☔️ April Daily Logging and Weigh in Challenge ☔️



  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Hello Sandy here I'm don't know what's going on but I've been at 247.6 the last three days 😅 I guess it's better than graining. I started this month at 247.2
    I've been up and down all month. I think of I could get over this knee injury I could do better it's hard to exercise when you can't bend your knee but I do try even though I scale doesn't show it. 😔
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Start weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    April goal weight: 180

    January end weight: 200.7
    February end weight: 192.1
    March end weight: 185.6

    1 184.4
    2 185.7
    3 187.4
    4 185.7
    5 184.8
    6 185.5
    7 184.5
    8 183.9
    9 183.7
    10 183.2
    11 183.5
    12 183.7
    13 181.9
    14 183.3
    15 182.0
    16 181.5
    17 181.0
    18 181.0
    19 180.9
    20 180.8
    21 180.1
    22 180.0
    23 180.2
    24 180.8
    25 180.0
    26 179.2
    27 179.9
    28 179.4
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F42 5'4"
    Starting weight: 148.8 (trend 149.5)
    Weight Goal for April: 146.8

    My goals for April:
    3 minute plank ⏱️
    8500 steps a day 👣
    Strength training min 4 X week🏋‍♀️
    Total Calories below 1200 🎯
    Macros P35% F30% C35% +-5% 🍽
    Water water water water water 2.5l💧
    Fibre 25g+ 🥦

    February weight lost: 5.2lbs
    March weight lost: 2.2lbs

    🍀March 30 149.4
    🍀March 31 149.2

    1- 148.8 (trend 149.5)😁🏋‍♀️🎯🍽💧🥦
    2- 149.2 🙂🏋‍♀️🥦
    3- 150.0 😖
    4- 150.0 😖🫣
    5- 149.6 🙂👣🏋‍♀️🎯🥦
    6- 148.8 🙂🥦
    7- 148.6 😁⏱️🏋‍♀️🥦
    8- 149.6 🤨👣
    9- 150.6 😬⏱️🏋‍♀️
    10- 150.4😬⏱️🏋‍♀️
    11- 151.4🙄⏱️🏋‍♀️
    12- 150.2😶⏱️🏋‍♀️🎯🥦
    13- 149.4🙂🥦
    14- 150.4😖👣⏱️🏋‍♀️🥦
    15- 149.6 (trend 149.9)😶👣🏋‍♀️🥦
    16- 150.0😶👣⏱️🏋‍♀️
    17- 151.8😖😖👣
    18- 151.0🫣👣
    19- 150.4😶👣⏱️🏋‍♀️🥦
    20- 150.0😶⏱️🏋‍♀️🎯🍽🥦
    21- 148.4😁👣🥦
    22- 149.0😶🥦
    23- 149.4🙄⏱️👣🏋‍♀️
    24- 150.0😬👣
    25- 149.2🙂⏱️👣🏋‍♀️🎯💧🥦
    26- 148.4🙂⏱️👣🏋‍♀️🎯💧🥦
    27- 146.8😃😁⏱️👣🏋‍♀️ That's goal!
    28- 147.8🙃⏱️👣🏋‍♀️🎯🥦
    30- (trend)
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello, I am Amanda, I’m a crazy cat lady from Michigan. I stopped logging and weighing mid February because of health issues and I ended up gaining back about 4 pounds. I worked hard to lose weight last year and don’t want to gain it all back!

    My goal for April is to lose those 4 pounds and walking 3 days a week.

    OSW: 250 lbs
    April 1: 205.1 lbs
    April goal: 201 lbs

    4/1: 205.1
    4/2: 205.7
    4/3: 204.8
    4/4: 204.8
    4/5: 206.7
    4/6: 204.8
    4/7: 205.1
    4/8: 205.1
    4/8: 203.8
    4/9: 203.8
    4/10: 203.2
    4/11: 202.5
    4/12: 202.5
    4/13: 202.0
    4/14: 202.0
    4/15: 201.4
    4/16: 201.4
    4/17: 201.4
    4/18: 200.6
    4/19: 200.6 😑
    4/20: 202.0
    4/21: 201.5
    4/22: 200.4
    4/23: 200.4

    I’m hesitating to celebrate because the scale can be so fickle with all the daily changes our bodies go through. Also this is very unexpected because I was over on my calories last night. Still, I should celebrate even the smallest victories! I haven’t seen a 1 as the first number on the scale in 4 years!

