Looking for 45+ year old female Wegovy accountability partners



  • Gngr09
    Gngr09 Posts: 743 Member
    Gngr09 wrote: »
    Yesterday was my 1st week weight in and 2nd .25 shot.
    I watched my calories but ZERO exercise. I was very skeptical but hopeful. To much my surprise - I lost 4.7 lbs!!!!! I am definitely excited about that.

    SW 212.7
    CW 208
    GW 170'ish

    yesterday was my 2nd full week on Wegovy.
    I lost another 1.8lbs - not as much as I would like, but its progress.
    hoping to another successful loss this week.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    Gngr09 wrote: »
    Gngr09 wrote: »
    Yesterday was my 1st week weight in and 2nd .25 shot.
    I watched my calories but ZERO exercise. I was very skeptical but hopeful. To much my surprise - I lost 4.7 lbs!!!!! I am definitely excited about that.

    SW 212.7
    CW 208
    GW 170'ish

    yesterday was my 2nd full week on Wegovy.
    I lost another 1.8lbs - not as much as I would like, but its progress.
    hoping to another successful loss this week.

    My goodness, if you settle in at 1.5-2lbs a week that would be marvelous!

    I am prediabetes and have over 100 lbs to lose, and am waiting to hear if I am approved for Ozempic (I have Graves disease, so GP was reaching out to Endocrinologist to confer). Fingers crossed 🤞 I'm approved!
  • brunettevixen2017
    brunettevixen2017 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I started Wegovy in December at 0.25. I am now at 1.7 with 1 dose left.
    SW. 310
    CW 296
    Would love some accountability friends. I am also doing Beachbody programs and following 2B Mindset Nutrition
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Hi! I’m 53, started Wegovy 2/11, down 18-20 lbs depending on the day! Currently on the 1.0 dose.
  • Gngr09
    Gngr09 Posts: 743 Member
    I am on my first dose of .5 this week. Last week I didn't lose a single pound but I'm hopeful. Total of 7.5lbs. lost the first month, I guess I can't complain but I did get a little disappointed that last week I didn't lose anything.
  • Gngr09
    Gngr09 Posts: 743 Member
    Someone asked me a question and I didn't have an answer. My Dr. said I have to consume at least 64 oz. of water a day. Does coffee and other flavored water drinks count towards that?
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    edited June 2023
    Gngr09 wrote: »
    Someone asked me a question and I didn't have an answer. My Dr. said I have to consume at least 64 oz. of water a day. Does coffee and other flavored water drinks count towards that?

    I have heard yes and no answers to this question lol! Some folks insist that you drink your water allotment in addition to any/every thing else, but that seems a little extreme to me. I mean come on, water flavoured with a little lemon vs lemonade, how can that really be all the different? Sugar aside...

    I believe there is a MFP article on the website about this, and I think it said we can count everything.

    Me personally? I consider 50% of caffeinated beverages as 'water', since there is a mild diuretic effect from caffeine. But that's just me!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    Soooo, I finally got my Dr's approval for Ozempic and picked up my prescription tonight (Wegovy has been approved by Health Canada, but isn't available yet in this country, due to supply issues lol).
    My Dr has me starting at a .25 dose - for 4 weeks...so I am not really expecting much progress initially. O well, if it means I can avoid (or even mostly avoid) side effects, I guess it will be worth it but I am just so anxious to get the ball rolling!

    So we'll see how it goes - wish me luck!

    And how are you all doing?? Updates please!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    I’m on 1 mg. Of ozempic. I’ve lost about 23 lbs. since March 1. @BCLadybug888 Actually, I lost 10 lbs. in the first month alone, while just getting used to the drug. I started counting calories and using MFP at that point. I really wanted to jump start my weight loss. Now, I lose about 1 or 1.5 lbs. a week. I think the ozempic kicked in as an appetite suppressant at .5 mg dosage. My Dr. Asked if I wanted to go to 2 mg., but I declined for now. 1 mg. Seems to be working fine.
    I’ve changed my lifestyle too. I’m eating healthier and adding in more exercise than before. I’m pretty desperate to get healthy I.e. lower bp, cholesterol, sugars.
    I still get very hungry, but if I eat something it doesn’t last long. The hunger fades quickly. I definitely don’t want to eat as much as I used to at one sitting.
    I didn’t realize that Wegovy was finally approved here. That’s good news for people.
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Just started Plenity as well. 47 years old and trying sooo hard! I'm back at tracking my calls and getting that water in! Glad to see others here. I could surely use a support group. Esp for us ladies starting menopause.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 52 and just took my 4th dose of 1mg. I'm not sure how much I've lost since starting Wegovy because I started my health stuff about 2 months before getting on it (weird. I should look). <Saves draft> ok:
    SW 234
    WW 224 (Wegovy weight 😊 March 31)
    CW 204
    GW 160
    So lost about 20 pounds in 11 weeks on Wegovy. I hope that doesn't bum you out. Consider 2 of those weeks were on family vacation including a cruise. And my family is work. Food was eaten. Mistakes were made.
    I'm over the moon with this progress of 2 pounds per week. More when I'm good. There has been no plateau period that I know of, which is usually when I start tinkering with my food eventually giving up trying to lose weight.
    The side effects have been manageable: a MiraLax pack maybe once every few weeks, gassy Saturdays I spend out of the house, and general queasiness. Anyone have a method to deal with that?????
    I'm happy to have an accountability group. I've had trouble getting into a routine since coming back from vacation. But I'm feeling more on top of logging. Now to just stay on eating routine instead of just eating every time I'm not queasy.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    @harringtona1 , I think you are having great success! That's wonderful.

