Rate my Lifting Routine (20F, 5ft10in, 99lbs)

I'm a very underweight AFAB (assigned female at birth) nonbinary person, as in my BMI is a little over 14. I've been lifting for 6 months and haven't gained much weight but I have gained inches on my arms and legs, etc. Pretty much everywhere but my waist. But I'm not sure if my routine is best for my goals, which basically is to put on muscle. I know diet is a big part, but can I just get feedback on my routine and if I'm hitting all the muscles I should be for an even routine?

3 day split, upper lower core and extra accessory work

tricep extension 3x12
hammer curl 3x10
shoulder press 3x12
dumbbell fly 3x12
dumbbell row 3x10
bicep curl 3x10

leg press 3x10
glute kickback 3x10
hip abduction 3x12 then one rep sets afterwards, increasing weight until I can't push anymore
goblet squat 3x12

core and extra:
plank for 2 minutes
deadbugs 3x25
bent arm lateral raises 3x12
weighted calf raises 3x12
dumbbell row 3x12
plank for 2 minutes


  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,884 Member
    If those are all working sets, i.e. close to failure, and you're getting close to 100g protein, then it's mostly fine.

    Looks a bit light on chest in particular though, just 3 sets of flys. Is that split for every 3 days, or is that 3 days in a week?

    You probably need to eat a lot more. No weight gain with current intake, so add 200 calories per day and see how you get on after 6-8 weeks, and adjust again as needed.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Rather than doing the split you've outlined, if you're wanting to stick with 3 sessions/week, I'd personally opt for 3 full-body sessions. That way you'll hit each muscle group more than just once/week. I'd probably prioritize a muscle group for each session, i.e. doing that particular muscle group first in the session so you'll hit it the hardest as you'll be fresh and not fatigued.