight: 142.6 Started the week at 143.6
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 3791, which works out to an average of 541.57 over 7 days. First time that I have hit my goal of 500+ per week in quite a while, and it shows on the scale!

    10th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    10th Week Actual Weight: 143.2 Started the week at 143.2
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 1921 - 320.16 average over 6 days - not enough

    Day 70 – 2/4 - 144.8 - Got into those breaded cheese stuffed asceola olives last night, lots of salt. I went into the red!
    Day 71 – 2/5 - 146.0 - New high. Got in some very good dance workouts today including some burpees with another one that I follow, and some of course from Fitness Marshall : - ). After reading about the Vitamin D, I should get outside for 20 minutes even though my dream for today was to stay in a tank top, shorts, cushy robe. Googled: 1000 IU vitamin D doses are synthesized in 10-15 min of sun exposure for adults, and...Vitamin D recommended intake is at 400–800 IU/day or 10–20 micrograms
    Day 72 – 2/6 - 145.8 - Obviously eating exactly the same as I did at 130 pounds is no longer working for me. My activity levels are likely much lower because of the weather and my ankle thing. Just going to keep at it. My body might want me chubby, but I don't feel that it is healthy for me, nor do I like this weight.
    Day 73 – 2/7 - 144.8 - Going out for dinner tomorrow night prior to the ballet. It will be Spice Hut (the Indian restaurant where I work) and I know the menu so will choose less calorie laden (even though ALL restaurants use way too much salt). I will eat just a little and pack up the rest. Spice Hut has been the pre theatre place long before I began working there, easy to park and close to the theatre.
    Day 74 – 2/8
    Day 75 – 2/9
    Day 76 – 2/10
    Day 77 – 2/11

    11th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    11th Week Actual Weight: Started the week at 144.8, not good
    Excess calories burned (In the green):

    Start weight of the 100: 142.2
    Goal 132.2
  • bteri107
    bteri107 Posts: 320 Member
    I’m Teri
    Age 59, Height 5’4”

    Jumping in halfway into this challenge. I fell off the wagon during the last challenge.

    Challenge Starting Weight: 144.6 lbs (01/14)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 137.6 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-133 lbs
    Challenge Ending Weight:
    Total Weight Loss for Challenge:

    Day 50: Sat, 1/14: 144.6
    Day 51: Sun, 1/15: 143.8
    Day 52: Mon, 1/16: 143.9
    Day 53: Tues, 1/17: 145.6 - Up two pounds. Maybe due to a high sodium dinner last night? Also had 1 glass of red wine, although I'm not sure if that was a contributing factor in my weight increase.
    Day 54: Wed, 1/18: 144
    Day 55: Thur, 1/19: 143.3
    Day 56: Fri, 1/20: 143.8
    Day 57: Sat, 1/21: 143.6 - Stayed on track with my meals yesterday and got a workout in. No change in weight for 3 days.
    Day 58: Sun, 1/22: 143.8 - 4th day no change in weight. I did have potato chips and a McDouble from McDonald's yesterday, so I guess I should be happy my weight didn't go up.
    Day 59: Mon, 1/23: 144.2
    Day 60: Tues, 1/24: 143.1
    Day 61: Wed, 1/25: 143.1 - Lost only 1.5 lbs in 11 days. I've always been a slow loser, but it can feel discouraging at times.
    Day 62: Thurs 1/26: 143.1
    Day 63: Fri 1/27: 145.2 - Paying the price in weight for last night's wonderful dinner with friends!
    Day 64: Sat 1/28: DNW - Rice included with dinner. 2nd day with extra carbs.
    Day 65: Sun 1/29: DNW - Rice with lunch and pasta for dinner. Not good.
    Day 66: Mon 1/30: 145.3 - Need to reel back on the carbs!
    Day 67: Tues 1/31: 142.3 - This weigh-in was on a scale at the doctor's office. I should have weighed on the scale at home too, so I could compare. Anyway, just found out my cholesterol levels are high! Not good.
    Day 68: Wed 2/1: 145.4 - Today is a new day. Need to figure out a plan to bring my cholesterol levels down. I don't want to be on medication for it.
    Day 69: Thurs 2/2: 145.3
    Day 70: Fri 2/3: 143.4 - Just added intermittent fasting (16:8) to what I hope will be a consistent routine for me. Day 1 was yesterday. Also got a work-out in!
    Day 71: Sat 2/4: 142.6 - IF yesterday (17:7). Ate whole foods, avoided bad carbs and sugar, and got a work out in. A good day!
    Day 72: Sun 2/5: 144.1 - Not sure why the gain. Oh well, just need to keep pushing thru.
    Day 73: Mon 2/6: 144.1 - No change in weight. 5th day on IF (which I started in order to control my eating) and low carb. Hard not to get discouraged but I won't give up.
    Day 74: Tues 2/7: 142.9 - Finally a change for the better! I probably ate a little too much last night, but tried to stay within the low carb/whole food realm.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited February 2023
    Posting pics from the cooking class my daughter and I went to this evening. The food was fantastic.

