September Cycling Challenge 2013



  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Sept - OW swim
    2nd Sept - 34.61 miles
    3rd Sept - REST
    4th Sept - Walk - not feeling well
    5th Sept - Walk - not feeling well
    6th Sept - 17.34 miles

    Total: 51.95 miles
    Target: 500 miles
    Remaining: 448.05 miles
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Please count me in on this challenge

    I recently completed a cycle ride from London to Paris with my wife and I lost in the region of 6llbs in 4- 5 days, this sounds a long way to ride BUT my wife had never cycled that distance before and it was a great journey being able to cycle through the French countryside and then into Versaille and then through the forests that surround Paris. Seeing the Eiffel tower for the first time while we were about 10 miles way from the centre of Paris was such a wonderful moment

    My advice to anyone beginning cycling is just start small, ride to the end of your street, road and back again and progress from there

    if anyone would like to friend me please feel free

    1st Sept 32 Mile
    2 Sept 16 miles/went out in the late afternoon and evening as well added 46
    3 Sept 16 miles commuting
    4 Sept 12 miles commuting
    6 Sept 16 mile commuting (8 miles each way

    total 138

  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    9/1 - 10.08 miles
    9/2 - 8.08 miles
    9/3 - 10.32 miles
    9/4 - 7.04 miles
    9/5 - 8.49 miles

    MTD - 44.01 miles
    Goal - 200 miles
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Hey everyone, keep up the good work & careful out there! :)

    Off to a slow start for Sept. but still trucking along

    Sept 1: 12KM
    Sept 3: 3KM
    Sept 5: 12KM

    Total thus far: 27km
    Goal for Sept: 190km
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    I ended August with 267.6 miles - a bit lower than my goal of 400 miles.

    Goal for September and October - 250 miles each month or a total of 500 miles for both months. Difficult now that I'm losing daylight and I don't like to ride after work in the dark. So most long rides will be limited to weekends. Also considering buying a trainer for the winter months...any suggestions from anyone?

    So far this month:
    9/3 - 27.28 miles
    And planning 50 miles tomorrow morning
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    9/1 6.8 mi ride (On my brand new road bike!)
    9/1 4.52 mi run/walk
    9/2 366.7 mi (motorcycle- WOOHOO!)
    9/3 6.2 mi run/walk
    9/3 2.0 walk
    9/4 10.77 mi ride
    9/4 1.66 mi walk
    9/5 14.41 mi ride
    9/6 7.23 mi run/walk

    Total: 53.59
  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    After back to back nights playing tennis, my legs are shot this morning. I was 6 minutes slower for my commute than yesterday.
    Plus it's getting chilly. I don't like it.

    Total of about 46 miles so far. For 8 miles per day, I'm on schedule.

    09/06/13 Cycling 7.14 mi 38:54
    09/05/13 Cycling 5.90 mi 29:04
    09/04/13 Cycling 7.14 mi 33:03
    09/04/13 Cycling 9.30 mi 36:11
    09/03/13 Cycling 7.11 mi 33:18
    09/03/13 Cycling 9.22 mi 35:02

  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    The goal this month is 180 miles

    9/02--16.23 miles
    9/05--11.09 miles
    9/06--24.65 miles

    Total--51.97 miles
  • drfrink
    Perfect weather for a long ride. 24.6miles today.

  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    Just finished the ride from hell, I saw a appeal on facebook late last night asking for male donors with my blood group to go to Great Ormond Street Hospital to have a blood test to help out a sick little girl so I thought I would ride down there to give it a shot, took me just under 2 hours to do the 25 miles there and over 4 hours to get home because a bus pushed me into a big pothole in London damaging my back wheel, I had to fix 4 punctures and eventually had to change the inner tube(lucky I carry a spare) as a snapped spoke kept ripping the inner tube and I had no back brake as my wheel was so badly buckled, home now and exhausted but I have to strip down my bike to replace the broken spoke and straighten my wheel.
    9 Activities
    238.21 mi
    18:45:34 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    7,583 ft
    Avg Speed:
    12.7 mph
    Avg HR:
    121 bpm
    15,925 C
    Max Distance:
    59.85 mi
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    Sept 1: 12KM
    Sept 3: 3KM
    Sept 5: 12KM
    Sept 6: 11KM

    Total thus far: 38km
    Goal for Sept: 190km
  • linsdog
    linsdog Posts: 94 Member
    9/6: (windstorm halfway through :/ )

    Distance: 16.83 mi
    Time: 1:11:32
    Avg Speed: 14.1 mph
    Elevation Gain: 276 ft
    Calories: 828 C
    Avg Temperature: 94.2 °F

    MTD: 81 Miles
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    9/1 - 5.1 miles in the heat of the day.
    9/2 - 7.5 miles. Hot, but at least it was cloudy today.
    9/3 - rest day.
    9/4 - 5.2 miles.
    9/5 - 0 miles. Mowed instead.
    9/6 - 0 miles. Mowed instead.

    MTD - 17.8 miles.
    Goal for September - 110 miles.
    Remaining -92.2 miles.
  • heidicalif
    heidicalif Posts: 114 Member
    Low mileage the last few days as I've been sick, but just replaced my old saddle with a new one and hope to start making up miles this weekend.

    Sept. total so far: 76.047 mi
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    I'm in! So far I've had a good start to September:

    9/1 - 8
    9/1 - 26*
    9/4 - 11
    9/5 - 25*
    9/6 - 32*

    Total so far 102 miles. The asterisks mark rides on my fixed gear bike. I think I've finally found a good tracking app for my Windows Phone: Sports Tracker. It's not as flaky as MapMyRide, which kind of freaks out in the city and if I go indoors, plotting points at random nowhere near where I am. Sports Tracker just grabs the right points. It also pauses while I'm not moving and only grabs the rolling miles if I want. I like it.

    Here's a pic from tonight's ride, a couple miles north of downtown Fort Worth
  • Cyclezombie
    Count me in! I recently had surgery on my left foot and have finally healed enough that I can get my bike shoe on again. Today I knocked out 10 miles at a rapid clip of about 16mph. It went really well and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's ride. I'd like to do 100 a week but with my job that's going to be tough. I'm USCG and travel quite a bit. See ya out there!! I use Stava on my iphone. If you'd like to pair up with me search for pedalzombie or message me with your id.

  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Count me in! I recently had surgery on my left foot and have finally healed enough that I can get my bike shoe on again. Today I knocked out 10 miles at a rapid clip of about 16mph. It went really well and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's ride. I'd like to do 100 a week but with my job that's going to be tough. I'm USCG and travel quite a bit. See ya out there!! I use Stava on my iphone. If you'd like to pair up with me search for pedalzombie or message me with your id.


    It feels great to get back on the bike, doesn't it? I missed all of May and some of June with a broken arm. It's only been the last couple of weeks that it's starting to feel 100%, and I've got a lot of miles to make up.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    30 miles
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    Came home early and only rode 25 miles, had a bad few days and head not right and heart not in it, just hope tomorrow gives me my mojo back
    10 Activities
    262.79 mi
    20:26:37 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    8,456 ft
    Avg Speed:
    12.9 mph
    Avg HR:
    121 bpm
    17,587 C
    Max Distance:
    59.85 mi
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    9/1 - 10.08 miles
    9/2 - 8.08 miles
    9/3 - 10.32 miles
    9/4 - 7.04 miles
    9/5 - 8.49 miles
    9/6 - Rest Day
    9/7 - 10.10

    MTD - 54.11 miles
    Goal - 200 miles