    Is the general queasy feeling more or less constant, or more so the first day or 2 after your injection or after certain types of food?
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @BCLadybug888 The queasiness is hard to define by time. It comes and goes usually in the days in the middle of my dose period. I can't eat at those times at all.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    @BCLadybug888 The queasiness is hard to define by time. It comes and goes usually in the days in the middle of my dose period. I can't eat at those times at all.

    That can be tough to plan around, have you tried something otc like Pepto-Bismol?
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I haven't tried pipto. I hate the idea of taking even more medication. But that may be where I have to go. I'll look at the ingredient list. Thanks for reminding me there are things out there to help me. 👍
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    All: my pharmacy told me today that all the initial doses of Wegovy are backordered until September at earliest. Those are: 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0. They have 1.7 and above. Drug producer says same.
    I'm sharing with you so you can go get your boxes of the initial doses as soon as possible. Good luck!!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    All: my pharmacy told me today that all the initial doses of Wegovy are backordered until September at earliest. Those are: 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0. They have 1.7 and above. Drug producer says same.
    I'm sharing with you so you can go get your boxes of the initial doses as soon as possible. Good luck!!

    Oh my goodness, that's terrible for anyone wanting to start this drug as so important to gradually increase to give your body time to adjust.

    I am still.on .25, took my 4th dose Wednesday, and have had the really minimal temporary side effects. See my Dr today (Friday) and hoping I move up to .5.

    I really am not down much, maybe 2 lbs, and my calorie deficit would account for that...on the other hand, I have been able to maintain my calorie deficit, so perhaps it is already helping me!

    Bummer is my insurance company sent me a letter, they were covering 80% but now unless you have type 2 Diabetes and on another Diabetes medication will no longer cover as of July something. Hoping my Dr will prescribe 3 months worth but since I am still just getting onto the drug, could see her saying no. Wish me luck!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    2 lb per week is what we should be aiming for, I hear. 👍
    It definitely helps me eat less. Definitely definitely definitely. It somehow keeps me from thinking about eating during the day. And when I do have a meal time, I can't eat even close to what I used to. Impossible.
    The impact it has on sugar is icing on the you-know-what.
    I just started 1.7mg. I've steadily lost about 2 pounds per week since beginning. And for your intel the side effects got worse through 0.5mg then got better on 1.0mg.
    For sure appeal if you have the option. My friend's insurance company said they will deny Wegovy at first. But then have approved on appeal. He hasn't started his appeal yet. But maybe that's something.
    I have zero expertise, but I'd maybe suggest what bad stuff might go wrong if you don't take it and that it's having amazing success and you don't have any thyroid issues etc. Let us know how that goes!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,611 Member
    So I my GP is moving me to .5 for the next 2 weeks, then .75 for 2 weeks following, then onto 1 ongoing after that (the highest she will prescribe for Ozempic).
    Wegovy is approved but has not yet been shipped to Canada, due to supply issues.

    My insurance company has made a blanket decision that since Ozempic is approved for diabetes treatment, if you don't have demonstrable diabetes, then no longer providing coverage.
    If/when we get Wegovy in I'll most likely switch to that and then see about coverage since obesity treatment is what it is designated for specifically.

    Meanwhile my Dr did send in a prescription for .5, .75 and 1 to the pharmacist (3 mos supply) but she is not sure they will fill it all for me at once - again due to supply issues - but I will explain to the pharmacy exact date when my coverage ends & hopefully they will work with me to get it filled in time.

    Then at least I would have a good run to see how it's all working before I would have to pay the whole thing out of pocket, sigh. Too bad I hadn't started 6 mos ago but is what it is.

    Interesting that you had more side effects at .5 than 1. Good to know!
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I'm on Ozempic here. I was gradually up .25 mg until 1 mg after three months. There was a 0.25 mg nausea the first days I took it. There wasn't nausea after 0.50 gradually to 1 mg (that's because I took 0.50, 0.75, and 1 mg).

    I heard someone say, "It's like morning sickness." You will be off doing your own thing and feeling good, and you will going to smell something like you've never experienced before. My restaurant kept serving pancakes (I was there to get an egg sandwich) and there was sickly-sweet Maple syrup looming into the air. The thought of it made me sick to my stomach (I am reliving it in my mind, aaargh!), my mouth's watering and I really thought I was going to vomit. I made it out of there and my breathing techniques calmed me down.

    I'm diabetic, so my insurance (PPO) is not going to deny me. I found a pharmacy that has it in stock consistently. That has been a problem. I'm sorry, Rite-Aid.