    Central Market Sautéing and French Pan Sauces
    * Fish Filets with Lemon Beurre Blanc
    * Pork Tenderloin au Poivre (with Peppercorn Sauce) 
    * Chicken, Apples & Cream a la Normande
    * Steak a la Bourguignon (Hanger Steak with Shallots & Red Wine Sauce)





    Extremely filling! I ate a couple of bites of the steak but since it was the last and I was very full ... I bagged it up and DH had it as a second dinner when I got home around 10pm
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    @Lilylady3k that looks so good!
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41 5'4
    Highest weight: 180.8lbs July 5th '21
    Current weight: 163.4lbs
    Challenge goal weight: 148lbs
    Ultimate goal weight: Under 130lbs
    Target lbs to lose: 15.4

    Day 50: Sat, 1/14: 163.4
    Day 51: Sun, 1/15: 162.2
    Day 52: Mon, 1/16: 161.8
    Day 53: Tues, 1/17: 161.4
    Day 54: Wed, 1/18: 160.4
    Day 55: Thur, 1/19: 160.2
    Day 56: Fri, 1/20: 159.6

    8th week goal weight: 161.0
    8th week actual weight: 159.6

    Challenge weight lost: 3.8
    Challenge weight to go: 11.6

    Day 57: Sat, 1/21: 160.8
    Day 58: Sun, 1/22 : 161.4
    Day 59: Mon, 1/23: 159.8
    Day 60: Tue, 1/24: 159.6
    Day 61: Wed, 1/25: DNW
    Day 62: Thur, 1/26: 159.6
    Day 63: Fri, 1/27: 158.6

    9th week goal weight: 159.0
    9th week actual weight: 158.6

    Challenge weight lost: 4.8
    Challenge weight to go: 10.6

    Didn't think I was going to make my goal as this week's been a bit unsettled with guests over the weekend and air travel mid week but thankfully things worked out. I expect my losses to slow down now as I get into the groove and past the initial water weight whoosh.

    Day 64: Sat, 1/28: 158.2
    Day 65: Sun, 1/29: 158.8
    Day 66: Mon, 1/30: 158.6
    Day 67: Tue, 1/31: 157.6
    Day 68: Wed, 2/1: 158.0
    Day 69: Thur, 2/2: 157.4
    Day 70: Fri, 2/3: 157.4

    10th week goal weight: 157.0
    10th week actual weight: 157.4

    Challenge weight lost: 6
    Challenge weight to go: 9.4

    This week has gone by so fast! I've been feeling so fatigued lately, I don't know what's up but am thinking of making a doc appointment if it continues because I'm fed up with feeling slow and cold and down all the time. As predicted, I'm seeing my losses slow down now. I was trying to decide whether to adjust my weight loss goal for this challenge as I don't think 2lbs a week is realistic and I don't want to be demoralised by it, but I have decided to leave it as it is and see where I end up. If i lose 10lb rather than 15, that's still amazing!
    Have a lovely weekend everyone :)

    Day 71: Sat, 2/4: 157.8
    Day 72: Sun, 2/5: 157.2
    Day 73: Mon, 2/6: 157.8
    Day 74: Tue, 2/7: 158.0
    Day 74: Wed, 2/8: 157.8
    Day 76: Thur, 2/9:
    Day 77: Fri, 2/10:

