Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 219



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,396 Member
    64 yr young F, 5ft 4 Round 219 (my 150th). As always, thank you. @QuiltingJaine you are a star!
    Starting this round at the same weight as last. Goal for this round; I really need to continue to reverse this increasing trend, again I'm not looking at a specific number, any loss and keep my binge free streak going, keep that April Fool’s dunce’s hat in the corner! – be mindful when I’m tempted! Keep within calories & macros. I can do this but, consistency is paramount, let’s do it for just 10 days as the reward is great!!
    Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and then gradually gained between 7 and 11 since then & didn't want to gain any more, It’s taken me 75 rounds to achieve my under 130 target; back to maintenance again!! But then I crept up again, so need to get back to around 130. A healthy lifestyle has to be a permanent way of life.
    End of round 69 134.2 lbs
    End of round 70 133.6
    End of round 71 132.4
    End of round 72 133.2
    End of round 73 132.8
    End of round 74 132
    End of round 75 131.4
    End of round 76 130.2
    End of round 77 132.4
    End of round 78 134.4
    End of round 79 132
    End of round 80 133.6
    End of round 81 133.8
    End of round 82 132.4
    End of round 83 133.4
    End of round 84 133
    End of round 85 131.6
    End of round 86 133.0
    End of round 87 134.8
    End of round 88 132.8 (2 pounds lost)
    End of round 89 138.2 (5.4 pounds gained)
    End of round 90 135 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 91 132.8 (2.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 92 133 (0.2 pound up from end of last round)
    End of round 93 135.6 (2.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 94 135.8 (0.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 95 134.4 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 96 134.4 (no loss no gain!!)
    End of round 97 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 98 133.4 (1.6 down from end of last round)
    End of round 99 134.4 (1 up from end of last; not bad for Christmas period!)
    End of round 100 133.4 (1 down from end of last round)
    End of round 101 137.2 (3.8 pounds up)
    End of round 102 136 (1.2 pounds down from last round – not bad considering Dad unexpectedly passed away 3 days before end of round & I went totally off plan & no walking!)
    End of round 103 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down from last round – better!)
    End of round 104 – 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 105 – 133.6 (1.4 down from end of last round)
    End of round 106 – 133.6 (same as last round)
    End of round 107 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 108 – 134.2 (0.6 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 109 – 135.6 (1.4 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 110 – 133.2 (2.4 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 111 – 133.2 (same as last round)
    End of round 112 – 133.6 (increase of 0.4)
    End of round 113 – 132.8 (0.8 down from end of last round)
    End of round 114 – 136 (3.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 115 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 116 – 133.4 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 117 – 135.4 (2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 118 – 136 (1.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 119 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down)
    End of round 120 – 135.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 121 – 135.2 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 122 – 133.2 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 123 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 124 - 134.8 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 125 - 135 (0.2 pounds up) – get a grip!!!
    End of round 126 - 135 - same as last round
    End of round 127 - 133.8 (1.2 pounds down
    End of round 128 - 133.4 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 129 - 134.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 130 - 133 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 131 - 133.6 (0.6 up)
    End of round 132 – 134 (0.4 up)
    End of round 133 – 134 .4 (0.4 up)
    End of round 134 – 132.2 (2.2 pounds down) see what not binging can do!!
    End of round 135 – 131.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 136 – 132.8 (1 pound up – happy for Christmas period, lower than at this time for many years!)
    End of round 137 – 134 (1.2 pound up ugh!!)
    End of round 138 - 131.2 (2.8 pounds down)
    End of round 139 – 130.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 140 – 132.4 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 141 – 131 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 142 – 129.8 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 143 – 130.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 144 – 130.2 (0.6 pounds down)
    End of round 145 – 132 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 146 – 133.8 (1.8 pounds up – again!!)
    End of round 147 – 133.2 (0.6 down)
    End of round 148 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 149 – 132.4
    End of round 150 – 133.8 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 151 – 135.8 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 152 – 134 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 153 – 135.4 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 154 – 132.2 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 155 - 133.6 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 156 - 134 (0.4 pounds up)
    End of round 157 - 133.6 (0.4 pounds down)
    End of round 158 – 135.4 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 159 – 134.4 (1 pound down)
    End of round 160 – 135.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 161 – 134.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 162 – 133.6 (0.6 down)
    End of round 163 – 136.2 (2.6 up)
    End of round 164 – 136 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 165 – 135.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 166 – 136 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 167 – 138 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 168 – 135 (3 pounds down)
    End of round 169 – 134.4 (0.6 pound down)
    End of round 170 – 133 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 171 – 135.4 (2.4 up)
    End of round 172 – 135.6 (0.2 up)
    End of round 173 – 137.6 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 174 – 135.2 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 175 – 138 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 176 – did not complete (away on family holiday)
    End of round 177 – 138
    End or round 178 – 137.8 (0.2 down)
    End of round 179 – 139.4 (1.6 pounds up)
    End of round 180 – 137 (2.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 181 – 139.2 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 182 – 135.6 (3.6 pounds down)
    End of round 183 – 138.2 (2.4 up)
    End of round 184 - 136 (2.2 pounds down)
    End of round 185 – 136.4 (0.4 gain)
    End of round 186 – 136.4 (same)
    End of round 187 – 138.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 188 – DNW (away for Queen's platinum jubilee celebrations)
    End of round 189 – 139.2
    End of round 190 – 139.8
    End of round 191 – 139.8
    End of round 192 – 138.8 (1 pound lost)
    End of round 193 – 138.2 (0.6 lost)
    End of round 194 – 136.4 (1.8 lost)
    End of round 195 – 139.2 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 196 – 138 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 197 – 138.2 (0.2 up)
    End of round 198 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 199 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 200 – 138.8 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 201 – 138.2 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 202 – 137.8 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 203 – 137.6 (loss of 0.2)
    End of round 204 – 135.8 (1.8 pounds lost)
    End of round 205 – 135.6(0.6 pound lost)
    End of round 206 – 135.4 (0.2 pound lost)
    End of round 207 – 136.4 (1 pound gain) (Caravan Christmas Party Rally)
    End of round 208 - 137.2 (0.8 pound gain)
    End of round 209 - 137.4 (0.2 pound gain) (Christmas period)
    End of round 210 – DNW (Lanzarote holiday)
    End of round 211 – 138.2
    End of round 212 – 139.8
    End of round 213 – 139
    End of round 214 – 138.2 (1.2 pounds loss)
    End of round 215 – 139.2 (1 pound up)
    End of round 216 – 136.6 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 217 – 137.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 218 – 140.4 (2.6 pounds up – need to reverse this trend!)