    4/25: 199.9 😬
    Yeesh! Hanging on by the skin of my teeth! I can see this is going to be a bit of a battle.
    Thank you everyone for your support, it means so much to me 💗

    4/26: 200.4
    Man, never have I been so disappointed in gaining half a pound. I’m going to try very hard to take this for what it is, a normal weight fluctuation. I have reached my April goal of getting down to 201 and I should not lose sight of that!

    4/27: 199.7
    Love seeing that “1” at the beginning but I’m with deepwoodslady with not feeling truly in a new decade until I am solidly there for awhile. Not bouncing around.
    Both of my parents are elderly and they have both come down with the flu, quite quickly. I am playing nurse. Hoo-boy are they stubborn! I don’t see what is so terrible about Tylenol and water 🤷🏻‍♀️

    4/28: 199.7
    My body and I will hang out at this weight for awhile now.
    I am having some luck cutting back the sugar. My cravings aren’t quite as bad.
    TGIF but rain here all weekend 😔
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @ddainiak Whoop whoop! You are so close! 💪🏼💥🔥
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,895 Member
    Sending best wishes for a fun and healthy weekend. My reminder to self is to eat my veggies🥕🥕🥕👍

    💞 Karen
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    @ddainiak @joans1976 @jm216

    You three are going strong! So exciting. Keep up the amazing work, it’s inspiring!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,177 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from March 1st): 191.6 (I am re-doing my March starting weight and goals due to health issues in March.
    Goal: 186.6 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    My mini-challenge is to lose 4 pounds between Easter and my birthday. My Easter morning weigh-in was 188.2. I hope to be at 184.2 by May 10th, 2023.

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    04/01-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/02-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/03-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/04-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/05-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/06-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-
    04/07-190.6-(Trend Weight 192.4)-
    04/08-188.8-(Trend Weight 191.6)-
    04/09-188.2-(Trend Weight 191.4)-
    04/10-191.4-(Trend Weight 191.6)-
    04/11-191.8-(Trend Weight 192.8)-
    04/12-193.2-(Trend Weight 192.0)-
    04/13-192.2-(Trend Weight 192.5)-
    04/14-189.4-(Trend Weight 192.2)-
    04/15-191.0-(Trend Weight 192.0)-
    04/16-187.4-(Trend Weight 191.6)-
    04/17-188.4-(Trend Weight 191.3)-
    04/18-187.8-(Trend Weight 190.9)-
    04/19-188.4-(Trend Weight 190.7)-
    04/20-188.8-(Trend Weight 190.7)-
    04/21-188.8-(Trend Weight 190.7)-
    04/22-190.2-(Trend Weight 190.8)-
    04/23-190.6-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    04/24-190.4-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    04/25-190.4-(Trend Weight 191.0)-

    04/26-191.8-(Trend Weight 191.3)-

    04/27-191.6-(Trend Weight 191.4)- I need more than just the TMI I had. I need discipline! Mini-binge last night. I’ll try to make today better. The sun shining outside is already helping my outlook. My brother’s birthday was day before yesterday. He’s the one who passed away a little over 16 months ago. I’ve been in a deep depression all week. I miss him so much! He was 54. Today is my son’s doctor appointment. It is fairly local. I may get him lunch out. I’m steering clear.

    04/28-191.4-(Trend Weight 191.6)- For the first time in awhile I went over to the school to walk inside and I took my son with me. The horrid lady who makes it so difficult for everyone was away on a convention so we were let in by the principal and we got in about 1 ½ miles before an emergency call came in for me and I had to get home. Everythings okay but that is how it goes for so many mom’s. We try to fit in “me time” but it’s difficult. I don’t think my son would have went with me, but he was pretty much trapped as I stopped there on our way home from his doctor’s appointment. I pre-logged my food yesterday and did well on all accounts. Hopefully the scale will catch up to my efforts. I’m still feeling pretty depressed but I know eating the wrong things and/or bingeing solves nothing. The problem is….sometimes I just don’t know it until after I’ve already done it. Over and over again. Moving forward…..trying to stay focused as I work my way back into the 180’s. Salmon, fingerling potatoes and brussel sprouts planned for dinner. I’m going to really try with the veggies but THAT is not easy for me.