    11th week goal weight: 155.0
    11th week actual weight:
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited February 2023
    Day/Weight/Previous Day’s Comment
    Day 72: 02/05 - DNW - I had a cold that basically put me to bed Fri & Sat. Feeling a little better.
    Day 73: 02/06 - DNW - Still breathless from the head cold but better. Continued the Swedish Death Cleaning of my bedroom and master bath.
    Day 74: 02/07 - 229.2 - Walked 2 miles. Continued decluttering by tackling the coat closet and half bathroom. Correcting my notes
    Tues night Cooking class with DD; her Christmas present to me; Central Market Sautéing and French Pan Sauces
    Menu includes 2 glasses of wine with
    * Fish Filets (Halibut) with Lemon Beurre Blanc
    * Pork Tenderloin au Poivre (with Peppercorn Sauce) 
    * Chicken, Apples, Maitake Mushrooms & Cream a la Normande
    * Steak a la Bourguignon (Filet Mignon Steak with Shallots & Red Wine Sauce)
    Day 75: 02/08 - 229.9 - Busy day yesterday! Granddaughter dropped by with her parents to drop off dogs before their road trip. Taught an ever expanding ESL class. I now have 13-14 students for level 2. Then cooked a nice dinner for lunch for DH since I was going out in the evening. Mix Media art class in the afternoon. Then the wonderful cooking class with my daughter in the evening returning home around 10pm. We had a table of 4 and the pictures I posted were my share of our efforts … felt stuffed. Brought home 1/2 the steak and DH enjoyed a 2nd late dinner.
    Day 76: 02/09 -
    Day 77: 02/10 -
    Day 78: 02/11 -
    11th Week Goal Weight - < 230
    11th Week Actual Weight -

    Lots of food yesterday! I'm surprised I didn't break back into the 230s ... but beat it just barely. Today my meals will be a little cleaner and portions smaller.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    edited February 2023
    Vitamin D discussion

    Very important! Without it you will feel sluggish. Twice at annual physicals I scheduled in January in the past my vitamin D3 level was too low and the doctor prescribed a dosage that required a prescription.
    Now I know that during the winter I need to at least take a vitamin D3 2000 IU daily as a minimum.

    For example OneADay Women's 50+ has D3 1000 IU so it still requires a little extra individual D3 vitamin pill to reach my goal.

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,879 Member
    Lilylady3k wrote: »
    Posting pics from the cooking class my daughter and I went to this evening. The food was fantastic.

    Central Market Sautéing and French Pan Sauces
    * Fish Filets with Lemon Beurre Blanc
    * Pork Tenderloin au Poivre (with Peppercorn Sauce) 
    * Chicken, Apples & Cream a la Normande
    * Steak a la Bourguignon (Hanger Steak with Shallots & Red Wine Sauce)

    @Lilylady3k What a great gift from your DD and what a nice memory you made together! The meals look absolutely delicious. I'm so glad for you that the two of you could share this experience!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,879 Member
    101 Days of Weighing In ^^^^^ Nov 26, 2022 Starting Date

    My Name is Donna, Age 62. I am 5’5” tall & I live in Northern Michigan USA

    My mini-challenge is to lose 10 pounds by Easter 2023. I started my efforts on Dec. 10th weighing 198.4. My wish is to weigh 188.4 by Easter April 9th, 2023. That gives me about 4 months to lose 10 pounds. Sounds easy but, trust me, it won’t be. Especially when outside exercise is so limited for me this slippery time of year!


    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    “We will encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” ~Maya Angelou

    Goal This Round: 181.2
    Starting Weight (from End of Last Challenge): : 196.2

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.
    Day 01-11/26-196.6-(Trend weight 198.1) My day one starts immediately on the day following the final day of the last challenge. It will end on March 6th with everyone else but that will make it 101 days for me.

    Day 02-11/27-197.6-(Trend weight 198.0)

    Day 03-11/28-196.6-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 04-11/29-198.4-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 05-11/30-196.2-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 06-12/01-198.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 07-12/02-197.8-(Trend weight 197.8)

    WEEK 1 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.6 lb. GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lb GAIN

    Day 08-12/03-197.0-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 09-12/04-197.0-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 10-12/05-197.8-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 11-12/06-199.6-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 12-12/07-198.0-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 13-12/08-196.6-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 14-12/09-198.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    WEEK 2 LOSS OR GAIN: +0.6 lb GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: +2.2 lb GAIN

    Day 15-12/10-198.4-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 16-12/11-198.2-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 17-12/12-198.2-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 18-12/13-198.4-(Trend weight 198.0)

    Day 19-12/14-198.8-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 20-12/15-198.2-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 21-12/16-198.2-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.0 lb GAIN

    Day 22-12/17-198.6-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 23-12/18-199.0-(Trend weight 198.2)

    Day 24-12/19-197.0-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 25-12/20-198.6-(Trend weight 198.2)

    Day 26-12/21-199.8-(Trend weight 198.3)

    Day 27-12/22-197.8-(Trend weight 198.3)

    Day 28-12/23-199.2-(Trend weight 198.4)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3 lb GAIN

    Day 29-12/24-198.6-(Trend weight 198.4)