    SW RND 219 139.8

    4/2 139.8 – 8.6 miles walked. Starting this round at the same weight as last. Want to try to be at a lower number by the end ! Good food day yesterday, stuck to pre-logged plan again. Feeling better physically & mentally, just a couple of pounds makes such a difference!
    4/3 139.8 – 12.69 miles walked, pre-logging first thing worked again for me. Hoping the scale will start going down soon.
    4/4 139.4 – 9.7 miles walked, hungry yesterday; all exercise calories eaten back.
    4/5 140.4 – 8..04, ate late last night at an Indian restaurant with friends, just had to guess at calories, but expected sodium overload, drank a pint of water before bed & still woke up with a ranging thirst in the early hours! Had eaten light earlier on in the week to compensate.


    100-day Binge-free Challenge starting March 31….=1 day.
    ⭐️= 5 days ****

    4/6 140.4 – 6.11 miles walked; lots of other commitments. Not a good eating day, a mini binge.
    4/7 DNW – No structured walking yesterday as child minding little DGS.
    4/8 DNW – 9.54 miles walked.
    4/9 DNW – 14.08 miles walked yesterday & under calories. I have to confess I am struggling these last few days, just thought damn it, I’m not going to weigh, so came away for Easter and left scales at home for a change, I didn’t check in, but did read everyone’s posts and at least I logged what I ate and some days stayed within CICO. DH bought me a lovely box of chocs for Easter; all “because the lady loves”! I’ve eaten 3 chocolates and will try to do the same each day until they are gone. We came back from our weekend a day early cuz tomorrow is expected to rain all day; that doesn’t usually bother us but DH took the motorbike up whilst I towed the caravan so that today we could take part in the Sheffield Easter Egg Run in aid of the children’s hospital, it was one of the hospitals that DGS was in before he was transferred to Leeds to have his liver transplant, so it is our way of trying to pay back. DS & DIL also attended with his motorbike together with 716 other bikers! DD & family and DIL’s parents with DGDs joined us in the park opposite the hospital where the bikes all gather for a lovely family picnic, we really enjoyed the day. The reason why we came home early is cuz there is no fun for DH to ride the bike home 60+ miles in the rain. I will weigh in tomorrow and try to get back on track.