    04/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

    04/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,177 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    @deepwoodslady Please be kind to yourself. Losing someone is so hard. 54 is very young. I am so sorry for your loss ❤️

    @joans1976 Thanks so much for your kind words. I am thinking of you too as you navigate the problems associated with taking care of your parents. I'll be saying prayers and I am sending out good vibes for you and lots of {{{hugs}}}. Don't forget to be kind to yourself too.....
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,835 Member
    @gomifune Talk about inspiring; hope to catch up to you someday! <3
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 66 now, from Pennsylvania. I'm a RN and work long days. Logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.
    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused.

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs MFP start date.
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs
    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs
    2/1/23- 207.4 lbs
    3/1/23- 201 lbs
    4/1/23-207.6 lbs
    4/2/23-209 lbs. I need to get my head right and be more accountable to myself in this. I need to get back in control and off the carbs again. Back to my lower level of daily carbs and FOCUSED on what is best for me! Not short term enjoyment. Elliptical 150 minutes for 10.11 miles.
    4/3/23- 206 lbs. Was really good yesterday, was under my calories & carbs and it shows. I just don't understand why I have to go SO low carb to lose.
    4/4/23- 204.8 lbs Can you tell I've been good with keeping my carbs low the last few days? Today looks to be good too!
    4/5/23- 204.8 lbs. Stuck to my plan yesterday and today. Turned down a sweet treat that our director of nursing sent to us!
    4/6/23- 203.6 lbs What a difference getting my carbs back under control. I wish my body wasn't so darn sensitive to carbs! I can't eat but a few servings of low carb veggies and not eating fruit. It's ridiculous!!!!
    4/7/23- 202.8 lbs Well it's working again, the very low carbs. Guess my head is in it again! Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.06 miles, zones 2, 3 & 4.
    4/8/23- 202.8 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.04 miles zones 2, 3 & 4.
    4/9/23- 203.6 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.04 miles zones 2, 3 & 4. Meat & low carb veggies for Easter lunch today but I had a piece of a Dominican Pineapple cake. OMG! Not rich and a whipped cream icing but moist as a Rum cake. So delicious! Worth the calories & Carbs IMO.
    4/10/23- 205.8 lbs :-( Oh well.
    4/11/23- 206.6 lbs :-(
    4/12/23- 206.6 lbs
    4/13/23- 206.6 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 9.92 miles zones 2, 3 & 4.
    4/14/23- 208 lbs No elliptical today, had errands to do. I'm going to see my son, daughter in law and granddaughter in Oklahoma City on Wednesday for a week. Haven't physically seen them since August. He's stationed in the Air Force. When I was there last April I was 60 lbs lighter. :-( The airline seats will be tighter again!
    4/15/23- 211.6 lbs :-(
    4/16/23- 211.2 lbs
    4/17/23- 214.8 lbs
    4/18/23- 214.8 lbs. Leave for Oklahoma City tomorrow. Will be checking in and logging ad best as I can but not weighing. They don't have a scale. At least not last year.
    4/19/23- 216.6 lbs Well just like last year (4/23/22) the day I arrive, there is a tornado warning & sirens that evening where they live. So instead of "Typhoid Mary" I'm "Tornado Mary." My son said, "Great. When are you coming next year?"
    4/20/23- DNW
    4/21/23- DNW
    4/22/23- My Birthday!
    4/23/23- DNW
    4/24/23- DNW
    4/25/23- DNW
    4/26/23- DNW
    4/27/23- 213.4 lbs! Weird. I ate so bad (whatever they ate or we wanted) while in Oklahoma. And only walked and not much at all. I may have to rethink my routine. Maybe it kick started my metabolism?

    4/28/23- 216.8 lbs Short lived! Maybe I was dehydrated. I did notice I drank 30-60+ less ounces of water daily there than at home.

  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    Hello Sandy here .I'm 5'7" and I weigh 247.2. I started my Journey at 257.