    Day 30-12/25-199.6-(Trend weight 198.5)

    Day 31-12/26-200.6-(Trend weight 198.7)

    Day 32-12/27-200.8-(Trend weight 198.9)

    Day 33-12/28-200.6-(Trend weight 199.1)

    Day 34-12/29-199.0-(Trend weight 199.1)

    Day 35-12/30-200.0-(Trend weight 199.2)

    WEEK 5 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lb GAIN

    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 3.8 lb GAIN

    Day 36-12/31-199.8-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 37-01/01-199.2-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 38-01/02-DNW-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 39-01/03-199.8-(Trend weight 199.3)

    Day 40-01/04-198.8-(Trend weight 193.3)

    Day 41-01/05-199.0-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 42-01/06-198.4-(Trend weight 199.2)

    WEEK 6 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.6 lb LOSS
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 2.2 lb GAIN

    Day 43-01/07-200.0-(Trend weight 199.2)

    Day 44-01/08-200.2-(Trend weight 199.3)

    Day 45-01/09-200.0-(Trend weight 199.4)

    Day 46-01/10-200.4-(Trend weight 199.5)

    Day 47-01/11-198.6-(Trend weight 199.4)

    Day 48-01/12-198.2-(Trend weight 199.3)

    Day 49-01/13-195.8-(Trend weight 198.9)

    WEEK 7 LOSS OR GAIN: 2.6 lbs LOST
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.4 lbs. LOST

    Day 50-01/14-197.2-(Trend weight 198.8)

    Halfway Progress Report: …..Pounds Lost so Far: 1.0 lb GAIN

    Day 51-01/15-NO SCALE-(Trend weight DNW)

    Day 52-01/16-198.8-(Trend weight 198.7)

    Day 53-01/17-197.8-(Trend weight 198.6)

    Day 54-01/18-196.0-(Trend weight 198.4)

    Day 55-01/19-196.0-(Trend weight 198.1)

    Day 56-01/20-196.8-(Trend weight 198.0)

    WEEK 8 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.0 lb GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.6 GAIN

    Day 57-01/21-196.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 58-01/22-197.4-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 59-01/23-198.2-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 60-01/24-197.8-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 61-01/25-197.6-(Trend weight 197.8)

    Day 62-01/26-196.8-(Trend weight 197.9)

    Day 63-01/27-196.0-(Trend weight 197.7)

    WEEK 9 LOSS OR GAIN: 0.8 lb LOSS
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 0.2 LOSS

    Day 64-01/28-197.8-(Trend weight 197.7)

    Day 65-01/29-195.6-(Trend weight 197.5)

    Day 66-01/30-194.8-(Trend weight 197.2)

    Day 67-01/31-194.8-(Trend weight 197.0)

    Day 68-02/01-194.6-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 69-02/02-196.6-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 70-02/03-197.8-(Trend weight 196.8)

    WEEK 10 LOSS OR GAIN: 1.8 lbs. GAIN
    Accumulated Loss or Gain: 1.6 lbs. GAIN

    Day 71-02/04-196.4-(Trend weight 196.8)

    Day 72-02/05-195.6-(Trend weight 196.7)

    Day 73-02/06-195.6-(Trend weight 196.5)

    Day 74-02/07-196.6-(Trend weight 196.6) I was way off the rails yesterday making horrible choices during travel that followed me home and continued to entice me. Today will be better. A long hair appointment will keep me locked in a chair with black coffee for most of the afternoon. That will help. I will have the other half of my spaghetti squash for dinner tonight. Gotta get back on it. I’m exhausted today. Not enough sleep last night.

    Day 75-02/08-195.8-(Trend weight 196.5) Not nearly enough exercise or movement yesterday due to the long hair appointment. I look like a French poodle now from the perm. Full breed – Ha ha! It was gloomy outside and I felt no energy all day. Stuck to my guns and my pre-logging on the food front and it is nice to see a drop today on the scale. Tonight I am having my DD and SIL over for dinner but I have pre-planned a low calorie, low fat, low carb meal. Chicken shish-kebobs. Yum!

    Day 76-02/09-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 77-02/10-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 78-02/11-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 79-02/12-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 80-02/13-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 81-02/14-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 82-02/15-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 83-02/16-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 84-02/17-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 85-02/18-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 86-02/19-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 87-02/20-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 88-02/21-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 89-02/22-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 90-02/23-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 91-02/24-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 92-02/25-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 93-02/26-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 94-02/27-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 95-02/28-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 96-03/01-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 97-03/02-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 98-03/03-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

    Day 99-03/04-xxxxx-(Trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 100-03/05-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Day 101-03/06…..(Final Weigh- In)-xxxxx-(trend weight xxxxx)

    Accumulated Loss or Gain:

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member

    You are doing great! Good plan on the dinner finding something delish that keeps the carbs and calories low. What do you marinate the chicken with?

