Committing to a diet

TexBox Posts: 2 Member
Hi, this is my first time using the forum. I have exercised regularly for most of my life. However, I always struggle to commit to a diet. Recently, I’ve been eating a lot of crap food late at night and drinking a lot of beer. So, I wanna set some goals and make some changes. First, I’d like to lose a little weight, even though I’m quite slim and athletic already. I want to drop 5KG and burn some fat around my midsection. Second, I want to lower my cholesterol and alcohol intake. So, I’m going to commit the next 30 days to these goals.


  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    Drinking alcohol and eating crap food late at night can sometimes go together - you have a few beers and don’t really pay attention to what you eat because you don’t care/loosen your inhibitions. Alcohol can also contribute to high cholesterol numbers. If you only want to lose a few kg and be a bit more mindful of your habits starting to track what you actually eat and drink (even late at night with a few beers) can be helpful. Some people also find it helpful to set measurable goals like that they will drink only x days per month or week and have only 1 or 2 drinks when they do. There is a list on here already of people who check in with each other on their less alcohol goals - though that may be more than what you are looking for.
    No one can promise that it will burn weight around your midsection, but if that is where you tend to put on extra weight maybe it will help. If you are slim and fit already my guess is that tracking for a while will give you the information you need to make the healthy adjustments you already know how to implement and live with long term.
    Good luck