    4/1 247.6
    4/2. 249
    4/3 250.2
    4/4. 250.2
    4/5 246.6
    4/ 6. 247
    4/7. DWN
    4/8. DWN
    4/9. DWN
    4/10 249.6
    4/11 248.9
    4/12. 250.3
    4/13 250.2
    4/14. 249.8
    4/15. 248.6
    4/16 247.2
    4/17. 248.8
    4/18. 246.6
    4/19. 248
    4/20. 247.2
    4/21. 247.6
    4/22 248
    4/23 249.2
    4/24. 249
    4/25. 247.6
    4/26. 247.6
    4/27. 247.6
    4/28. 246 I'm hoping with my new plan I'll stop yoyo up and down 🙏
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    joans1976 wrote: »
    Hello, I am Amanda, I’m a crazy cat lady from Michigan. I stopped logging and weighing mid February because of health issues and I ended up gaining back about 4 pounds. I worked hard to lose weight last year and don’t want to gain it all back!

    My goal for April is to lose those 4 pounds and walking 3 days a week.

    OSW: 250 lbs
    April 1: 205.1 lbs
    April goal: 201 lbs

    4/1: 205.1
    4/2: 205.7
    4/3: 204.8
    4/4: 204.8
    4/5: 206.7
    4/6: 204.8
    4/7: 205.1
    4/8: 205.1
    4/8: 203.8
    4/9: 203.8
    4/10: 203.2
    4/11: 202.5
    4/12: 202.5
    4/13: 202.0
    4/14: 202.0
    4/15: 201.4
    4/16: 201.4
    4/17: 201.4
    4/18: 200.6
    4/19: 200.6 😑
    4/20: 202.0
    4/21: 201.5
    4/22: 200.4
    4/23: 200.4

    I’m hesitating to celebrate because the scale can be so fickle with all the daily changes our bodies go through. Also this is very unexpected because I was over on my calories last night. Still, I should celebrate even the smallest victories! I haven’t seen a 1 as the first number on the scale in 4 years!

    4/25: 199.9 😬
    Yeesh! Hanging on by the skin of my teeth! I can see this is going to be a bit of a battle.
    Thank you everyone for your support, it means so much to me 💗

    4/26: 200.4
    Man, never have I been so disappointed in gaining half a pound. I’m going to try very hard to take this for what it is, a normal weight fluctuation. I have reached my April goal of getting down to 201 and I should not lose sight of that!

    4/27: 199.7
    Love seeing that “1” at the beginning but I’m with deepwoodslady with not feeling truly in a new decade until I am solidly there for awhile. Not bouncing around.
    Both of my parents are elderly and they have both come down with the flu, quite quickly. I am playing nurse. Hoo-boy are they stubborn! I don’t see what is so terrible about Tylenol and water 🤷🏻‍♀️

    4/28: 199.7
    My body and I will hang out at this weight for awhile now.
    I am having some luck cutting back the sugar. My cravings aren’t quite as bad.
    TGIF but rain here all weekend 😔

    We have rain for this weekend too. I feel you with the sweet cravings I'm still craving sweets also. But I'm doing good trying not to think about it. I found myself in a binging mood but I shut the that down.
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Start weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    April goal weight: 180

    January end weight: 200.7
    February end weight: 192.1
    March end weight: 185.6

    1 184.4
    2 185.7
    3 187.4
    4 185.7
    5 184.8
    6 185.5
    7 184.5
    8 183.9
    9 183.7
    10 183.2
    11 183.5
    12 183.7
    13 181.9
    14 183.3
    15 182.0
    16 181.5
    17 181.0
    18 181.0
    19 180.9
    20 180.8
    21 180.1
    22 180.0
    23 180.2
    24 180.8
    25 180.0
    26 179.2
    27 179.9
    28 179.4
    29 178.6
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Hello, I am Amanda, I’m a crazy cat lady from Michigan. I stopped logging and weighing mid February because of health issues and I ended up gaining back about 4 pounds. I worked hard to lose weight last year and don’t want to gain it all back!

    My goal for April is to lose those 4 pounds and walking 3 days a week.

    OSW: 250 lbs
    April 1: 205.1 lbs
    April goal: 201 lbs

    4/1: 205.1
    4/2: 205.7
    4/3: 204.8
    4/4: 204.8
    4/5: 206.7
    4/6: 204.8
    4/7: 205.1
    4/8: 205.1
    4/8: 203.8
    4/9: 203.8
    4/10: 203.2
    4/11: 202.5
    4/12: 202.5
    4/13: 202.0
    4/14: 202.0
    4/15: 201.4
    4/16: 201.4
    4/17: 201.4
    4/18: 200.6
    4/19: 200.6 😑
    4/20: 202.0
    4/21: 201.5
    4/22: 200.4
    4/23: 200.4

    I’m hesitating to celebrate because the scale can be so fickle with all the daily changes our bodies go through. Also this is very unexpected because I was over on my calories last night. Still, I should celebrate even the smallest victories! I haven’t seen a 1 as the first number on the scale in 4 years!