  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    @clprieur I don't know what you would think of this suggestion, but would something like an appropriately used muzzle take stress off of both your and your sweet dog? I know they look mean, but they can actually be being kind. I did a quick search, and this article sounded very balanced https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/dog-muzzles-when-why-how-to-use/
  • miscanon3617
    miscanon3617 Posts: 277 Member
    4/2 - 124.8
    4/3 - 126
    4/4 - 125.2
    4/5 - 122.6
    4/6 - 124.2
    4/7 - 124.6
    4/8 - 124
    4/9 - DNW
    4/10 -
    4/11 -
  • JacquelineC53
    JacquelineC53 Posts: 157 Member
    Looking forward another challenge. My goals for the challenge are the same as last time - to log consistently and to avoid snacking after dinner - including over the Easter weekend, which falls in the middle of this challenge!

    SW RND 218 152.4 lbs. EW 147.8 lbs
    SW RND 219 148.4 lbs

    2/4 148.4 lbs
    3/4 148.2 lbs.
    4/4 148.2 lbs
    5/4 148.0 lbs
    6/4 148.2 lbs
    7/4 147.0 lbs.
    8/4 146.8 lbs.
    9/4 147.4 lbs. Happy Easter!
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    Hello Everyone! Back from Merida and ready to get back in the game! Just need to get into my regular tracking routine this round, shouldn't be hard, already seemed natural this morning even if I had a late start.

    Female - 51yrs - 5'5"
    Goal weight - to hang out somewhere 145-150
    Pre Vacay Weight 03/27 - 173.0

    4/2 - Vacay
    4/3 - Travel home day
    4/4 - 178.6 - Sausage fingers and toes...clearly retaining stuff from a LOOONG travel day with 2 flights and 8 hour layover. There are direct flights from Toronto to Merida but none back....it's off season. I'm sure the 6 days of 37C weather didn't help in the water retention department...or the many cervesas LOL. We walked so much, I'm glad I was able to maintain a good level of activity. Looks like they had quite the thaw here while we were away so I'm not sure what the trails will be like for my regular hikes. Will probably venture out that way tomorrow with the dog. Sticking close to home today to get the household back in order after the grands and boys did their own thing.
    4/5 - 176.0 - Released some water weight yesterday. Got in a good walk in the neighbourhood with the dog. Was planning on checking out the trails near us today but we're in the middle of a storm system that has been thundering and dumping heavy rain and hail on and off for a few hours now...don't really want to venture out and get caught in it. So may do a short walk after my coffee and then eliptical later today after I get groceries...need to fill the fridge...the teens did a good job of clearing it out while we were away...who am I kidding, they clear it out even when we're here!!
    4/6 - 175.6 - vacay weight still easily coming off...means it's still mostly water/bloat from the carbs/booze and different routine. I'm expecting it might get slower soon. Nicer day today so plan to get to the woods to see how dirty we can get :smiley: I'm making chicken stock and then chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight from the costco chickens we got yesterday. Family favourite and healthy!! Doggo is grumbling at me so I better finish my coffee and hit the trails!
    4/7 - 173.6 - Well there you go! Got on the scale 3 times to check this one. Apparently I didn't do as much actual damage as I thought I might have on our trip. It's windy and cold this morning...hubby is taking the dog out so I'm going to hop on the elliptical this morning. Going to stay way on top of tracking food today and tomorrow as we head up to my parents place later tomorrow until Monday for Easter. I won't be preparing all the food there so won't have as much control about what's we're eating.
    4/8 - 173.0 - YAY! back down to pre-vacay weight!! I did an Elliptical workout AND a walk outside later in the afternoon when the sun came out yesterday! Going to make a pie crust this morning for tomorrows desert (Maple Pecan Pie...good thing there are 10 of us to eat it so I'll only be able to have a small slice), and then head out to the woods for a hike.
    4/9 - DNW - at my parents house today....Happy Easter!! All I can say is "damn you mini eggs"!!!!!
    4/10 - DNW - still at my parents house, heading back home today. Ate too much yesterday, lots of sweets and dinner was very carb heavy. We'll see what happens when I get on the scale tomorrow to end the round. We did get in a great walk as the weather was lovely, it's going to be even warmer today so I'm hoping to get a another good walk in when we get home this afternoon.
  • shmmm3
    shmmm3 Posts: 255 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    @clprieur I don't know what you would think of this suggestion, but would something like an appropriately used muzzle take stress off of both your and your sweet dog? I know they look mean, but they can actually be being kind. I did a quick search, and this article sounded very balanced https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/dog-muzzles-when-why-how-to-use/

    This is a good reminder for me, too. Many people with service dogs train their dogs to like the muzzle (it takes time and lots of treats) so that when out in highly trafficked public areas they are less likely to get hassled by people with a fear of dogs and there's no chance that someone can antagonize the dog to get it to react leading to a liability suit (sadly it happens).