☔️ April Daily Logging and Weigh in Challenge ☔️



  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    nanerkay wrote: »
    nanerkay wrote: »
    I started April at 249.2 I've had a hard month with my knee injury and my IBS acting up so I've not done very well this month. I started a new plan tomorrow. I pray I can do it and stay discipline on it it's not going to be easy.
    4/13 250.2
    4/15. 249.8
    4/16. 248.6
    4/17. 247.2
    4/18 246.6
    4/19. 248
    4/20. 247.2
    4/21. 247.6
    4/22. 248
    4/23 249.2 🤷
    4/24. 249 I had a enjoyed day beautiful weather and a nice day out. Stayed under my carb. Walked over 9000 steps so in all a productive day.

    4/25 247.6. Day 2 staying under my carbs. My win over cake 😃 My doggo is mad she didn't get her walk today. I've been putting away winter clothes so looking forward to warm weather. I hope I can walk her tomorrow with my knee injury it's hard to stay on my leg to long. I had to do some housework done.

    4/26 247.6 didn't lose didn't gain so it was a good day. Day three low carb started under my carbs.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »

    I'm on day two the cake in the kitchen keeps calling my name but I told it don't need you. God keep me strong 💪 Praying for your husband that he can kick the sugar habit.

    Thanks for the prayers. :) I agree with Amanda that you should get rid of the cake. Give it to someone so it can't tempt you.

    It's my husband cake I moved where I don't see it now.
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Start weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    April goal weight: 180

    January end weight: 200.7
    February end weight: 192.1
    March end weight: 185.6

    1 184.4
    2 185.7
    3 187.4
    4 185.7
    5 184.8
    6 185.5
    7 184.5
    8 183.9
    9 183.7
    10 183.2
    11 183.5
    12 183.7
    13 181.9
    14 183.3
    15 182.0
    16 181.5
    17 181.0
    18 181.0
    19 180.9
    20 180.8
    21 180.1
    22 180.0
    23 180.2
    24 180.8
    25 180.0
    26 179.2
    27 179.9
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »

    27 - 201.7 :) I am extremely happy; didn't think that would happen. Usually when I gain weight like that it takes twice as long to re-lose it which gets me discouraged and I give up. This time, I made sure that I stayed below my calorie range and upped the exercise. It worked!

    Excellent work! You will be in the 100's any day now...so excited for you.😊
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    nanerkay wrote: »

    I'm on day two the cake in the kitchen keeps calling my name but I told it don't need you. God keep me strong 💪 Praying for your husband that he can kick the sugar habit.

    Thanks for the prayers. :) I agree with Amanda that you should get rid of the cake. Give it to someone so it can't tempt you.

    It's my husband cake I moved where I don't see it now.

    Oh I see...well they do say out of sight, out of mind so hopefully that helps. :)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @ddainiak Congratulations! What a great feeling!

    @gomifune You are an inspiration, look at you go!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,835 Member
    @joans1976 You made me chuckle!
    Both of my parents are elderly and they have both come down with the flu, quite quickly. I am playing nurse. Hoo-boy are they stubborn! I don’t see what is so terrible about Tylenol and water 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Parents are worse than kids sometimes! Hope they feel better soon!
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Thanks @joans1976 - look at us all go! Let’s finish April strong 💪
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    39flavours wrote: »
    F42 5'4"
    Starting weight: 148.8 (trend 149.5)
    Weight Goal for April: 146.8

    27- 146.8😃😁⏱️👣🏋‍♀️ That's goal!
    30- (trend)

    Congrats!!!! 🥳🎉👏
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,177 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from March 1st): 191.6 (I am re-doing my March starting weight and goals due to health issues in March.
    Goal: 186.6 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    My mini-challenge is to lose 4 pounds between Easter and my birthday. My Easter morning weigh-in was 188.2. I hope to be at 184.2 by May 10th, 2023.

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    04/01-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/02-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/03-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/04-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/05-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/06-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/07-190.6-(Trend Weight 192.4)-
    04/08-188.8-(Trend Weight 191.6)-
    04/09-188.2-(Trend Weight 191.4)-
    04/10-191.4-(Trend Weight 191.6)-
    04/11-191.8-(Trend Weight 192.8)-
    04/12-193.2-(Trend Weight 192.0)-
    04/13-192.2-(Trend Weight 192.5)-
    04/14-189.4-(Trend Weight 192.2)-
    04/15-191.0-(Trend Weight 192.0)-
    04/16-187.4-(Trend Weight 191.6)-
    04/17-188.4-(Trend Weight 191.3)-
    04/18-187.8-(Trend Weight 190.9)-
    04/19-188.4-(Trend Weight 190.7)-
    04/20-188.8-(Trend Weight 190.7)-
    04/21-188.8-(Trend Weight 190.7)-
    04/22-190.2-(Trend Weight 190.8)-
    04/23-190.6-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    04/24-190.4-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    04/25-190.4-(Trend Weight 191.0)-

    04/26-191.8-(Trend Weight 191.3)- Abundance, Overindulgence. Stupidity.

    04/27-191.6-(Trend Weight 191.4)- I need more than just the TMI I had. I need discipline! Mini-binge last night. I’ll try to make today better. The sun shining outside is already helping my outlook. My brother’s birthday was day before yesterday. He’s the one who passed away a little over 16 months ago. I’ve been in a deep depression all week. I miss him so much! He was 54. Today is my son’s doctor appointment. It is fairly local. I may get him lunch out. I’m steering clear.

