Looking for 45+ year old female Wegovy accountability partners



  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Awesome that your doctor is working with you to get you moving in the right direction! I can't wait to hear how this works.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,431 Member
    Glad to hear of your experiences!

    I am really relieved to have this drug to try, but will be another month of gradually increasing to get to 1ml.

    So far little to no side effects, but little weightloss either so we'll see. Not until Wednesday do I move up to .5, just takes time to get through the phasing in - hopeful I am not the 1% it doesn't work for lol.

    Meanwhile if I can keep my calories in line, embrace feeling full sooner and not continuing to eat (to finish the sandwich, the bowl, the what have you), I should lose weight from the modest deficit regardless.

    How is everyone doing on their journeys? Please share where you are at and any insights 🥰
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Stop eating whenever you are feeling full.

    You don't wish to vomit, sickening heartburn, or a disturbing "I can't eat another bite!" type of thing. Put it away for another time.

    Eat half of your meal.

    Only serve yourself half of your meal and sit down and eat it. Savor it. Are you hungry still? Go up and get another half of your meal. I'll bet you can't eat the second half of the meal.

    Work out. Walking more, going to the gym, and lifting weights.

    You are more than what you take in. You need to be in nature and get some endorphins!

    Don't eat refined sugar.

    I mean ungodly amounts of chocolate, candy, cake, cookies, alcohol, and chips/crackers. You don't need these. Ozempic and Wegovy, are diabetic drugs and are increasing the amount of insulin your pancreas releases when food is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. The increased insulin lowers blood sugar levels. When you eat candy bars, cookies, and sugary drinks, you are making your body work double-time which can lead to nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea because your body tries to get sugar out.

    Eat fruit. Cherries are in season!

  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    That's something I haven't wrapped my head around quite. I think eating too little sugar is the danger.
    If Wegovy is lowering my blood sugar, and I'm not diabetic by the way, then my blood sugar could get too low if I don't get some sugar. I don't eat much sugar anyway - not candy and cakes or alcohol that is. Some fruit. But I'm noticing I have NO energy. And I read that Wegovy can make one (rarely) hypoglycemic. I'll see my doctor in a few weeks and will check on that. Thanks for reminding me 👍
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    That's the medication. I'm really sleepy after the shot. I'm taking it on Friday, where I'm having the weekend to recover. The more you pair it with exercise, the better you will be. I'm near the two months of 1 mg dosage, and the tiredness it really can't compare to two months ago.

    You can ask the doctor to keep an eye on your blood sugar -- too much or not enough (diabetic or hypoglycemic). I was keeping track of my blood glucose. It's in the late 80s I take it after two hours, but if I go to the 2mg dosage, what happens when I'm hypoglycemic? It's the big what if.

  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks so much for sharing that! I was really wondering if it was something else. With so much change in life, it can be difficult to know which new variable is causing something, especially if you haven't really tracked the days of trouble etc. I'm starting to track the days I'm sleeping during the day. And I'll see if I find a trend closer to the injection days. Thanks again for that tip!
  • Casiana88
    Casiana88 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am happy to find y’all here! I started 6 days ago and I’m super excited. I’ve been overweight pretty much my entire life and, as many people do, I’ve tried all sorts of diets, programs, etc. I have lost weight with many of them but I always gain it back plus more. Now I am pre-diabetic and that’s disturbing, to say the least. But I found this WONDERFUL doctor who studied my entire medical history and diet history (started when I was 10 years old). He did a lot of blood tests and found I have a tremendous amount of inflammation throughout my body in addition to the pre-diabetes. He introduced me to semaglutide, the generic name for Wegovy, and I jumped at the opportunity to take it. I was SERIOUSLY considering gastric bypass surgery but now I’m reading all the successes with semaglutide and I’m glad I’m going this route. I’m a 68 year old grandma with a very young face and attitude about life but this obesity is definitely making it hard to be active and healthy. I want to lose at least 80 pounds but I’m going for 100.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,431 Member
    edited July 2023
    @Casiana88, you sound a lot like me! I'm a 63 year old Granny, prediabetic, and have battled the bulge since giving birth to my 2nd child in 1988. I was a plump child but slimmed down in adolescence until starting a family.
    Lost substantial amounts at different points, but always regaining and becoming progressively heavier.
    100 lbs off is my goal, but 80 would at least put me below 200.
    I am 5 weeks in, just upped dose from .25 to .5, and I am down a few lbs but nothing too exciting. I have had very little side effects and am quite optimistic about the future though.
    Let's keep in touch!