    What awesome photos of awesome food! Thank you for posting : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Mini challenge by Donna, December 10-April 9th
    December 10th weight: 143.2 (but I was 141.8 the following day so I might use that)

    1st Week Goal Weight - 139.9
    1st Week Actual Weight - 141.2 Started the week at 142.2
    Excess calories burned (in the green): 4738 - average over 7 days 834

    2nd Week Goal Weight - 141.0
    2nd Week Actual Weight - 142.2 - Started the week at 143.0
    Excess calories burned (in the green): Forgot to add this earlier - 4948 = 706.85 average over 7 days.

    3rd Week Goal Weight: 139.4 - (Ambitious)
    3rd Week Actual Weight: 144.2 - Somehow put on 3 pounds while down sick for 1 day! Started the week at 142.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 6063 = 866.14 average over 7 days - Really big calorie burn this past week except for the day that I was sick

    4th Week Goal Weight: 139.6 - (Ambitious)
    4th Week Actual Weight: 143.8 - Started the week at 143.6
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 3563 = 509 average over 7 days

    5th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Not likely with holiday eating, but going to plunk in this number until I hit it. Turned out that Turkey dinners carefully portioned actually lost me weight this week.
    5th Week Actual Weight: 142.6 - Started the week at 143.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 4496 = 642 average over 7 days.

    6th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    6th Week Actual Weight: 142.8 Started the week at 145.4
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 986 - Even 1150 eating days didn't give me much excess because of low exercise during my sore ankle and subsequent steroid injection into it.

    7th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    7th Week Actual Weight: 143.6 Started the week at 144.2. I had Ribs, and may have them one more time during this 100
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 2762, 394.7 average over 7 days, I know that this needs to be higher to lose weight. Ankle is getting there, so hopefully soon I can get back to it.

    8th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    8th Week Actual Weight: 142.8 Started the week at 143.8
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 2983 = 426.14 - a little closer to my goal of 500 per day averaged out over the week.

    9th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    9th Week Actual Weight: 142.6 Started the week at 143.6
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 3791, which works out to an average of 541.57 over 7 days. First time that I have hit my goal of 500+ per week in quite a while, and it shows on the scale!

    10th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    10th Week Actual Weight: 143.2 Started the week at 143.2
    Excess calories burned (In the green): 1921 - 320.16 average over 6 days - not enough

    Day 70 – 2/4 - 144.8 - Got into those breaded cheese stuffed asceola olives last night, lots of salt. I went into the red!
    Day 71 – 2/5 - 146.0 - New high. Got in some very good dance workouts today including some burpees with another one that I follow, and some of course from Fitness Marshall : - ). After reading about the Vitamin D, I should get outside for 20 minutes even though my dream for today was to stay in a tank top, shorts, cushy robe. Googled: 1000 IU vitamin D doses are synthesized in 10-15 min of sun exposure for adults, and...Vitamin D recommended intake is at 400–800 IU/day or 10–20 micrograms
    Day 72 – 2/6 - 145.8 - Obviously eating exactly the same as I did at 130 pounds is no longer working for me. My activity levels are likely much lower because of the weather and my ankle thing. Just going to keep at it. My body might want me chubby, but I don't feel that it is healthy for me, nor do I like this weight.
    Day 73 – 2/7 - 144.8 - Going out for dinner tomorrow night prior to the ballet. It will be Spice Hut (the Indian restaurant where I work) and I know the menu so will choose less calorie laden (even though ALL restaurants use way too much salt). I will eat just a little and pack up the rest. Spice Hut has been the pre theatre place long before I began working there, easy to park and close to the theatre.
    Day 74 – 2/8 - 144.0 - I tried to sleep in so that I won't be too tired at the ballet tonight. Going to keep food light throughout the day since we are going out to dinner.
    Day 75 – 2/9
    Day 76 – 2/10
    Day 77 – 2/11

    11th Week Goal Weight: 139.2 - Putting this number in until I hit it
    11th Week Actual Weight: Started the week at 144.8, not good, topped out at 146.0!
    Excess calories burned (In the green):

    Start weight of the 100: 142.2
    Goal 132.2