    04/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    04/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    04/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @joans1976 You made me chuckle!
    Both of my parents are elderly and they have both come down with the flu, quite quickly. I am playing nurse. Hoo-boy are they stubborn! I don’t see what is so terrible about Tylenol and water 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Parents are worse than kids sometimes! Hope they feel better soon!

    My dad was wincing and moaning after I gave him Tylenol and told him to drink more water. Like it was poison. He is such a drama queen. I have nursed my mom through a lot of surgeries so she’s kind of used to me not taking No for an answer. Taking care of the both of them at the same time is nearly an exercise in futility. It’s what my future holds. They are feeling better today but not 100%.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @deepwoodslady Please be kind to yourself. Losing someone is so hard. 54 is very young. I am so sorry for your loss ❤️
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly.

    Goals for April:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps each day

    April SW:219
    April GW:210

    1. Walked, logged, 10k+
    2. Walked, logged, 10k+, weight 218 :)
    3. Walked, logged, 10k+
    4. Walked, logged, 10k+
    5. Walked, logged, 10k+
    6. Walked, logged, 10k+
    7. Walked, logged, 10k+
    8. Walked, logged, 10k+, weight 214 :)
    9. Walked, logged, 10k+
    10. Walked, logged, 10k+
    11. Walked, logged, 10k+
    12. Walked, logged, 10k+
    13. Walked, logged, 10k+
    14. Walked, logged, 10k+
    15. Logged (I decided to take a day off from walking and just took it easy)
    16. Walked, logged, 10k+, weight 212
    17. Walked, logged, 10k+
    18. Walked, logged, 10k+
    19. Walked, logged, 10k+
    20. Walked, logged, 10k+ (I started off slow this a.m. but I pushed through) :)
    21. Walked, logged, 10k+
    22. Logged (took it easy again, I think I have more energy when I have 1 down day a week)
    23. Walked, logged, 10k+, weight 208 :)
    24. Walked, logged, 10k+
    25. Walked, logged, 10k+
    26. Walked, logged, 10k+
    27. Walked, logged, 10k+
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 65 from Pennsylvania. I'm a RN and work long days. Logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.
    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused.

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs MFP start date.
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs
    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs
    2/1/23- 207.4 lbs
    3/1/23- 201 lbs
    4/1/23-207.6 lbs
    4/2/23-209 lbs. I need to get my head right and be more accountable to myself in this. I need to get back in control and off the carbs again. Back to my lower level of daily carbs and FOCUSED on what is best for me! Not short term enjoyment. Elliptical 150 minutes for 10.11 miles.
    4/3/23- 206 lbs. Was really good yesterday, was under my calories & carbs and it shows. I just don't understand why I have to go SO low carb to lose.
    4/4/23- 204.8 lbs Can you tell I've been good with keeping my carbs low the last few days? Today looks to be good too!
    4/5/23- 204.8 lbs. Stuck to my plan yesterday and today. Turned down a sweet treat that our director of nursing sent to us!
    4/6/23- 203.6 lbs What a difference getting my carbs back under control. I wish my body wasn't so darn sensitive to carbs! I can't eat but a few servings of low carb veggies and not eating fruit. It's ridiculous!!!!
    4/7/23- 202.8 lbs Well it's working again, the very low carbs. Guess my head is in it again! Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.06 miles, zones 2, 3 & 4.
    4/8/23- 202.8 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.04 miles zones 2, 3 & 4.
    4/9/23- 203.6 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.04 miles zones 2, 3 & 4. Meat & low carb veggies for Easter lunch today but I had a piece of a Dominican Pineapple cake. OMG! Not rich and a whipped cream icing but moist as a Rum cake. So delicious! Worth the calories & Carbs IMO.
    4/10/23- 205.8 lbs :-( Oh well.
    4/11/23- 206.6 lbs :-(
    4/12/23- 206.6 lbs
    4/13/23- 206.6 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 9.92 miles zones 2, 3 & 4.
    4/14/23- 208 lbs No elliptical today, had errands to do. I'm going to see my son, daughter in law and granddaughter in Oklahoma City on Wednesday for a week. Haven't physically seen them since August. He's stationed in the Air Force. When I was there last April I was 60 lbs lighter. :-( The airline seats will be tighter again!
    4/15/23- 211.6 lbs :-(
    4/16/23- 211.2 lbs
    4/17/23- 214.8 lbs
    4/18/23- 214.8 lbs. Leave for Oklahoma City tomorrow. Will be checking in and logging ad best as I can but not weighing. They don't have a scale. At least not last year.

    4/19/23- 216.6 lbs Well just like last year (4/23/22) the day I arrive, there is a tornado warning & sirens that evening where they live. So instead of "Typhoid Mary" I'm "Tornado Mary." My son said, "Great. When are you coming next year?"
    4/20/23- DNW
    4/21/23- DNW
    4/22/23- My Birthday!

    4/23/23- DNW
    4/24/23- DNW
    4/25/23- DNW
    4/26/23- DNW
    4/27/23- 213.4 lbs! Weird. I ate so bad (whatever they ate or we wanted) while in Oklahoma. And only walked and not much at all. I may have to rethink my routine. Maybe it kick started my metabolism?
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    nanerkay wrote: »
    nanerkay wrote: »

    I'm on day two the cake in the kitchen keeps calling my name but I told it don't need you. God keep me strong 💪 Praying for your husband that he can kick the sugar habit.

    Thanks for the prayers. :) I agree with Amanda that you should get rid of the cake. Give it to someone so it can't tempt you.

    It's my husband cake I moved where I don't see it now.

    Oh I see...well they do say out of sight, out of mind so hopefully that helps. :)

    Yes it helped a lot I think he finished it off last night.