    What did the Dr suggest to combat the inflammation?
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,431 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hey all, not sure if there is another more active Wegovy/Ozempic/Mounjara thread y'all are posting in?? Are we losing weight??

    This week I move up.to 1ml Ozempic, finally, so far not much in the way of side effects (yay) but not much in the way of benefits either (boo).

    Weight is basically stable, appetite starting to reduce - at least at one sitting it is, getting full quicker definitely - but not really overall...I am on vacation for the last week and can still snack at night, no problemo 🙃.
  • GlutenTootin
    GlutenTootin Posts: 2 Member
    I just took my second dose of the beginner 0.25 this week, 3/13/24. I was pretty nervous about it and actually prayed before giving my first injection! So far, no side effects and I hope that remains the same as the dosage is increased but time will tell!! I'm also excited and a little scared at the same time. :-)
  • brandice65
    brandice65 Posts: 29 Member
    @GlutenTootin I started wegove on 2/9/24 I just took my 3rd shot of .50 and so far no issues. It seems to help me not think about food. Have been able to work on intermittent fasting I follow a 16/8.
    I have a lot of weight to lose so hopefully this will continue to work for me. How is it going now that you taken your 2nd shot??
  • Cmar77
    Cmar77 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 24
    I started about a year ago. I’m 54 and 5‘4“.
    It’s been a slow road for me, but I wasn’t tracking the first year. I just started tracking again this week. I also joined Orangetheory about 5 weeks ago. I’ve been going twice a week and the other days walking.
    What is everyone else doing for exercise?
    SW 224.7
    GW 140
    CW 201
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,431 Member
    Cmar77 wrote: »
    I started about a year ago. I’m 54 and 5‘4“.
    It’s been a slow road for me, but I wasn’t tracking the first year. I just started tracking again this week. I also joined Orangetheory about 5 weeks ago. I’ve been going twice a week and the other days walking.
    What is everyone else doing for exercise?
    SW 224.7
    GW 140
    CW 201

    Hi, I tried Ozempic for about 6 months in 2023 and didn't lose any weight - did stay the same, so counting that as a positive.
    My Dr prescribed Mounjaro 3 months ago, but it hasn't come in to the pharmacy yet - and until it's supply is reliable I would not want to start - but I am eager to try it.

    Activity: I have been trying to make a regular daily habit of walking outside, 2x a day if I can force myself, but mostly I just want it to be an ingrained habit. I also am conscious of trying to up my step count during the day.

    I am slowly losing in 2024. You are so close to Onederland, keep going!
  • klankton76
    klankton76 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all. I hope this thread is still active. I can't really tell. But I just started Wegovy now that I'm able to do things again. I had hip surgery right after last Thanksgiving.
    SW 192
    CW 189
    GW 150

    I get so bored doing cardio, but I'm trying to get better on the (new since surgery) bike a few times a week with working up to 20 minutes in zone 2 (harder than it should be). Weight training is less boring and I enjoy seeing myself get stronger. This got wrecked while I was recovering from hip surgery so I have to work to get stronger again. I love hiking though. I try to go every weekend when we aren't traveling. I honestly drink too much and need to at least slow that down because I'm pretty sure it's a big cause of belly fat.
  • Shelli_78
    Shelli_78 Posts: 17 Member
    I’m 46 years old and started this week. I’ll have my 2nd shot on Monday. Living in Starkville, MS
    Go Dawgs 🐶
    SW 300.8
    CW will update Monday
    GW 219
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,431 Member
    Shelli_78 wrote: »
    I’m 46 years old and started this week. I’ll have my 2nd shot on Monday. Living in Starkville, MS
    Go Dawgs 🐶
    SW 300.8
    CW will update Monday
    GW 219

    Excited for you!!
  • shawnnaarmstrong5463
    shawnnaarmstrong5463 Posts: 6 Member
    I took Ozempic for two years, and lost 30 pounds. I am 5’4 and currently my weight fluctuates between 135-140 pounds. I stopped taking Ozempic about a month ago. I am trying to loose the final twenty pounds without it. I’m finding it much more difficult to loose weight without Ozempic, even when I am more restrictive with my calorie intake.
  • shawnnaarmstrong5463
    shawnnaarmstrong5463 Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 31
    I stopped taking Ozempic because I am preparing for a facelift, and it causes folks to aspirate under anesthesia. Otherwise, I would still be taking it. The only downsides for me were the cost, and getting through the first two weeks. Once I got up to the highest weekly dose, the nausea subsided, and my appetite was significantly reduced.