    4/25: 199.9 😬
    Yeesh! Hanging on by the skin of my teeth! I can see this is going to be a bit of a battle.
    Thank you everyone for your support, it means so much to me 💗

    4/26: 200.4
    Man, never have I been so disappointed in gaining half a pound. I’m going to try very hard to take this for what it is, a normal weight fluctuation. I have reached my April goal of getting down to 201 and I should not lose sight of that!

    4/27: 199.7
    Love seeing that “1” at the beginning but I’m with deepwoodslady with not feeling truly in a new decade until I am solidly there for awhile. Not bouncing around.
    Both of my parents are elderly and they have both come down with the flu, quite quickly. I am playing nurse. Hoo-boy are they stubborn! I don’t see what is so terrible about Tylenol and water 🤷🏻‍♀️

    4/28: 199.7
    My body and I will hang out at this weight for awhile now.
    I am having some luck cutting back the sugar. My cravings aren’t quite as bad.
    TGIF but rain here all weekend 😔

    4/29: 199.0
    I have only relaxing activities planned for this weekend, so hopefully that leads to a more positive state of mind when I start to get the Sunday scaries. I wish this rain would stop but at least it’s not snow!
    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,835 Member
    January weight lost: 9 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 5 pounds

    1- 207.6
    2- 207.7 :s - New to weighing in everyday - hope this is just temporary
    3 - 207.6 :)
    4 - 207.4 :)
    5 - 206.8 :)
    6 - 206.4 :) - Happy with that! Was supposed to go out to dinner last night (bi-weekly Trivia night) and was dreading the impact, but my sister had to cancel so didn't go. Secretly I was happy that I didn't! ;)
    7- 206.2 :) - Met my weekly goal - and all my other goals too! Thanks for keeping me accountable!
    8 - 206.4 :s
    9 - 205.9 :) Guess that uptick was temporary! Interesting how your body reacts, didn't do anything different. Anyway glad for the reversal!
    10 - 205.2 :) Nice to see another down day!
    11 - 204.8 :)
    12 - 204.2 :) I have been getting 14,000+ steps in every day. Two 40+ mintue workouts and eating below my calorie limit. I guess it's working!
    13 - 204.4 :s High sodium day yesterdy - hoping it reverses tomorrow.
    14 - 204.2 :|
    15 - 204.6 :s Another high sodium day - my daughter was over for dinner (we are celebrating Easter this weekend), and we ordered pizza. I only had two pieces and ate light for Breakfast and Lunch, but it put me over my sodium food level which apparently I am very sensitive to.
    16 - 206 :s Celebrated Easter with the family. I skipped breakfast and dinner, just had lunch. I did log everything and supposedly just stayed under my calorie goal (with excercise adjustment). Completed Couch to 5K in the AM (just started, doing two weeks of each progression. I'm on the second week of week 1), but still gained. I've found that I can't use all the calories that I gain from excercise and still lose weight. I shoot for only using about half and that works for me. Anyway, back on track, hoping to lose what I gained over the last two days by then end of the week.
    17 - 203.8 :)
    18 - 203.4 :)
    19 - 202.8 :)
    20 - 202.8 :|
    21 - 202.4 :) Won't be weighing in for the next couple days (and am scared for when I return); going for a girls weekend to celebrate my Mom's 85th birthday!
    22 - DNW
    23 - DNW
    24 - 204.8 :s What I expected. I had a lot of fun this weekend, but now back on track. Hoping it's mostly water weight, but expect that it will take a week (or two) to get back down to where I was.
    25 - 204 :|
    26 - 202.6 :| Almost back
    27 - 201.7 :) I am extremely happy; didn't think that would happen. Usually when I gain weight like that it takes twice as long to re-lose it which gets me discouraged and I give up. This time, I made sure that I stayed below my calorie range and upped the exercise. It worked!
    28 - 200.6 :) So close!
    29 - 200.4 :)